Hitman 3 is a stealth and assassination game first and foremost, with targets and linear ways to get to them and take them out. But the reason Hitman has become such an iconic franchise is because it’s very easy to ignore that linear path of target elimination and put the game into your own hands. You can truly be creative with each level, and that is where Hitman 3 thrives – in creativity and liberty.
One of the aspects that allows for such an enjoyable sandbox experience is the myriad of tools and weapons the player can unlock to aid them in their murderous missions. There are unlocks of all types ranging from shotguns to feather dusters to be used when trying to take out the target or simply do a cool trick. But with so many unlocks out there, it’s good to narrow down which ones are truly worth using. And although this is all a matter of opinion, I hope you agree that these are some of the best unlocks in the game.
10. ICA Micro Remote Explosive
Though this explosive is small, don't underestimate its punch
The ICA Micro Remote Explosive is an explosive device similar to others in the game. The reason this one made it onto this list and not any other explosive is because the Micro is, like the name suggests, smaller than others, meaning it is undetectable when placed into the world.
Most explosives draw the attention of NPCs when put into place, and sometimes that’s what the player wants, but most times it’s better to have it stay there. Also, you can still throw it and knock someone out. There won’t be any issues of NPCs seeing this Micro explosive, and with no smaller size of explosion, this unlock gets its spot on this list.
- Undetectable
- Regular explosion
- Throwable
- Explosive Device
- Non-Lethal Throw
Unlocked by completing the Track 2, Tier 8 Escalation challenge.
9. Lockpick Mk III
The Lockpick has always been iconic because, as a hitman, there will always be a door that needs unlocking
The Lockpick is a useful tool that has been found in almost every single Hitman game. It’s become an iconic item with many variants and all are easy to find. The Lockpick in any form is great because it allows the player to quietly open locked doors and get past areas without being noticed.
The Lockpick is a must-have when talking about unlocks, because it’s undeniably useful, but it’s only useful for unlocking doors. Other items, like the crowbar for example, can unlock doors while also being useful for other tasks. However, the use that the lockpick has is extremely useful.And unlike the crowbar, it unlocks doors silently.
- Can unlock locked doors
- Unlocks doors silently
- Useful and iconic
- Tool
Unlocked by completing Mastery level 2 in Dartmoor.
8. Krugermeier 2-2 Dark
I have always loved the Krugermeier series, and though it's unconventional, it has endless utility
The Krugermeier 2-2 has always been an interesting weapon branch to me, but I never doubted its usefulness and fun. However, out of all the Krugermeier’s, the Dark sits at the top of them in my opinion. It shares the same traits as its sibling guns, being pistols that are basically silent with the suppressor and subsonic perks, but I prefer the black look of the Dark. Not to mention that this one is easier to unlock.
The Dark is below average when it comes to normal pistol standards, having a lower damage output and only being effective at short ranges, but that’s not where the Krugermeier family shines. They shine in being the most silenced pistols in the game. As long as you are standing more than 3 meters away from an NPC, they won’t hear you. That makes the Krugermeier amazing at taking out security cameras or distracting guards while remaining undetected. Though not a conventional pistol, it’s undoubtedly a useful unlock.
- Practically silent
- Great for eliminating obstacles
- Not a conventional pistol
- Suppressor
- Subsonic
Unlocked by completing either The Codices, The Ellipses, or The Deceits in the Elusive Target Arcade.
7. Lethal Poison Vial
Lethal Poison is a perfect tool for any hitman to bring along with him
The Lethal Poison Vial is another great tool for a hitman with a variety of uses. Lethal poison is something commonly found in any Hitman level, but it can be especially useful to have a vial of lethal poison already on hand.
Lethal Poison can be used in a variety of situations, including poisoning food and drinks, the air in AC vents, patient stem cells, and so on. Just by walking around the map you’ll find a few ways to successfully poison your target. Most will be seen as illegal actions, but with the right disguise, you can poison a target totally undetected, thus making the Lethal Poison Vial a great tool for silent assassinations.
- Can poison food and drinks
- A long list of uses
- Great for silent assassinations
- Consumed Poison
- Lethal Poison
Unlocked by completing Mastery level 10 in Berlin.
6. ICA Briefcase Mk III
Though the Briefcase in itself isn't that special, its specific use makes it amazing
The ICA Briefcase Mk III is another interesting item on this list. Any of the other briefcases will enact the same purpose, and that is to hide any item – mainly illegal ones – allowing you to carry them anywhere you would like. The briefcase is mainly used to hide sniper rifles, or at least that’s what I use them for, and allow for you to bring them along in your starting loadout instead of hiding it elsewhere on the map.
The briefcase is a great item but almost useless unless you have another item to go inside it. You can toss it and knock out an NPC with it, but it’s not worth the hassle unless there’s something inside of it. But the purpose it does serve is amazing. Being able to take in a sniper and climb to your favorite vantage point undetected is crucial for silent assassinations.
- Can hide illegal weapons
- Allows the player to start with a sniper rifle
- Can be used in melee
- Container
- Non-Lethal Melee
- Non-Lethal Throw
Unlocked by completing Mastery level 7 in Dubai.
