World versus World is a unique game mode in Guild Wars 2 that takes the aspects of its Structured PvP and puts it into a massive scale. Three servers are picked at random to become allies at the start of the week/month and are in charge of defending their respective maps or borderlands, as well as the fourth one, the Eternal Battlegrounds, from the enemy server teams. Players need to claim multiple nodes, key structures like towers, keeps, camps, etc., while also defeating other players in battle. The key difference is that
Role of the WvW Roamer
In World versus World, the roamer is a highly valued role among the many players of the game mode because they will be completely out in the open potentially scouting ahead of the zergs and gathering intelligence on the movement of the enemy team. This entails that they will be in very dangerous situations majority of the time and need to be great in PvP. Players can choose to go one of three ways: pure power and simply burst the enemy as fast as possible with tons of damaging skills, pure condition damage and melt them with debuffs, or a mix of the two with Celestial and be rather annoying to deal against. Roamers need to hit fast and hard while staying on the move to not get caught by the enemy zerg while being able to pick off stragglers and potentially weaker roamers. Roamers can also go off on their own and take on various objectives by themselves without the aid of a Commander (or may already be one) and usually avoid siege warfare.
10. Druid - Celestial Eclipse Roamer
The Druid is the normally support-oriented elite specialization of the Ranger and was introduced all the way back during the start of the Heart of Thorns elite specialization. These Rangers learned to harness the powers of nature to better protect their allies and are usually the quote unquote “healers” of the team, but don’t let these guys fool you. They can still drop enemy players that underestimate them and their knack for causing heavy condition damage.
Why Celestial Eclipse Roamer is great
- The Celestial Eclipse Roamer Druid is a surprising foe to go up against that takes the normally supportive Druid and its Celestial Avatar and flips it on its head to become a fearsome condition damage-dealing force of nature.
- The build specializes in utilizing the Celestial Avatar to inflict tons of condition which is normally used for purely support abilities, but because of the Eclipse perk, it grants them offensive abilities.
- Enemies that underestimate a purely melee Druid are in for a rude awakening, especially if they forget that pure melee Rangers have been a thing in the PvP scene in the past and are very builds.
Choose this build if:
- You are a Druid-main that is sick and tired of playing the healer and wants to cause massive physical and emotional damage to every enemy they see in World versus World.
- They are medics that think the Hippocratic Oath is just a suggestion.
- They are brave enough to stick with a purely melee build instead of the usual long or shortbow-carrying Ranger style.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Skirmishing - Primal Reflexes, Hidden Barbs, Quick Draw
- Wilderness Survival - Oakheart Salve, Ambidexterity, Poison Master
- Druid - Blood Moon, Celestial Shadow, Eclipse
- Armor - Celestial stats (increases all stats)
- Infusion - Malign WvW Infusion (increases condition damage)
- Runes - Rune of the Trapper (increases condition damage and duration)
- Relics - Relic of the Demon Queen (whenever you disable an opponent, it inflicts Poison debuffs that lowers their overall healing)
- Trinkets - Celestial trinkets
- Weapon set 1 - Celestial stat main hand axe and off hand dagger with Sigils of Geomancy (upon switching into this weapon set, inflict Bleeding debuffs) and Doom (upon switching into this weapon set, your next three attacks will inflict Poison debuffs)
- Weapon set 2 - Celestial stat main hand sword and off hand warhorn with Sigils of Energy (upon switching into this weapon set, you gain back Endurance while in combat) and Cleansing (upon switching into this weapon set, a debuff is cleansed)
- Food - Holographic Super Cake (gains health every second, increases Endurance regen, and Magic Find)
- Utility - Compact Quality Tuning Crystal (increases condition damage based on your vitality and toughness)
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Healing Spring - A core Ranger healing Trap skill that launches a healing trap beneath you that also provides Regeneration buffs and cleanses conditions for you and your allies.
- Skill 1 - Signet of Stone - A core Ranger Signet skill that passively increases Toughness for both you and your pet and when activated temporarily makes the both of you invulnerable (you still take condition damage, however).
- Skill 2 - Optional skill based on what is needed.
- Skill 3 - “Protect Me!” - A core Ranger Command skill that breaks you out of stun while granting both Protection buffs and barriers for you and your allies.
- Elite Skill - Entangle - The core Ranger elite Survival skill that roots your enemies while inflicting unblockable Bleeding and Immobilize debuffs until the vines are destroyed.
