The Best Games Like Star Wars Battlefront. How Many of These Have You Played?
Star Wars Battlefront is one of my favorite game series of all time. I still enjoy the fast-paced sci-fi combat even though the series has lost its way to the dark side of EA. I can’t blame anybody for not wanting to play either of the newest disasters though and I’ve compiled a list of the best games like Star Wars Battlefront.
11. Warframe
Warframe Gameplay
Warframe is a free-to-play co-op third person shooter available on PC, Xbox One, and PS4. You play as the Tenno, masters of Warframe armor, fighting against the vile clone army of the Grineer.
As the Tenno you experience the movement, weapons, and abilities of a ninja. Go melee and slice your way through enemy hordes or go ranged and pick them off with a bow. All the while flipping and gliding through the air like a murderous gymnast.
Choose to go in solo or host a raid with up to 8 players. With over 34 different Warframes, each with their own unique abilities, any player can find their own play style.
Full multiplayer experience: Challenge your friends in PVP.
New Warframes every few months: To keep you coming back.
10. Planetside 2
Planetside 2 Gameplay
Planetside 2 is the first “massive scale” free-to-play first-person shooter for PC and PS4. Players chose between three different empires to battle for control over the planet Auraxis. The goal is to capture the planet portion by portion by whatever means you see fit. Battles can be fought in the air or on the ground and literally span an entire planet.
In general, this game looks great and isn’t a chore like some MMOs. Explosions have a real weight to them. You might even call them beautiful. Couple that with freedom to do whatever you want makes for a mercenary’s playground.
There are 6 classes to chose from including a Mechanized Assault Exosuit or MAX for short. There is no shortage in firepower with vehicles ranging from armored transports and drop ships to fighters and tanks. If that isn’t enough you could always upgrade your skill tree for even more destruction.
Customize yourself: Stand apart from thousands of other players.
Coordinate your assault: Team up and conquer a planet by any means.
9. Prey
PREY Gameplay
Prey is a survival horror first-person shooter for PC, Xbox One, and PS4. The game takes place (stay with me here) in the future of an alternate timeline earth where JFK was not assassinated and the space race was accelerated. You play as Morgan Yu, a recruit for a research team aboard the space station Talos I. Yu is knocked unconscious following an attack from an unknown creature and wakes up to a fight for his (or her) survival.
The realism of the environment in this game is incredible. A casual observer might think you were watching a sci-fi horror movie rather than playing a video game. I don’t know how hard it is to make good lighting in games but Prey makes it look easy.
On top of all the story and visuals, Prey has an open world to explore and reexplore every detail at your leisure. It also has role playing elements like crafting and the usual alien superpower skill tree.
Immersive environments: With haunting music and atmosphere.
Mimics are everywhere: Ordinary objects become life or death gambles.
8. Space Hulk Deathwing Enhanced Edition
Space Hulk: Deathwing Gameplay
Space Hulk Deathwing Enhanced Edition is a first-person shooter for PC and PS4. You play as a librarian… space marine terminator. The overall goal is to purge a massive ship called a space hulk of the hostile alien Genestealers who have decided to make it their nest.
The visuals of this game are stunning. The Genestealers closely resemble xenomorphs and the game generally feels like a parallel universe to the Aliens franchise.
Every time you enter a single chapter you are presented a different random mission objective. Customize your character and your squad mates to accommodate for these different objectives. Space Hulk also offers a multiplayer mode so you can purge with your bros.
Relentless hordes of xeno aliens: It’s dangerous to go alone…
A variety of weapons: …take this.
7. Titanfall 2
Titanfall 2 Gameplay
Titanfall is a first-person shooter for PC, Xbox One, and PS4. In the single player campaign, you play as Jack Cooper, a rifleman in the frontier militia on the edge of the known galaxy. You are sent to the planet Typhon where you take control of a former squad mates Titan and engage the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation in giant robot combat.
There are so many different insane gadgets to choose from in this game. Use a cloaking device to sneak up on unsuspecting chumps. Fire a grappling hook and blast through a 3rd story window. Of course, you could also just cut to the chase and stomp through an enemy base with a 40ft bi-pedal gun.
If you’re the type who gets board of repetitive multiplayer experiences this game boasts a healthy 23 multiplayer maps. Play single player or online in 11 different game modes. Customize 6 distinct Titans with varying abilities to make sure the guy you just stepped on remembers you.
Dominate the battlefield: Harness literally ground shaking technology.
Explore unbelievable environments: In-between bouts of shooting and being shot at.
6. Doom (2016)
DOOM Gameplay
Doom is a first-person shooter for PC, Switch, Xbox One, and PS4. An invasion from hell sends demons flooding through a research facility on mars. Only the Doom Slayer can spare humanity from destruction. Now with online multiplayer!
