The Warrior's newest elite specialization, the Bladesworn, is one of the best professions to come out of the Guild Wars 2 expansion, End of Dragons. During combat, they lose the ability to switch to another weapon set. Instead, by pressing F1, you can transform your current weapon into the Gunsaber, which functions similarly to an Engineer's toolkit. It also grants access to the powerful Dragon Trigger Stances, from which you can unleash devastating attacks if enough Flow is generated. That being said, here are the most powerful Bladesworn builds available right now.
5. Strengthsworn - Structured PvP (DPS)
The Strength Buildsworn, or Strengthsworn, annihilates the PvP scene with their greatest strength: pure, raw, unrestrained power. Warriors are great DPS units on their own, but when combined with a full-force, unblockable Dragon Slash, Strengthsworns can completely destroy their opponents if they aren't careful. Bladesworns may be forced to sit still while preparing Dragon Slash, but with proper positioning and the use of their Dragon Trigger 4 and 5 skills to block and blink towards or away on time, they can overcome this limitation.
Why Strenghtsworn PvP is great
- The Strengthsworn can easily destroy its foes who underestimate it and don’t react quickly against its Dragon Slash.
- The build can function as a utility thanks to its Shout skills providing some additional healing.
- The Strengthsworn takes some getting used to because its Dragon Trigger stance forces it to be less mobile, but with proper timing, positioning with the 5 skill, and tons of patience, you will strike enemies reliably.
Choose this build if...
- You want a high-risk, high-reward profession in PvP.
- You are a very patient individual and can out-maneuver players into a full-powered Dragon Slash.
- You want to prove that Bladesworns are viable in PvP, not just its elite specialization brethren.
Full build details
Traits and Major Perks
- Strength - Peak Performance, Great Fortitude, Might Makes Right
- Tactics - Leg Specialist, Empower Allies, Vigorous Shouts
- Bladesworn - Swift as the Wind, Fierce as Fire, Unyielding Dragon
- PvP Amulet with Berserker stats (power + precision + ferocity)
- Superior Runes of the Fighter (increases power, toughness, and grants Might buffs whenever you use a healing skill)
- Main-hand axe and off-hand pistol with Superior Sigils of Battle (after swapping from the gunsaber, gain Might buffs) and Escape (after swapping from the gunsaber, remove movement-impairing debuffs from yourself).
- Alternatively, you may use your off-hand shield or warhorn for defensive purposes.
- Not applicable in PvP
Utility Skills
- Heal Slot - Mending - A core Warrior Physical skill that heals you and cleanses conditions..
- Skill 1 - “Shake It Off!” - A core Warrior Shout skill that breaks you and your allies out of stun and cleanses conditions.
- Skil 2 - Dragonspike Mine - A Bladesworn Armament skill that makes the user dodge backward while hurling mines. The skill acts as a stun break and recharges Dragon Trigger.
- Skill 3 - “For Great Justice!” - A core Warrior Shout skill that grants you and your allies Might and Fury buffs.
- Elite Skill - Battle Standard - A core Warrior elite Banner skill that plants a banner on a targeted area. It revives downed allies and finishes off enemies while pulsing buffs.
For more details, check this link: GuildJen.com
4. Strengthsworn WvW Edition (Rifle) - World vs World
It stands to reason that a PvP-focused version of the Strengthsworn would be equally viable in the realm of World versus World. While switching some skills around, the build is similar and has variations depending on which weapon you choose to wield. We'll use the Rifle version for this build so you can fight alongside the zerg with a long-ranged weapon.
Why Strengthsworn WvW is great
- It takes the already superb PvP Strengthsworn build and carves its niche in World vs World.
- The rifle variation lets the Bladesworn fight from long-range then close the gap and strike them with Dragon Slash, potentially ending fights swiftly.
- With its ability to grant tons of Fury and Might to itself and its allies, the Strengthsworn is a vital utility and DPS player for zergs.
Choose this build if...
- You don't mind changing things up and taking a more long-term approach rather than rushing.