For more build details, check this link: Metabattle.com
9. Scrapper - Power Scrapper
Scrappers have seen a rise in use not just in the PvP scene, but also in World vs World due to the buffs they have received and the unwavering amounts of thought put into build crafting. They utilize their trusty hammers and rifles to good use while they continuously blast their foes with grenades and gyros. They truly love the smell of gunpowder in the morning as it signifies that their foes have fallen yet again.
Why Power Scrapper is great
- As proven by their PvP counterpart, the Power Scrapper is a very lethal build that many players need to be absolutely careful in dealing against, otherwise they will be demolished no matter the range they are encountered.
- They can destroy their enemies from long range with their rifles, medium with their grenades, and tank hits in melee with their Bulwark Gyro, hammer, and other skills.
- They only need to switch one or two skills and perks around depending on what they need or are planning to encounter and help their ally zergs in battle.
Choose this build if:
- You are a Scrapper-main that has had experience in the PvP scene and are looking to carry over your skills and build to the WvW scene. More bodies for you to drop this time.
- You are confident in your skills and can destroy your enemies no matter the range difference.
- You know how to use your Grenades and can lead your shots like the best of the players.
- You don’t have to rely on the Sneak Gyro to get past enemies if they fear you.
- You want to have a more active roaming session that gets into fights a lot and can deal with them.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Explosives - Grenadier, Explosive Temper (Optional - Blast Shield), Big Boomer
- Tools - Reactive Lenses, Streamlined Kits (Optional - Lock On), Kinetic Battery
- Scrapper - Gyroscopic Acceleration, Rapid Regeneration, Kinetic Accelerators
- Armor - Berserker stats (power, ferocity, precision)
- Infusion - Mighty WvW Infusion (increases power)
- Runes - Rune of the Scrapper (increases power, toughness, and vitality)
- Relics - Relic of Fireworks (increases outgoing strike damage if you used a weapon skill with a recharge time of 20 seconds or greater)
- Trinkets - Marauder trinkets (power, precision, vitality, ferocity)
- Weapon set 1 - Berserker stat two handed hammer with Sigils of Cleansing (upon switching into this weapon set, a debuff is cleansed) and Energy (upon switching into this weapon set, you gain back Endurance while in combat)
- Weapon set 2 - Berserker stat two handed rifle with Sigils of Cleansing and Energy
- Food - Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew (gain Might buffs while dodging, increases Endurance regeneration and Experience from kills)
- Utility - Mist-Infused Sharpening Stone (increases power based on your precision and ferocity)
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Medic Gyro - A Scrapper healing Gyro skill that drops a Well of healing that also functions as a Water combo field.
- Skill 1 - Bulwark Gyro - A Scrapper Gyro skill that summons the Bulwark Gyro to your side to provide a barrier to you that scales on the number of allies on the field while also sending your allies’ damage onto you.
- Skill 2 - Grenade Kit - A core Engineer Engineering Kit skill that replaces your current weapon skill into the Grenade Kit bundle.
- Skill 3 - Elixir U - A core Engineer Elixir skill that provides Quickness, Stability, and Vigor buffs while also acting as a stun break.
- Elite Skill - Supply Drop - The core Engineer elite Turret skill that summons a crate filled with turrets on an area-of-effect to inflict damage and inflict Stun on a target. The turrets released will be overcharged when they are deployed.
For more build details, check this link: GuildJen.com
8. Deadeye - SA Rifle Roamer
The Deadeye is a menace in World versus World and for good reason. With their rival, the Ranger, off playing in the realm of PvP, they have become one of the leading long-ranged experts in the game mode, picking off their targets from a great distance and firing one well-placed shot on stragglers. With them picking a more stealth-oriented playstyle, these snipers truly become one with their surroundings and pursue their targets from within the shadows.
Why SA Rifle Roamer is great
- The Deadeye has always been known for its long-range prowess thanks to its rifle skills being great high-burst, single target weapons that can potentially one-hit almost any unprepared opponent.
- Top off their already impressive and deadly sniper abilities with the traitline, Shadow Arts, you’ve got one heck of a stealthy roamer that is sure to cause mayhem on the battlefield if they can’t find you immediately.
- If things get too dicey and you somehow get the dreaded Reveal debuff which prevents you from going into Stealth, simply pop your elite skill, Shadow Meld, and force yourself back into Stealth and ignore the debuff.
