To help defend your servers' Borderlands in the Mists, you need to arm yourself with the best build to gain a competitive edge against would-be invaders from other servers. The builds need to focus on either helping you to scout ahead for your teammates, roam and eliminate threats that may attempt to flank, or to stay with your group and provide damage and support.
Unlike in PvP, you will have to rely on your own weapons, trinkets, and armor despite getting boosted to level 80. If you haven't done so in PvE yet, you may not even have all of your skills unlocked. This means you must first craft or purchase your own set of armor and weapons, as well as complete some content. This makes perfect sense because in order to get good at World vs World, you must first lay the proper foundation by playing the game, which is why you must unlock the game mode by playing until level 60 for free-to-play players and level 30 for those who purchased the game.
The main mechanics of World vs World
World vs World combines elements of both PvE and PvP by having you complete objectives around key locations to capture them, with the important ones providing supplies. Some enemies will be invulnerable for a few minutes after being captured, forcing other teams to capture other objectives first. Siege weaponry, such as the Flame Ram, Catapult, and even the mighty Siege Golem, can be used to deal significant damage to walls and doors. Arrow carts and Ballistas can be used to keep large groups of enemy players from attacking your zerg.
World vs World matches last a week and are divided into skirmishes every 2 hours. After each reset, server teams are randomized and placed in a different borderland to protect. Similar to PvP, there are roles that players can take on to assist their team. The zerg is the team's main force, focusing on dealing maximum damage to the enemy zerg and typically bringing area-of-effect skills. Roamers are similar to their PvP counterparts in that they pick off stragglers and attack flanks. Scouts monitor the status of territories and the movement of enemies across the map, and they are important members of the team who must excel at disengaging and roaming.
10. Willbender - Roamer
To start strong, we have a Guardian elite specialization that has received love from various game modes, making it a great option to use in any of them. Willbenders are a more combat-oriented class that focuses on bursting down their opponents with burning damage and then kiting them with their scepter skills to secure a kill. Because of their sword 2 and utility skills, they can quickly close the gap between their targets.
You must be more mobile and active while playing as a roaming Willbender because, unlike in PvE, enemy opponents will not stick around your area-of-effect attacks. Unlike its other elite specialization brethren, this is where the profession's combat prowess excels.
Why Willbender is Great for WvW:
- Willbenders can use their skills to chase down opponents and cover a lot of ground quickly.
- Whether they fight alone or with the zerg, the Willbender will be able to wreak havoc wherever they go.
- Willbenders are tough enough to hold their own against other roamers.
Choose This Build if...
- You enjoy roaming the map and taking out careless enemy players who wander too far away from their groups.
- You're sick of playing support and want to have a good old-fashioned brawl.
- You aren't afraid to start fights while roaming and can quickly end them with continuous bursts.
- You can cosplay as Ryu or Ken from Street Fighter by making your F1 skill look like an uppercut and your Whirling Kick look like a tornado kick.
Full Build Details:
- Traits and Major Perks:
- Radiance - Inner Fire, Radiant Fire, Righteous Instincts
- Virtues - Unscathed Contender, Absolute Resolve, Permeating Wrath
- Willbender - Conceited Curate, Vanguard Tactics, Tyrant’s Momentum
- Armor set with Celestial stats (minor increase in every stat) with Superior Runes of Durability or Defender (provides more sustain)
- Celestial double swords with Superior Sigils of Energy and Cleansing
- Switch to the main hand scepter and offhand torch with Superior Sigils of Energy and Cleansing
- Trinkets with Celestial stats
- Mighty WvW Infusions
Utility Skills
- Shelter - regain health while blocking attacks
- Judge’s Intervention - blink towards your enemy from a great distance while removing stun from yourself and inflict burn damage on enemies
- Whirling Light - perform whirling kicks while lunging, causing weakness and burn damage
- “Stand Your Ground!” - break stun for you and your allies while providing Stability and Resolution buffs
- Renewed Focus - become invincible for a few seconds and recharge your virtue skills instantly
9. Berserker Mechanist - Zerg Roamer
The Engineer profession has grown in popularity as a result of the introduction of the Mechanist elite specialization and its Battle Mech, a function that many engineer mains wished for in order to have a golemancer-type of profession. The Mechanist differs from the other elite specializations, including the engineer's own, in that the major perks are used to customize the skills of your battle mech rather than your character. The battle mech also acts as a Ranger's pet, attacking enemies within melee range or, with certain perks, from range.
Why Mechanist is Great for WvW:
- Because of its simplicity, the Mechanist berserker build is ideal for those learning how to play World vs World.
- Depending on the situation, you can swap your second utility skill for more evasion, more crowd control, or a weapons kit. The build is very adaptable and can serve as support if necessary.
- Your battle mech can be used as a distraction while you flee or as additional firepower during battles against groups of enemies and champions.
Choose This Build if...
- As an Engineer, you want a simple but effective build that can quickly join zergs, fight other groups, and provide additional firepower.
- You want to take it easy and just follow the group around and take objectives around the borderlands instead of roaming around solo.
- You continue to request that the developers allow you to name your Battle Mech or create new skins for it, but to no avail.
Full Build Details:
Traits and Major Perks:
- Explosives - Short Fuse, Aim-Assisted Rocket, Big Boomer
- Alchemy - Protection Injection, Emergency Elixir, HGH
- Mechanist - Mech Arms: Jade Cannon, Mech Frame: Channeling Conduits, Mech Core: J-Drive
- Armor set with Berserker stats (power + precision + ferocity) with Superior Runes of Sanctuary
- Berserkers two-handed rifle with Superior Sigils of Air and Celerity
- Rings with Berserker stats, Amulet with Marauder stats (power + precision + vitality + ferocity), and the rest with Knight stats (power + toughness + precision)
- Mighty WvW Infusions
Utility Skills
- Rectifier Signet - passively heals you and your mech then activate it to give a greater heal
- Elixir U - breaks stun while Quickness, Stability, and Vigor
- The second utility slot can revolve between Rocket Boots to let you escape fights, Force Signet to boost your damage passively and do a crowd-control attack when activated, or the Tool Kit to provide a melee kit with various effects.
- Shift Signet - passively gives you a movement speed increase and copies your boons to your mech and when activated lets you and your mech shadow step to a location while cleansing conditions
- Overclock Signet - passively reduces the recharge rate of signets and when activated, commands your mech to use its Jade Buster Cannon attack.
