Hello again! So, Final Fantasy XVI is known for its dramatic departure from its turn-based entries and shifting totally towards action-focused combat.
Now, this makes for a great chance to show off some sick skills that you can pull with Clive’s unique set of 6 Eikons to mix and mash those combos with finesse and style!
Only once you’ve unlocked all of the Eikon sets are those combos possible, so make sure you’ve completely unlocked all of Clive’s skill trees.
That said, let’s get on with today’s list of 15 Best Combos that you can perform in-game!
15. Rising Flames + Heatwave Combo

Blessed with the power of the Phoenix, Clive does his best to be the First Shield of Rosaria.
See the combo in action.
Let’s start with something basic, belonging to the Phoenix Eikon skillset; you can’t go wrong with this combo as it gives significant damage to enemies and can be performed Early Game as well!
With Rising Flames, you get to launch the enemy mid-air, and with Heatwave, you get to launch two projectiles while the enemy is mid-air to deliver some massive damage!
If you want to continue the combo after this, you can also use the Phoenix Shift ability to move in closer and hit the enemy with your sword and spell or use other Eikon abilities that come to your mind!
How to perform:
- Make sure you have the Phoenix Eikon equipped, and you are close to the enemy you are about to perform the combo on.
- Press R2 and then Square on your DualSense controller to perform the Rising Flames ability (Default Setting)
- Keep holding on R2 and press Triangle on your DualSense controller to perform the Heatwave ability (Can be appointed by mapping the Eikon Abilities on the Gears and Eikons tab). Ensure the projectiles hit when the enemy is in mid-air after performing the Rising Flame ability.
14. Ignition + Will O’ The Wykes Combo

Clive and his Ignition ability
See the combo in action.
Next up, you have the combo belonging to Clive’s Ifrit Skillset (which can be unlocked after you unlock the limit break ability), the Ignition, and the Will O’ The Wykes Combo.The Ignition Ability is one where Clive powers up, launches himself towards enemies, and deals damage to them until the timer runs out. Multiple enemies can also be affected and hit with it as collateral damage!
The Will O’ The Wykes Ability is different in that you get multiple orbital fireballs surrounding Clive and deal damage to enemies, and absorb enemy attacks. Combine the two, and you get a dash attack with additional hits from the orbital fireballs that can one-shot hordes of enemies! You can even use your sword, spell, or even Another Eikon Ability once Ignition is finished WHILE the Will O’ The Wykes ability is still on!
How to perform:
- Make sure you have purchased the “Ignition” and “Will O’ The Wykes” abilies and have them equipped under the “Phoenix” Eikon set in the “Gears and Eikons” Tab.
- Press R2 on your DualSense Controller and immediately press the designated button for Will O’ The Wykes after which you immediately press the designated button for Ignition.
13. Wicked Wheel + Upheaval Combo

Clive launches into the sky with his Wicked Wheel.
See the combo in action.
This one’s more for the Airborne Combo Practitioners that effectively delete enemy health bars. Two different Eikon Skills that complement each other.Garuda’s Wicked Wheel launches enemies into the air and gains Clive some aerial advantage. Once Titan’s Upheaval is used right after this move, it delivers massive damage to the surrounding area!
Also, normally, when the Upheaval move is used on the ground, it requires some charging to attack, but not when it is performed mid-air!
How to perform:
- Make sure you have the “Wicked Wheel” and the “Upheaval” abilities purchased and “Mastered”.
- Pres R2 on your DualSense Controller and press the “Wicked Wheel” Ability, after which immediately press the “Upheaval” ability to execute the combo.
12. Flames of Rebirth + Judgment Bolt

Burn them all, Clive. Burn them all.
See the combo in action.
Two of the most heavy-hitting and outright unforgiving attacks that, once equipped in your combo arsenal, you’re ready to give the horde of enemies an absolute smackdown.
Flames of Rebirth is part of the Phoenix Eikon’s skill tree and engulfs the enemies in its flame while recharging Clive’s health, whereas Judgment Bolt sends two levins up in the sky and deletes the enemy's health bar.
Make sure you have both of them “Mastered” so that you can put the two under the same spot since both have a very large recovery time unless you want to reduce that via accessories.
How to perform:- Make sure you have the “Flames of Rebirth” and the “Judgment Bolt” abilities purchased and “Mastered”.
- Pres R2 on your DualSense Controller and press the “Flames of Rebirth” Ability, after which immediately press the “Judgment Bolt” ability to execute the combo.
11. Lightning Rod + Gigaflare