Choose this build if:
- You are a very experienced Thief and Deadeye-main who knows how to use stealth to their advantage.
- You know the best vantage points that will let you reach your targets while using your rifle and your Deadeye’s Mark skill to pick off enemies.
- You have a contingency plan whenever you get spotted or are caught off-guard and can run away if you have to.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Shadow Arts - Shadow’s Embrace, Leeching Venoms, Shadow’s Rejuvenation
- Trickery - Thrill of the Crime, Bountiful Theft, Sleight of Hand
- Deadeye - Malicious Intent, Silent Scope, Be Quick or Be Killed
- Armor - Marauder stats (power, precision, vitality, ferocity)
- Infusion - Mighty WvW Infusion (increases power)
- Runes - Rune of the Scholar (increases power and ferocity)
- Relics - Relic of Fireworks (increases outgoing strike damage if you used a weapon skill with a recharge time of 20 seconds or greater)
- Trinkets - Marauder trinkets
- Weapon set 1 - Marauder stat two handed rifle with Sigils of Celerity (whenever you inflict a disabling debuff on an enemy, gain Quickness buffs) and Energy (upon switching into this weapon set, you gain back Endurance while in combat)
- Weapon set 2 - Marauder stat main hand dagger and off hand pistol with Sigils of Cleansing (upon switching into this weapon set, a debuff is cleansed) and Bloodlust (increases power for each enemy you killed with this weapon set up to a maximum of 25 stacks)
- Food - Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew (gain Might buffs while dodging, increases Endurance regeneration and Experience from kills)
- Utility - Superior Sharpening Stone (increases power based on your precision and ferocity)
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Withdraw - A core Thief healing Trick skill that heals the user while they dodge backwards and remove movement-impairing debuffs.
- Skill 1 - Mercy - A Deadeye Mercy skill that acts as a stun break while resetting your Deadeye’s Mark.
- Skill 2 - Shadowstep - A core Thief Deception skill that teleports the user to the targeted area and acts as a stun break, and when activated again, returns the user to the starting area to cleanse debuffs.
- Skill 3 - Optional skill depending on the situation.
- Elite Skill - Shadow Meld - The Deadeye elite Cantrip skill that removes the Revealed debuff from you and provides you with Stealth buffs.
For more build details, check this link: Metabattle.com
7. Spellbreaker - Power Spellbreaker
The Spellbreaker demolishes the competition while rampaging across the fields of World vs World and breaks everything that dares stand in its way. This build relies on the user being particularly aggressive and maintaining that tempo whether they are on the offensive or while counterattacking.
Why Power Spellbreaker is great
- Warriors, by their very nature, are a tanky profession due to them being a heavy armor class. This is passed onto their elite specialization, the Spellbreaker and further enhances its defensive prowess with their Full Counter counter attack ability.
- While the normal Warrior has one large Adrenaline bar that gets used up to use Burst skills, Spellbreakers have two; one can be used to activate their Full Counter to shield themselves and unleash a powerful unblockable counterattack.
- The build relies on which weapon they opt to go with alongside their greatsword: the dagger/shield to counter boon spamming, or hammer for more crowd control.
Choose this build if:
- You want to wipe the floor with your enemies as you finally get to use your elie skill, Rampage, to very good use.
- If you chose dagger/shield, you want to continuously punish those pesky boon spammers that are making life hell for you and your allies.
- If you chose hammer, you forgo every thought and go unga-bunga mode, wrecking every other enemy roamer in the vicinity and unleashing your greatsword on their stunned butts.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Defense - Shield Master (Cull the Weak if using hammer), Resilient Roll (Merciless Hammer if using hammer), Cleansing Ire
- Discipline - Warrior’s Sprint, Brawler’s Recovery, Burst Mastery
- Spellbreaker - Guard Counter, Loss Aversion, Magebane Tether (Revenge Counter if using hammer)
- Armor - Berserker stats (power, precision, ferocity)
- Infusion - Mighty WvW Infusion (increases power)
- Runes - Rune of the Brawler (increases power and toughness)
- Relics - Relic of Speed (increases movement speed while you have Swiftness buffs on you)
- Trinkets - Berserker Amulet
- Weapon set 1 - Berserker stat main hand dagger and off hand pistol with OR two handed hammer with Sigils of Sigils of Cleansing (upon switching into this weapon set, a debuff is cleansed) and Celerity (whenever you inflict a disabling debuff on an enemy, gain Quickness buffs)
- Weapon set 2 - Two handed greatsword with Sigils of Sigils of Hydromancy (upon swapping into this weapon set, inflict Chill debuffs) and Energy (upon switching into this weapon set, you gain back Endurance while in combat)
- Food - Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew (gain Might buffs while dodging, increases Endurance regeneration and Experience from kills)
- Utility - Mist-Infused Sharpening Stone (increases power based on your precision and ferocity)
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Mending - A core Warrior healing Physical skill that heals the user and removes five debuffs.