8. Vindicator - Zerg Support
Revenants are excellent jack-of-all-trades professions that can fit into any game mode and carve out a nice niche for themselves due to their versatility. They can be a DPS one minute and a support the next. For this list, we will concentrate on their more support-oriented build, which allows them to fully utilize their newest elite specialization, the Vindicator.
Vindicators thrive in a zerg, whether leading the charge and dealing damage or looking after their allies on the battlefield. Their Alliance Legend stance has both an offensive and a defensive side, which you can switch between by pressing F2 and switching from red (offensive) to blue (defensive). Their dodge rolls have also been changed to a high jump that leads into an overhead strike.
Why Vindicator is Great for WvW:
- Vindicators have great support abilities tied to their Alliance Legend Stance, which they can swap by using their F2 skill, "Alliance Tactics," and switching between the offensive Archemorus and the support Saint Viktor.
- Vindicators can easily heal their allies in World vs World by using the profession's major perk, which makes their dodges heal allies when they land.
- The build can quickly grant the Vigor buff, increasing the recharge rate for dodges, and the more you dodge, the more you heal allies and cleanse their conditions.
Choose This Build if...
- You are skilled at using your Alliance Legend and can quickly switch between offense and defense.
- You're not afraid to be in the thick of things, healing allies left and right.
- You intend to purchase a pogo stick in the near future after constantly spamming dodge in an attempt to heal your teammates.
Full Build Details:
Traits and Major Perks:
- Corruption - Replenishing Despair, Demonic Resistance, Fiendish Tenacity
- Salvation - Eluding Nullification, Fortified Blessing, Invigorating Dismissal
- Vindicator - Amnesty of Shing Jea, Song of Arboreum, Saint of zu Heltzer
- Armor set with Minstrel stats (toughness, concentration, vitality, healing power) with Superior Runes of the Monk
- Minstrel two-handed staff with Superior Sigils of Stamina and Energy
- Switch to two-handed staff with Superior Sigils of Life and Energy
- Trinkets with Minstrel stats
- Healing WvW Infusions
Utility Skills
- Legendary Dwarf Stance - utility kit when channeling Jalis
- Legendary Alliance Stance - utility kit when channeling the legendary Alliance or Archemorus and Saint Viktor which you can switch with Alliance Tactics
7. Core Hammer Warrior - Zerg Roamer
You got it right, dear reader. There is no need for elite specialization or any fancy setup. Just y ou as a warrior, a hammer, a greatsword, and knowledge of when to fight or not. Core Warrior has enough armor to fight almost anything in World vs World, but is better suited to zerg roaming.
They can stun-lock their opponents with their hammer before they can counter them. Enemies could use a stun break, but they will eventually run out of them. Their abilities revolve around constantly applying crowd control to enemies and stunning them while the rest of the team punishes the defenseless opponents.
Why Hammer Warrior is Great for WvW:
- Core Warrior is a great zerg mainstay, with tons of damage potential, and can even be used by free-to-play players at level 60, though it is obviously recommended that they raise their level to 80 first to unlock their traits and specializations.
- There may be an axe variant of the build that swaps the hammer for the main hand axe and offhand shield for more protection and burst, but if you want more stuns, the hammer is the way to go.
- Warriors are a simple class to learn, but it takes time to fully master because you must fight up close and personal rather than within kiting range.
Choose This Build if...
- You don't have the expansion packs and want to try World vs World with a decent heavy armor profession with a lot of firepower.
- You know when to fight and when to avoid unnecessary sacrifices.
- You are a confident Warrior-main determined to punish those who underestimate a pure berserker warrior in World vs World.
Full Build Details:
Traits and Major Perks:
- Strength - Peak Performance, Forceful Greatsword, Aggressive Onslaught
- Defense - Cull the Weak, Merciless Hammer, Cleansing Ire
- Discipline - Warrior’s Sprint, Brawler’s Recovery, Burst Mastery
- Armor set with Berserker stats (power, precision, ferocity) with Superior Runes of Durability
- Berserker Hammer with Superior Sigils of Energy and Cleansing
- Switch to a two-handed greatsword with Superior Sigils of Hydromancy and Vision
- Trinkets with Berserker Stats
- Mighty WvW Infusions
Utility Skills
- Mending - heal yourself then remove up to 5 conditions
- “Shake It Off!” - cleanse conditions from you and your allies while breaking out of stun
- Bull’s Charge - charge toward your opponents and knock them down
- Endure Pain - take no damage for a few seconds but become susceptible to conditions and crowd control attacks
- Rampage - transform to reduce damage, conditions, and control effects while gaining Stability and a temporarily different set of weapon skills
6. DPS Soulbeast - Roamer
The Rangers excel at roaming the map and picking off enemies from a distance more than anything else in World vs World and PvP. What makes them more dangerous is their use of the utility skill "Sic em! ", which instructs your pet to reveal stealthy enemies and prevent them from returning to stealth, leaving them vulnerable to a barrage of powerful arrow shots.
Soulbeasts enhance their offensive abilities by merging with their pets and learning to use specific skills depending on the merged pet. When designed specifically for it, they transform into hard-hitting, close-range fighters.
Why Soulbeast is Great for WvW:
- Just like in PvP, they are great in terms of being able to burst down opponents easily from long range and giving stealthy opponents the dreaded Revealed debuff which prevents them from entering into stealth mode for a while.
- Their playstyle is more hit-and-run than actually engaging them fully and can easily get disengage fights.
- There is very little that stealth professions can do to get around the Revealed debuff, and can shut down ambush set-ups from enemy opponents. The only counter to it is if they are going against a Deadeye equipped with Shadow Meld.
Choose This Build if...
- You enjoy fighting from afar and can quickly disengage from fast opponents.
- You are acutely aware of your surroundings and can easily detect warning signs of impending danger. You can also stay with your zerg and protect the flank if necessary.
- You had a lot of fun as a Ranger-main in PvP and want to see if you can replicate that success in World vs World.
