The Druid, the Ranger's first elite specialization, was designed to provide tons of healing and support, and will be a mainstay in the brand-new Raids introduced in the Heart of Thorns expansion pack. Although they are known for their support abilities, the builds listed here show that they are more than just one-trick ponies. These are some of the most powerful Druid builds in Guild Wars 2 that will provide you and your allies with a lot of options.
5. Support Druid - World versus World Zerg
The Support Druid does exactly what it says on the tin: provide support. In the realm of WvW, where you and your allies have to defend your Borderlands against invading players from other servers, providing tons of healing and support is one of the best ways to keep your forces alive. The Support Druid can easily provide its services to the group and keep them healthy as you charge into battle.
Why Support Druid is great
- The Support Druid build demonstrates that the first elite healing/support specialization is no pushover and can be a great help to commanders leading their zergs.
- Their access to the powerful Celestial Avatar form ensures that they are always able to heal themselves and their allies.
- Their staff not only serves as their primary means of healing, but it also converts ranged missile attacks into more healing via its weapon 5 skill, Sublime Conversion.
Choose this build if...
- You want to be one of the best combat medics in the game, especially in the WvW game mode.
- You can make use of your skills to provide tons of healing coverage.
- You don’t mind getting into the line of fire to protect your teammates.
Full build details
Traits and Major Perks
- Skirmishing - Trapper’s Expertise, Spotter, Quick Draw
- Nature Magic - Instinctive Reaction, Spirited Arrival, Invigorating Bond
- Druid - Druidic Clarity, Celestial Shadow, Grace of the Land
- Armor and trinkets with Minstrel stats (toughness + vitality + healing power + concentration)
- Superior Runes of the Monk (increases healing, boon duration, and additional outgoing healing after granting a boon)
- Main-hand Minstrel stat two-handed staff with Sigils of Transference (increases outgoing healing) and Energy (after swapping from staff, gain some Endurance).
- Swap to two-handed staff with Superior Sigils of Life (after killing a foe, gain a charge that increases your healing by 10 up to a cap of 25 stacks) and Energy.
- 18 pieces of Healing WvW Infusion (increases healing)
- Food - Delicious Rice Ball (increases healing output and, during the annual Lunar New Year event, Magic Find)
- Utility - Bountiful Maintenance Oil (increases outgoing healing based on your healing power and concentration)
Utility Skills
- Heal Slot - Healing Spring - A core Ranger Trap skill that places a trap beneath you that, when triggered, heals and cleanses conditions on you and your allies.
- Skill 1 - “Protect Me!” - A core Ranger shout skill that breaks you and your allies out of stun while granting Protection buffs and Barrier.
- Skil 2 - Glyph of Alignment - A Druid Glyph skill that damages foes but heals and removes conditions on allies while in Celestial Avatar form.
- Skill 3 - Glyph of Unity - A Druid Glyph skill that changes depending on your form but has the same core effect. Tether yourself to either your enemy or ally. If you take damage, your tethered enemy takes damage as well. If you are healed, your tethered ally also gets healed.
- Elite Skill - Glyph of the Stars - A Druid elite Glyph skill that heals, cleanses conditions and grants Stability buffs on allies normally. While in Celestial Avatar form, it prevents health from being drained while downed, revives downed allies, and then grants healing and boons.
Ranger Pets
- Siege Turtle - grants a reflective barrier and Protection buffs
- Brown Bear - cleanses conditions on you and allies
For more details, check this link: Metabattle.com
4. Spirit Druid - Instanced PvE
The Spirit Druid build prioritizes boons while sacrificing a bit of healing. It lacks healing, but it compensates by having more crowd control and the benefits of running the Spotter major perk. It can also provide buffs by covering a large area with Spirits, so positioning is important.
Why Spirit Druid is great
- It is a fun alternative to being a pure healer and forces the Druid to be more mindful of where they place their Spirits.
- Despite being a slightly weaker healer than the other builds, it can still provide tons of it thanks to its Celestial Avatar form.