- Skill 1 - “Shake It Off!” - A core Warrior Shout skill that cleanses debuffs and breaks you and your allies out of stun.
- Skill 2 - Bull’s Charge - A core Warrior Physical skill where the user charges at its enemy, knocks them down, and acts as a Leap combo finisher.
- Skill 3 - Balanced Stance - A core Warrior Stance skill that acts as a stun break, grants Stability and Swiftness buffs, and becomes immune to crits.
- Elite Skill - Rampage - The core Warrior elite Physical skill that transforms the user to reduce incoming damage and movement-impairing durations, and replaces weapons with a bundle.
For more build details, check this link: GuildJen.com
6. Herald - Shiro Roamer
The Herald has had its place in the World versus World scene as a hybrid of sorts. One minute it can be a pure DPS, cleaving its way through enemies while in a zerg or as a support, sharing the buffs from the facets with their teammates. The Shiro Roamer Herald, however, decides to forge its own path and leans on its assassin Legendary to bring devastation to its victims. No matter what stands in its way, the Shiro Roamer Herald will deliver only the cleanest of kills.
Why Shiro Roamer is great
- The Shiro Roamer Herald has tons of mobility on its side, from the Herald’s Facet of the Elements acting like a pseudo Signet to provide near permanent Swiftness to Unrelenting Odds giving the players a massive movement-speed increase.
- Using the Legendary Assassin Stance, players can easily catch up to their intended targets using Phase Traversal and quickly dodge out of the way of harmful attacks with Riposting Shadows.
- A great Revenant main can manage their Energy resource, and this build relies on it to heavily mitigate condition damage and to switch back and forth between Legendary Stances to access key abilities to rapidly down opponents.
Choose this build if:
- You are an experienced Revenant-main who wants to play a challenging build that is not so beginner-friendly, but once mastered becomes very fun to use.
- You are fond of challenges and don’t mind using a build that was nerfed but still has some fight left in it.
- You can easily bob and weave out of danger, easily outsmarting your opponents every time.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Devastation - Aggressive Agility, Notoriety, Dance of Death
- Invocation - Cleansing Channel, Rapid Flow, Song of the Mists
- Herald - Rising Momentum, Shining Aspects, Draconic Echo
- Armor - Marauder stats (power, precision, vitality, ferocity)
- Infusion - Mighty WvW Infusion (increases power)
- Runes - Rune of Durability (increases toughness, outgoing boon duration, and vitality)
- Relics - Relic of Speed (increases movement speed while you have Swiftness buffs on you)
- Trinkets - Berserker Amulet (power, ferocity, precision)
- Weapon set 1 - Marauder stat dual swords with Sigils of Air (when you land a critical hit, strike your foe with lightning) and Hydromancy (upon swapping into this weapon set, inflict Chill debuffs)
- Weapon set 2 - Marauder stat two handed staff with Sigils of Sigils of Cleansing (upon switching into this weapon set from a different elemental attunement, a debuff is cleansed) and Energy (upon switching into this weapon set from a different elemental attunement, you gain back Endurance while in combat)
- Food - Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew (gain Might buffs while dodging, increases Endurance regeneration and Experience from kills)
- Utility - Superior Sharpening Stone (increases power based on your precision and ferocity)
Utility Skills
Because Revenants and their elite specializations rely on their Legendary Stances to get unique sets of utility skills, we will only describe the stances used.
- Legendary Assassin Stance (Shiro) - Focuses on single target attacks that can help to close the gap or dodge out of the way from deadly attacks. The Elite is a massive CC, capable of shredding defiance bars and temporarily stunning enemies while you go in for the kill or run away from bad matchups.
- Legendary Dragon Stance (Glint) - The Facet skills act like Signets that need to be activated first in order to use up a portion of your energy to maintain certain buffs. When activated again, it will release the secondary effect of the skills. The elite is a massive knockdown skill when activated twice which is useful for knocking away players trying to stick with groups.
