Ranged heroes are known to have the edge over melee heroes as they can harass and bully them out of the lane with their damage. Though not all ranged heroes are capable of doing that, a wrong pick can make the enemy bully you instead!
To assist you on your MMR journey, we have compiled a list of the best-ranged heroes in the game. These heroes are guaranteed to guide you towards victory. Some heroes may vary in complexity but that shouldn’t stop you from trying them out!
10. Huskar
This ferocious hunter leaves no stone unturned. His crazy damage potential is unmatched by his foes. He makes them weaker with his fire.
Huskar is a very aggressive hero, which fares well against melee heroes. His annoying nature makes people rage quit! Though a slow farmer, he relies more on kills to acquire gold, hence ganking other lanes as soon as possible.
Since Huskar is known to initiate, building items that allow him to start and sustain team fights are necessary. Items such as Armlet of Mordiggian, Aghanim’s Scepter, Overwhelming Blink, Black King Bar, Heaven’s Halberd, Satanic, Assault Cuirass are built to assist his damage and disable potential. He is known to 1v5 effortlessly in the late game!
What makes Huskar a great ranged hero?
- Lethal DoT (Damage over time)
- High base attack speed which is amplified his passive
- Threat to squishy heroes
- Can gank as early as level 6!
- More reliable on levels as opposed to farm
9. Skywrath Mage
This intelligent mage possesses the knowledge of the world. His arcane prowess enables him to obliterate his rivals and ensures his victory on the battlefield.
Skywrath Mage is a flexible hero, but he is primarily played in the roaming support position. He is known to be annoying in the lane, his low cooldown spells allow him to spam his enemies with immense damage. He is known to gank enemies right from the early game.
Various item builds are followed on Sky, core items include Rod of Atos, Aghanim’s Scepter, Aether Lens, Boots of Travel, Force Staff, Scythe of Vyse, Sange and Kaya, Octraine Core, Aeon Disk. These items provide him with sustain and can be used to deal heavy damage while disabling the enemy.
What makes Skywrath Mage a great ranged hero?
- Flexible role and item build potential
- Immense magical damage output
- Low cooldowns on spells
- High base movement speed
- Can gank other lanes very early in the game
Witness the glory of Skywrath Mage!
8. Necrophos
Necrophos has plagued his enemies, corrupting their immunity with his rancid spells. He is one of the most hated heroes in the current patch.
Necrophos is a very annoying laner, thanks to his passive. His abilities provide him with immense heal while dealing damage to his foes. He can ensure they aren’t seen on the battlefield for a long time with his ultimate, which drives lots of players to rage quit!
Necrophos has various item builds, most of them depend on his role in the game. The core items on Necrophos include Radiance, Guardian Greaves, Eternal Shroud, Lotus Orb, Boots of Travel, Aghanim’s Scepter, Blink Dagger, Kaya, and Sange, Pipe of Insight, Shiva’s Guard. Most utility items are built to provide your team with sustainability and amplify their abilities.
What makes Necrophos a great ranged hero?
- Constant DPS with Degen passive
- Sustain with Death Pulse heal
- Insane damage and death timer with Reaper’s Scythe
- Can amplify heals with extra sustain items
- Known to farm and shove lanes efficiently
Witness the glory of Necrophos!
7. Templar Assassin
This mysterious and bold assassin has proven to be lethal for anyone who mistakes her for an easy target. Templar Assassin is nothing but a killing machine, she ruthlessly shreds enemy heroes apart while making it look easy!
The temple has rewarded her abilities that make her a silent but deadly cold-blooded assassin. She has immense physical damage potential which is supplemented by her quick base attack speed. She can ward off the enemy hero after putting a few levels in Psi Blade which deals insane damage, allowing her to farm quickly at the same time.
Templar Assassin gets activated right after her Desolator purchase, which allows her to mow down buildings and squishy supports. She is known to build immense damage-dealing items like Desolator, Daedalus, Monkey King Bar along with gap-closing items like the Blink Dagger and Hurricane Pike. It is impossible to escape the clutches of a 6-slotted Templar Assassin!
What makes Templar Assassin a great ranged hero?
- Global presence with Aghanim’s Scepter
- Can turn invisible, allowing her to hide or camp in the enemy jungle.
- Can push waves remotely with max duration ultimate
- She can farm faster and shove lanes
- Decent damage block and attack damage with the Refraction spell.
- Great talent tree that scales well
Witness the glory of Templar Assassin!
6. Medusa
This serpentine warrior is quite hard to play against, her identity and prowess cement her as one of the most lethal heroes in the game.
Medusa is an ultra late-game hero, even if her early game is disastrous, she can bounce back and turn the game around just with one fight. Her tankiness allows her to be the center of the fight without worrying much about her HP. If not ganked and ignored, Medusa can obliterate enemies and win the game even with a 1v5 situation.
Medusa has been known to build items that provide her with great sustain along with decent damage. Ideal items on Medusa include Manta Style, Hurricane Pike, Satanic, Eye of Skadi, Aghanim’s Scepter, Daedalus, Butterfly, Monkey King Bar, Black King Bar. These items guarantee you a rampage!
What makes Medusa a great ranged hero?
- High physical damage output
- Tanky right from the early game
- Can split push and farm effortlessly with Split Shot
- Can turn around fights with Stone Gaze
- Unkillable in the late game
5. Leshrac
This electrifying entity is known to electrocute its enemies. Leshrac is one of the most picked heroes in the patch, his wicked abilities make him a force to be reckoned with!