- You are a more cautious player who avoids fights unless absolutely necessary. You then quickly dispatch your foes for bothering you.
- Because you can quickly catch up to your team, you can easily switch between roaming and fighting alongside them.
Full build details
Traits and Major Perks
- Strength - Peak Performance, Great Fortitude, Might Makes Right
- Tactics - Leg Specialist, Empower Allies, Vigorous Shouts
- Bladesworn - River’s Flow, Lush Forest, Unyielding Dragon
- Armor with Berserker stats (power + precision + ferocity)
- Superior Runes of Speed (increases vitality, Swiftness buff duration, and movement speed while under the effects of Swiftness)
- Main-hand Assassin stat (precision + power + ferocity) two-handed rifle with Superior Sigils of Accuracy (increases critical hit chance) and Energy (after swapping from scepter/torch, gain some Endurance).
- Trinkets and backpiece with Berserker stats.
- 18 Mighty WvW Infusions (increases power)
- Food - Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew (whenever you dodge, gain Might buffs, increase Endurance regeneration, and experience from killing foes)
- Utility - Superior Sharpening Stone (increases power based on your precision and ferocity, and increases experience gained while killing foes)
Utility Skills
- Heal Slot - Mending - A core Warrior Physical skill that heals you and cleanses conditions.
- Skill 1 - “Shake It Off!” - A core Warrior Shout skill that breaks you and your allies out of stun and cleanses conditions.
- Skil 2 - Bull’s Charge - A core Warrior Physical skill that makes the user charge toward your enemy, knocking them down as a means of crowd control.
- Skill 3 - “For Great Justice!” - A core Warrior Shout skill that grants you and your allies Might and Fury buffs.
- Elite Skill - Tactical Reload - A Bladesworn elite Armament skill that reloads their Bladesworn skills while increasing the charges for your Dragon Trigger.
For more details, check this link: GuildJen.com
3. Power Quickness Bladesworn - Instanced PvE (Offensive Support)
Power Quickness Bladesworn requires players to be experienced in their profession. It can provide near-permanent offensive buffs like Quickness and Fury to itself and the team while dealing massive damage. It, like many other builds, relies on Dragon Trigger attacks such as Dragon Slash to deal massive amounts of damage.
Why Power Quickness Bladesworn is great
- Aside from providing offensive buffs, the build can deal a lot of damage, making it a good choice for DPS in raids and strike missions.
- Banner Warriors have been in desperate need of a powerful upgrade for quite some time, and the Power Quickness Bladesworn is technically their spiritual successor.
- The Power Quickness Bladesworn, unlike other builds, does not have to worry about its utility skill rotation, but it may have to time the Banner of Strength for Break Bars.
Choose this build if...
- You want a more relaxed Bladesworn that can provide utility, not just DPS.
- You want more Quickness buffs for you and your squad, and you can provide it with ease.
- Your team currently lacks Quickness and Fury buffs, the build can fulfill the utility role.
Full build details
Traits and Major Perks
- Strength - Peak Performance, Great Fortitude, Berserker’s Power
- Discipline - Warrior’s Sprint, Double Standards, Axe Mastery
- Bladesworn - Unseen Sword, Fierce as Fire, Unyielding Dragon
- Armor with Berserker stats (power + precision + ferocity) but for the additional boon duration, replace one piece for Diviner’s stat (power + concentration + precision + ferocity)
- Superior Runes of the Thief (increases precision, condition damage, and damage while attacking an enemy’s flank or side)
- Main-hand Berserker axe and off-hand pistol with Superior Sigils of Force (increases outgoing damage) and Accuracy (increases critical hit chance)
- Trinkets and backpiece with Berserker stats.
- 18 Mighty WvW Infusions (increases power)
- Food - Cilantro Lime Sous-Vide Steak (chance to steal health while landing a critical hit, increases power and ferocity stats, increases experience gained including WvW, Karma, Magic Find, and gold)
- Utility - Furious Sharpening Stone (increases power and ferocity based on your precision, experience gained from killing foes)
Utility Skills
- Heal Slot - “To The Limit!” - A core Warrior Shout skill that provides tons of healing and increases Adrenaline/Flow while granting Endurance to allies nearby.