For more build details, check this link: Metabattle.com
5. Harbinger - Celestial Harbinger
When the Harbinger steps into the world of WvW, it becomes high noon and those that are left standing before them get brought down. The Celestial Harbinger makes the already unkillable Necromancer even harder to defeat thanks to the added bulkness and increased firepower the stat combination brings. While the Harbinger naturally lacks in power, it makes up for with craftiness and its awesome sustain skills.
Why Celestial Harbinger is great
- As previously stated, the Harbinger brings its great sustain skills that come from keeping the Blight debuffs while consuming elixirs and staying in the Harbinger Shroud form.
- Thanks to the Celestial stat, the usually squishy Harbinger has extra pounds of toughness, making it nearly as tough as a normal Necromancer, but not as tanky as its elite specialization brethren.
- You may think that having tons of Blight would be a detriment to a Harbinger, but if you are able to withstand the damage and play just right, you don’t have to worry too much about it. After all, it won’t be such a big deal to have lowered HP if your enemy has a hard time defeating you DESPITE having tons of Blight debuffs.
Choose this build if:
- You are sick and tired of those stealthy players ruining your fun and want to take your revenge on them.
- You are a skilled roaming Ranger and can flank your enemies from far away and deliver decisive cover fire.
- You aren’t afraid of potential players carrying reflects as you can do just as much damage up close when needed.
- You love how dominant the Ranger and its elite specializations are at max range and love to flaunt your skills.
- You have complete control over your pet and don’t allow it to overextend and leave you wide open in the event of you somehow getting flanked instead of your enemies.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Death Magic - Shrouded Removal, Deadly Strength, Corruptor’s Fervor
- Curses - Plague Sending, Path of Corruption, Weakening Shroud
- Harbinger - Septic Corruption, Implacable For, Deathly Haste
- Armor - Celestial stats (increases all stats)
- Infusion - Malign WvW Infusion (increases condition damage)
- Runes - Rune of the Necromancer (increases condition damage and vitality)
- Relics - Relic of Speed (increases movement speed while you have Swiftness buffs on you)
- Trinkets - Celestial trinkets
- Weapon set 1 - Celestial stat main hand pistol and offhand warhorn with Sigils of Doom (upon switching to this weapon set, your next attacks will inflict Poison debuffs) and Torment (whenever you land a critical hit, inflict Torment debuffs)
- Weapon set 2 - Either Celestial stat two handed staff OR main hand dagger and off hand torch with Sigils of Cleansing (upon switching into this weapon set from a different elemental attunement, a debuff is cleansed) and Energy (upon switching into this weapon set from a different elemental attunement, you gain back Endurance while in combat)
- Food - Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew (gain Might buffs while dodging, increases Endurance regeneration and Experience from kills)
- Utility - Magnanimous Tuning Crystal (increases condition damage based on your vitality and toughness, and Experience gained from kills)
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Elixir of Promise - A Harbinger healing Elixir skill that heals the user, provides Regeneration buffs, is thrown afterwards to inflict Poison debuffs on foes, but inflicts Blight debuff on the user.
- Skill 1 - Summon Flesh Wurm - A core Necromancer Minion skill that summons a Flesh Wurm on the ground to act as a stationary turret and when activated, can be used to sacrifice the Wurm to teleport to its location.
- Skill 2 - Elixir of Bliss - A Harbinger Elixir skill that grants Resolution buffs and converts conditions on the user into life force, is then thrown at enemies to corrupt their boons, but inflicts Blight debuff on the user.
- Skill 3 - Spectral Walk - A core Necromancer Spectral skill that makes the user take a spectral form, consuming debuffs on the user in exchange of life force, and breaking out of stun. Activate the skill again to return to the original location it was used.
- Elite Skill - Elixir of Ambition - The Harbinger elite Elixir skill that grants the user every possible boon, throws it toward enemies to inflict every possible debuff, but inflicts Blight debuff on the user.
For more build details, check this link: GuildJen.com
4. Mirage - Celestial Daze Spammer Roamer
The Mirage has seen so much usage in the realm of PvP that it decided to make World versus World another place to call its home. Their ability to perform powerful Ambush attacks gives them a lethal edge when dealing against unprepared enemies that are not sure on how to deal against a Mirage. Add to it the benefits of using Celestial gear and it becomes one tanky light armor profession and should not be messed with.
