One of the best features of New World is the massive number of playstyles at the players’ disposal. Whether you play a ranger, caster, melee fighter, tank, or some hybrid role, there are a variety of viable options for each. This list will focus on some of the more popular endgame PvP builds that dominate the current meta.
Note: I will reference the YouTube channel KaidGames2 often throughout this list, as they have a succinct commentary on how these builds are played.
10. Greataxe and Hatchet
The only downside here is that the Hatchet doesn’t seem to bring enough damage or utility to the table compared to other weapons, but still sees some use due to Berserk’s many uses (e.g. damage buff, movement speed increase, long-lasting Grit, etc.).
What this build is good for:
- High pressure from constant, heavy melee damage
- Able to stay on targets with abilities like Charge, Gravity Well, Feral Rush, and Berserk
- Able to burst damage groups with Maelstrom, while Raging Torrent bursts down single-targets
- Respectable amount of self-healing from Berserk and Greataxe passives let’s you stay on the offensive
- Outpost Rush and world PvP
Greataxe Mastery

Hatchet Mastery

Build Details:
- 250 Strength and 200 Constitution for ideal stats
- Greataxe passives that boost critical strike synergies and self healing
- Crowded Protection and Center of Attention are situational; some freedom to pick other passives here
- All points into Berserker Hatchet tree, with one in Aimed Throw for ranged utility
9. Firestaff and Rapier
This may seem like an odd pairing at first, but the Firestaff and Rapier complement each other surprisingly well. This is primarily a spellcaster build, and you want to use your range to your advantage as much as possible. However, the Rapier is capable of some intimidating melee damage on its own, even if it is mostly used as an escape tool in this build.
The build suffers from some slightly inefficient stat distribution and Rapier damage scaling, but is an overall strong contender in the meta.
What this build is good for:
- Casting damage spells like Fireball from a safe distance
- Many escape options with Evade, Riposte, Fleche, Incinerate, and Burnout
- Evasive abilities may in turn be used to chase down and finish enemies
- Significant melee and ranged elemental damage in one build
- Outpost Rush, world PvP, and dueling
Firestaff Mastery

Rapier Mastery

Build Details:
- 300 Intelligence, 50 Dexterity, 100 Constitution for ideal stats
- Firestaff passives that boost spell damage, critical strike chance, and reduce cooldowns
- Almost all Rapier Mastery points into Grace for maximum evasiveness and stamina bonuses
8. Bow and Spear
Our first dedicated Dexterity build on the list, the Bow and Spear combination plays similarly to the previous one. It’s primarily ranged build that deals damage from a distance with the Bow, and can hold its own in melee with stuns and crowd control (CC) combos with the Spear. Since this build is geared more towards physical damage, it excels at dealing damage to those light armor healers and casters, though is somewhat dependent on headshots for maximal ranged damage.
What this build is good for:
- Dealing large amounts of physical damage from a distance
- Zoning to keep enemies at bay, like Evading Shot or Diseased Shot
- Damage to multiple targets in a line with Penetrating Shot
- Dealing significant melee damage with Perforate while simultaneously stun-locking opponents with Sweep and Vault Kick
- Outpost Rush, world PvP, and dueling
Bow Mastery
Spear Mastery

Build Details:
- 300 Dexterity, 100 Constitution for ideal stats
- Damage amplification passives in the Bow’s Hunter tree, a few damage perks and evasive passives in Skirmisher
- Amplify light attack damage in the Spear’s Impaler tree, while grabbing some utility passives in the Zoner tree
- Honestly, a lot of room to experiment. Some players like to get Javelin for more ranged capability and an extra stun, and some like Rain of Arrows for an area of effect (AoE) damage option
7. Musket and Rapier
Another dedicated Dexterity build, the Musket and Rapier is another melee and ranged hybrid. What sets this one apart from the others is its frightening damage present in both fighting styles. It is a low health, high damage build, capable of devastating headshot snipes from the Musket which can 2-3 shot some players. If enemies get close you can slip away with the Rapier, or burst them down depending on the situation.
This build requires the player to land headshots frequently for maximal damage, however. The low health pool can also be difficult to play around, but it’s one of the most popular glass cannon builds for a reason.
What this build is good for:
- Deleting unaware players quickly from long range with Shooter’s Stance and Powder Burn
- Evading or bursting down players in melee range with Evade, Fleche, and Tondo
- Significant damage over time from Powder Burn and Tondo
- Sniping low-health, low armor targets that are hard to reach, like healers and casters
- Outpost Rush, world PvP, dueling, and Wars
Musket Mastery

