The elite specializations are kind of like the upgraded versions of the standard core professions in Guild Wars 2 and gives them access to new weapons, skills, and perks to give them flexibility for their builds. Since the Guardian is more known to be a heavy armored support-centric profession, when it was time for the first expansion to arrive, they needed a decent long-range DPS specialization. Enter the Dragonhunter, the answer to the rising threat of the elder dragons!
What is the Dragonhunter?
The Dragonhunter is the very first elite specialization of the core Guardian and was introduced all the way back in the very first expansion, Heart of Thorns. They are basically the combination of the Ranger and the Guardian that specializes in using the longbow and special traps that do tons of damage once activated by the enemy. They have evolved the usage of their Virtues and manifested them into more powerful versions of the skills, making them even deadlier in combat.
5. Power Dragonhunter - WvW Version
The Dragonhunter may still be just as slow as its core Guardian counterpart, but it doesn’t mean that this mighty profession can’t hold its own in combat. With its trusty traps, longbow, and defensive capabilities, the Power Dragonhunter build can hold the backline of the team if it comes right down to it. As usual, avoid every and all enemy professions that can block, or worse, reflect missile damage or you may wind up knocking yourself out instead.
Why the Power Dragonhunter is great
- In the realm of World versus World, Guardians usually take a more support-centric role and functions as a buffer or healer for their team and offers tons of blocks and reflects whenever it is needed. The Dragonhunter can still do the same with the added bonus of being able to dish out long-range damage.
- The build specializes in attack from long-range and punishing unwary opponents that get within range with its lethal traps, winning with sheer burst damage.
- The Virtue skills can also be used to aid their teammates in battle, particularly their F2 and F3 skills to further provide healing and blocks.
Choose this build if:
- You aren’t too keen on fighting upfront just yet and need a decent-damaging build that can stay with the zerg.
- You are confident in your skill rotation to down any and every opponent that foolishly gets within range.
- You prepare your traps to perfectly ambush your opponents every single time.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Zeal - Zealous Scepter, Zealous Blade, Symbolic Avenger
- Radiance - Inner Fire, Retribution, Righteous Instincts
- Dragonhunter - Soaring Devastation, Zealot’s Aggression, Heavy Light
- Armor - Berserker stats (power, precision, ferocity)
- Infusion - Mighty Agony Infusion (increases power and agony resistance for Fractals of the Mists)
- Runes - Rune of the Scholar (increases power and ferocity)
- Relics - Relic of Fireworks (increases outgoing strike damage if you used a weapon skill with a recharge time of 20 seconds or greater)
- Trinkets - Marauder trinkets (power, precision, ferocity, vitality)
- Weapon set 1 - Berserker stat two handed longbow with Sigils of Impact (increases outgoing strike damage and strike damage against stunned and knocked down foes) and Energy (upon switching to this weapon set while in combat, gain some of your Endurance)
- Weapon set 2 - Berserker stat main hand scepter and off hand focus with Sigils of Bloodlust (every time you defeat an enemy, gain a charge up to a maximum of 25 stacks that increases power) and Energy
- Food - Peppercorn-Crusted Sous-Vide Steak (reduces incoming damage, increases power, ferocity, Karma, all experience gained, Magic and Gold Find)
- Utility - Potent Superior Sharpening Stone (increases power based on your precision and ferocity)
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Shelter - A core Guardian healing skill that heals the user while blocks attacks.
- Skill 1 - Test of Faith - A Dragonhunter Trap skill that damages users and inflicts Crippled debuffs and is considered unblockable.
- Skill 2 - Procession of Blades - A Dragonhunter Trap skill that inflicts continuous damage onto enemies.
- Skill 3 - Sword of Justice - A core Guardian Spirit Weapon skill that summons an ethereal sword to attack enemies.
- Elite Skill - Renewed Focus - The core Guardian elite Meditation skill that makes the user invulnerable temporarily and recharges their F1-F3 Virtue skills.