5. ICA19 Goldballer
I always viewed the Goldballer as a trophy, which is why I think it's so great
The ICA19 Goldballer is a gold variant of the ICA19 “Ballers.” Though this one is the same as the others, it’s satisfying to use because of its gold skin and how you unlock it by completing the game.
The “Ballers” are some of the best pistols in the game, meaning the Goldballer rises among that rank as well. It has a low rate of fire but high damage with the suppressor perk, making it very useful. Using the gold-plated Goldballer makes you feel not just like a hitman but royalty, because not only does it look expensive and elegant, it’s a nice trophy to carry around for completing Hitman 3. It’s just a very solid unlock.
- Among the best pistols in the game
- Sleek and elegant design
- Serves as a trophy for completing the game
- Suppressor
- Steady Aim
Unlocked by completing the main mission in the Carpathian Mountains.
4. ICA Titanium Crowbar
The Titanium Crowbar is a supreme version of a common item with endless utility
The ICA Titanium Crowbar is one of the first tools I grinded to unlock, because I instantly found its utility. It works the same as any crowbar, but you won’t have to go looking around the map for it, as you can select it for your starting loadout. Like the lockpick, the crowbar has massive utility in opening up locked doors, but the crowbar goes far beyond that.
With the crowbar, you can not only open up doors but crates and winches, leading to some interesting assassinations (Paris, anyone?). It can also be used as a non-lethal melee item and as a distraction when thrown. I find it to be one of the most useful items in the game. The only downside is that the crowbar breaks open any door while with a loud punch, alerting any NPCs close by. But that’s not much of a problem when you can just knock them over the head with the same item.
- Can open locked doors
- More utility than a lockpick
- Can be used as a melee item
- Non-Lethal Melee
- Non-Lethal Throw
Unlocked by completing Mastery level 18 in Whittleton Creek.
3. Kalmer 2 Tranquilizer
It's hard to find a Hitman speedrun or challenge that doesn't make use of the Kalmer 2
The Kalmer 2 Tranquilizer is a tranquilizing pistol capable of putting NPCs to sleep when shot. Though it can be a little tricky to use, there’s no denying how good this weapon is.
The Kalmer 2 is great for getting rid of distractions. If a guard is in your way, you can just put him to sleep and walk past. And none of those actions will affect your silent assassin rating. This makes the Kalmer 2 perfect for strategical play and during silent assassin challenges. Also, in some maps that have pools or puddles, if an NPC passes out and falls into water, they “drown” and become eliminated instantly. So, there’s a lot you can do with the Kalmer 2 Tranquilizer.
- Can put an NPC to sleep
- Doesn’t affect your silent assassin rating
- Makes getting past guards easy
Perks: None
Unlocked by completing Mastery level 5 in Mendoza.
2. Molotov Cocktail
Though not as broken as it used to be, the Molotov Cocktail is still one of the best explosives in the game
One of the best unlocks in Hitman 3 is the Molotov Cocktail because, well, it’s a little broken. Keep in mind that none of these unlocks are necessarily better than the others, just some hold a little more use than the others. And let me tell you, there’s a lot of uses for the Molotov Cocktail.
Though it used to be a lot more OP, the Molotov Cocktail still holds a few neat tricks. Firstly, it’s an explosive device that sets anyone in its blast-radius on fire, meaning it works differently than regular explosives. The trick, though, is that the Molotov Cocktail can set NPCs ablaze through walls, as long as they are standing close enough to the blast. It used to be that those assassinations were labeled “accident kills,” but even without that, the weapon is still pretty powerful.
- Explosive that sets NPCs on fire
- Can hit targets through walls
- A little over-powered
- Explosive Device
Unlocked by completing Mastery level 20 in Ambrose Island.
1. Sieger 300 Ghost
The Sieger 300 Ghost is arguably the best sniper in the game, so of course it's on this list
No surprise that this one was coming, but how can we talk about the best unlocks in Hitman 3 without mentioning the Sieger 300 Ghost? Arguably the best sniper rifle in the game, the Sieger 300 Ghost is also arguably one of the best unlocks. You can’t go wrong using it.
The Ghost is an amazing weapon, with a great scope, great pierce, and being almost completely silent with the suppressor and subsonic perks. It’s the perfect weapon to bring along when trying to complete sniper assassin challenges, or even in regular play. Also, it’s fairly easy to unlock, so I don’t see why you wouldn’t want to use the Sieger 300 Ghost.
- All around great stats
- Easy to unlock
- Best sniper in the game
- Suppressor
- Subsonic
- Marksman
- Extended Scope
Unlocked by completing the Cheyevo Calibration in Marrakesh.
Hitman III is an incredibly fun sandbox experience, and none of that would be true if there weren’t so many fun tools and weapons to use. And the cool thing is that there isn’t exactly one item that’s better than the rest, so there’s plenty of room for creativity. That means there’s a lot to be left for personal opinion, but I hope you agree that these 10 unlocks are some of the best in the game.