Alright, FF7 Rebirth fans! Let's talk about those jaw-dropping moments that had us all on the edge of our seats. From heart-pounding battles to tear-jerking cutscenes, this game is packed with unforgettable scenes.
So grab a snack, sit back, and let's dive into the best moments that made FF7 Rebirth an epic journey.
20. Zack Carrying Cloud Through Midgar

What is this scene and why is it worth watching?
The beginning of the game sees us right where Remake has ended, with Zack carrying Cloud toward Midgar in an alternate scenario where Zack had actually survived his last stand.
What’s so great about it?
For starters, it’s Zack! The fandom’s favorite character, and you get to play him for a bit during the intro sequence with revamped battle mechanics! Also keeps you on the hook for more Zack-related sequences.
19. The Nibelheim Incident

What is this scene and why is it worth watching?
This scene is basically a flashback of The Nibelheim Incident from the perspective of Cloud right before the open world of the game is opened to the players. Also, delivers a gut punch near the end.
What’s so great about it?
Well, for one, Sephiroth’s origins are revealed in this sequence and his going crazy by the end is one of the biggest plot twists in gaming history. Also, the fact that you played one of the best characters, only for him to turn out as a villain is a gut punch altogether.
18. Cloud and party visiting the Grasslands

What is this scene and why is it worth watching?
It shows the party finally taking a breath of fresh air after spending so much time in the dystopian landscape of Midgar.
What’s so great about it?
Well, it showcases what’s to come and sets the tone for the whole game. Also, sidequests. Lots and LOTS of sidequests.
17. Midgardsormr Boss Fight

What is this scene and why is it worth watching?
It’s just as what the title says: it’s the fight against the Midgardsormr snake, which wasn’t present in the original Final Fantasy 7. You get to experience this fight AND watching it would be a blast.
What’s so great about it?
Cloud and his parties showcase his first team battle OUTSIDE of Midgar, which is a whole different breed of enemies.
16. Junon Chest-Compression Sequence

What is this scene and why is it worth watching?
Not going to lie; this is Yuffie’s first appearance towards the main party after the events of Episode Intermission up in Junon Beach. It’s a really funny moment where Cloud is framed as a pervert even though he isn’t, and Yuffie starts being the goofball she is.
What’s so great about it?
Well, this is one of the starting points of Yuffie’s interaction with the party and shows off Yuffie’s dorkiness in a rather … unexpected way.
15. Junon Parade Sequence

What is this scene and why is it worth watching?
With Rufus’s show of power at Junon being a shocking development, the parade sequence in Junon remains as fun as it was in the original game and is worth revisiting again, thanks to the infiltration of Cloud’s party!
What’s so great about it?
It showcases Rufus’s true intentions regarding Cloud’s party, unlike his father, who was clearly antagonistic towards them, and has a surprising little plot twist towards the end of the scene, which completely changes the dynamic between them!
14. Queen’s Blood Tournament aboard the Shinra-8

What is this scene and why is it worth watching?
Queen’s Blood is the next best minigame to come in FF7 Rebirth, and it is as addicting as they say. With choosing enemies of your choice, there are multiple pathways and strategies that you can follow.
What’s so great about it?
You get to see multiple strategies used within the Queen’s Blood tournament against a multitude of enemies and see their endings as well!
13. Costa Del Sol Hojo Boss Fight

What is this scene and why is it worth watching?
Just as the party is making a stop at Costa Del Sol, Professor Hojo, who’s always up to no good, sabotages Cloud and his party’s vacation, and a tough boss fight ensues.
What’s so great about it?
For starters, there is a choice to save either Tifa first or Aerith, which affects the relationship dynamic, and Cloud uses an umbrella to fight, which is a callback to Zack’s moment in Crisis Core! Also, Yuffie steps into action as well!
12. Gold Saucer Dance & Reveal

What is this scene and why is it worth watching?
A starstruck performance by the Gold Saucer crew and the girls of the party shows what’s to come in this adventurous escapades!
What’s so great about it?
Cloud and his party take a break from all the humdrum and melodrama of the main story and offer the player a chance to play a multitude of mini-games, just like in the original FF7!
11. Barret vs Dyne