- Skill 1 - Banner of Discipline - A core Warrior Banner skill that summons a banner on the target area. It inflicts damage and conditions on enemies while pulsing Fury buffs for you and your allies. It also functions as a Blast finisher on combo fields.
- Skill 2 - Banner of Strength - A core Warrior Banner skill that summons a banner on the target area. It inflicts damage and dazes enemies, dealing damage to Break Bars. It also pulses Might buffs for you and your allies while functioning as a Blast finisher on combo fields.
- Skill 3 - Banner of Tactics - A core Warrior Banner skill that summons a banner on the target area. It provides Superspeed and various other buffs for you and your allies. It also functions as a Light combo field and a stun break.
- Elite Skill - Tactical Reload - A Bladesworn elite Armament skill that reloads their Bladesworn skills while increasing the charges for your Dragon Trigger.
For more details, check this link: Hardstuck.gg
2. Power DPS Bladesworn Instanced PvE
In raids, the Power DPS Bladesworn is a DPS Beast who makes full use of its Dragon Slash. Although the attack's timing is critical, and any wrong movement can disrupt it, the DPS potential is well worth the risk. Going all out with pure DPS can speed up raids, strike missions, fractals, and dungeons. All it takes is a user who is familiar with the various encounters, the build, and a plethora of skills.
Why Power DPS Bladesworn is great
- The Power DPS Bladesworn is only concerned with two things in raids: DPS and more DPS which it can provide really easily.
- The build makes sure to always keep enough Flow to use Dragon Trigger stances on cooldown. The shorter the need to wait for Flow, the more opportunities to use Dragon Slash.
- The build only needs to focus on pouring in damage while bobbing and weaving against enemy attacks.
Choose this build if...
- Your team needs more DPS roles for raids, strike missions, and other instanced PvE content you and your team want to tackle.
- You are confident in your abilities and can easily time your dodges.
- You want to be a welcomed sight in squads. Even when you only have exotic armor and trinkets, you still perform well.
Full build details
Traits and Major Perks
- Strength - Peak Performance, Great Fortitude, Berserker’s Power
- Tactics - Leg Specialist, Warrior’s Cunning, Martial Cadence
- Bladesworn - Unseen Sword, Fierce as Fire, Unyielding Dragon
- Armor with Berserker stats (power + precision + ferocity)
- Superior Runes of the Eagle (increases precision, ferocity, and increases outgoing damage to enemies below 50% health)
- Main-hand Berserker axe and off-hand pistol with Superior Sigils of Force (increases outgoing damage) and Accuracy (increases critical hit chance)
- Trinkets and backpiece with Berserker stats.
- 18 Mighty +9 Agony Infusions (increases power and agony resistance in Fractals of the Mists)
- Food - Bowl of Curry Butternut Squash Soup (increases precision, ferocity, experience gained from killing foes)
- Utility - Superior Sharpening Stone (increases power based on your precision and ferocity, and increases experience gained while killing foes)
Utility Skills
- Heal Slot - “To The Limit!” - A core Warrior Shout skill that provides tons of healing and increases Adrenaline/Flow while granting Endurance to allies nearby.
- Skill 1 - Overcharged Cartridges - A Bladesworn Armament skill that increases your explosives damage. If you already have stacks of O.C. prior to using the skill, it becomes Detonate Charges instead.
- Detonate Charges - A follow-up skill after when you have O.C. on your character. Deal damage on your foes and launch them, decreasing their Defiance Bar. The radius of the explosion increases based on the number of cartridges used. Turns back into Overcharged Cartridges afterward.
- Skil 2 - Dragonspike Mine - A Bladesworn Armament skill that makes the user dodge backward while hurling mines. The skill acts as a stun break and recharges Dragon Trigger.
