Do you like to hang out in Limsa Lominsa?
If yes, you might see many people AFK-ing with some fancy emotes! Now, I will tell you how to get some of these emotes in the game! Let's show more expression and make your life in Eorzea much more colorful!
25. Ballroom Etiquette - The Winsome Wallflower
Dadcred, I mean Thancred's favorite emote. Leaning to the wall in the coolest way possible. Get this "/lean" emote from submitting items to the Firmament and collect at least 1800 Skybuilders' Scrip.
How to get it:
- Collect 1800 Skybuilders' Scrip from submitting items to the Firmament. Trade it to Enie.
- Buy it from the Market Board.
- Or, by luck, participate in Fête and get it from Fête Present.
24. Ballroom Etiquette - Concealing Meals
Who doesn't love rice? Eating rice balls with "/riceball" sounds and looks delicious. I love rice, and this is the perfect emote for Asians.
How to get it:
- Collect 1800 Skybuilders' Scrip from submitting items to the Firmament. Trade it to Enie.
- Buy it from the Market Board.
- Or, by luck, participate in Fête and get it from Fête Present.
23. Step Dance
Each beginning city-state has its own unique dances; this is the one from Limsa Lominsa. Step dance is known to the pirate "/stepdance" or "/sdance" will be available once you reach level 14.
How to get it:
- Have a class to level 14.
- Take the quest: "Good for What Ales You" in Limsa Lominsa.
- Finish the quest and get the emote.
22. Harvest Dance
From Gridania, we have the Harvest Dance "/hdance" or "/harvestdance", which is not surprising because we see that coming.
How to get it:
- Have a class to level 14.
- Take the quest: "Saw That One Coming" in Gridania.
- Finish the quest and get the emote.
21. Ball Dance
Ball Dance originated from Ishgard, but you can learn it in the jewel of the desert Ul'dah by doing a quest once you reach level 14. With "/bdance" or "/balldance" you can dance as a higher society would.
How to get it:
- Have a class to level 14.
- Take the quest: "Help Me, Lord of the Dance" in Ul'dah..
- Finish the quest and get the emote.
20. Throw
Do you want to throw some Snowballs? Well, this is the right emote for you! It is an easy short quest to do to get a snowball shot! Use "/throw," and you will hurl a snowball when you are in a snow mound.
How to get it:
- Go to Coerthas Central Highlands, talk to Maucolyn and take the quest: "Toss Fit Workout."
- This quest can be taken when you reach level 36.
19. Spectacles
You must follow through with some quests to get the "/spectacles" emote. This is a rather long one, so be prepared for it. There is a prerequisite to be able to finally unlock this quest from the Main Scenario Quest (MSQ).
How to get it:
- Requirement quest: "He Who Would Not Be Denied" MSQ.
- Starting quest: "Keeping the Ledger" in the Pillars, Ishgard.
- Follow through the quest until you reach the quest: "Letters from No One" which will give you this emote reward.
18. Most Gentlemanly
If you do the Hildebrand quest, then you know that they give a lot of emotes! One of them is "/hildy" Most Gentlemanly pose.
How to get it:
- Start with the quest: "The Rise and Fall of Gentlemen".
- Follow through the Hildibrand Adventure quests until: "Her Last Vows" to get the emote.
17. Manderville Dance
One of the very first emotes you get from the hilarious Hildebrand Quest, "/mdance" is often used by people before the dungeon started to give that cheerful accent.
How to get it:
- Start with the quest: "The Rise and Fall of Gentlemen".
- Follow through the Hildibrand Adventure quests until: "The Hammer" to get the emote.
16. Manderville Mambo
Another hilarious dance from the humorous quest series Hildebrand! Manderville Mambo "/mmambo" is a dance you would not want to miss!
How to get it:
- Start with the quest: "The Rise and Fall of Gentlemen."
- Follow through the Hildibrand Adventure quests until: "Don't Do the Dewprism" to get the emote.
15. Battle Stance
Each class has its own unique battle stance. Once you get to the MSQ required, you will acquire this emote "/bstance".
How to get it:
- From the MSQ: "Causes and Costs."