Full Build Details:
Traits and Major Perks:
- Skirmishing - Primal Reflexes, Strider’s Defense, Quick Draw
- Beastmastery - Resounding Timbre, Two-Handed Training, Beastly Warden
- Soulbeast - Unstoppable Union, Essence of Speed, Leader of the Pack
- Armor set with Marauder stats (power + precision + vitality + ferocity) with Superior Runes of Tormenting or of the Aristocracy (less sustain but more might)
- Berserker two-handed longbow with Superior Sigils of Celerity and Cleansing
- Switch to a two-handed greatsword with Superior Sigils of Energy and Cleansing
- Trinkets with Berserker stats (power + precision + ferocity)
- Mighty WvW Infusions
Utility Skills
- Bear Stance - heal you and your pet and then while it is active, heal for every condition cleared
- “Sic em!” - removes the stealth effects of your opponents and gives them the Revealed debuff in addition to inflicting increased damage
- Dolyak Stance - remove and prevent movement-impairing conditions and break stuns
- “Protect Me!” - gain Protection buffs and a barrier while breaking you and your allies from stuns
- One Wolf Pack - while the stance is active, your attacks are dealt twice per interval
- Smokescale for a smoke combo field.
- Siamoth for a stun break while merged or switch with Owl for a leap combo finisher
5. Celestial Catalyst - Roamer
Elementalists are a PvE and PvP powerhouse who can be found in every game mode looking for ways to dominate. World vs World is no exception, bringing its Celestial Build from PvP into the game mode with astounding results. You get a less squishy but highly damaging build that can safely roam the borderlands and perform admirably against other roamers. They will put up a good fight and will almost certainly win if their opponents underestimate the power of a skilled Catalyst user.
Their mighty hammer enters the fray by switching elements and gaining more spheres with their hammer 3 skill, which they then unleash on their opponents while dropping combo fields with their Jade Sphere F5 skill. Depending on your current elemental attunement, they will either drop a fire, air, water, or earth combo field for you and your allies to use for buffs or to inflict damage on opponents.
Why Catalyst is Great for WvW:
- You've probably heard about how great the Catalyst is in the current PvP meta, as well as in World vs World, where it continues to hold its own against other powerful roamers.
- Their versatility in switching roles from roamer to zerg fighter and support is extremely beneficial, though they excel far more as a roamer.
- Their unexpected tankiness can frighten inexperienced roamers who believe they are easy targets fighting a losing battle.
Choose This Build if...
- You know your Catalyst inside and out and can properly rotate your skills.
- You have enough gold to outfit your Celestial Catalyst, which is useful because their equipment is expensive.
- You've dominated the PvP setting as your Catalyst-main and want to see how they fare against you in World vs World.
Full Build Details:
Traits and Major Perks:
- Fire - Burning Fire, Smothering Auras, Pyromancer’s Puissance
- Arcane - Renewing Stamina, Final Shielding, Evasive Arcana
- Catalyst - Energized Elements, Spectacular Sphere, Staunch Auras
- Armor set with Celestial (minor increase in every stat) with Superior Runes of Speed, or Divinity (cheaper alternative)
- Celestial two-handed hammer with Superior Sigils of Doom and Geomancy
- Trinkets with Celestial stats
- Mighty WvW Infusions
Utility Skills
- Signet of Restoration - passively heals whenever you cast a spell and when activated grants a bigger heal
- Signet of Air - passively increases your walking speed while inflicting Blind on surrounding enemies when activated
- You can choose between using Conjure Earth Shield and its many skills of granting protection and blocks, or Lightning Flash to act as a teleport away from enemies or chase them.
- Fortified Earth - blocks attacks then gain a barrier if the skill was channeled completely, and have its recharge reduced when performed near an earth combo field from your Jade Sphere F5 skill.
- Elemental Celerity - reduces the recharge rate of your weapon skills and gains a boon depending on the combo field of the jade sphere you dropped
4. Tanky Harbinger - Roamer
Whatever the game mode, the Necromancer profession will always be near the top of the meta. However, for this particular build, we will be looking at one that allows it to roam the map and be a nuisance to stragglers. The build has two variations, one offensive and one defensive. We will concentrate on the defensive variant for a good reason: to address the necromancer's obvious weaknesses in dealing with burst damage and crowd control
The Harbinger is more akin to an alchemist who drinks potions to reap benefits while inflicting Blight stacks on their enemies. Blight is a one-of-a-kind debuff that slowly reduces a Harbinger's maximum health. Drinking more elixirs increases the player's blight, creating a risk versus reward dynamic for the profession. However, in the hands of a skilled Harbinger player, the reward will outweigh the risk.
Why Harbinger is Great for WvW:
- Unlike in PvP, where power is the current meta, condition damage is still very viable in World vs World, and who better to do it than necromancers?
- This build can rest easy because it was designed to compensate for its weaknesses in dealing with burst damage and crowd control. To help it move around the borderlands, the harbinger has additional mobility built into its shroud skills.
- Harbingers are fantastic professions that can roam the map and scout ahead while also excelling in zerg fights.
Choose This Build if...
- You don't mind blight's risk vs. reward mechanic and can deal with it accordingly.
- You aren't afraid to engage in combat because you are one of the game's tankiest builds.
- You may be able to relate to your own Harbinger downing their own elixirs and frequently roleplay getting drunk in random Tyria taverns for fun.
Full Build Details:
Traits and Major Perks:
- Curses - Plague Sending, Path of Corruption, Weakening Shroud
- Death Magic - Shrouded Removal, Dark Defiance, Corruptor’s Fervor
- Harbinger - Vile VIals, Implacable Foe, Deathly Haze
- Armor set with Celestial stats (minor increase in every stat) with Superior Runes of Tormenting or of the Aristocracy (less sustain but more might)
- Celestial main hand pistol and offhand warhorn with Superior Sigils of Torment and Doom
- Switch to two-handed staff with Superior Sigils of Energy and Cleansing
- Trinkets with Celestial stats
- Malign WvW Infusions
Utility Skills
- Elixir of Promise - heal yourself then toss the elixir to poison enemies while gaining Blight stacks
- Summon Flesh Wurm - summon a flesh wurm to act like a stationary turret minion that you can teleport back from a large distance
- Elixir of Bliss - convert your conditions into life force while gaining the Resolution buff then toss the elixir to convert their boons into conditions
- Spectral Walk - break from stun then convert your conditions into life force for your shroud, then return to your position after using the skill again
- Elixir of Ambition - gain every possible boon on yourself then toss the elixir to inflict every damaging condition on foes
3. DPS Thief Deadeye - Roamer and Scout
If the Ranger is the leader in disengaging and roaming in PvP, the Thief is its World vs World counterpart. Thieves are dangerous foes to have to chase you because of their many skills, which allow them to move stealthily around the battlefield and easily catch up to their prey. They are also great scouts for your team.