Why the Celestial Daze Spammer Roamer is great
- The CDSR Mirage for short relies on the utility of the Shatter skills to continuously Daze the opponents and the inherent tankiness brought by the Celestial gear to give one of the most annoying Mirage builds to play against.
- Thanks to gaining access to the weaponmaster training from Secrets of the Obscure, players gain the ability to wield the Virtuoso’s dagger as a Mirage and have a suitable offensive short-mid range weapon that is vital to the build.
- Daze is one of the harder debuffs to counter and since the Mirage has tons of access to it, if a player has many stun breaks, they can simply reapply it over and over again whenever it is necessary.
Choose this build if:
- You love leaving your opponents in a complete daze and obliterating them with their defenses down.
- You are a Mesmer-main who has Secrets of the Obscure and have unlocked the weaponmaster training for all of your characters.
- You have experience fighting as a Mesmer or Mirage in PvP and can spam clones and illusions at a moment’s notice.
Full Build Details
Major Perks and Traits
- Domination - Rending Shatter, Shattered Concentration, Power Block
- Dueling - Duelist’s Discipline, Evasive MIrror, Deceptive Evasion
- Mirage - Renewing Oasis, Mirage Mantle, Infinite Horizon
- Armor - Celestial stats (increases all stats)
- Infusion - Malign WvW Infusion (increases condition damage)
- Runes - Rune of the Berserker (increases condition damage and power)
- Relics - Relic of Akeem (enemies that have the Torment or Confusion debuffs that you disable will spread the same buffs onto the surrounding enemies)
- Trinkets - Celestial trinkets
- Weapon set 1 - Celestial main hand dagger and off hand pistol with Sigils of Absorption (whenever you interrupt a foe, steal three of their buffs) and Sigils of Energy (upon switching into this weapon set from a different elemental attunement, you gain back Endurance while in combat)
- Weapon set 2 - Two handed staff with Sigils of Cleansing (upon switching into this weapon set from a different elemental attunement, a debuff is cleansed) and Energy
- Food - Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew (gain Might buffs while dodging, increases Endurance regeneration and Experience from kills)
- Utility - Magnanimous Tuning Crystal (increases condition damage based on your vitality and toughness, and Experience gained from kills)
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - False Oasis - A Mirage healing Deception skill that pulses healing and when finished will create a Mirage Mirror where the skill was used.
- Skill 1 - Illusionary Ambush - A Mirage Deception skill that forces the enemy to break targeting from you and teleports you and your clones at random spots near the enemy.
- Skill 2 - Blink - A core Mesmer Manipulation skill that teleports the player to a location and functions as a stun break.
- Skill 3 - Signet of Midnight - A core Mesmer Signet skill that passively improves your Concentration stat and when activated blinds the enemies around you and grants you Stealth.
- Elite Skill - Jaunt - The Mirage elite Deception skill that teleports the user to a location to inflict Confusion debuffs and acts as a Leap combo finisher.
For more build details, check this link: Metabattle.com
3. Daredevil - Power S/D Roamer
If the Deadeye was the direct solution of the Thief to go up against their rivals, the Rangers, the Daredevil is likewise their answer to any and every profession that hates the Thief and wants to trap it with movement-impairing debuffs. The Daredevil simply zooms past its enemies and makes for a funny classic Looney Tunes sketch with the player as the Road Runner and the hapless enemies trying to pin it down as Wile E. Coyote. The only difference is, this speedy runner will not run away from fights but chase their intended targets mercilessly.
Why the Power S/D Roamer is great
- Daredevils take the already highly elusive Thief and cranks it up to eleven with one of its three unique dodge mechanics, and for this build, it chooses Unhindered Combatant to easily avoid movement-impairing abilities.
- The build allows you to easily outrun your opponents, and at the same time, chase them to the ends of the Borderlands.
- The Power S/D Roamer has just enough firepower to stop any enemy roamer trying to fight you and just as much gas in the tank to run away from fights that they can’t go up against.
Choose this build if:
- You are an experienced Thief player who knows when to engage and disengage from fights.
- Speaking of disengaging, you will use every single movement ability and utility skill to your advantage to get away from even the most hard-headed Daredevil hunter looking to catch you (but they will always fail to reach you unless you get reckless).