Clive and his rod. Pun intended.
See the combo in action.
Lightning Rod is one of Ramuh’s underrated Eikon abilities where you plant it, and once done, you can strike it to double the damage given to the surrounding enemies or bait bigger enemies to follow you and get it by hit, which ALSO delivers damage!
Let’s not forget about Gigaflare either. One of Bahamut’s trademark moves that releases a huge beam of light and straight up deletes healthbars in a split second. Now, combine that with Lightning Rod; you’re clearing the game with ease and will build up massive stagger damage.
How to perform:
- Make sure you have the “Lightning Rod” and the “Gigaflare” abilities purchased and “Mastered”.
- Press R2 on your DualSense Controller and press the “Lightning Rod” Ability to plant the rod on the ground and bait enemies toward it.
- Move towards the side where the Rod and enemies surrounding it are in your range. Immediately press R2 on your DualSense Controller and press the “Gigaflare” Ability to execute the combo.
10. Will O’ The Wykes + Lightning Rod

Can’t beat a x100 combo now, can you?
See the combo in action.
Same as above, only this time, you’re going to perform it with the “Will O’ The Wykes” Ability of Ifrit. As mentioned above, it delivers massive damage, and the fact that it absorbs incoming attacks from enemies makes this a useful ace up your sleeve.
Lightning Rod’s the same as above as well. Hit it enough, and it’ll keep on delivering damage until its time runs out.
How to Perform:- Make sure you have the “Lightning Rod” and the “Will O’ The Wykes” abilities purchased and “Mastered”.
- Press R2 on your DualSense Controller and press the “Lightning Rod” Ability to plant the rod on the ground and bait enemies toward it.
- Move towards the side where the Rod and enemies surrounding it are in your range and immediately press R2 on your DualSense Controller and press the “Will O’ The Wykes” Ability to execute the combo.
9. Flames of Rebirth + Lightning Rod

Long live Clive Rosfield.
See the combo in action.
You definitely can’t go wrong with this combo, where one has a longer cooldown timer and one has a relatively shorter cooldown timer.
Lightning Rod and Flames of Rebirth combined deliver A LOT of damage, and that too in an amplified amount. Tried and tested this myself. Works effectively.
How to Perform:- Make sure you have the “Lightning Rod” and the “Flames of Rebirth” abilities purchased and “Mastered”.
- Press R2 on your DualSense Controller and press the “Lightning Rod” Ability to plant the rod on the ground and bait enemies toward it.
- Move towards the Rod where enemies surrounding it are in your range and immediately press R2 on your DualSense Controller and press the “Flames of Rebirth” Ability to execute the combo.
8. Judgment Bolt + Rift Slip

Clive uses Thunderbolt. It’s super effective.
See the combo in action.
As explained before, Judgment Bolt is the lightning version of a large-area attack that obliterates enemies almost immediately and erases them from existence.
Rift Slip, however, is an ability belonging to Odin, The Last Eikon, that you get near the end of the game that gives you the ability to cancel and deliver a different attack while giving a 2-second stoppage of time and allowing the player to continue the combo.
How to perform:
- Make sure you have the “Judgment Bolt” and the “Rift Slip” abilities purchased and “Mastered”.
- Press R2 on your DualSense Controller and press the “Judgment Bolt” Ability to start the attack.
- While holding R2 on your DualSense Controller, immediately press the “Rift Slip” Ability to execute the combo.
7. Flames of Rebirth + Lightning Rod + Gigaflare

Rock the Dragon, Clive.
See the combo in action.
Now, here’s where things get really complicated, especially if it involves a combo of at least Three Eikon Abilities.
To execute this brilliantly, you have to get a bigger, larger enemy and bait it towards the Lightning Rod that you have planted. If the enemy stops, there’s your opening. Immediately go for the Flames of Rebirth and hit the Gigaflare afterward for massive damage and stagger.
How to perform:
- Make sure you have the “Lightning Rod,” “Gigaflare,” and the “Flames of Rebirth” abilities purchased and “Mastered.”
- Press R2 on your DualSense Controller and press the “Lightning Rod” Ability to plant the rod on the ground and bait enemies toward it.
- Move towards the side where the Rod and enemies surrounding it are in your range. Immediately press R2 on your DualSense Controller and press the “Flames of Rebirth” Ability to execute the combo.
- Switch Eikons to where you have placed “Gigaflare” and press R2 along with the “Gigaflare” ability to activate it right where both the Rod and the enemy are present.
6. Dancing Steel + Rift Slip

See the combo in action.
Ah, yes. Odin’s finest Eikon Skills also had to be used in a combo. Dancing Steel is an attack where Clive splits his “Arm of Darkness” in two, charges, and then (if hit by an enemy) delivers a flurry of attacks that can charge your Zantetsuken meter (if you have Odin equipped on any Eikon slots).
Combine that with the “Rift Slip,” and you get a 2-second time-stop. You can either add another Eikon ability attack, OR you can continue using Dancing Steel if it’s recharged!
How to perform:
- Make sure you have unlocked the Odin Eikon and have the “Dancing Steel” and the “Rift Slip” abilities purchased and “Mastered.”
- Press R2 on your DualSense Controller and press the “Dancing Steel” Ability to start the combo.
- Keep holding R2 on your DualSense Controller and press the “Rift Slip” Ability to continue the combo and use either Square or Triangle to attack or cast a spell, respectively, or use another Eikon ability to continue the combo.
5. Heaven’s Cloud + Dancing Steel