Their elite specialization, Deadeye, excels at sniping opponents from afar with their rifle and can increase their damage with their Deadeye's Mark skill, which replaces their steal F1 Mechanic. The more Malice you have, the more powerful your stealth attacks will be. When combined with the rifle's kneeling stealth attack, the damage skyrockets.
Why DPS Deadeye is Great for WvW:
- Their ability to one-shot enemies with a full-power, multiple-malice-stacked stealth rifle attack is terrifying.
- Deadeyes can move undetected around the home and enemy borderlands, ambushing careless and unaware enemies.
- Thieves are often pitted against other roamers and scouts who are unprepared for a Deadeye with a damage-dealing build and an escape plan because they are best suited for one-on-one combat.
Choose This Build if...
- You are confident in your ability to cross the borderlands undetected and can easily flee if seen.
- You know when your opponent has skills that can reflect rifle shots and when not to engage.
- You are not afraid to be mostly alone while roaming and can handle yourself in a fight. As a thief main, you may even be confident in your PvP abilities.
Full Build Details:
Traits and Major Perks:
- Shadow Arts - Shadow’s Embrace, Leeching Venoms, Shadow’s Rejuvenation
- Trickery - Thrill of the Crime, Bountiful Theft, Sleight of Hand
- Deadeye - Malicious Intent, Silent Scope, Be Quick of Be Killed
- Armor set with Marauders stats (power + precision + vitality + ferocity) with Superior Runes of the Scholar or Divinity and Strength as cheaper alternatives
- Two-handed rifle with Superior Sigils of Energy and Celerity
- Switch to the main-hand sword and off-hand pistol with Superior Sigils of Cleansing and Bloodlust
- Trinkets with Marauders stats
- Mighty WvW Infusions
Utility Skills
- Withdraw - roll backward while healing movement-impairing conditions and evading attacks
- Mercy - sacrifice malice stacks to refresh Deadeye’s Mark and gain initiative based on the number of stacks consumed
- Shadowstep - teleport to an area while cleansing conditions and return to your initial position when used again
- The third utility slot can be rotated with several other utilities. For example, you may use Blinding Powder for a blast finisher on your smoke field to gain additional stealth or Binding Shadow for additional crowd control.
- Shadow Meld - If you have the Revealed debuff, you can’t use stealth skills. Use it to bypass the debuff and stealth away.
2. Support Chronomancer - Zerg Support
Mesmers have been a vital support class in World vs World since the beginning, thanks to their ability to scout ahead and provide much-needed support for their teams. They are extremely useful due to their stealth abilities and ability to set up large-scale ambushes. They can even use their portals to transport players into castles that they were able to sneak into (or, in most cases, hide in when the enemies invaded the location) and reclaim without having to siege them.
With the Chronomancer elite specialization, their utility increases even more thanks to their Well skills, which benefit teammates while dealing damage and debuffs to enemies. Although other classes are now able to do so, the elite specialization was the first to share Alacrity with their allies, making it a much-needed skill.
Why Support Chronomancer is Great for WvW:
- Support Chronomancers can provide the zerg with a wide range of useful abilities, including Alacrity and Quickness, group stealth, and even area-of-effect condition cleanse.
- If they use the F5 skill before shattering illusions and phantasms and returning to their initial position, they can reuse their skills.
- They are one of the few professions that, if they choose to use the skill, can use portals to help other players get to important locations quickly.
Choose This Build if...
- You are an experienced scout who knows exactly where the enemies might go next. Knowing where they are will allow you to stealth away when things get dicey in your castle and portal in your teammates if the territory is invaded.
- You understand your Chronomancer's abilities and can use Illusion of Life and Gravity Well to your advantage.
- You have enough experience in the game mode and a commander tag. If no one else is in charge of leading your squad, you can do it yourself by issuing orders and using your utility skills to support your team.
Full Build Details:
Traits and Major Perks:
- Illusions - Shatter Storm, Phantasmal Haste, Master of Fragmentation
- Domination - Rending Shatter, Shattered Concentration, Vicious Expression
- Chronomancer - Delayed Reactions, Improved Alacrity, Stretched Time or Sieze the Moment (if the zerg needs more Quickness)
- Armor set with Minstrel stats (toughness + healing + vitality + concentration) with Superior Runes of Durability
- Main-hand sword and off-hand focus with Superior Sigils of Energy and Absorption
- Switch to the main-hand sword and off-hand shield with Superior Sigils of Energy and Absorption
- Trinkets with Minstrel stats
- Can switch Minstrel stat equipment with Wanderers and Celestial stats.
- Concentration WvW Infusion
Utility Skills
- Well of Eternity - an area of effect condition cleanse that heals after a few seconds
- Null Field - rips the boons on enemy players and condition cleanses allies
- Veil - drops a wall of magic that provides stealth to all that pass through it
- Illusion of Life - temporarily revives downed allies that allow them to fully revive if they managed to kill an enemy within a short time period
- Gravity Well - pulls enemies and deals increasing heavy area-of-effect damage
1. Support Firebrand - Zerg Support
The Guardian's elite specialization, the Firebrand, is an excellent option for providing all-out support while remaining in a large-scale fight and is mostly seen in World versus World. Guardians alone are regarded as great WvW commanders due to the support they provide the team both passively and actively through virtues, utility skills, and even weapons.
The Guardian's elite specialization, the Firebrand, is an excellent option for providing all-out support while remaining in a large-scale fight and is mostly seen in World versus World. Guardians alone are regarded as great WvW commanders due to the support they provide the team both passively and actively through virtues, utility skills, and even weapons.
Why Support Firebrand is Great for WvW:
- Support Firebrands are extremely useful and are always welcome in the squad.
- Their tankiness benefits team fights and can assist teammates in reviving.
- Depending on the situation, they can revolve their third utility skill around other supportive skills.
Choose This Build if...
- You want a support build that thrives during combat.
- You can time your Mantras and shouts to provide stun breaks at critical times.
- The equipment you use, despite its hefty price tag, gives you a sizable advantage in boon uptime.