- Depending on the encounters, you can swap either of your weapons for the longbow in case you need to help out in dealing additional CC.
Choose this build if...
- You want to be a more proactive healer who doesn’t just heal and provides more buffs.
- You don’t mind having to reposition constantly and setting up.
- You aren’t worried about healing if there is another healer helping you out.
Full build details
Traits and Major Perks
- Skirmishing - Primal Reflexes, Spotter, Quick Draw
- Nature Magic - Allies’ Aid, Spirited Arrival, Nature’s Vengeance
- Druid - Primal Echoes, Celestial Shadow, Lingering Light
- Armor and trinkets with Harrier stats (power + healing power + concentration)
- Superior Runes of the Monk (increases healing, boon duration, and additional outgoing healing after granting a boon)
- Main-hand Harrier stat two-handed staff with Sigils of Transference (increases outgoing healing) and Concentration (increases boon duration).
- Swap to main-hand axe and off-hand warhorn with Superior Sigils of Concentration and Transference.
- In case the team needs additional CC, switch either weapon set with a Longbow with similar stats and sigils.
- 18 pieces of Healing +9 Agony Infusions (increases healing and increases agony resistance for Fractals of the Mists)
- Food - Delicious Rice Ball (increases healing output and, during the annual Lunar New Year event, Magic Find)
- Utility - Bountiful Maintenance Oil (increases outgoing healing based on your healing power and concentration)
Utility Skills
- Heal Slot - Water Spirit - A core Ranger Spirit skill that summons a spirit that generates Regeneration boons for you and allies while also healing you within a radius of it.
- Skill 1 - Frost Spirit - A core Ranger Spirit skill that summons a spirit that generates Might boons for you and your allies within a radius of it.
- Skill 2 - Stone Spirit - A core Ranger Spirit skill that summons a spirit that generates Protection boons for you and your allies within a radius of it.
- Skill 3 - Sun Spirit - A core Ranger Spirit skill summons a spirit that grants Vigor boons for you and your allies within a radius of it.
- Elite Skill - Spirit of Nature - A core Ranger Spirit elite skill that summons a spirit that heals and can revive allies from a downed state within a radius of it.
Ranger Pets
- Fanged Iboga - pulls enemies towards your pet as a form of CC
- Electric Wyvern - deals damage to enemies
For more details, check this link: GuildJen.com
3. Skirmishing Support Druid - Structured PvP
Who said Druids couldn't fight? The Skirmishing Support Druid may be a medic, but if you get in the way of their teammate's healing, it will fight you. With their trusty short bow, they unleash a hailstorm of arrows and deal massive condition damage to unsuspecting opponents in the arena. Don't mess with this combat medic, as they can hold their own in combat and will not be taken lightly.
Why Skirmishing Support Druid is great
- It has the benefits of being a support unit but can handle itself during combat.
- It has proven its worth since its inception in the early days of Druids in PvP looking to find a combat-oriented variant.
- It can be a viable build in open-world PvE, although it excels more in PvP.
Choose this build if...
- You want to play as a healer but are not afraid of getting into fights.
- You can easily shift between healer and fighter and know when to prioritize one thing from another.
- You are less Dr. Pamela Isley and more Poison Ivy and tend to use your healing skills for yourself to conquer foes. Works better if you cosplay as her in-game.
Full build details
Traits and Major Perks
- Wilderness Survival - Child of Earth, Ambidexterity, Wilderness Knowledge
- Skirmishing - Trapper’s Expertise, Hidden Barbs, Light on your Feet
- Druid - Primal Echoes, Celestial Shadow, Ancient Seeds
- PvP Amulet with Sage stats (power + condition damage + vitality + healing power)
- Superior Runes of the Krait (increases condition damage, outgoing Bleeding duration, and inflicts Bleeding, Torment, and Poison debuffs on surrounding enemies whenever you use your elite skill)
- Main-hand two-handed short bow with Superior Sigils of Savagery (increases Stun debuff duration and damage dealt to stunned foes) and Agony (increases inflicted Bleeding debuff duration).