For more build details, check this link: Hardstuck.gg
4. Turbo Trapper Dragonhunter - PvP
The Turbo Trapper Dragonhunter is one of the more underrated combat-focused builds for the would-be Guardian players. Because it has access to the longbow, it can easily pick off their targets from long range with great ease and avoid getting flanked with their carefully placed traps. In a pinch, this Dragonhunter build can always rely on their sword and shield to take care of business up close and personal.
Why Turbo Trapper Dragonhunter is great
- Much like in WvW, the Dragonhunter excels in bursting down enemies with long-range and delivering punishing blows via its traps.
- Unlike the WvW build, however, the Turbo Trapper Dragonhunter is comfortable in melee-range just as much as it is in long-range.
- It is a fun build that punishes opponents for staying too close and as a result often times wind up knocked out.
Choose this build if:
- You know the enemy team will think you are focused primarily on long-range only to lure them right in and keep them trapped.
- You don’t mind getting your hands dirty and fighting within melee range.
- You can either roam the PvP map freely or tag along with your teammates and harass nodes.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Radiance - Healer’s Resolution, Retribution, Righteous Instincts
- Virtues - Unscathed Contender, Inspiring Virtue, Indomitable Courage
- Dragonhunter - Hunter’s Premonition, Zealot’s Aggression, Big Game Hunter
- Armor - sPvP uses trinkets, not armor
- Infusion - sPvP uses no Infusions
- Runes - Rune of the Lynx (increases power, condition damage, and movement speed)
- Relics - Relic of the Brawler (Whenever you grant Protection or Resolution to yourself, you deal increased strike damage)
- Trinkets - Berserker trinkets (power, precision, ferocity)
- Weapon set 1 - Two handed longbow with Sigils of Separation (if the enemy is more than 500 units away, deal increased damage) and Opportunity (enemies under movement-impaired debuffs take extra damage)
- Weapon set 2 - Main hand sword and off hand shield with Sigils of Energy (upon switching to this weapon set while in combat, gain some of your Endurance) and Cleansing (upon switching to this weapon set, cleanse a debuff)
- Food - can’t use in sPvP
- Utility - can’t use in sPvP
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Purification - A Dragonhunter healing Trap skill that heals the user while damaging and inflicting Blind debuff on enemies.
- Skill 1 - Contemplation of Purity - A core Guardian Meditation skill that converts debuffs on the user into buffs and is considered a stun break.
- Skill 2 - Test of Faith - A Dragonhunter Trap skill that damages users and inflicts Crippled debuffs and is considered unblockable.
- Skill 3 - Procession of Blades - A Dragonhunter Trap skill that inflicts continuous damage onto enemies.
- Elite Skill - Renewed Focus - The core Guardian elite Meditation skill that makes the user invulnerable temporarily and recharges their F1-F3 Virtue skills.
- For more build details, check this link: Metabattle.com
3. Power DPS Dragonhunter - Fractals and Dungeons
Guardian-mains that love the dungeons and the Fractals of the Mists get to have a fun and powerful DPS build that not only melts down foes but can also be trusted to crush break bars with relative ease. The traps alone can demolish said break bars if the team is having difficulty in doing so and can be relied upon to deliver tons of damage in one fell swoop.
Why Power DPS Dragonhunter is great
- In dungeons and Fractals of the Mists, DPS is always a much needed role to quickly defeat enemies and get rewards faster. The Dragonhunter is capable of dealing tons of damage thanks to its Trap skills alone and its many Guardian skills.
- The Power DPS Dragonhunter focuses on dishing out tons of Vulnerability debuffs on its enemies, weakening them to deal even more damage than normal.
- Since the content has enemies that have break bars, they can easily destroy them with its Trap skills, leaving them wide open for your team.
Choose this build if:
- You are tired of being a support and want in on the action yourself.
- You are a Dragonhunter-main who knows their skill rotations to pump out tons of damage immediately.