Your granddads Doom this is not. Melee combat is now a staple of gameplay with the addition of “glory kills”. Not only does this save ammunition, it grants the player bonus item drops and the gnarly visual of ripping off a demon’s face with your bare hands.
Players can now build their own maps with a built-in level creator that even grants cosmetic upgrades for the effort. In Multiplayer, pick up runes and become a part of the demonic hoards. Doom is also available on VR so you can immerse yourself in all the gory details.
As gory as ever: This demon is about to have a splitting headache.
Classic weapons and enemies: With a minor face lift.
5. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
Borderlands Gameplay
Borderlands: The Pre-sequel is an action role-playing first-person shooter for PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, and PS4. In this installment of the series you play as the villains of the previous game, Borderlands 2. The main objective of this game is to recapture the Helios space station for your new boss Handsome Jack. The main difference between this game and others in the series is the addition of shiny new laser weapons and the constant threat of suffocation due to lack of atmosphere.
This game is pure addiction. I’ve put in well over 200 hours in to exploring its gigantic open map and upgrading my characters infinite combinations of skills and weapons. The most satisfying part of the game is when you see a big red CRITICAL floating away from a freshly popped bandit skull.
The borderlands series offers the best co-op in gaming today and this one is no different. Play with your friends online or in the same room with split screen. If you decide to get The Handsome Collection you will get this game, Borderlands 2, and all of the DLC for both.
Unique story: One of the very few places where sci-fi meets wild west.
Tons of options: Skill and weapon choice out the wazoo.
4. Bioshock Infinite
Bioshock Infinite Gameplay
Bioshock Infinite is a first-person shooter for PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, and PS4. The year is 1912. In the levitating steampunk city of Columbia, Booker DeWitt must rescue a woman. A woman imprisoned since childhood with the incredible gift to alter reality. All that stands in Bookers way is an army of zealots lead by the founder of the city.
I won’t say any details but his game plays shenanigans at a temporal level. I’m still not in full understanding everything going on but that only lends to a replay ability akin to the movies The Sixth Sense or Looper. All the possibilities with the rag doll physics makes a second play worth it anyway.
Choose from 8 different Vigors that give you supernatural powers, from shooting lightning out of your finger tips to summoning a murder of crows to do your bidding. New story to be told and abilities to be gained through the Burial at Sea DLC.
The usual Bioshock experience: Plenty of steampunk monstrosities to slay.
A city in the sky: Marvelous environments and scenery to take in.
3. Quake Champions
Quake Champions Gameplay
Quake Champions is a multiplayer only first-person shooter for PC. The game is a "fast paced arena-based shooter" similar to the Unreal series. Players can choose from a variety of characters each with their own special abilities to achieve victory in multiple game modes.
Personally, I love the quick responsive movement this series has. The way the rocket launcher handles makes even a bad match worth playing. I don’t usually play multiplayer only games but there is just something about the Quake/Unreal series that keeps me playing for hours.
Quake Champs has 11 different characters to choose from including BJ Blazkowicz and Doom Slayer with more coming soon. Sporting 8 enormous arenas you will never feel claustrophobic.
Be cunning: Use abilities that give you a tactical advantage.
Move faster: Or abilities that are just simply awesome.
2. Warhammer 40k Eternal Crusade
WH40K: Eternal Crusade Gameplay
Warhammer 40k Eternal Crusade is a multiplayer third-person shooter game. On the planet Arkhona, four factions vie for dominance in a deadly eternal struggle. Play as the Space Marines, Orks, Chaos Space Marines, or Eldar and purge all of your enemies.
Pick up any old tank that’s just laying around and go nuts. You could also soar through the sky with a jet trooper and rain death. Gain enough resources over the course of a match and you could pick up a hero unit and lead the charge. Of all the entrees on this list this game fits the combat style of Lucas Arts Battlefront the best.
Choose from thousands of customization combinations to make your weapons and armor unique to you. Take on 60 player PVP matches or 5 player PVE raids.
Full customization: Make your soldier however you want.
Execute your enemies: Brutally, before they can be revived.
1. Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 2 Gameplay
Mass Effect 2 is an action role-playing game for PC, Xbox 360, and PS3. It is the 22nd century and with the help of ancient alien transit devices called Mass Relays mankind has reached the stars. A race of synthetic-organic starships called Reapers want to eradicate all life in the galaxy. The only hope of salvation is Commander Shepard and the crew of the starship Normandy.
If you ever wanted to be the captain of your own starship, this is one of the best ways to do so. Resource gathering for upgrades, away missions to hostile alien planets, inappropriate romances with crewman. This game is the full Kirk experience.
Load your Mass Effect 1 file to continue your story and gain character bonuses. Use powerful mental abilities called biotics to maintain control of any situation or become a master of any weapon. Your choices are only limited to your imagination.
Gain allies: Mingle with alien friends to save the galaxy.
Get intimate: Ok… That’s enough mingling.
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