- Swap to a two-handed staff with Superior Sigils of Transference (increases outgoing healing) and Energy (after swapping from staff, gain some Endurance).
- Not applicable in PvP.
Utility Skills
- Heal Slot - Healing Spring - A core Ranger Trap skill that places a trap beneath you that, when triggered, heals and cleanses conditions on you and your allies.
- Skill 1 - Lightning Reflexes - A core Ranger Survival skill that makes you roll backward to break out of stun, gain Vigor buff, and inflict minor damage on enemies.
- Skill 2 - “Protect Me!” - A core Ranger shout skill that breaks you and your allies out of stun while granting Protection buffs and Barrier.
- Skill 3 - Flame Trap - A core Ranger Trap skill that sets a trap beneath you. When triggered, it pulses Burn debuff and functions as a Fire Combo Field.
- Elite Skill - Entangle - A core Ranger elite Survival skill that immobilizes foes with vines, inflicts Bleeding debuff and is unblockable.
Ranger Pets
- Smokescale - casts a ring of smoke to blind enemies and acts as a Smoke Combo Field
- Jacaranda - casts ranged attacks that immobilize foes
For more details, check this link: GuildJen.com
2. Stealth Trapper Druid - World versus World Roamer
The Stealth Trapper Druid, like the previous build, takes a more offensive approach and gets its hands dirty in WvW. It goes all-in with its ability to devastate enemies with debilitating condition damage and finish them off from the shadows with its smoke combo field and stealth sword leap. They are the results of a Druid switching from healing allies to healing enemies with acupuncture via arrows.
Why Stealth Trapper Druid is great
- In a one-on-one setting, Stealth Trapper Druid is a surprising foe. You don’t usually expect Druids to be capable of going toe-to-toe and get surprised when a lone Druid leaves you lying on the ground.
- They aren’t tied to following the zerg around and have the freedom to roam, causing havoc to your enemies’ flank.
- They make for great ambush attackers and can quickly decimate unaware foes.
Choose this build if...
- You want a powerful condition damage-dealing powerhouse while posing as a support unit.
- You are confident in your ability to end fights quickly.
- You know when to pick your fights and can easily get away or move back to the zerg if things get complicated.
Full build details
Traits and Major Perks
- Skirmishing - Trapper’s Expertise, Hidden Barbs, Quick Draw
- Wilderness Survival - Child of Earth, Refined Toxins, Wilderness Knowledge
- Druid - Druidic Clarity, Celestial Shadow, Ancient Seeds
- Armor with Trailblazer stats (toughness + condition damage + vitality + expertise)
- Trinkets and backpiece with Apothecary stats (toughness + healing power + condition damage)
- Superior Runes of the Trapper (increases condition damage, outgoing condition duration, and grants a few seconds of Stealth and Superspeed buffs when setting traps)
- Main-hand Trailblazer stat sword and off-hand torch with Superior Sigils of Cleansing (after swapping from short bow, cleanse 3 conditions from yourself) and Energy (after swapping from staff, gain some Endurance).
- Swap to two-handed short bow with Superior Sigils of Geomancy (after swapping from sword and torch, inflict Bleeding debuff on surrounding enemies) and Doom (after swapping from sword and torch, your next hit will inflict Poison debuff stacks).
- 18 pieces of Malign WvW Infusion (increases condition damage)
- Food - Mango Pie (grants health every second while increasing vitality and experience gained while killing foes)
- Utility - Magnanimous Tuning Crystal (increases condition damage based on your current vitality and toughness stats, and experience gained from killing foes)
Utility Skills
- Heal Slot - Healing Spring - A core Ranger Trap skill that places a trap beneath you that, when triggered, heals and cleanses conditions on you and your allies.
- Skill 1 - Optional - depending on your situation, use either Lightning Reflexes, “Protect Me!” or Viper’s Nest.
- Skill 2 - Flame Trap - A core Ranger Trap skill that sets a trap beneath you. When triggered, it pulses Burn debuff and functions as a Fire Combo Field.
