Ascended foods are new and choosing the right ones isn't so easy
Ascended food is the most recent entry to the Guild Wars 2 culinary experience and there’s a lot of food to choose from. Do you want to go with the gourmet cilantro lime steak or the strawberry cilantro cheesecake? It’s hard to pick what to stuff in your mouth so here’s a rundown of the top ten best ascended foods.
To make ascended foods, players must first achieve a 500 in Chef. To do this, a character must reach at least Chef 425 and then follow the instructions given to you by Sous-Chef Seimur Oxborne (who will send in-game mail) or follow this wiki walkthrough.
All ascended meals are feasts and provide a baseline set of stats including +10% Karma, +5% All Experience Gained, +20% Magic Find, +20% Gold Find, and +10% Gold Gained. The feast stays in the world only five minutes but provides one hour of its Nourishment buffs.
10. Spherified Sesame Oyster Soup
Looking for a good all-around feast? Here it is with a food that will give +45 to All Attributes. It also delivers a low health gain every second.
This food is good for pretty much anyone looking for a snack that will give them that boost they want to everything. It provides a little bit of everything, while not excelling at any one taste. That includes constant health regeneration.
Cook this food with a [Bowl of Herbed Vegetable Stock]; a [Glob of Gelatin]; an [Oyster], gathered in Siren’s Landing; and a [Cultivated Sesame Seed], which you will have to gather from your home node. The herbed vegetable stock can be made with a standard [Bowl of Vegetable Stock], a [Pile of Simple Stew Herbs], a [Sage Leaf], and a [Rosemary Sprig].
You can discover this food using the ingredients above in the Chef discovery tab.
9. Salsa Eggs Benedict
Players looking to boost their support just a little bit can aim for this feast with +100 Concentration and +70 Expertise. Additionally, it will also provide a 66% chance to steal life on Critical Hits.
This food affects both outgoing Condition duration and Boon duration, and as a result, it will be useful for players who spend a lot of time in support such as Necromancers and Mesmers. The additional life steal will also help those support players who end up getting caught in the middle of the fight.
To cook this, you’ll only need two prepared ingredients: [Plate of Eggs Benedict] and [Jar of Salsa Garnish]. The eggs benedict can be made with an [Egg], a [Jar of Hollandaise Sauce], [Flatbread], and a [Piece of Cured Meat] (which is made with a [Cut of Quality Red Meat] that can drop from any creature that would drop a [Slab of Red Meat]). For the ascended jar of salsa, you’ll need a [Tomato] and a [Lime], both can be bought in bulk for Karma from a merchant; an [Onion], cultivated wild; and a [Cultivated Cilantro Leaf] from your home instance.
You can discover this food using the ingredients above in the Chef discovery tab.
8. Mint Strawberry Cheesecake
This tasty-sounding morsel brings with it +100 Concentration and +33% chance to gain Might on Critical Hit. It will also provide +10% outgoing healing.
This food might be a little bit useful to Guardians and other players who place boons on themselves and others (such as Might) while in the thick of the fray. The additional healing can be useful for keeping self and friends alive during that fight.
To make this food, start with [Bowl of Ice Cream Base] x 2, a [Bowl of Baker’s Dry Ingredients], [Strawberry] x 3, and a [Cultivated Mint Leaf] from your home instance. To make the ice cream base you’ll need a [Glass of Buttermilk], an [Egg], a [Bag of Sugar], and a [Vanilla Bean] each. Finally, to make the dry baker’s ingredients, you’ll need a [Bag of Flour], a [Packet of Baking Powder], a [Packet of Salt] and a [Bag of Sugar].
7. Plate of Peppercorn Spiced Poultry Aspic
This morsel of cooking gives the person who eats it +100 Concentration and +70 Toughness. It also comes with a -10% Incoming Damage reduction.
People who play tanks, or tough characters, who depend largely on their own boons will want to use this food to keep their buffs going. Additionally, the damage reduction will help them stay alive even in the harshest fight.
This recipe is fairly simple, cook with a [Slab of Poultry Meat], [Glob of Gelatin] x 3, a [Bowl of Staple Soup Vegetables] and a [Cultivated Peppercorn], which you will have to gather in your home instance. To make the vegetable soup, you’ll need a [Carrot], a [Potato], an [Onion] – all of these can be gathered from open-world nodes -- and a [Celery Stalk], which can be bought for Karma in bulk from a merchant.
You can discover this food using the ingredients above in the Chef discovery tab.
6. Plate of Beef Carpaccio with Salsa Garnish
Chew on this feast if you’re looking for an okay all-around effect with +100 Concentration and +70 Power. The additional cilantro salsa also adds a nice +66% chance to steal life on Critical Hit.
This dish provides a nice mixture of outgoing damage with additional Power and extra boon uptime with the Concentration. As a result, it’s another good all-around medley of tastes for doing events and hearts.