- You are an apex predator and love the thrill of the hunt as you chase your hapless victim in WvW.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Deadly Arts - Mug, Even the Odds, Improvisation
- Trickery - Thrill of the Crime, Bountiful Theft, Sleight of Hand
- Daredevil - Marauder’s Resilience, Havoc Specialist, Unhindered Combatant
- Armor - Berserker stats (power, precision, ferocity)
- Infusion - Mighty WvW Infusion (increases power)
- Runes - Rune of the Holosmith (increases power, vitality, and precision)
- Relics - Relic of Fireworks (increases outgoing strike damage if you used a weapon skill with a recharge time of 20 seconds or greater)
- Trinkets - Marauders trinkets (power, precision, vitality, ferocity)
- Weapon set 1 - Marauder stat main hand sword and off hand dagger with Sigils of Air (when you land a critical hit, strike your foe with lightning) and Blood (whenever you deal a critical hit, steal some health)
- Weapon set 2 - Marauder stat two handed shortbow with Sigils of Bloodlust (increases power for each enemy you killed with this weapon set up to a maximum of 25 stacks) and Energy (upon switching into this weapon set from a different elemental attunement, you gain back Endurance while in combat)
- Food - Bowl of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup (increases power, ferocity, and experience from killing foes)
- Utility - Superior Sharpening Stone (increases power based on your precision and ferocity)
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Withdraw - A core Thief healing Trick skill that heals the user while they dodge backwards and remove movement-impairing debuffs.
- Skill 1 - Roll for Initiative - A core Thief Trick skill that makes the user roll to dodge backwards to recover some Initiative, act as a stun break, and remove movement-impairing debuffs.
- Skill 2 - Shadowstep - A core Thief Deception skill that teleports the user to the targeted area and acts as a stun break, and when activated again, returns the user to the starting area to cleanse debuffs.
- Skill 3 - Signet of Infiltration - A core Thief Signet skill that passively improves precision and when activated refills some Endurance while also cleansing debuffs from you and allies.
- Elite Skill - Dagger Storm - The core Thief elite Trick skill that makes the user spin, throwing daggers in all directions, causing stacks of Bleeding and Crippled debuffs and reflects all incoming projectiles.
For more build details, check this link: Metabattle.com
2. Willbender - Celestial Willbender
Willbenders have seen a massive rise in play in the realm of World versus World because of how similar this Guardian elite specialization has become to being almost Thief-like. Guardians are usually slow and can be found with zergs, but as a Willbender, they more than make up for it by gaining tons of sustain damage. With the Celestial gear in play, they also gain tons more bulk to keep up with any and every type of roamer looking to fight them one-on-one.
Why Celestial Willbender is great
- The Celestial Willbender is tanky on its own even without the Celestial gear, but with it, they just become that much harder to defeat, especially with their rich sources of blocks available to them.
- The high bursty nature of Willbenders makes them one of the more feared opponents to go up against, and other roamers tend to size them up first before attempting to go all out or disengage completely.
- The Celestial Willbender’s gear is readily accessible if you still have one of the items that allows you to level a character to 80 and get a bunch of Celestial stat gear from purchasing the expansions.
Choose this build if:
- You want the support-capabilities of a normal Guardian but applied to yourself and start whooping some major butt in WvW.
- You are an experienced WIllbender-main and can tussle with the best of the best roamers in-game.
- You aren’t afraid to get into scraps and can mostly come out unscathed because of your many blocks.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Curses - Chilling Darkness, Path of Corruption, Weakening Shroud
- Spite - Bitter Chill, Chill of Death, Spiteful Spirit
- Reaper - Chilling Nova, Decimate Defenses, Deathly Chill
- Armor - Celestial stat (increases all stats)
- Infusion - Malign WvW Infusion (increases condition damage)
- Runes - Rune of Balthazar (increases condition damage and Burning debuff duration)
- Relics - Relic of the Defender (heal after blocking an attack that gets lower if you block within the next 5 seconds)
- Trinkets - Celestial trinkets
- Weapon set 1 - Celestial stat dual swords with Sigils of Cleansing (upon switching into this weapon set from a different elemental attunement, a debuff is cleansed) and Energy (upon switching into this weapon set from a different elemental attunement, you gain back Endurance while in combat)
- Weapon set 2 - Celestial main hand axe and off hand torch with Sigils of Doom (upon switching into this weapon set, your next three attacks will inflict Poison debuffs) and Cleansing
- Food - Rare Veggie Pizza (increases expertise, condition damage, and experience from killing foes)
- Utility - Magnanimous Tuning Crystal (increases condition damage based on your vitality and toughness, and experience from kills)
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Shelter - A core Guardian heal skill that blocks attacks while providing healing.