Leshrac is a very powerful laner, which is due to his immense magical damage output. He can harass and ward enemies off the lane. He can gank other lanes without his ultimate, as a kill on the carry and the support can guarantee the tower going down and him securing gold and farm.
Leshrac is known to build items that lock his enemies down and amplify his abilities. Core items on Leshrac include Eul’s Scepter, Boots of Travel, Bloodthorn, Black King Bar, Eternal Shroud, Kaya and Sange, Shiva’s Guard, Aghanim’s Scepter, Octraine Core, Scythe of Vyse. These items provide Leshrac with immense killing potential and obliterate his enemies.
What makes Leshrac a great ranged hero?
- High DPS and magical output
- Can farm faster due to plethora of AoE spells
- Great scalable talent tree
- Amazing AoE stun that is enhanced by Aghanim’s Shard
- Can mow down towers with Diabolic Edict
- High base attack and movement speed
4. Tinker
This mechanical genius requires quick reflexes and strong muscle memory! Tinker is often ranked one of the most complex Mid heroes, guaranteed to make your hands ache after one long and intense game!
Tinker is a very annoying hero from the enemy mid laner’s perspective. He won’t let you do physical damage, nor will he let you farm thanks to his Heat-Seeking Missiles! Due to his mobile nature, you never know where he will be on the map!
Tinker is active from the mid-game, he comes online after a few items, which allows him to gank other lanes. His magical damage output is amplified with Rearm. Tinker usually builds items like Aether Lens, Blink Dagger, Aghanim’s Scepter, Scythe of Vyse, Bloodstone, Dagon. Black King Bar. After acquiring the essential items, there is no way you can stop the great genius!
What makes Tinker a great ranged hero?
- Global presence with Keen Conveyance ability.
- Can push lanes effortlessly with Aghanim Shard’s (March of the Machines) ability.
- Defense Matrix blocks a significant amount of damage and provides status resistance.
- Immense magic damage output.
- Can defend high-ground effortlessly.
- Can chain disable enemies with items thanks to the Rearm ultimate.
- Nuisance in the early game.
3. Storm Spirit
This charming and electrifying hero is a crowd favorite! Storm Spirit is one of the most picked heroes in the current meta, due to his highly active play style and fast farming speed. He is widely regarded as one of the best mid laners in the game!
The storm is mostly played as a fast tempo mid hero, meaning he usually rotates to gank other lanes and quickly goes back to farming or taking towers. His high mana pool enables him to jump into enemy heroes and catch them off-guard. Late game Storm is a disaster for the enemy team!
Storm Spirit conventionally has a limited build potential but that does not mean the items built on him aren’t strong enough. He builds disables and high mana pool and regen offering items such as Orchid of Maleovalnece, Scythe of Vyse, Bloodstone, Sange, and Kaya along with defense items like Black King Bar and Aeon Disk. The items are the perfect mix of offensive and defensive, combined with the Aghanim’s Scepter Electric Vortex upgrade can lead you to a rampage!
What makes Storm Spirit a great ranged hero?
- Immense mobility with the Lighting Ball ultimate.
- More dependant on levels as opposed to items.
- Insane magic damage output with long-range ultimate.
- Great for wave clear and farming.
- Impressive talent tree that supplements his killing potential and scales well with his item build.
- Decent early game gank potential.
- Aghanim’s Scepter provides great crowd control.
Witness the glory of Storm Spirit!
2. Drow Ranger
This skilled markswoman is very precise and deadly. Her cool and calm demeanor is deceiving due to her lethal force on the battlefield.
Drow might be a slow laner but her late-game potential is unmatched. She can deal heavy damage with just a few items in her inventory! She can destroy enemies effortlessly as she acquires items and gains levels. Having a high attack range provides her with an edge over her foes!
Drow Ranger is primarily played in the carry position, the standard items include Hurricane Pike, Manta Style, Black King Bar, Silver Edge, Butterfly, Daedalus, Satanic, Monkey King Bar, Eye of Skadi. Drow is quite unkillable with all these items!
What makes Drow Ranger a great ranged hero?
- High physical damage output
- High base armor and movement speed
- Can mow down towers and squishy heroes easily
- Great disabler
- Aghanim’s Scepter does wonders on her
Witness the glory of Drow Ranger!
1. Arc Warden
This space warden has seen shifts in time and energy. He has bent time itself to neutralize his enemies and prove victorious on the battlefield. He is the one and only, Arc Warden!
He might have a weak lane presence, but he scales exponentially after reaching level 6! He farms easily with his Double and is known to split push effortlessly. Though he is slightly complex, he can be mastered within no time if you manage to micro efficiently.
Since Arc Warden is primarily played as a carry, his build includes items that deal insane damage and sustain him throughout the fight. Standard items on Arc Warden include Mjolnir, Silver Edge, Glepnir, Eye of Skadi, Black King Bar, Scythe of Vyse, Monkey King Bar, Bloodthorn, Daedalus, Swift Blink.
What makes Arc Warden a great ranged hero?
- High farming potential with Tempest Double
- Can split push lanes effortlessly
- High DPS and AoE magical output
- Immense physical damage output
- Can be flexibly picked in the mid or the carry position
- Can solo kill squishy enemies
Witness the glory of Arc Warden!
This sums up our list of the OP ranged heroes in Dota 2. These heroes have an edge over their enemies, they can obliterate melee heroes and make them rage quit! From magical to burst damage, you name it, they have it! We hope you consider mastering these heroes to dominate your ranked games! GLHF.
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