- You know when to use your powerful blocking and healing skills in case the team makes costly mistakes or lacks a bit of agony resistance.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Zeal - Fiery Wrath, Zealous Blade, Symbolic Avenger
- Virtues - Unscathed Contender, Inspiring Virtue, Indomitable Courage
- Dragonhunter - Hunter’s Premonition, Zealot’s Aggression, Big Game Hunter
- Armor -4 pieces of Berserker stats (power, precision, ferocity) and 2 pieces of Assassin stats (precision, power, ferocity)
- Infusion - Mighty Agony Infusion (increases power and agony resistance for Fractals of the Mists)
- Runes - Rune of the Golemancer (increases ferocity and precision)
- Relics - Relic of the Dragonhunter (Increase strike damage and condition duration on enemies hit by your Trap skills)
- Trinkets - Assassin trinkets
- Weapon set 1 - Berserker stat two handed greatsword with Sigils of Force (increases outgoing damage) and Accuracy (increases critical hit chance)
- Weapon set 2 - Berserker stat two handed longbow with Sigils of Force and Accuracy
- Food - Bowl of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup (increases power, ferocity, and experience gained from kills)
- Utility - Potent Superior Sharpening Stone (increases power based on your precision and ferocity)
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Litany of Wrath - A core Guardian healing Meditation skill that heals the user and provides additional healing based on a percentage of damage dealt onto enemies.
- Skill 1 - Procession of Blades - A Dragonhunter Trap skill that inflicts continuous damage onto enemies.
- Skill 2 - Sword of Justice - A core Guardian Spirit Weapon skill that summons an ethereal sword to attack enemies.
- Skill 3 - Bane Signet - A core Guardian Signet skill that passively increases power and when activated damages and knocks down your enemy.
- Elite Skill - Dragon’s Maw - The Dragonhunter elite Trap skill that pulls enemies into it and prevents them from leaving for a few seconds.
For more build details, check this link: Metabattle.com
2. Power Dragonhunter - Raids and Strike Missions
During the instanced content of Guild Wars 2, surviving the multiple encounters is easier said than done. With enemies being able to down unwary players with ease, skills that can block attacks are a godsend for these unlucky individuals. The Power Dragonhunter can provide said block skills for their allies and much more to make raids and strike missions a whole lot more enjoyable.
Why Power Dragonhunter is great
- The Power Dragonhunter is a DPS build through and through, capable of assisting its team in inflicting huge amounts of damage in just a short amount of time.
- Their skill rotation is very straight forward: use all of the skills while in the duration of Spear of Justice then swap and repeat.
- In case the team needs additional support, the Dragonhunter can easily provide blocks for their allies, potentially protecting them from lethal damage.
Choose this build if:
- You have practiced your skill rotations and timing them just right with your Spear of Justice F1 Virtue skill.
- You are comfortable being a melee or long-range DPS and can switch back and forth depending on the encounter.
- The equipment set is very similar to the one used by the WvW version and only needs to swap the skills and traits around unless you plan to use the hammer and change the elite skill.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Zeal - Fiery Wrath, Zealous Blade, Symbolic Avenger
- Radiance - Healer’s Resolution, Retribution, Righteous Instincts
- Dragonhunter - Soaring Devastation, Zealot’s Aggression, Big Game Hunter
- Armor - Berserker stats (power, precision, ferocity)
- Infusion - Mighty Agony Infusion (increases power and agony resistance for Fractals of the Mists)
- Runes - Rune of the Scholar (increases power and ferocity)
- Relics - Relic of the Dragonhunter (Increase strike damage and condition duration on enemies hit by your Trap skills)
- Trinkets - Berserker trinkets
- Weapon set 1 - Berserker stat two handed longbow with Sigils of Force (increases outgoing damage) and Impact (increases outgoing strike damage and strike damage against stunned and knocked down foes)
- Weapon set 2 - Berserker stat two handed greatsword OR hammer with Sigils of Force and Impact
- Food - Bowl of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup (increases power, ferocity, and experience gained from kills)
- Utility - Superior Sharpening Stone (increases power based on your precision and ferocity)
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Litany of Wrath - A core Guardian healing Meditation skill that heals the user and provides additional healing based on a percentage of damage dealt onto enemies.
