Backpacks come in all shapes and sizes, and players get to mix and match these with their armor and weapons to their heart's content. What some players tend to forget, however, is that there are certain backpacks that share the same skin as certain gliders. Just because the Path of Fire and Secrets of the Obscure expansions gave us flying mounts in the form of the griffon and skyscale, it doesn't mean that we should disregard our faithful gliders. Besides, with these freaking awesome Glider Backpack combos, you will be in for a wild treat as you start above the heavens just like the first time you did so in Heart of Thorns.
10. White Wings Glider Combo
As one of the very first wing skins for your backpack, the White Wings and its counterparts, the Black and Hawk Wings, served the need of players that wanted to sport glorious wings for their characters. Whether they wanted to play as an avenging angel of Tyria, a dark, broody crow anti-hero, or really just wanted wings, these skins started from the white variant and has since been used by the majority of players.
- The White Wings Glider Combo didn’t use to be a combo deal when it first came out and was merely a backpack skin. This is one of the pre-Heart of Thorns skins that existed prior to gliders and is one of those special skins that got an upgrade.
- The large white wings are meant to depict those of the stereotypical modern angelic wings in media.
- The White Wings glider and backpack skin may not be dyeable, but it is one of the more accessible “wings” in the Gem Store.
See White Wings Glider Combo In Action:
How to get the White Wings Backpack and Glider Combo:
- Purchasable from the Black Lion Gem Store for 700 gems.
9. Mursaat Wings and Backpack Combo
According to the Guild Wars 2 wiki, the Mursaat were a race of incredibly powerful spellcasting humanoid beings that were also once called the Unseen Ones. Their powerful arcane abilities allowed themselves to drift between planes of existences, switching between Tyria and The Mists. The Mursaat Wings and Backpack Combo allows players to don their tendril-esque feathers that sprout from their backs.
- While gliding around wearing the Mursaat Wings skin, you leave behind a dark trail effect and have unique sound effects whenever the player decides to brake in mid-air.
- The Mursaat feathers sway in the wind while the player is idle and moves around whenever the player moves or glides.
See Mursaat Wings and Backpack Combo In Action:
How to get the Mursaat Wings and Backpack Combo :
- Purchasable from the Black Lion Gem Store for 700 gems.
8. Etherbound Package
The Etherbound Package is one of the more fantasy sci-fi designed backpack-glider combo with a cool aesthetic that befits players looking to conquer Guild Wars 2's true endgame of Fashion Wars. It is also one of the combo items that was removed from the Gem Store and instead became purchasable via the Black Lion Statuettes. This makes it one of the more sought after items in the game due to trying to get the amount needed to unlock the skins and getting lucky with Black Lion chests. It may be one of the more difficult skins to get due to the difficulty in attaining the Black Lion Statuettes other than by opening Black Lion Chests and using up keys.
- As a normal backpack, the Etherbound backpack resembles metallic wing blades that are folded with each blade having a circular vent on the top with swirly blue energy from the inside. In the middle where the wings connect houses a swirling energy source.
- When the player activates the glider with the Etherbound Glider skin, the wings unfurl as energy shoots forth from the metal wings.
- The Etherbound glider has unique sound effects that play whenever you attempt to brake in mid-air.
- The Etherbound Glider is dyeable but not the backpack.
See Etherbound Package In Action:
How to get the Etherbound Package:
- Purchasable for 45 Black Lion Statuettes from the Black Lion Chest Merchant in the major cities and Arborstone, the Black Lion Representative at the Thousand Seas Pavillion, and by clicking the Black Lion Statuette.
7. Draconic Wings and Glider Backpack Combo
Forget trying to train your own dragon and become one instead. The Draconic Wings and Glider Backpack Combo is one of the more animated wings that players get access to and has the neat feature of being completely dyeable. This makes these wings one of the more fashionable wings in the game already due to its customizability.
- The Draconic Wings skins have their own animations and are brought to life whenever the player jumps or when it is used as a glider. The wings flap just as you imagined they would as if they are on a humanoid dragon.
- This is one of the rare backpack and glider combos that allows both skins to be dyeable, unlike many others that only allows for the glider to be recolored.
See Draconic Wings and Glider Backpack Combo In Action:
Cat1 (Guild Wars 2)’s YouTube Video
How to get the Draconic Wings and Glider Backpack Combo:
- Purchasable from the Black Lion Gem Store for 700 gems.
6. Forged Backpack and Glider combo
The Path of Fire expansion introduces the players to a new enemy faction known as the Forged. They are the devout disciples and worshipers of the renegade human god, Balthazar, that we encounter in Elona. The Forged are covered in metal that can withstand great amounts of heat and flames and are filled with the souls of the dead. While their tactics and heinous, there is no denying that their aesthetics are awesome to look at, and the Forged Backpack and Glider combo shows us why.
- Similar to the Etherbound Package, the Forged Backpack and Glider combo begins as a Forge-styled backpack. Upon activating the glider in mid-air, the backpack unfurls below the player and becomes a sweet hoverboard!
- The design of the Forged Glider is similar to the deadly hoverboard of The Green Goblin; one of Spiderman's arch nemesis in the Marvel comics.
- The Forged Glider is completely dyeable, but not the backpack, making it a bit awkward how it changes color whenever it switches between being a backpack and a glider.