- Skill 3 - Spike Trap - A core Ranger Trap skill that sets a trap beneath you. When triggered, it launches foes while inflicting Bleed debuffs and is unblockable.
- Elite Skill - Entangle - A core Ranger elite Survival skill that immobilizes foes with vines, inflicts Bleeding debuff, and is unblockable.
Ranger Pets
- Smokescale - casts a ring of smoke to blind enemies and acts as a Smoke Combo Field
- Fanged Iboga - pulls enemies towards your pet as a form of CC
For more details, check out these links: Metabattle.com
1. Plaguedoctor Druid - Open World PvE
The Druid has proven itself capable in every game mode, and it won’t be able to do that unless it can prove its mettle where it was born: open-world PvE. By using a short bow and staff to damage enemies while healing allies, the Plagedoctor Druid combines the best of both offensive and support builds. It is the Druid at its finest, explaining why the Druid is still viable today.
Why Plaguedoctor Druid is great...
- It combines both aspects of the support-centric builds with the offensive capabilities of the Trapper variants into a balanced and flexible build.
- The Plaguedoctor Druid excels in dealing tons of condition damage that can melt most foes in the open world and can heal its allies when needed.
- Depending on the situation, they can switch from providing more cleanses or more crowd control by simply switching the final major perk of their elite specialization.
Choose this build if
- You are knowledgeable about the capabilities of your Druid and can reliably dish out damage and support.
- You want to spice things up and pull double duty for certain difficult world bosses.
- You want an easier time dealing with enemies in open-world content and haven’t unlocked the other elite specializations yet.
Full build details
Traits and Major Perks
- Salvation - Eluding Nullification, Resilient Spirit, Invigorating Dismissal
- Retribution - Spiritual Reckoning, Eye for an Eye, Versed in Stone
- Invocation - Glaring Resolve, Rapid Flow, Song of the Mists
- Armor and trinkets with Plagedoctor stats (vitality + condition damage + healing power + concentration)
- Superior Runes of the Tempest (increases all stats, outgoing condition duration, and heals allies around you after breaking out of stun)
- Main-hand Plaguedoctor stat two-handed short bow with Superior Sigils of Celerity (after successfully landing a crowd control skill on an enemy, gain Quickness buffs) and Doom (after swapping from sword and torch, your next hit will inflict Poison debuff stacks).
- Swap to a two-handed staff with Superior Sigils of Cleansing (after swapping from short bow, cleanse 3 conditions from yourself) and Energy (after swapping from staff, gain some Endurance).
- Food - Bowl of Black Pepper Cactus Salad (gain health periodically while increasing your toughness stat and experience gained from killing foes)
- Utility - Master Tuning Crystal (increases your condition damage based on your precision and expertise, and experience when killing foes)
Utility Skills
- Heal Slot - Healing Spring - A core Ranger Trap skill that places a trap beneath you that, when triggered, heals and cleanses conditions on you and your allies.
- Skill 1 - “Protect Me!” - A core Ranger shout skill that breaks you and your allies out of stun while granting Protection buffs and Barrier.
- Skill 2 - Flame Trap - A core Ranger Trap skill that sets a trap beneath you. When triggered, it pulses Burn debuff and functions as a Fire Combo Field.
- Skill 3 - Viper’s Nest - A core Ranger Trap skill that sets a trap beneath you. When triggered, it pulses Poison debuff while inflicting damage and is unblockable.
- Elite Skill - Entangle - A core Ranger elite Survival skill that immobilizes foes with vines, inflicts Bleeding debuff and is unblockable.
Ranger Pets
- Fanged Iboga - pulls enemies towards your pet as a form of CC
- Jacaranda - casts ranged attacks that immobilize foes
For more details, check this link: GuildJen.com
Closing Thoughts
Druids are surprisingly versatile elite specializations that demonstrate the old adage that you should never judge a book by its cover. Even though it was designed as a support-heavy elite specialization, it has builds that emphasize its ability to inflict debilitating status effects on enemies. After all, not all healers are defenseless. Please let us know if you know of any other fun builds that increase Druid's power so that we can do a follow-up in the future.