- Skill 1 - “Save Yourselves!” - A core Guardian Shout skill that draws debuffs from your allies to you while gaining several boons and acts as a stun break.
- Skill 2 - Whirling Light - A Willbender Physical skill that makes the user do a whirlwind kick to cause Weakness and Burning debuffs while also acting as a Whirl combo finisher.
- Skill 3 - “Stand Your Ground!” - A core Guardian Shout skill that grants you and your allies Stability buffs and acts as a stun break.
- Elite Skill - Renewed Focus - The Guardian elite Meditation skill that makes the user invulnerable for a few seconds while also refreshing your F1-F3 Virtue skills.
For more build details, check this link: GuildJen.com
1. Catalyst - Celestial D/D Roamer
When it comes to anything PvP related, you can definitely find the Elementalist and its elite specializations there. The same can be said about World vs World because of how versatile the profession is. Catalysts have the unique distinction of being one of the most destructive powerhouses for being such a supposedly squishy class, but when paired with the Celestial gear, it can go toe-to-toe with almost any other roamer AND dominate if the enemy is not careful. Catalysts even have been known to do exceptionally well in PvP, so of course they can do the same in this game mode as long as they don’t over-extend their reach.
Why Celestial D/D Roamer is great
- The Celestial D/D Roamer Catalyst is a superb build that excels in hitting hard and fast, although the hammer variant will win more duels.
- In case the situation becomes dire, the build can get to safety thanks to its many mobility skills that the hammer variant does not come equipped with.
- The build succeeds in providing tons of sustain as well as pure damage, as well as slightly more crowd control and ways to mitigate incoming debuffs.
Choose this build if:
- You want a super strong Catalyst build that can take you places in World versus World.
- You are a very experienced Elementalist-main that knows the ins and outs of the profession and can use all of your rotations to their fullest capacity.
- You thought the hammer Catalyst was already played out and you wanted to try a dagger/dagger build out instead.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Fire - Burning Ire, Smothering Auras, Pyromancer’s Puissance
- Arcane - Renewing Stamina, Final Shielding, Evasive Arcana
- Catalyst - Energized Elements, Spectacular Sphere, Staunch Auras
- Armor - Celestial stats (increases all stats)
- Infusion - Mighty WvW Infusion (increases power)
- Runes - Rune of the Pack (increases power, boon duration, and precision)
- Relics - Relic of Isgarren (mark an enemy with an Eye of Isgarren after dodging an attack and those with the condition will receive additional strike and condition damage)
- Trinkets - Celestial trinkets
- Weapon set 1 - Celestial stat dual daggers with Sigils of Geomanc (upon switching into this weapon set, your next attack will inflict Bleeding debuffs) and Doom (upon switching into this weapon set, your next attack will inflict Poison debuffs)
- Weapon set 2 OPTIONAL - Celestial stat off hand dagger with a Sigil of the Stars (whenever you kill a foe, gain a charge that increases your stats up to a maximum of 25 stacks)
- Food - Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew (gain Might buffs while dodging, increases Endurance regeneration and Experience from kills)
- Utility - Superior Sharpening Stone (increases power based on your precision and ferocity)
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Signet of Restoration - A core Elementalist healing Signet skill that passively heals you whenever you cast spells and when activated grants a bigger heal.
- Skill 1 - Signet of Air - A core Elementalist Signet skill that passively increases the movement speed of the user and when activated inflicts damage and Blindness debuffs on surrounding enemies.
- Skill 2 - Lightning Flash - A core Elementalist Cantrip skill that blinks the player to a target area and inflicts damage.
- Skill 3 - Fortified Earth - A Catalyst Augment skill that blocks incoming attacks and grants a barrier if the skill was channeled successfully.
- Elite Skill - Elemental Celerity - A Catalyst elite Augment skill that reduces the weapon skills on your current elemental attunement and grants a random buff based on the Jade Sphere currently deployed.
For more build details, check this link: Metabattle.com
Closing Thoughts
World versus World is one of the more exciting game modes of Guild Wars 2 as there are many players that are playing the game mode at one time from across servers duking it out. Eventually, there will be other builds that will come out in the future that will wreck the builds on the list ,and some may stay and prove to be even stronger than they originally were. If the build you use that has been proving to be extremely strong is not on our list, do share your build with everyone and let us get discussions going on the future of WvW builds.