The God of War series has always been known for its brutal combat. God of War Ragnarok’s new combat system shares many similarities to the 2018 reboot while introducing many new attacks, skills, and relics. As such, the freedom to create a wider range of devastating combos and different playstyles is greater than ever before. Whether it's easy, heavy-hitting combos or a difficult string of moves, players have been annihilating anything in their path with these powerful combos, and you can too!
10. Get Down From There
Combo at 0:07 to 0:17
Let’s start off this list with some early game combos that anyone can do and still pack a heavy punch. You’ll quickly be greeted by reptilian creatures when traveling through Swarftlheim and their agility makes them a bit of a pain to fight. You’ll always find a few of them hiding on top of a pole or a cavewall while spitting hot poison down onto you. Fortunately, Atreus’s sonic arrows can quickly drop them from their vantage point and leave them open for a nice finishing combo.
How to perform this combo:
- Atreus Sonic Arrows
- Hyperion Pull
- Light Blade Strike x2
- Flame Whiplash x3 into Scorched Sweep
- Evasive Embers
9. Thanks Atreus!
Since you’re playing as Kratos most of the time you’d naturally spend most of your experience points and money upgrading Kratos. But don’t neglect Atreus because "boy" can be very useful when crucial skills are unlocked. The Battlefield Awareness skill is a great skill that allows Atreus to launch enemies into the air for more follow-up attacks from Kratos to keep the combo going.
How to perform this combo:
- Back Evade into Frost Breach
- Light Axe Throw
- Atreus launches enemy into air
- Hyperion Pull
- Blazing Surge
- Heavy Blade Strike
8. Stay Frosty
How to perform this combo:
- Parry
- Frost Breach
- Evading Storm
- Light Axe Throw
- Running Shield Charge
- R3 Finisher
7. Let the Styling Begin
So far, the combos have been relatively easy, and most players can pull them off without a problem. But there’s nothing better than mowing down enemies with stylish combos that require solid knowledge of the combat system and consistent practice. Parrying an enemy’s attack into a barrage of Kratos’ fury is always a great way to start off a combo.
How to perform this combo:
- Parry
- Heavy Axe Strikes x2
- Whirling Storm
- Switch to Blades
- Flame Whiplash x3 into Scorched Sweep
- Light Blade Attack x2
- Heavy Blade Attack x2
- Light Bare-handed Attacks x3
- R3 Finisher
6. Clear the Way
Scared to aggressively take on a group of Draugrs? Don’t worry about it! As shown in this combo above, a lot of skills have a wider attack range and knockback effect than you may think. So, you could focus on one enemy and end up taking out a whole group without trying.
How to perform this combo:
- Hyperion Grapple
- Light Blade Attack
- Evading Embers
- Flame Whiplash into Scorched Sweep
- Hyperion Pull
- Flames of Anguish Light Runic Attack
- Switch to Axe
- Frost Ascending
- Light Axe Attack
- Glacial Rake
- Serpent’s Snare
5. No Backstabbing
One of the biggest challenges of God of War Ragnarok is staying aware of the multiple enemies around you and watching out for backstabbing attacks. You can easily get so immersed in fighting one enemy that you forget about the others until a big sword slashes Kratos across the back. Evasive skills like Spinning Chaos and Evasive Embers are great ways to deal damage while on the move and avoid backstabs.
How to perform this combo:
- Flame Whiplash into Fully Charged Scorched Earth
- Spinning Chaos
- Evasive Embers
- Flame Whiplash into Scorched Sweep
- Hyperion Pull
- Switch to Axe
- Frozen Breach
- Light Axe Attack
- Glacial Rake
- Sprint into Leviathan’s Fury
- Heavy Axe Throw
- Bare-Handed Heavy Kick Attack
- Recall Axe
- Skadi’s Edge Light Runic Attack
- R3 Finisher
4. Too Easy, Too Strong
More often than not, a few powerful moves can be more powerful than a long combo string. In this case, the Dark Elf miniboss of the Muspelheim trials wasn’t ready for this devastating one-two combo. The Berserkers trapped in the Hilt of Skofnung wasted no time impaling the Dark Elf with their powerful slashes. The HIlt of Skofnung is one of the most powerful relics in the game. Combined with this powerful Draupnir Spear runic attack, any enemy won’t be walking away after that.
How to perform this combo:
- Activate Hilt of Skofnung Relic
- Artillery of the Ancients Heavy Runic Attack
- Multiple Spear Throws + Draupnir’s Call
3. Wombo Combo
As mentioned earlier, staying aware of multiple enemies is one of the biggest challenges of this game. But when you catch an enemy all alone, then it’s the perfect opportunity for a wombo combo. Without any other intrusions, you have the pleasure of juggling an enemy across an entire room without any problems.
How to perform this combo:
- Parry
- Hyperion Pull
- Blazing Surge
- Blazing Explosion
- Hyperion Pull x2
- Switch to Bare-Handed
- Sprint Shield Charge
- Bare-Handed Light Attack x3
- Switch to Axe
- Light Axe Attack
- Whirling Storm
- Glacial Rake
- Serpent’s Snare
2. Poor Gulltoppr
The first stage of the Heimdall boss fight is more of fighting against his pet raptor named Gulltoppr than Heimdall himself. The big beast does look quite intimidating, but this opening combo against the monster proves otherwise. In a few moments, half of Gulltoppr’s health is gone with a relentless string of attacks. I guess Heimdall didn’t see that coming.
How to perform this combo:
- Frost Awaken into Frost Breach
- Glacial Rake
- Evading Storm
- Light Axe Throw
- Axe Recall into Frost Awaken lll
- Shield Bash to cancel Gulltoppr’s Attack
- Frost Breach
- Glacial Rake
- Reflect Bifrost projectile
- Switch to Blades
- Flames of Anguish Light Runic Attack
- Hyperion Grapple
- Flame Whiplash into Scorched Sweep
- Dodge
- Hyperion Grapple
1. Don’t Hail the King
Once you’ve beaten all of the Berserkers, it’s time to face King Hrolt, the Berserker King. He’s one of the toughest bosses in the game. He possesses a lot of health and almost all of the attacks are from the other Berserkers, but he is more aggressive. Unleashing all of your runic attacks in an opening combo is always a great way to aggressively start a bossfight. And if this mighty combo string was performed on any other enemy than King Hrolt, then they’d be deleted in a few moments.
How to perform this combo:
- Frost Awaken into Frost Breach
- Glacial Rake
- Winter’s Bite Light Runic Attack
- Mists of Helheim
- Returning Whirlwind
- Whirlwind Storm
- Parry King Hrolt’s Strikes x3
- Charged Dauntless Shield Bash
- Switch to Draupnir Spear
- Hulda Charge Light Runic Attack
- Activate Hilt of Hofud Relic
- Vindsvali’s Windstorm Heavy Runic Attack
- Switch to Blades
- Shield Bash into Flame Whiplash ll x2
- Switch to Axe
- Activate Glacial Permafrost
- Whirlwind Storm
- Glacial Rake
- Whirlwind Storm