Taking into account the different categories, ARs provide some of the best RPMs while dealing considerable damage.
They are great for either primary or secondary usage, pleasing the Sniper player or the bombardment of the AR specialist.
Assault Rifles in The Division 2 also provides a variety of range: close, mid, long. This gives players, who have a specific gaming preference to be accommodated either way.
Here are some of the best Assault rifles the game has to offer, and some of the ways to get them.
1. Tactical Mk16
This is based on the real-life SCAR-L with about the same RPM as its in-game counterpart. High-End variants of this weapon will drop after defeating enemies or looting.
High-End Tier 4 | Tactical Mk 16 | Assault Rifle | Firing Range Test | THE DIVISION 2
This assault rifle is iconic on its own. The Tactical Mk16 assists any player, whether primary or secondary.
With a fast reload speed and heavy mag, this weapon can put enemies down in milliseconds.
Weapon Stats:
DMG: 8.7k
RPM: 625
Mag: 30
Reload: 2.3s
CS Range: 10-45m
Muzzle: 5.56
Underbarrel: Long
Magazines: 5.56
What the Tactical Mk16 Excels in:
Reload Speed
How to Get the Tactical Mk16 :
Vendors - Settlements, Base of Operations
Crafting - Blueprints
2. ACR
The ACR assault rifle is a weapon of accuracy and damage.
THE DIVISION ACR Assault Rifle HD 1080p PS4
While it works best when enemies are closer, shooting from long range will not be a problem for it as well.
This weapon is based on a real-life weapon of the same name.
Weapon Stats:
DMG: 6.2k
RPM: 650
Mag: 30
Reload: 2.2s
CS Range: 10-45m
Scope: Long
Muzzle: 5.56
Underbarrel: Long
Magazines: 5.56
What the ACR Excels in:
Reload Speed
Health Damage
Damage Per Second
How to Get Weapon:
Vendors - Settlements, Base of Operations
Crafting - Blueprints
3. Black Market AK-M
Previously in Tom Clancy’s The Division this weapon was the AK-47, but has since been renamed to the AK-M.
High-End Tier 4 | Black Market AK-M | Assault Rifle | Firing Range Test | THE DIVISION 2
This variant of the AK-M is the Black Market variant and while it has a low rate of fire and poor accuracy, it makes up for it by dealing with immense damage per second.
Weapon Stats:
DMG: 11.0k
RPM: 600
Mag: 30
Reload: 2.3s
CS Range: 10-45m
Scope: Long
Muzzle: 7.62
Underbarrel: Short
Magazines: 7.62
What the Black Market AK-M Excels in:
Damage Drop Off
Damage Per Second
Long Range Shooting
How to Get Weapon:
Vendors - Settlements, Base of Operations
Crafting - Blueprints
4. Police M4
While it carries low damage, this weapon is an expert in itself when it comes to accuracy and stability. Its real-life counterpart has an RPM of 700-950.
High-End | Police M4 | Best Assault Rifle | Firing Range Test | THE DIVISION 2
Weapon Stats:
DMG: 5.7k
RPM: 850
Mag: 30
Reload: 2.3s
CS Range: 10-45m
Scope: Long
Muzzle: ---
Underbarrel: Short
Magazines: 7.63
What the Police M4 Excels in:
Health Damage
Strong Close Range Damage
How to Get Weapon:
Vendors - Settlements, Base of Operations
Crafting - Blueprints
5. Military P416
This variant of the POF P416 is a fan favorite with its DPS and RPM is some of the strongest among the AR.
High-End | Military P416 | Great AR | Firing Range Test | THE DIVISION 2
Weapon Stats:
DMG: 9.6k
RPM: 750
Mag: 30
Reload: 2.3s
CS Range: 10-45m
Scope: Long
Muzzle: 5.56
Underbarrel: Long
Magazines: 5.56
What the Military P416 Excels in:
Damage Per Second
Rate of Fire
Reload Speed
How to Get Weapon:
Vendors - Settlements, Base of Operations
Crafting - Blueprints
6. Carbine 7
The Carbine 7 is the newest AR to come to the game.
The Division 2 - How To Get The Carbine 7 And Review
It was added with an update, and can be found when dropped after completing the Manning National Zoo playthrough.
While it is low in damage, it has a high rate of fire.
When dropped, it comes with a permanent talent called Overflowing.
Weapon Stats:
DMG: ---
RPM: 790
Mag: 30
Reload: 2.4s
CS Range: 10-40m
Scope: Long
Muzzle: 5.56
Underbarrel: Long
Magazines: 5.56
What the Carbine 7 Excels in:
Stability and Accuracy
Weapon Handling
Permanent Talent: Every 3 reloads from empty increases your base magazine capacity by 100%
How to Get Weapon:
Manning National Zoo Completion
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