Rapier Mastery

Build details:
- 300 Dexterity and 150 Intelligence for ideal stats
- Players may opt to switch out Powder Burn or Stick Trap for Power Shot if they desire more burst damage
- Tondo may be switched for Riposte, which aids in survivability and setting up Rapier backstab combos
6. Spear and Sword
Our first tank build aims to defeat players without impressive displays of damage. Rather, you win a war of attrition by shutting down your enemies with frequent CC effects and whittling them down over time. Switching to “tank mode” with your Sword and Shield makes it very difficult for players to deal physical damage to you. This build let’s you feel like you control the flow of the fight, and its slower pace allows for more strategy and decision-making.
This build is effective against all playstyles, save for healers. You may find yourself in a stalemate against one, as they won’t be able to deal enough damage to you, but your damage can’t outpace their healing. However, in a group setting, your chain-CC will prove invaluable to interrupting healers that are trying to save their teammates.
What this build is good for:
- Preventing players from using their abilities and stun-locking them into oblivion
- Outlasting enemies with damage mitigation and shield blocks
- Stunning and staggering foes with Sweep, Vault Kick, Shield Rush, and Leaping Strike
- Tanking burst damage with Defiant Stance
- Outpost Rush, world PvP, and dueling
Spear Mastery

Sword and Shield Mastery

Build details:
- 250 Constitution and 150 Strength for ideal stats
- Tanky, damage mitigation passives from the Defender tree
- Stuns and damage passives from Zoner and Impaler trees
- Option to switch out Shield Rush for Shield Bash for players that prefer a longer-lasting stun with a shorter animation
5. Firestaff and Ice Gauntlet
A spellcaster’s dream, this build is a dedicated elemental damage build. It specializes in strong AoE effects from the Firestaff paired with immense single-target damage from the Ice Gauntlet, all from a range. The Ice Gauntlet also casts some of the best CC effects in the game, slowing and rooting enemies with ease.
What this build is good for:
- Hurling a variety of spells at your enemies from a distance
- Elemental AoE damage from Fireball, Pillar of Fire, and Ice Storm
- Strong, single-target burst from Ice Gauntlet attacks and Ice Spikes
- Constant slows and CCs from all Ice Gauntlet abilities
- Can root foes in place with Ice Shower and escape meleers with Burnout
- Outpost Rush, world PvP, dueling, and Wars
Firestaff Mastery
Ice Gauntlet Mastery

Build details:
- 300 Intelligence and 150 Constitution for ideal stats
- Not a lot of wiggle room for active abilities here; these are the ones you want
- Firestaff passives that amplify criticals and damage
- Ice Gauntlet passives that enhance critical strikes, replenish mana, and improve CCs
4. Sword and Warhammer
Another tank build on this list, this time with a lot more damage. Your primary role is similar to the Sword and Spear combo, which is to be as disruptive as you can to the enemy. However, the Warhammer is known to pack a wallop with its heavy attacks, and is a much better option for fighting in groups than the Spear is. All in all, you’ll be able to CC groups and single-targets alike, while sporting some scary attack damage on stunned enemies with the Warhammer.
Healers still pose a problem when fighting one-on-one, as you simply cannot out damage their healing when using a Sword and Shield as part of your kit. But that’s okay, they can’t deal enough damage to outpace your tankiness, either.
What this build is good for:
- Interrupting and slowing groups of enemies
- Mitigating damage with Sword and Shield, dealing damage with Warhammer
- Single-target stuns with Shield Bash and Shield Rush
- AoE stuns and slows with Shockwave, Wrecking Ball, and Path of Destiny
- Outpost Rush, world PvP, and Wars
Sword and Shield Mastery
Warhammer Mastery