This dish requires only three premade ingredients: a [Cut of Quality Red Meat] (which will drop from any creature that would normally drop a [Slab of Red Meat]), a [Jar of Salsa Garnish] and a [Lime], which can be bought in bulk for Karma from a fruit merchant. The ascended jar of salsa, you’ll need a [Tomato] and a [Lime], both can be bought in bulk for Karma from a merchant; an [Onion], cultivated wild; and a [Cultivated Cilantro Leaf] from your home instance.
You can discover this food using the ingredients above in the Chef discovery tab.
5. Plate of Peppercorn-Spiced Coq Au Vin
This hard-hitting spiced chicken has quite the kick with +100 Power and +70 Precision. The peppercorn mixes it up a little by giving -10% Incoming Damage reduction to help live through the day.
Players looking for a way to boost their outgoing damage without also sacrificing all of their defense might go with this dish. It provides a useful boost to damage with Power and critical hit chance with the Precision. Additionally, the reduction in incoming damage would make anyone a little less squishy.
To cook this feast, gather [Slab of Poultry Meat] x 2, a [Bottle of Vintage Wine], a [Head of Garlic] and a [Cultivated Peppercorn] gathered from your home instance. The poultry meat will drop from most bird-like creatures and the garlic can be gathered from herb patches in the open world. The wine must be bought from Explorer Smatti in Bloodtide Coast, Requisitions Officer Penny in Fields of Ruin or as a race prize.
You can discover this food using the ingredients above in the Chef discovery tab.
4. Clove-Spiced Pear and Cured Meat Flatbread
Get this feast for the Necromancer in your life, be they a Reaper or a Scourge, as it provides +100 Condition Damage and +70 Expertise. It also includes -20% incoming Condition Duration for those pesky times something sets you on fire.
Players who rely heavily on Condition Damage will enjoy this most of all, that includes a lot of Necromancers, Engineers, Hunters, and Revenants. The addition of the reduction in incoming Condition Damage could also help for those classes that put Conditions on themselves.
To begin this feast, start with [Flatbread], the recipe can be bought from Heroics vendors or Itzel Mastery vendors. Next prepare [Pile of Clove Spice Mix], this ascended ingredient requires a [Cultivated Clove] from your home instance and a [Cinnamon Stick]. Finally, you will need [Piece of Cured Meat] x 2 and a [Pear], which you can buy in bulk for Karma from a fruit merchant.
You can discover this food using the ingredients above in the Chef discovery tab.
3. Plate of Peppered Clear Truffle Ravioli
This is the breakfast of champions, or at least tanks, because it provides a huge bonus to tough it out with +100 Vitality and +70 Toughness. It also includes a -10% to all incoming damage.
Tanks and players who need a little toughening up will love to put a fork in this food because it will greatly enhance their durability in a fight. The damage reduction in particular gives it the nice peppery aftertaste.
Cooks must start with a [Bowl of Garlic Butter Sauce] made from [Stick of Butter] x 5, a [Parsley Leaf], a [Bowl of Fancy Tangy Sautee Mix] and [Bottle of Rice Wine] x 2. Including a [Glob of Gelatin] x 2; the mix can be bought from Master Chef merchants; a [Snow Truffle], from someplace cold like Frostgorge Sound; and a [Cultivated Peppercorn], gathered from your home instance.
You can discover this food using the ingredients above in the Chef discovery tab.
2. Bowl of Fruit Salad with Mint Garnish
This feast provides massive assistance to healers with +100 Healing Power and +70 Concentration. It also includes a boost of +10% outgoing healing.
Support and healer players will want to chow down on this because it doesn’t add any damage or toughness, just pure healing and boon duration. The additional outgoing healing is also very nice.
To make this salad start with a [Bowl of Tropical Fruit Salad], which is made of an [Omnomberry], an [Orange], a [Mango] and a [Passion Fruit]. Oranges and mangos come from bags dropped by humanoid enemies, Omnomberries are picked from the wild and passion fruit come from Passiflora in Southsun Cove and Ember Bay. Add a [Cultivated Mint Leaf], gathered from your home instance, and a [Bottle of Simple Syrup] (made simply from a [Jug of Water] and a [Bag of Sugar]).
You can discover this food using the ingredients above in the Chef discovery tab.
1. Cilantro Lime Sous-Vide Steak
This feast provides Berserker stats with +100 Power, +70 Ferocity. It also includes a 66% chance to steal life on a Critical Hit (2-second cooldown) for 325 life stolen per Crit.
This food is good for players because it’s hard to go wrong with Berserker (all that extra outgoing damage) and the life steal means extra healing while in a fight.
Cook this ascended steak with [Filet of Sous-Vide Meat] (made from a [Jug of Water] and [Cut of Quality Red Meat], which will drop from most creatures that normally drop [Slab of Red Meat], such as dolyaks, cows, deer, and so on). It also requires [Cultivated Cilantro Leaf] -- which is gathered from the garden in the player’s home instance – a [Lime] and a [Packet of Salt], which can be bought in bulk for Karma from fruit merchants.
You can discover this food using the ingredients above in the Chef discovery tab.
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