10. Hilt of Ridill
Hilt of Ridill:
- Unleash a wave of Shock to electrify enemies
- The hilt of Ridill allows Kratos to create a wave that shocks enemies in an area. It’s a straight-forward relic that inflicts a shock ailment on enemies for a short while. Unfortunately, the effect doesn’t last very long, so there’s limited use for it.
- It’s an interesting relic but has questionable effectiveness. There aren’t a lot of weapon grip or build options that can enhance or build on the shock ailment, so it’s difficult to combo with this.
What Hilt of Ridill Excels in:
- Applying Shock effect to enemies
- Dealing a bit of extra damage
- Quick combo with Hex arrows to slap on status effect charge
How to get Hilt of Ridill:
You can craft it from Brok or Sindri
9. Hilt of Hofud

Hilt of Hofud:
- Distorts space and time by creating a Realm Shift.
- The Hilt of Hofud allows Kratos to create a realm shift at will. It’s a pretty interesting relic, albeit of questionable use. There is a way to make it effective by stacking realm shift perks and building around cooldown and additional damage during realm shifts, but it’s a very limited build that only truly shines in New Game+, where you have access to armour abilities as a separate perk.
- It’s an interesting relic but has questionable effectiveness during the first playthrough, which makes it a weaker choice when compared with other available options. The realm shift doesn’t last very long either (which is expected because slowing down time is pretty powerful!).
What Hilt of Hofud Excels in:
- Slowing down time so you can use the opportunity to destroy some enemies.
- Synergy with a specific build which boosts damage dealt during realm shift
- Increased effectiveness in New Game+ playthroughs when you gain access to more flexible customization options
How to get Hilt of Hofud:
You get it after beating Heimdall in the main story quest
8. Motsognir’s Call
Motsognir’s Call:
- Creates a shockwave that deals high Stun to surrounding enemies
- The Motsognir’s call is Sindri’s tuning fork, which he uses during Rangarok. Although it’s one of the relics that is only accessible at the end of the game, it’s a unique relic and definitely worth a mention!
- The Motsognir’s Call allows Kratos to trigger a shockwave that causes stun in an area around Kratos, giving you a moment to move out of harm’s way when facing off multiple enemies. While there are other relics that do damage and can also stun enemies in an area, the Motsognir’s Call is unique in that it holds sentimental value linked to the story, making it worth a mention.
What Motsognir’s Call Excels in:
- Dealing high amounts of Stun damage
- Stunning nearby enemies
- Has a unique effect as a tuning fork (nice chime and ring with shockwaves)
How to get Motsognir’s Call:
After beating the game, in the post-game you can find this in Niflheim in the new area that opens up. It’s on the ground as a pick-up.
7. Hilt of Dainsleif
Hilt of Dainsleif:
- Slam the ground to create an explosion of Seior Poison, leaving behind a hazard
- Hilt of Dainsleif spawns a poisonous pool on the enemy, which is useful for applying the status effect. There aren’t a lot of options when it comes to applying poison—you have a choice of armor, a relic, and a support spell from Freya—but if you fully embrace the poison build, you can deal a significant amount of damage, so it’s definitely worth exploring.
- Poison is a strong status ailment as it deals damage over time and lowers the power level of the target. If utilized properly with the Draupnir spear, you can make a really strong build!
What Hilt of Dainsleif Excels in:
- Applying Poison
- Damage over time in a small area
- Synergy with Poison build
How to get Hilt of Dainsleif:
Craftable from Brok or Sindri after you collect a Lost page in the lower grounds of the Elven Sanctum in Alfheim
6. Hilt of Angravadall
Hilt of Angrvadall
- Slash forward three waves of light that deal increased damage against enemies afflicted with Sonic
- The Hilt of Angrvadall is a damage-dealing relic that does bonus damage to enemies afflicted with Sonic. This is a pretty useful relic for dishing out a bit of extra damage, as it has a relatively short cooldown.
- Sonic is a useful element that can be applied consistently by the supporting characters (Atreus or Freya). Enemies afflicted with the sonic status ailment take increased stun damage, and there are other handles on the weapons that can deal additional damage to enemies afflicted with sonic; when used together, it can become a relatively effective build for burst damage.
What Hilt of Angrvadall Excels in:
- Dealing damage on enemies afflicted with sonic
- Hitting multiple enemies in a line
- Synergy with a Sonic application focused build
How to get Hilt of Angrvadall:
Craftable from Brok or Sindri after completing the Secrets of the Sands Favor
5. Hilt of Forsbrandr
Hilt of Forsbrandr:
- Pushes enemies back with force and grant an aura of protection
- The Hilt of Forsbrandr is for those who enjoy rushing enemies without having to worry about small hits. The Forsbrandr gets you out of touch situations by knocking nearby enemies away, then buffs you with an aura of protection buff that lets you ignore enemy interruptions.