14. Victory
Everyone likes to celebrate victory, and each job has its way of celebrating it. By using "/vpose", you can see the unique pose of all jobs to glorify their victory.
How to get it:
- Complete the MSQ: "A spectacle for the Ages."
13. Ballroom Etiquette - Dark Entreaty
How to get it:
- Trade 50 Bozjan Cluster for this one emote.
- Buy from the Market Board.
12. Ballroom Etiquette - Unseemly Exertions
Even the Warrior of Light gets tired; the "/winded" emote there to show you are struggling. Unfortunately, this is not available on market boards since it is not tradeable, so there is only one way to get it.
How to get it:
- Collect 6 Mythic Clan Mark Logs by trading 500 Centurio Seals for each Log.
- Go to Eschina in Rhalgr's Reach and exchange the 6 Mythic Clan Mark Log.
11. Breath Control, Squats, Sit-ups, and Push-ups
You will get these four emotes by completing one achievement. While "/breathcontrol" looks like meditation, "/squats", "/pushups", and "situps" are great emotes to warm up for fights!
How to get it:
- Get the achievement: "Dear Leader I" by successfully leading 10 Squadron Command Missions.
10. Ballroom Etiquette - At Ease
You can now be "/atease" with this emote. You can be at ease like a soldier.
How to get it:
- Trade 40.000 Grand Company Seals to your respective Grand Company.
9. Ballroom Etiquette - Refined Reproaches
With this emote, you can "/reprimand" and explain why you are upset to others.
How to get it:
- Trade 15.000 Wolf Marks at Wolves' Den to get this emote.
8. Ballroom Etiquette - The Gold Dance
Now we move to the Saucer. Gold Saucer offers many treats so long you can collect the MGP! The Gold Dance is one of them, "/gdance" is a fabulous dance commonly used.
How to get it:
- Trade it in Gold Saucer for 80.000 MGP
7. Ballroom Etiquette - The Thavnairian Dance
How to get it:
- Trade it in Gold Saucer for 80.000 MGP
6. Ballroom Etiquette - The Bee's Knees
Bee's Knees "/beesknees" is one of the newest and most popular dances from the Gold Saucer.
How to get it:
- Trade it in Gold Saucer for 80.000 MGP
5. Ballroom Etiquette - Feigning Fatigue
You can get this emote by completing the Blue Mage's level 60 quest. Surely it won't give you too much '/headache', right?
How to get it:
- Finished Blue Mage quest up to level 60.
- Trade the emote with Maudin Latool Ja in Ul'dah for 400 Allied Seals.
4. Ballroom Etiquette - Salacious Sentiments
Do you like being "/charmed" by Laskhmi? Well, you can get that Emote by doing the Ananta Beast Tribe quest!
How to get it:
- Trade 5 Ananta Dreamstaffs after reaching rank 5 with Ananta Beast Tribe.
3. Moogle Dance
Moogle is a long series and tedious quest, but it is worth the reward. The Moogle dance "/mogdance" is the cutest thing you will ever see!
How to get it:
- Start with the Quest: "A Pebble for Your Thoughts."
- Get the emote by reaching Beast Tribe rank 6 with Moogle and take the quest: "Piecing Together the Past."
2. Ballroom Etiquette - The Lali Hop
Lali Hop “/lalihop” is the dancing version of Lali-ho! You can get Lali-ho by doing some quests, but for this one, you will have to reach Bloodsworn Rank with the Dwarf Beast Tribe.
How to get it:
- Trade 8 Hammered Frogments after reaching Bloodsworn rank with Dwarves Beast Tribe.
1. Ballroom Etiquette - Ample Appreciation
The latest emote, "/Wow"! Resembles the famous anime, "SpyXFamily" Anya's "Waku Waku" emote! This emotion is worth the fight. The Variant Dungeon is a new hard content for four people-party!
How to get it:
- Do the Variant Dungeon at least three times, obtaining enough Sil'dihn Postherd to be traded for this emote.
- Buy from the Market Board.
There are still many other emotes you can get from in-game unlisted. Here are some of the emotes that I think you should have and that are great/fun. Some may need a bit of grinding, but it is worth it if you'd like to fancy yourself with these emotes!
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