Full Build Details:
Traits and Major Perks:
- Honor - Invigorated Bulwark, Pure of Heart, Pure of Voice
- Virtues - Master of Consecrations, Absolute Resolve, Battle Presence
- Firebrand - Liberator’s Vow, Stalwart Speed, Loremaster
- Armor set with Minstrel stats (toughness + healing + vitality + concentration) with Superior Runes of Durability
- Two-handed Staff with Superior Sigils of Energy and Transference
- Switch to the main-hand mace and off-hand shield with Superior Sigils of Energy and Transference
- Trinkets with Minstrel stats
- Concentration WvW Infusion for those with Ascended and Legendary Armor and Weapons
Utility Skills
- Mantra of Solace - heal while granting boons to surrounding allies
- “Stand Your Ground!” - provides you and your team with Stability and breaks stuns
- Hallowed Ground - provides area-of-effect Stability and Resolution buffs while creating a fire combo field
- The third slot is open to any skill. Use whatever is necessary for the current situation.
- Mantra of Liberation - grant Stability and Resolution buffs while also breaking stun for allies
Closing Thoughts
Whatever game mode you choose, there will always be something to conquer. You can work as part of a team or on your own to achieve your goals. After all, World versus World is a hybrid of PvE and PvP, and there will always be opportunities to show off your skills. Best wishes to you as you defend your borderlands within the Mists, Commander.
The competitive PvP game mode of Guild Wars 2 brings many players to its doorsteps, each having their own builds. The best part about build crafting in Guild Wars 2 PvP is that when you visit the PvP Map Hub, you are already leveled up to 80 with all of your skills and traits unlocked (minus elite specializations if you don't have the expansion packs, of course), as well as a variety of runes, signets, and stat amulets to experiment with. Knowing this, here are some of the best class builds you can use in PvP.
A side note about the roles in PvP
Before we get into the builds, let's talk about the different roles that players can play in PvP. Instead of pure one-on-one fights with other players, you and four other players team up to fight another team of five players as they capture several key locations across multiple game maps. Team composition with proper builds and assigned roles results in great teams that excel in both casual and ranked gameplay.
Duelists are players who excel at fighting classes one-on-one and eliminating targets to gain points. They should be able to handle most professions one-on-one or in pairs. Support roles provide their teammates with much-needed boons, condition cleanses, and additional heals. Teamfighter roles are those who can deal a lot of damage and CC with their teammates to ensure they overwhelm their opponents. Finally, Roamers scout the map for opportunities to end fights when their teammates require assistance. The Bunker is another role, but with the current meta focusing on power builds, they can easily obliterate Bunkers. That doesn't mean they aren't viable.
10. Necromancer Harbinger - Team fighter
The humble Necromancer has had its fair share of success in PvP, but due to the current meta-scene shift that sees Power replace Condition Damage as the primary method of dealing damage, its usage has dropped significantly. This does not, however, mean that condition damage-dealing professions and builds are no longer viable. "Improvise, Adapt, Overcome," as Bear Grylls famously said.
Harbingers are the elite specialization of Necromancers who took a firearms course and began tinkering with strange elixirs that grant them various boons with a nasty side-effect that leaves them with Blight stacks. They stick close to their teammates, providing a lot of support with their elixirs while dealing a lot of damage with their pistol and warhorn offhand combo.
Full build details:
For your traits lines, go with Curses, Blood Magic, and the Harbinger Elite Specialization trait line while taking the following major perks:
- Curses - Plague Sending, Path of Corruption, Weakening Shroud
- Blood Magic - Quickening Thirst, Vampiric Presence, Unholy Martyr
- Harbinger - Vile Vials, Implacable Foe, Deathly Haste
Condition Harbingers should take the following equipment:
- Carrion amulet - boosts your condition damage and power.
- Superior Runes of Orr - further increases your condition damage and duration.
- Main hand Pistol and Offhand Warhorn with Superior Sigils of Misery and Exposure
- Staff with Superior Sigils of Energy and Cleansing
Harbingers can take the following utility skills in PvP when using this build:
- Elixir of Promise - heals you and grants you some regeneration while inflicting Blight on your character, then poisons your opponents
- Spectral Walk - use once to do a stun break and consume conditions to convert them into life force for your Harbinger shroud, then a second time to use Spectral Recall and return to your initial position when you first used the skill.
- Corrosive Poison Cloud - poisons and inflicts weakness on your opponents while destroying projectiles.
- Summon Flesh Wurm - acts as an immobile minion/turret, and allows you to instantly teleport to the location of the Wurm from a great distance
- Elite Skill: Elixir of Ambition - gain every possible boon on yourself but gain a significant amount of light and gives nearby opponents every damaging condition.
Why Harbinger is great for PvP?
- Harbingers serve as the team's backbone for condition damage, as well as occasional support with their elixirs.
- Although the Condi Meta has been replaced by the Power Meta, condition damage is still lethal if not dealt with and still has a place on the leaderboards. Harbingers, as Necromancers, can deal condition damage just as well as their elite specialization counterparts.
- Their Flesh Wurm minion serves as a map-wide portal for you to return to a currently contested node, allowing you to have map-wide coverage of the area.
Choose this build if:
- You are familiar with the Necromancer playstyle and can deal with the Harbinger's Blight mechanics.
- You don't mind the additional risk that Blight imposes on players because the risk outweighs the reward.
- You recognize that the Harbinger Shroud differs from the other Necromancer Shrouds, which function as secondary health bars.
- You are certain that the Condition Meta will reappear stronger than ever in the near future, and you are preparing for it.
9. Revenant Vindicator - Team fighter
The End of Dragons expansion pack gave the third Heavy Armor profession a greatsword to use, as well as not one, but two legends in the form of the "Legendary Alliance Stance." You can switch between the legends by pressing F2, and your skill bar skills will change from blue to red. Blue represents a defensive stance that grants buffs and support to you and your allies, whereas red represents an offensive stance that grants you skills that give you an advantage over enemies.
This popular build focuses on using both the Alliance legend and Shiro against your opponents, switching between them based on your needs (which becomes amusing to think about lore-wise as the Alliance was responsible for toppling Shiro). An alternate build switches the Alliance stance with Jalis to become more defensive and is much better suited to beginners learning how to PvP with a Renegade.