Build details:
- 250 Strength and 200 Constitution for ideal stats
- Sword and Shield passives that decrease damage taken and reduce stamina lost while blocking
- Warhammer passives that enhance CC debuffs and heavy attacks
- Can switch out Shield Rush for Leaping Strike for more mobility in Sword Mastery
- Can switch out Wrecking Ball for Clear Out in Warhammer Mastery, which can hit more opponents and knock them away
3. Greataxe and Warhammer
The two heavy-hitters of New World combine to create the most aggressive melee play styles in the game. The tankiness you lose from the previous pairing is made up for by strong AoE and single target damage from the Greataxe. The ever-disruptive Warhammer can set up some big damage combos on stunned enemies, taking advantage of the Greataxe’s Maelstrom ability and wide weapon swings. This build can dominate in a variety of situations, but truly excels in group PvP.
There aren’t many downsides to this build, other than it being melee-only. You’ll most likely want to go heavy armor with this build as you’ll be in the thick of it.
What this build is good for:
- Relentless melee pressure and mobility with abilities to slow, stun, and root targets
- Massive group and single-target damage with both weapons
- Can stay on slippery targets with Charge and Gravity Well
- AoE stuns and slows with Shockwave, Wrecking Ball, and Path of Destiny
- Shockwave or Wrecking Ball into Maelstrom is a potent, group-killing combo
- Outpost Rush, world PvP, and Wars
Greataxe Mastery

Warhammer Mastery

Build Details:
- 250 Strength and 200 Constitution for ideal stats
- Greataxe passives that boost critical strike synergies and self healing
- Warhammer passives that enhance CC debuffs and heavy attacks
- Not a lot of wiggle room; this is a fairly optimized build
2. Lifestaff and Void Gauntlet
The Lifestaff makes its first appearance near the top of the list because, well, healing in New World is just too strong. Honestly, you can pair the Lifestaff with just about any weapon and you’d be able to hold your own against most other builds. It is particularly potent when combined with the Void Gauntlet however, since they are the only weapons in the game that both scale with the Focus stat. This means that both your damage and healing will increase with the more Focus you have, which both weapons have in spades.
This build doesn’t boast a lot of CC, but it doesn’t need to. Your goal is to deal damage to your opponents with the Void Gauntlet, while healing through anything they can throw at you with the Lifestaff. This build let’s you dish out damage and debuffs to your enemies, while also healing and buffing allies.
What this build is good for:
- Overwhelming your opponents with damage while simultaneously healing yourself to remain nigh unkillable
- Damage over time and other debuffs from Void Sword, Oblivion, and Orb of Decay
- Single target and AoE healing with Sacred Ground, Light’s Embrace, and Beacon
- Numerous buffs from both weapons that enhance allies’ damage and damage reduction
- Outpost Rush, world PvP, dueling, and Wars
Lifestaff Mastery

Void Gauntlet Mastery

Build details:
- 250 Focus, 100 Constitution, and 50 Intelligence for ideal stats
- Lifestaff passives that enhance healing, buff allies, and adds utility to heavy attacks
- Void Gauntlet passives that enhance debuffs on enemies, buffs on allies, critical strikes, healing, and damage
- Some players will opt for Petrifying Scream instead of Orb of Decay for a strong AoE root on enemies
1. Void Gauntlet and Ice Gauntlet
It’s hard to find a more iconic duo than New World’s two gauntlets. The Void Gauntlet’s strengths persist here from the previous build, capable of intimidating damage, debuffs, and healing in one package. As previously mentioned, the Ice Gauntlet is able to deal burst damage from a range while bringing a ton of CC to the mix, to either escape or catch fleeing enemies with.
Weaknesses? This build? Reliance on mana potions, maybe?
What this build is good for:
- High pressure and high burst damage playstyle combined with lots of healing, survivability, and CC
- Damage over time and other debuffs from Void Sword and Orb of Decay
- Rooting and slowing with Petrifying Scream, Ice Shower, and Ice Storm
- Surviving incoming damage with Entombed
- All PvP situations
Void Gauntlet Mastery

Ice Gauntlet Mastery

Build details:
- 250 Intelligence, 50 Focus, and 100 Constitution for ideal stats
- Void Gauntlet passives that enhance debuffs on enemies, buffs on allies, critical strikes, healing, and damage
- Ice Gauntlet passives that enhance critical strikes, replenish mana, and improve CCs
- Option to swap Entombed for Ice Spikes for a more offensive playstyle