- Skill 3 - Flow Stabilizer - A Bladesworn Armament skill that increases Flow gained and grants Fury buffs. If you have Fury buffs before using it, you gain an additional Flow rate.
- Elite Skill - Tactical Reload - A Bladesworn elite Armament skill that reloads their Bladesworn skills while increasing the charges for your Dragon Trigger.
For more details, check out this link: GuildJen.com
1. Power Bladesworn Open World PvE
The Power Bladesworn turns open world PvE into its plaything. It is capable of destroying even the toughest opponents and can deal significant damage to world bosses. The Dragon Slash attack remains its most powerful strike and requires precise timing, especially when dealing with champions', legendary bounty's, and bosses' Break Bars.
Why Power Bladesworn is great
- Because of the core Warrior's innate strength and Bladesworn's Dragon Slash attack, it has the most potential to be one of the best damage-dealing builds in the current meta.
- Almost every aspect of the build increases its chances of dealing increased damage. Increase your damage by depleting your ammunition. Change to a greatsword and activate the Forceful Greatsword major trait for even more damage.
- The Might boons of the Power Bladesworn can be easily shared with its allies, triggering the Mending Might minor trait. This, along with the major trait Empower Allies, heals you whenever enemies are granted might. These two aid in activating the Bladesworn's major trait, River's Flow, which increases your rate of flow and grants you Dragon Slash faster.
Choose this build if...
- You want one of the strongest builds that can participate in the majority of the open world content and deal tons of damage.
- You are a Warrior-main at heart and love the damage you can consistently deal.
- You want an easier time farming with a DPS powerhouse.
Full build details
Traits and Major Perks
- Strength - Peak Performance, Forceful Greatsword, Might Makes Right
- Tactics - Leg Specialist, Empower Allies, Vigorous Shouts
- Bladesworn - River’s Flow, Fierce as Fire, Unyielding Dragon
- Armor with Berserker stats (power + precision + ferocity)
- Superior Runes of the Thief (increases precision, condition damage, and damage while attacking an enemy’s flank or side)
- Main-hand Berserker dual axes with Superior Sigils of Force (increases outgoing damage) and Accuracy (increases critical hit chance)
- While out of combat, switch to a Berserker two-handed greatsword with Superior Sigils of Paralyzation (increases outgoing stun duration) and Strength (whenever you land a critical hit, gain Might buffs).
- Trinkets and backpiece with Berserker stats.
- 18 Mighty WvW Infusions (increases power)
- Food - Peppermint Omnomberry Bar (increases Magic Find, gold, Karma, and experience gained from killing foes)
- Utility - Superior Sharpening Stone (increases power based on your precision and ferocity, and increases experience gained while killing foes)
Utility Skills
- Heal Slot - “To The Limit!” - A core Warrior Shout skill that provides tons of healing and increases Adrenaline/Flow while granting Endurance to allies nearby.
- Skill 1 - “For Great Justice!” - A core Warrior Shout skill that grants you and your allies Might and Fury buffs.
- Skil 2 - Dragonspike Mine - A Bladesworn Armament skill that makes the user dodge backward while hurling mines. The skill acts as a stun break and recharges Dragon Trigger.
- Skill 3 - Flow Stabilizer - A Bladesworn Armament skill that increases Flow gained and grants Fury buffs. If you have Fury buffs before using it, you gain an additional Flow rate.
- Elite Skill - Tactical Reload - A Bladesworn elite Armament skill that reloads their Bladesworn skills while increasing the charges for your Dragon Trigger.
For more details, check out this link: Metabattle.com
Closing Thoughts
The Bladesworn is one of the game's most powerful professions. Even if it goes on the defensive or supports, it can still use pure power. Although it has some drawbacks, such as the inability to move while unleashing powerful attacks, the reward always outweighs the risk, and only truly skilled Bladesworn-mains can bring out its full potential. Please let us know if you have a powerful build that you'd like to see featured here, and we'll do a follow-up in the future.