- This is one of the better relics in the game, as it has a crowd-control effect as well as a buff. As an added perk, this hilt actually summons a sword, so it looks intimidating!
What Hilt of Forsbrandr Excels in:
- Pushing enemies away
- Buffing Kratos with the unstoppable buff – this is best combo’d with aggressive perks and effects which reward relentless assault
- Summons a sword so it feels like the sword of Olympus from the older games – at least for the second that it’s active!
How to get Hilt of Forsbrandr:
After finding and destroying all 48 of Odin’s ravens, this Hilt is unlocked so it’s one of the last few ones that you can unlock.
4.Hilt of Gram
Hilt of Gram:
- Grants a burst of Rage and applies Stun to nearby enemies
- The Hilt of Gram is like a portable Ragestone, a quick-activable relic that restores some of your Rage gauge while stunning nearby enemies. It’s useful when you need a little burst of rage to help fill out the bars.
- Rage is a really useful mechanic that can get you out of sticky situations. From healing health to executions or the good ol’ Spartan rage attack combo chain, Ragnarok introduces flexibility that works with any situation. This is the perfect relic to complement any Rage-centric build!
What Hilt of Gram Excels in:
- Filling out the Rage gauge in sticky situations
- Perfect synergy with Rage builds and relic cooldown procs which lets you have a way of consistently generating your rage
- Fast stun – useful for a quick boss attack cancellation
How to get Hilt of Gram:
You can pick-up this from a legendary chest after solving the Elevator puzzle in the Temple of Light in the Strond in Alfheim
3. Hilt of Tyrfing
Hilt of Tyrfing:
- Charge the sword to sacrifice health and deal damage based on the amount of Health lost
- The Hilt of Tyrfing is actually a really great relic because it scales based on how much health you have and actually does a lot of damage. However, the risk is that you have to burn your health to be able to use it, which in some cases can become quite risky.
- Luckily, there are quite a lot of builds that you can use to regenerate health, so a health regeneration build combo’d with this self-destructive relic actually turns out to be a relatively consistent way of dealing damage!
What Hilt of Tyrfing Excels in:
- Dealing significant amounts of damage
- Synergy with healing sets
- Unique way to play god of war – risk vs reward
How to get Hilt of Tyrfing:
You can pick-up this from a legendary chest after solving the Elevator puzzle in the Temple of Light in the Strond in Alfheim
2. Huldra Project #9
Huldra Project #9:
- Turn Mimir’s discomfort into a Bifrost blast against nearby enemies
- The Huldra Project #9 is a gag weapon that weaponizes Mimir’s eyes with bifrost, which you can then use to inflict bifrost on your enemies. Bifrost is an interesting mechanic in Ragnarok, and there are multiple ways to use it.
- With the numerous options for inflicting Bifrost, you can actually make a Bifrost build that works relatively well in New Game + thanks to the additional armour perks. This is definitely a fun relic that happens to also work quite well; the only downside is that the Mimir beam isn’t as instantaneous as you’d like it to be.
What Huldra Project #9 Excels in:
- Inflicting Bifrost damage
- Synergy with a Bifrost build
- It’s a unique for fun weapon
How to get Huldra Project #9:
You can craft it at the forge after finishing “The Realms at War”
1. Hilt of Skofnung
Hilt of Skofnung:
- The sword unleashes its power from the souls with…
- The Hilt of Skofnung is an amazing relic that has a long cooldown but is still totally worth using. The hilt summons numerous swords, which then track to the enemy and keep the enemy stunned for a long period of time while also dishing out a lot of damage.
- This is definitely the best relic, in my opinion, because it does a lot of damage and keeps bosses stunned for a few seconds, allowing you to dish out numerous combos in the meantime. When combined with relic refreshing and a high cooldown stat, the long cooldown actually doesn’t feel that long. This is especially true in New Game+, when the Berserker waist guard relic refresh perk becomes a separate perk and frees up the slot for other armour pieces.
What Hilt of Skofnung Excels in:
- Inflicting huge amounts of damage
- Keeping enemies or bosses stunned for a relatively long time due to how long the swords last
- It’s a great relic which is really hard to get but totally worth investing the time in beating one of the hardest bosses in the game
How to get Hilt of Skofnung:
You can get it after defeating one of the hardest bosses in the game – the Berserker King