Full build details:
For their traits, Vindicators will use the trait lines Salvation, Invocation, and the Vindicator elite specialization trait line so pick these major perks to build your character:
- Salvation - Eluding Nullification, Resilient Spirit, Unyielding Devotion
- Invocation - Cleansing Channel, Rapid Flow, Call of the Assassin
- Vindicator - Leviathan Strength, Angsiyan’s Trust, Imperial Impact
Vindicators should use the following equipment:
- Berserker Amulet - boosts significantly offensive stats
- Superior Runes of Divinity - increases all of their attributes
- Greatsword with Sigils of Intelligence and Energy
- Staff with Superior Sigils of Cleansing and Escape
As mentioned above, the build uses the skills automatically equipped from invoking Shiro and the Alliance legends.
Why Vindicator is great for PvP?
- With the recent buff to Vindicators, they regain their second endurance bar, allowing them to dodge twice. Their dodges essentially function like a Final Fantasy Lancer's Jump Ability, where they evade by jumping high into the air and crashing down onto their opponents.
- Switching between Alliance stances allows you to play as both a support and offense when necessary.
- Shiro's legendary stance is useful for his elite skill, which deals a large amount of CC damage while stunning opponents in an area around your character. The stance also allows you to evade and increase your movement and attack speed.
- If your team requires a Bunker variant, you can use the same build by swapping the Divinity Runes for Dolyak Runes.
Choose this build if:
- You understand how to play around the Alliance stances and can effectively switch between them.
- You can fight alongside your teammates and provide cover when needed while inflicting pain on your opponents.
- You don't mind Shiro and the Alliance constantly bickering in your poor character's head. At the very least, you won't get bored thinking about their strange arguments while waiting for your turn to load in PvP.
8. Core Guardian - Support
Guardians are the heavy armor profession to choose if you want the might of a warrior combined with the supporting abilities of an Elementalist. It may come as a surprise to learn that this list includes core Guardian rather than an elite specialization, and for good reason. The profession excels at giving support while punishing those who dare to stand in its way. It may be slow, but it works hard and, more often than not, succeeds in its mission.
Full build details:
For the Support Guardian build, you need to focus on providing utility on the battlefield while also staying alive. For this very reason, you need to take the Valor, Virtues, and Honor trait lines as well as the following major perks under them:
- Valor - Smiter’s Boon, Stalwart Defender, Altruistic Healing
- Virtues - Resolute Subconscious, Absolute Resolve, Indomitable Courage
- Honor - Invigorated Bulwark, Pure of Heart, Pure Voice
Support Guardian builds tend to use this equipment:
- Avatar Amulet - increases power, precision, healing, and vitality boosts.
- Superior Runes of the Soldier - remove conditions from allies whenever you use Shout skills which the build uses.
- Staff with Superior Sigils of Energy and Transference
- Main-hand sword or mace with an offhand focus with Superior Sigils of Energy and Transference
Support Guardians can take the following utility skills in PvP when using this build:
- “Receive the Light!” - heal allies in a cone that can pulse five times.
- “Stand Your Ground!” - grant stability and resolution to yourself and allies and acts as a stun break
- “Advance!” - grant you and your allies aegis and swiftness
- Signet of Mercy - passively improves concentration stat and when activated revives a nearby downed ally.
- Signet of Courage - passively heal allies while in combat, and grants a massive heal as long as you don’t get interrupted by any means.
Why Support Guardian is great for PvP?
- Support Guardians are beneficial to nearly every team. When things get hectic, they provide much-needed support.
- "Stand Your Ground!" and "Advance!" are excellent skills for assisting your comrades, and knowing when to use them can help turn things around when the fight gets out of hand.
- They can follow another player around as their pocket medic, cleansing their conditions with their shouts and providing powerful boons.
- Their staff weapon 3 skill can grant swiftness boons in a small area-of-effect, and their weapon 5 skill can physically block opponents.
Choose this build if:
- You are the epitome of a team player, willing to go above and beyond for them.
- As long as the team survives, you don't mind playing a mostly supportive role.
- Your idea of healing is to yell at your allies like the drill instructor character from Full Metal Jacket.
7. Thief Specter - Power Roamer
The Power Specter build, a surprising class and build, to say the least, has slowly gained traction alongside its Deadeye counterpart in vying for the top spot of the Roamer role. Specters are the Thief profession's newest elite specialization and are known as a support class rather than a DPS like its other counterparts. If there is a game mode that makes use of the Specter's expertise in map traversal as well as being a profession known for being the best in one-on-one combat, it is PvP.
Full build details:
The Power Specter build focuses on chasing enemies and punishing them while using the Critical Strikes, Trickery, and Specter elite specialization trait lines so pick these major perks:
- Critical Strikes - Twin Fangs, Practiced Tolerance, No Quarter
- Trickery - Thrill of the Crime, Bountiful Theft, Sleight of Hand
- Specter - Shallow Grave, Traversing Dusk, Hungering Darkness
Power Specters use the following equipment in PvP:
- Marauder amulets - raises offensive stats
- Superior Runes of the Chronomancer - grants quickness buffs whenever they use their Well skills.
- Main hand dagger and offhand pistol using Signets of Absorption and Exploitation
- Main hand sword and offhand dagger with Signets of Energy and Cleansing.
You will notice that the utility skills you will be using allows Specters to catch up with their chosen victims by dropping a Well skill, so take these with you in PvP:
- Well of Gloom - shadow step and apply cripple on foes while healing yourself and your allies
- Well of Bounty - shadow step and grants boons to yourself and allies
- Shadowfall - shadow step and constantly pull enemies to the AoE’s center and cause damage with greater intensity.
- Shadowstep- stun break while healing conditions on you and allows you to teleport back to your initial position
- Infiltrator’s Signet - regenerates extra initiative for you and blinks to your target opponent when you activate it.
Why Specter is great for PvP?
- Specters have great mobility thanks to their weapon skills, allowing them to engage enemies from a long distance quickly.
- Although they aren't as powerful as their Deadeye counterpart, they compensate for damage by being able to survive much longer because they aren't as limited and can use melee weapons instead of projectiles, protecting themselves from reflect skills.
- They can still use their Specter mechanics to tether themselves to their teammates and provide useful support while also transforming into their version of a necromancer's shroud and dealing increased damage.
Choose this build if:
- Your team already has a Daredevil or Deadeye and requires an alternate who can act as a dedicated roamer if the D.E. isn't one already.
- You want something different than a Ranger who can easily pick off its targets with careful maneuvering and pressure.
