So it’s nearing the end of the month, the bank balance is a little low, it looks like hot dogs and pre-mix energy drink are going to have to sustain you for the next seven or eight days. Fear not though young padawan, for there are hours of intense and challenging gameplay just waiting for you, free of charge!
Below is a list of ten awesome, free to play strategy games that will keep you wildly entertained until your wallet is thick again:
10. The Great War 1918
The Great War 1918 Gameplay
Let’s kick off with a free version of Company of Heroes! That’s what The Great War 1918 is, a modified version of the original game, except, well, WWI. This epic war doesn’t get the same love from developers as other great conflicts, so it will be a refreshing change after hours icing Hitler and the Funkytown Bunch.
What makes The Great War 1918 awesome:
- All the awesomeness of Company of Heroes, for free!
- Liberate France and Belgium in the 100 days offensive.
- In a time before that pesky Geneva Convention, be wary of gas attacks.
Duck and Cover: In this weeks episode we teach Klaus that his homemade sauerkraut sucks.
Duck and Cover: In this weeks episode, trenchers, good for not being run over by tanks.
9. Zero-K
Zero-K Gameplay
The universe is nearing its end, it’s a free for all. Build goliath robots or hundreds of Fleas, sculpt the landscape and spend hours messing with the fantastic physics system; but remember to obliterate the enemy at all costs!
What makes Zero-K awesome:
- Cloaking and jump jets, these little robots have a bunch of tricks up their exhausts for you to discover!
- Over 100 units with carrying capabilities, terrain manipulation, just doubling down.
- Solo or co-op campaign with over 70 missions
Robot Gangland: alright Timmy, show me which robot poured oil down your air intake.
Power Play: If you're going to try to outnumber your enemy, you better be tough enough.
8. Istrolid
Istrolid Gameplay
Design your own space ships to fit your unique strategy and dominate the galaxy. With hundreds of parts to choose from the possibilities are endless. There are no set factions, so your fleet will be unique and crafted to your battle style.
What makes Istrolid awesome:
- Test your ships capabilities before taking them out onto the proving grounds
- The single player campaign involves the old faithful formula; win battles to earn bigger, badder parts for your ships.
- Face off against randomly generated custom AI fleets, or customise your own AI fleet to fight at your side.
West Coast Customs: build a battleship that will make your enemies pee in their pants at the mere sight of it.
Permission to Engage: These space monkeys don’t have a chance sir.
7. VEGA Conflict
VEGA Conflict Gameplay
The evil VEGA Corporation has taken over the galaxy. The time is upon you, band together with other players in a bloody rebellion to take control back in all-out war. Command fleets, stake a claim and obliterate all who stand in your path.
What makes VEGA Conflict awesome:
- No two conflicts are the same, customize your fleet your each upcoming battle.
- Real time PvP in massive scale environments.
- War waits for no man. Continue the battle on your phone, tablet or web browser without losing progress.
Explorer: You’ve earned a badge, no head for the pink lightning storm
Hunting: a pack of wolves deals some quick and serious damage. Isn’t nature beautiful?
6. Call of War
Call of War gameplay
Alright kids, it’s WWII… again, and it’s time to kick some names and take some ass! This is the PC version of popular board games like ‘Risk’ and ‘Axis and Allies’, it will take wits, cunning and as always a little firepower to rewrite the course of history.
What makes Call of War awesome:
- Research the secret weapons of WWII to become the true superpower.
- A massive tech tree with over 120 different units.
- Players can play multiple rounds simultaneously to test different strategies.
Regression or Nostalgia: I can see my youth flashing before my eyes, and I love it.
Juggling: You need to be good at keeping a lot of balls in the air for this game.
5. Art of War: Red Tides
Art of War: Red Tides Gameplay
This fun multiplayer’s cut scenes alone will get you so amped to play the game. Team up with friends or other online players on the same platform and make calculated moves to wipe out enemy turrets and then bases. It’s like a more violent game of chess, one move at a time, but in real time! How fun.
What makes Art of War: Red Tides awesome:
- Only twelves seconds to prepare during each wave keeps the game quick paced and exciting.
- Observe the battle and speculate what the enemy will do, then counter with the right units.
- 120 different units spread across three races. This one comes up a lot, but this title has some gnarly looking units and very nice graphics to match.
Knight to E5: I think we can all tell who chose the right units for this skirmish
Lost Pokemon: MewTwo, is that you???
4. Hades’ Star
Hades’ Star gameplay
Enter the vastness of space in this unique strategic online multiplayer. Create and grow your own empire in a galaxy that is constantly changing. Different star systems offer different benefits depending on their stability. Yellow star systems are where you will establish your empire, trade routes and much more. You’ll be in this one for the long haul.
What makes Hades’ Star awesome:
- When you rock up to a red star, you must collaborate with other players in the vicinity to defeat NPC’s and mine precious resources.
- Form powerful alliances and make a trip to a white star for a battle royale, lasting up to five days.
- Head to blue stars with a single battleship for quick PvP battles to earn rewards.
Break these fools: keep a cool head while you’re at it though.
Up close and personal: finish the job and go home, the empire won’t build itself.
3. Call to Arms
Call to Arms gameplay
A modern warfare real time strategy with a kick! In the heat of battle delve into third person and first person control options to take care of business. The basic edition is free to play with purchasable upgrades depending on how deep the bug bites.
What makes Call to Arms awesome:
- The basic version has a ton of user generated content, not to mention you can create your own custom content as you mod your game from the ground up.
- The deluxe edition comprises of the single player allied campaign.
- The ultimate edition has everything above, the German Army DLC, the Russian Army DLC and new single player campaigns to go with each.
Friendly fire: Uh Jim, you know that’s just Toby walking the dog right?
Medics: Wait we have those now? Medic!
2. StarCraft 2
StarCraft 2 gameplay
The sequel to the arguably, unmatched original brings a fresh new campaign, units and banging new storyline. If you played the original, you won’t want to miss this one. Choose you race; Terrain, Protoss or Zerg and reclaim your position at the top of the food chain, no matter the cost. It’s time to conquer the galaxy yet again!
What makes StarCraft 2 awesome:
- Team up with a friend for intense Co-Op missions to upgrade your commander
- Versus mode matches you with online players in the same skill category, go climb that ladder.
- Like most of the other games on this list its free to play, up to a point of course, from the games web page (not steam), enough said!
Explosions in the Sky: Imagine being under those alien Zerg when they explode, ugh.
The Big Bad Boss: A game with some massive ugly thing to defeat every so often is just so much more rewarding
1. Dota 2
Dota 2 gameplay
Until Fortnite came along causing kids to suddenly start doing idiotic dance moves on highway islands and at every single televised sporting event, Dota 2 was arguably the most popular online multiplayer for all ages. Choose your hero, discover new powers and outwit your opponents to destroy their tower (or ancient, D.OT.A = Defence of the Ancients). Whether it’s your eleventh hour or your eleven thousandth hour, there is always something new to discover in the magical online world that is Dota 2.
What makes Dota 2 awesome:
- It combines the best of Warcraft and competitive online gaming
- All heroes are free, there are no purchases that will give a noob an edge.
- Heroes can fill multiple roles. There is no set style of play, get creative son!
Powering Up: can you feel the energy, get in son!
Fire Wars: Tony, I swear, if my undies get scorched again I’m going home!