What is this scene and why is it worth watching?
Probably amongst the saddest scenes in Final Fantasy history, Barret has a tearful reunion with Dyne, and a fight ensues between the two former best friends.
What’s so great about it?
It is revealed that Dyne is the true father of Marlene and showcases Barret’s guilt of making the town of North Corel and Dyne go through an insurmountable amount of tragic events.
10. Reveal of Cissnei in Gongaga

What is this scene and why is it worth watching?
Just as Cloud and the party arrive at Gongaga, a familiar face known as Cissnei meets up with the party and helps them settle in.
What’s so great about it?
In case you don’t remember, Cissnei was a major side character in Crisis Core as well as Before Crisis, and it is a callback to her adventures and missions with Zack. Seeing as how she has settled in Zack’s village, it brings tears to us fan’s eyes that have been waiting for her return!
9. Red XIII’s hidden backstory

What is this scene and why is it worth watching?
It’s just as what the title says; it showcases the trial of Red XIII, and his backstory is shown, which is just as tragic as the rest of the party members.
What’s so great about it?
Red XIII’s real name is revealed to be Nanaki, and the truth related to his parents is revealed to him.
8. Jessie’s Performance at LOVELESS

What is this scene and why is it worth watching?
A callback to FF7 Remake, Jessie Rasberry was a star actress before she joined the ranks of AVALANCHE, and her starstruck performance left us in awe.
What’s so great about it?
It’s a mesmerizing performance of her, with us fans getting teary-eyed on seeing her and Cloud, Tifa, and Barret, essentially remembering her before her death back in Midgar.
7. The LOVELESS Play and No Promises To Keep

What is this scene and why is it worth watching?
There are three variations of the Loveless play, with the girls playing the heroine and Aerith’s song at the end, which is the final cherry on top.
What’s so great about it?
Remember Genesis and his book on Loveless? Well, this play provides more context to the overall Loveless story, and Aerith’s song reveals her true feelings.
6. All Skywheel Dates

What is this scene and why is it worth watching?
Bringing back the dates from the original game, the Skywheel Dates provide more context to the characters and are also a fun and entertaining break from the story as well!
What’s so great about it?
Once you finish the game, you get to go back and play the date with the character of your choice, providing multiple options.
5. Vincent’s Introduction & Fight

What is this scene and why is it worth watching?
The fan-favorite brooding member of the party, Vincent Valentine, is awakened in Nibelheim and joins the party, essentially completing Cloud’s party. Not without some boss fight.
What’s so great about it?
Parts of Vincent’s origin are revealed, and while he may not be a playable character yet, his joining the party is a sign that things are to come in part 3 of the remake.
4. Roche’s Last Dance

What is this scene and why is it worth watching?
It’s just as the title says; it’s Roche’s last fight against Cloud before he becomes a Sephiroth clone, and it is one of his last desires.
What’s so great about it?
While Roche may be an annoying comedic relief, we see him in a very different light now AFTER we just fought Vincent not too long ago.
3. Cloud going after Black Materia

What is this scene and why is it worth watching?
Taking place in Chapter 13, Cloud is slowly losing his mind and goes over Aerith to take the Black Materia for himself.
What’s so great about it?
It showcases the rapid degeneration of his mind and the gripping control of Sephiroth over him, further foreshadowing the raised stakes in Part 3 of the Remake Project.
2. Aerith Prayer Scene

What is this scene and why is it worth watching?
The iconic prayer scene takes place in the last chapter of the game, which has been remake with a few tweaks that are still being discussed to this date.
What’s so great about it?
In the original, we saw Aerith have her fate sealed by Sephiroth, here in FF7 Rebirth, we see a totally different and ambiguous ending.
1. Ending

What is this scene and why is it worth watching?
With the end of the game, the Ending Sequence and Credit Scenes showcase everything entirely different.
What’s so great about it?
Cloud has become completely delusional and is refusing to accept Aerith’s death, whereas the rest of the party has come to terms with it. Also, it leaves more questions unanswered as opposed to answering previous questions.
And that’s about it with the best party setups that you can have in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. See ya.