See Forged Backpack and Glider combo:
How to get the Forged Backpack and Glider combo:
- Purchasable from the Black Lion Gem Store for 700 gems.
5. Sylph Wings and Glider Combo
Ever wanted to cosplay as a magical girl-type character or a mystical fae in Guild Wars 2? The Sylph Wings and Glider Combo comes to your rescue with its pretty design that makes players' hearts flutter. Everyone deserves to look good while rocking these fairy wings, no matter what character you choose to rock it on.
- The Sylph Wings and Glider Combo has a unique graphical effect where the color of the wings shift ever so softly, making it seem even more magical.
- The Sylph Wings slowly move by themselves and are translucent while shifting colors slightly.
- The entire combo looks awesome on Mesmers, players wanting to cosplay as magical girls, Sylvari-players, and just about any class that wields magic.
See Sylph Wings and Glider Combo:
How to get the Sylph Wings and Glider Combo:
- Use a Black Lion Backpack and Glider Voucher - from Secrets of the Obscure Launch Supply Drop: Week Two
4. Dynamics Exo-Suit Glider Backpack Combo
Very few backpack and glider combinations ever get an armor set that matches its aesthetic completely, and the Dynamics Exo-Suit Glider Backpack Combo is one of them. This awesome 2-in-one combination excels in providing a sci-fi aesthetic for players who choose to rock a specific type of look for their player characters. Go show those from the college of Synergetics and Statics that the College of Dynamics mean business!
- As a simple backpack, the Dynamics Projector Module (backpack) resembles that of a plain, ordinary backpack that sort of looks like a stylized shield.
- When the player activated the glider, the Dynamics Glider Module activates and unfurls holographic wings depending on the color of the dye which leaves a digital trail-like effect.
- The Dynamics Glider Module or the glider is the only dyeable part of the combo, and it targets the hologram wings, as well as the trail effects.
See Dynamics Exo-Suit Glider Backpack Combo In Action:
How to get the Dynamics Exo-Suit Glider Backpack Combo:
- Purchasable from the Black Lion Gem Store for 700 gems.
3. Legion Jetpack Backpack Glider Combo
What's cooler than strapping a jetpack skin on your backpack to your character? Simple: strapping a jetpack skin that not only functions as a backpack skin, but also a glider! The Legion Jetpack Backpack Glider Combo is the epitome of coolness and ensure that you drop into the battlefield like 007 in that classic Bond movie, Thunderball. Sorry Commander, the Disco Volante you are looking for is not here for you.
- The Legion Jetpack Backpack activates it's thrusters whenever the player character jumps or uses certain Leap skills.
- Whenever the player activates the glider while using the Legion Jetpack Glider skin, the thrusters continually activate as a unique sound effect plays.
- Funnily enough, only the Legion Jetpack Glider skin is dyeable but you can change the color of the flames being shot out from the thrusters.
See Legion Jetpack Backpack Glider Combo In Action:
How to get the Legion Jetpack Backpack Glider Combo:
- Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock - random chance
- Recovered Black Lion Goods - random chance
2. Crystalline Dragon Wings Backpack Glider Combo
We have another beautiful backpack and glider combo in the shape of draconic wings only this time, the translucent type. The Crystalline Dragon Wings Backpack Glider Combo is one of the more popular wing skins due to its design and aesthetics.. If there was a way to commemorate the benevolent crystal dragon, Glint, this would be it.
- As previously mentioned, the Crystalline Dragon Wings Backpack and Glider Combo honors the crystalline dragons, Glint and the new elder dragon, Aurene.
- This beautiful crystalline dragon wing skin shimmers and sparkles while it is and is unable to be dyed.
- The Crystalline Dragon Wings skin has unique animations that play out and sound effects that resemble the activation of crystals.
See Crystalline Dragon Wings Backpack Glider Combo In Action:
How to get the Crystalline Dragon Wings Backpack Glider Combo:
- Purchasable from the Black Lion Gem Store for 700 gems.
1. Jade Tech Wings Backpack and Glider Combo
At the top of our list sits the Jade Tech Wings Backpack and Glider Combo and for very good reasons. Aside from the fact that these stylish jade and Cantha-themed skins pull off the aesthetic really well, it has been one of the most sought after combo skins by the community, and it is always among the top of other people's lists.
- The Jade Tech Wings Backpack and Glider Combo match the Jade Tech Armor you can acquire from Cantha, making you feel immersed while role-playing as a Canthan native.
- Both the backpack and glider can be dyed, opening up the customization for the skin, unlike other combo skins in the market.
- If you take a closer look at the jade, there is a very subtle particle effect emanating from it, as there also appears to be faint trail effects whenever the player moves.
See Jade Tech Wings Backpack and Glider Combo In Action:
How to get the Jade Tech Wings Backpack and Glider Combo:
Purchasable for 45 Black Lion Statuettes from the Black Lion Chest Merchant in the major cities and Arborstone, the Black Lion Representative at the Thousand Seas Pavillion, and by clicking the Black Lion Statuette.
Closing Thoughts
Getting around on foot or while gliding above the battlefield is no excuse to not be fashionable. With the backpack and glider combos on our list, there is no way for you to not have an excuse to use your gliding skills just because you have unlocked your Griffon or Skyscale. Let these awesome skins be the reason you have a much better experience in handling the fashion-centric endgame.