- You want a class that can move like a thief, has the shroud of a Necromancer and plays like a skirmisher Ranger.
6. Warrior Spellbreaker - Duelist
It was about time for a Warrior to appear on this list, and one of the best elite professions to do so happens to be the tankiest, hard-hitting one of the bunch. The Spellbreaker is unquestionably a Duelist and an occasional Team fighter, thanks to its ability to use its Physical skills to withstand damage and its Bull Rush skill to both move long distances and damage opponents. They also use their greatsword weapon skills for additional mobility and damage.
Spellbreakers, as the name implies, can use their unique skills to remove boons from enemies, as well as their new F2 skill, Full Counter, which blocks all incoming damage and then unleashes it all once it ends. Instead of using the entire Adrenaline bar to use a Burst skill, it is now divided into two parts that can be filled up and used twice.
Full build details:
There are two variations for the Spellbreaker Duelist build: an offensive and a defensive variant. We will be focusing on the offensive build for now as it is the one that sees more usage in the current meta.
Warrior-mains that focus on PvE may see the build and notice that it seems familiar with some slight variations. For the trait lines, use Strength, Discipline, and the Spellbreaker elite specialization traits and the following major perks:
- Strength - Peak Performance, Forceful Greatsword, Might Makes Right
- Discipline - Warrior’s Sprint, Brawler’s Recovery, Burst Mastery
- Spellbreaker - No Escape, Loss Aversion, Magebane Tether
The Spellbreakers can bring with them the following equipment into PvP:
- Berserker amulet stats - one of the amulet stats with the highest attack potential in the PvP.
- Superior Runes of the Fighter - boosts both power and toughness stats, as well as granting stacks of might boons whenever you use a healing skill.
- Main hand dagger and offhand shield with Superior Sigils of Cleansing and Battle
- Greatsword with Superior Sigils of Intelligence and Energy
Spellbreakers use their greatswords to stun opponents first with the effects of Full Counter before unleashing Thousand Blades on them, and then chasing them down if they try to flee. Because the majority of your utility skills are Physical Skills that increase your damage for a few seconds when used thanks to the Peak Performance perk, Spellbreakers can use these utility skills:
- Mending - heal you and cleanse up to 5 conditions.
- Bull’s Charge - chase your enemies and can be used as a Leap Combo Finisher
- Rampage - transform you and take reduced damage.
- “Shake It Off!” - your only means to help your teammates remove the stun debuff.
- Endure Pain - temporarily become immune from attacks but conditions can still affect you.
Why Spellbreaker is great for PvP?
- The Spellbreaker can deal unblockable damage thanks to the Full Counter F2 skill, which allows it to absorb damage and return it to the sender. It will undoubtedly be difficult to fight against in a one-on-one situation.
- Because of its greatsword weapon skills and the use of certain physical skills to close the gap, the build is surprisingly mobile.
- Spellbreakers can use their skills to remove enemies' boons, rendering them powerless against you and your team.
Choose this build if:
- You want to punish your opponents for hoarding boons on themselves by removing them all easily.
- You don't mind getting into the thick of battle and dealing massive damage to your opponents.
- Seven Deadly Sins is your favorite anime, and you enjoy shouting "Full Counter" whenever you successfully land it on enemies.
5. Guardian Willbender - Duelist / Team fighter
Another Guardian PvP build, and this time it is for a rising star on this list. The Power Willbender is a build that is rapidly gaining traction and support from players as it establishes itself in the current meta. With its ability to move quickly from one location to another, it can surprise its opponents with a barrage of attacks before they know what hit them.
One thing to keep in mind is that one key counter to the build is a Catalyst who uses Shock Aura and conditions, so it may be best to avoid them or find an ally to take them down together.
Full build details:
With Willbenders wielding vast amounts of combat prowess and tons of burn damage potential, you need to boost those two and create a lethal combination. They typically use the trait lines Radiance, Virtues, and the Willbender elite specialization so pick these major perks along the way:
- Radiance - Right-Hand Strength, Retribution, Righteous Instincts.
- Virtues - Unscathed Contender, Inspiring Virtue, Indomitable Courage
- Willbender - Power for Power, Vanguard Tactics, Tyrant’s Momentum
The Willbender can bring with them the following equipment into PvP:
- Marauder amulet - boost their overall attack damage
- Superior Runes of Divinity - additional increases in stats.
- Dual swords for their main hand and offhand with Superior Sigils of Energy and Cleansing
- Greatsword with Superior Sigils of Battle and Exploitation
Willbenders can use these utility skills in PvP:
- Reversal of Fortune - high-risk, high-reward heal that guards you even from lethal damage and then heals you.
- Judge’s Intervention - blink to your target and deal burning damage to nearby foes.
- Contemplation of Purity - convert all conditions into boons and act as a stun break.
- Whirling Light - performs a whirlwind kick that inflicts weakness and burning.
- Renewed Focus - recharge your Virtue skills and make yourself invincible for a few seconds.
Why Willbender is great for PvP?
- Their ability to zip around the battlefield gives them great mobility, allowing them to get to nodes faster and turn the tide in your team's favor faster.
- Willbenders are effective against most opponents as long as you keep moving.
- They can deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time.
Choose this build if:
- You're the type of player who enjoys being on the move.
- You can easily adapt on the fly and aren't afraid to abandon certain targets when the situation calls for it.
- You don't mind fighting with some of the other meta builds to show them that Willbenders are viable as well.
4. Mesmer Chronomancer - Duelist
Mesmers have been a mainstay profession in Guild Wars 2's PvP scene for good reason. They are extremely evasive and can apply pressure even without using their elite specializations. They can also use portals to transport their teammates to another area of the map and set up ambushes.
They become well-slinging, condition-damage-dealing powerhouses with the Chronomancer elite specialization. One unique mechanic of Chronomancers is their ability to shatter their clones and phantasms with their new F5 skill, Continuum Split, to revert your position, health, and skill cooldowns to how they were prior to shattering your clones and phantasms.
Full build details:
Chronomancer duelists often use the trait lines Chaos, Dueling, and the Chronomancer elite specialization with the following major perks:
- Chaos - Method of Madness, Auspicious Anguish, Bountiful Disillusionment
- Dueling - Phantasmal Fury, Fencer’s Finesse, Deceptive Evasion
- Chronomancer - All’s Well That Ends Well, Improved Alacrity, Stretched Time
Chronomancers can use the following equipment in PvP to dominate the arena:
- Marauder amulet - provides an increase in offensive stats
- Superior Runes of the Chronomancer - boosts power and precision stats while providing quickness whenever you cast wells
- Main hand and offhand dual swords with Superior Sigils of Cleansing and Energy.