Slice and dice.
See the combo in action.
Heaven’s Cloud is also part of Odin’s Eikon Skills, where you get to deliver either multiple strikes to one enemy or one strike to multiple enemies while charging the Zantetsuken meter.
Dancing Steel’s the same as described above, and using the two of them in combination would land you some amazing strikes that can instantly delete healthbars!
How to perform:
- Make sure you have unlocked the Odin Eikon and have the “Dancing Steel” and the “Heaven’s Cloud” abilities purchased and “Mastered.”
- Press R2 on your DualSense Controller and press the “Heaven’s Cloud” Ability to start the combo.
- Keep holding R2 on your DualSense Controller and press the “Dancing Steel” Ability to continue the combo.
4. Cold Snap + Diamond Dust

Pretty chilly.
See the combo in action.
These two moves are part of Shiva’s Eikon Set, and you get this as well as Odin Late Game, but once unlocked, these can help in completely freezing your enemies and putting them in their place! Literally!
Cold Snap is the basic ability of the Shiva Eikon, where if you press it twice, you freeze the enemy, and you can attack them afterward. Diamond Dust is a recurring move from the series’ previous iterations and is an ice-elemental Area-based attack that decimates enemies to its core.
How to perform:
- Make sure you have unlocked the Shiva Eikon and have the “Diamond Dust” ability purchased and “Mastered.”
- Press Circle on your DualSense Controller twice to activate “Cold Snap” ability and freeze your enemies on the spot.
- Hold R2 on your DualSense Controller and press the “Diamond Dust” Ability to continue the combo.
3. Cold Snap + Gigaflare

Pretty chilly again.
See the combo in action.
It's an odd combination but an effective one, nonetheless. Cold Snap’s the same skill as above, but by placing Gigaflare in Shiva’s Eikon Set (if mastered), you can pull this off pretty easily.
What’s more is that, once Cold Snap has been performed, if an enemy gets staggered, the stagger meter stops building up as well, a perfect time to hit that Gigaflare!
How to perform:
- Make sure you have unlocked the Shiva Eikon and have the “Gigaflare” ability purchased and “Mastered.”
- Press Circle on your DualSense Controller twice to activate the “Cold Snap” ability and freeze your enemies on the spot.
- Hold R2 on your DualSense Controller and press the “Gigaflare” Ability to continue the combo.
2. Megaflare + Gigaflare
Keep that charge up.
See the combo in action.
If you want to maul your enemies with the power of Light completely, this one takes the cake. This is on the top 2 of the list because once activated, enemies are basically gone after this and deletes a SIGNIFICANT portion of the healthbar of boss.
Megaflare is the basic ability of the Bahamut Eikon that can be executed once “Wings of Light” has been activated. Make sure to charge the Megaflare meter to Level 4 for effective damage. Once that’s done, hit ‘em up with the Gigaflare, and the job’s done.
How to perform:
- Make sure you have unlocked the Bahamut Eikon and have the “Gigaflare” ability purchased and “Mastered.”
- Press Circle on your DualSense Controller twice to activate “Wings of Light” ability and charge up your Megaflare meter to Level 4 by dodging enemies’ attacks by performing the Megaflare Dodge.
- Hold R2 on your DualSense Controller and press the “Gigaflare” Ability to continue the combo.
1. Dancing Steel + Rift Slip + Zantetsuken

Darkness unending.
See the combo in action.
For the top spot, we’re going in for the full Dark build with this one. Odin’s Zantetsuken is another recurring move in the series where one slash eliminates the enemies. One-shotting the enemy, if you would say.
By performing the Dancing Steel move, charge the Zantetsuken meter to Level 5, use Rift Slip to gain an edge on the enemy, and unleash Zantetsuken on it to obliterate it. Moreover, you can repeat this combo repeatedly, and the enemy will eventually fall. Tried and tested myself. Can confirm this.
How to perform:
- Make sure you have unlocked the Odin Eikon and have the “Dancing Steel” and “Rift Slip” abilities purchased and “Mastered.”
- Hold R2 on your DualSense Controller and press the “Dancing Steel” Ability to start the combo.
- Once the move is about to be finished, keep on holding R2 on your DualSense Controller and press the “Rift Slip” ability button to gain an edge and stop time for 2 seconds.
- Release R2 and press Circle on your DualSense Controller to activate the “Arm of Darkness” and Hold the Square button to perform the Level 5 Zantetsuken.
And that’s about it with the best combos in-game! These combos are just the tip of the iceberg, and who knows, maybe you can combine all of them to make an extended combo that shows off your sick gaming skills! Let me know what combos are your favorite and what you’ve mastered!