Hu Tao is a really beloved character and everyone wants to have a wallpaper about her, but it’s kind of difficult to find a good one.
Today, we’re going to show you 15 wallpapers that are freaking awesome. You can find all of them on Wallpaper Engine, a Steam application dedicated to wallpapers.
15.Hu Tao in the forest
Here we can see Hu Tao greeting you in Liyue’s forest. She’s smiling directly at you and she’s moving her hand.
She really moves her hand in this background! It’s very cool.
14.Hu Tao with her ghost
In this wallpaper we can see Hu Tao with her Elemental Burst’s ghost in the middle of the night and laying in a red meadow.
She’s smiling at you just like her ghost! Hu Tao’s colour is red so it looks amazing.
13.Dark Hu Tao
This background vibrates and changes colours when you’re hearing something, but it looks really dark anyways! We can see her smiling and walking towards you with a really cool background.
12.Hu Tao smiling
Hu tao is smiling and blushing while she looks at you. This wallpaper is very simple but it doesn’t mean it can’t be beautiful.
The sparkles in this background move around. Isn’t that cool?
11.Pink Hu Tao
This wallpaper is very simple too, but it doesn’t mean it can’t be cool. We can see Hu Tao looking at you with a pink background.
The colours are really beautiful and the light is amazing.
10.Bunny Hu Tao
Here we can see Hu Tao trying to scare you while she’s wearing a bunny outfit. It looks like this wallpaper was made for Halloween.
The art style is really cool and the colours are very beautiful.
9.Hu Tao around ghosts
Here we can see Hu Tao around some ghost in a place that looks like a graveyard. She’s in the middle of the night so we can see the moon in the background.
The colours are really beautiful, but the light is amazing.
8.Hu Tao scaring you
In this wallpaper we can see Hu Tao trying to scare you while she’s smiling and blushing. There are some butterflies around her too so it’s not really a scary wallpaper.
The colours are very beautiful and the art style is very cool.
7.Black and white Hu Tao
This is one of my favourites. We can see Hu Tao in a kind of graveyard with some ghosts around her and a red meadow. The colours are very dark, but I think it matches Hu Tao’s personality and her job perfectly.
Even if the colours are dark, I think the wallpaper is very beautiful.
6.Hu Tao with golden balls
In this wallpaper we can see Hu Tao’s splash art pose with some golden balls around her. This pose is also her Elemental Burst move, so it looks like she’s using it.
The wallpaper moves, so it’s very cool.
5.Hu Tao smiling at you
This wallpaper is very simple too, but I think it’s beautiful anyways. Hu Tao is in the middle of the night smiling at you while some butterflies are flying around her. When she runs, butterflies appear behind her, so butterflies are very important to her.
4.Sad Hu Tao
Hu Tao’s job is not easy so her wallpapers couldn’t always be happy. Here we can see Hu Tao under the rain with people carrying some candles behind her.
This wallpaper looks really sad, but I think the colours and the environment are really beautiful.
3.Hu Tao with butterflies
In this wallpaper we can see Hu Tao with a red thread with some butterflies around her. She doesn’t use a thread in any of her abilities, but it looks really cool in this wallpaper.
This wallpaper moves, so it’s really cool.
2.Blue Hu Tao
This wallpaper changes its colours all the time. Here we can see it looks blue, but there are multiple neon colours.
It moves all the time and shows time and date in the background. Isn’t it cool?
1.Polearm Hu Tao
This one is very simple, but it doesn’t mean it can’t be cool. We can see Hu Tao with her polearm and some ghosts in the background.
The colours are very beautiful and the ghosts are very funny.