- Skill 1 - Sword of Justice - A core Guardian Spirit Weapon skill that summons an ethereal sword to attack enemies.
- Skill 2 - Procession of Blades - A Dragonhunter Trap skill that inflicts continuous damage onto enemies.
- Skill 3 - Bane Signet - A core Guardian Signet skill that passively increases power and when activated damages and knocks down your enemy.
- Elite Skill - Dragon’s Maw - The Dragonhunter elite Trap skill that pulls enemies into it and prevents them from leaving for a few seconds.
For more build details, check this link: GuildJen.com
1. Open World Dragonhunter - PvE
In the big, wide, open world of Guild Wars 2, exploration and doing various events are the name of the game. Those who can finish said events quickly can reap the rewards early barring timed events that have scaled due to multiple players participating. The Open World Dragonhunter swoops in and can easily tag multiple enemies if it wants to do a bit of farming or be more useful during World Boss events and help melt its HP down to zero.
Why Open World Dragonhunter is great
- The Open World Dragonhunter is capable of obliterating any enemy it comes across with its extremely high damage, whether it is in long-range with the longbow or melee with the greatsword.
- Because of the build focusing on using the Dragon stat equipment, there will be more chances for the user to deal tons of critical damage, combined with the usage of Litany of Wrath when paired with the Monk’s Focus perk.
- The Spear of Justice once again provides additional damage boost for the Dragonhunter and makes it a must-use every time it is available to quickly destroy enemies.
Choose this build if:
- You want to roam the open world with a high-damage build that can quickly destroy its enemies.
- You know your weakness to heavy damage but know how to properly mitigate them with ease.
- You are an experienced Guardian-main who knows how to fight properly with the greatsword to offset your squishiness.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Radiance - Healer’s Resolution, Retribution, Righteous Instincts
- Valor - Smiter’s Boon, Redemption, Monk’s Focus
- Dragon Hunter - Soaring Devastation, Big Game Hunter
- Armor - Dragon stats (power, ferocity, precision, vitality)
- Infusion - Mighty Agony Infusion (increases power and agony resistance for Fractals of the Mists)
- Runes - Rune of the Scholar (increases power and ferocity)
- Relics - Relic of the Brawler (Whenever you grant Protection or Resolution to yourself, you deal increased strike damage)
- Trinkets - Dragon trinkets
- Weapon set 1 - Dragon stat two handed longbow with Sigils of Force (increases outgoing damage) and Air (upon landing a critical hit, damage your foe with a lightning strike)
- Weapon set 2 - Dragon stat two handed greatsword with Sigils of Force and Air
- Food - Plate of Orrian Steak Frittes (increases power, vitality, and experience gained from killing foes)
- Utility - Mist-Infused Sharpening Stone (increases power based on both your precision and ferocity, and experience gained from killing foes)
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Litany of Wrath - A core Guardian healing Meditation skill that heals the user and provides additional healing based on a percentage of damage dealt onto enemies.
- Skill 1 - Test of Faith - A Dragonhunter Trap skill that damages users and inflicts Crippled debuffs and is considered unblockable.
- Skill 2 - Procession of Blades - A Dragonhunter Trap skill that inflicts continuous damage onto enemies.
- Skill 3 - “Stand Your Ground!” - A core Guardian Shout skill that grants Stability buffs for you and your allies, and acts as a stun break.
- Elite Skill - Renewed Focus - The core Guardian elite Meditation skill that makes the user invulnerable temporarily and recharges their F1-F3 Virtue skills.
For more build details, check this link: GuildJen.com
Closing Thoughts
The Dragonhunter continues to provide tons of firepower for Guardian-mains looking to rival the Ranger and to do so while smiting its enemies. While it forgoes being a pure support, it still finds a way to better assist its allies. After all, if the enemy is dead on the floor thanks to you, you have supported the team more than enough, correct?