- Staff with Superior Sigils of Cleansing and Energy.
Chronomancers use these utility skills to turn the tide of battle in their teams favor:
- Well of Eternity - creates a well to remove conditions from players and heals after some time
- Well of Calamity - drops a well that causes weakness and crippling debuffs then inflicts damage on enemies after some time
- Well of Precognition - creates a well that allows you and allies to block incoming damage then grants endurance and stability while functioning as a stun break
- Blink - teleports you to a short distance
- Gravity Well - well that pulls foes in, knocking them down or float, then deals heavy damage
Why Chronomancer is great for PvP?
- Chronomancers gain access to a variety of Well skills, all of which provide you and your team with enough Alacrity and reduce the cooldowns of your weapon and utility skills.
- You can apply additional pressure to nodes that are being contested by enemy players by using your staff weapon 5 skill.
- You can easily switch between being a Duelist, Bunker, or Condition Damage Duelist by switching between using the Dueling trait line around for Illusions and using an offhand shield or a scepter and torch combo.
Choose this build if:
- Despite being a duelist, you want to have a very evasive light armor profession with a lot of utility for you and your team.
- You and your team must apply constant pressure on your opponents and take their nodes by force.
- You are confident in your ability to provide assistance when it is required, especially when your team requires Alacrity.
- You're still waiting for Guild Wars 2 to explain the lore of Chronomancers.
3. Elementalist Tempest - Support
Even before the expansion packs, the Elementalist profession was a mainstay of every Guild Wars 2 game mode, including PvE, PvP, and World vs World. They can play a variety of roles, but one of the most important roles they've played in both PvP and World vs World is their ability to provide support. Having access to both the Water and Air elements provides them with abilities that heal allies and provide much-needed speed, as well as some CCs for those nasty break bars, projectile reflects, and so on.
Full build details:
Support Tempests need to find the balance between offense and support, so most will be using the trait lines Water, Fire, and the Tempest elite specialization along with the following major perks:
- Water - Soothing Ice, Soothing Disruption, Powerful Aura
- Fire - Conjurer, Smothering Auras, Blinding Ashes
- Tempest - Unstable Conduit, Invigorating Torrents, Elemental Bastion
Tempests can use the following equipment in PvP:
- Sage amulet - boost power, condition damage, healing, and vitality stats.
- Superior Runes of the Traveller - boost attributes, boon duration, movement speed, and condition duration.
- Main hand dagger and an offhand focus with Superior Sigils of Energy and Transference
Since this build is focused on helping its teammates rather than fighting head-on against opponents, Support Tempests can use the following utility skills:
- “Wash the Pain Away!” - Area of Effect healing that pulses
- Glyph of Renewal - depending on the element you are attuned to currently, revive allies with different effects
- Conjure Earth Shield - conjure a magnetic shield with skills that can protect its user from damage while increasing their toughness and vitality for a few seconds
- “Aftershock!” - gives you and your allies a magnetic aura that reflects projectiles and causes debilitating debuffs on foes while being considered a Blast Combo Finisher
- Tornado - shapeshift into a tornado that launches foes and grants stability while conjuring a lightning combo field
Why Tempest is great for PvP?
- Tempests are slightly better than core Guardians in terms of providing support abilities that can not only heal and cleanse others but also provide the team with useful auras to reduce damage and other beneficial boons.
- They have powerful projectile reflect abilities that can turn the tide against projectile-wielding foes such as Rangers and Deadeyes looking to pick off allies from afar.
- If you are facing a very damage-heavy team instead of conditions, you can easily switch to a tankier variation by switching Fire trait lines to Earth, though the build can still work around those teams.
Choose this build if:
- You don't mind going into battle and providing much-needed support to your teammates on the front lines.
- You aren't afraid to go toe-to-toe with hard-hitting opponents if it means saving your teammates from a beating and saving your hard-won node.
- You enjoy playing support classes in most games and would do anything to punish those who harm your comrades by unleashing a Fire Tornado on them.
2. Ranger Untamed - Roamer
Rangers are masters of long-distance combat, wielding both the long and short bow to inflict damage from afar. Even without the expansion packs, they are a formidable force. They got a new elite specialization called the Untamed with the End of Dragons expansion pack with their new F5 skill mechanic allowing them to "unleash" their pet to make their skills stronger and turn them into area-of-effect skills. Pressing F5 again unleashes their character, giving them the "Unleash Ambush" skill for their auto-attack on an interval.
Full build details:
Untamed become the best Roamers in PvP thanks to their ability to pour damage from a huge distance and can simply disengage when things start becoming hairy for them. They use the Marksmanship, Beastmastery, and Untamed elite specialization trait lines with the following major perks:
- Marksmanship - Clarion Bond, Moment of Clarity, Remorseless
- Beastmastery - Resounding Timbre, Two-Handed Training, Zephyr’s Speed
- Untamed - Nature’s Shield, Cleansing Unleash, Ferocious Symbiosis
Since Untamed Rangers are looking to quickly end fights, they will need a lot of attack power, so use the following equipment to help you out:
- Berserker amulets - the highest stat for a pure DPS monster
- Superior Runes of Divinity - boost all attributes
- Long Bow with Superior Sigils of Cleansing and Energy
- Greatsword with Superior Sigil of Intelligence and Superior Sigil of Energy
Untamed can use the following utility skills to take advantage of their perks in PvP:
- “We Heal As One!” - heal both you and your pet and gain copies of each other’s boons
- Mutate Conditions - stun break that turns all of your conditions into vulnerability
- “Protect me!” - stun break that grants you and your allies protection and barrier
- Unnatural Traversal - teleport to your target and inflict vulnerable debuff on them, and if it hits an enemy, the recharge is reduced
- Forest’s Fortification - gains defensive boons and damage reduction and lowers its charge time if it hits an enemy.
Why Untamed is great for PvP?
- The Untamed is the current best roamer profession and has yet to be dethroned. It outperforms most classes just by virtue of its long reach.
- With its long-range ability to allow the Untamed to stealth away from opponents, the core Ranger's longbow 3 skill is still the best disengage skill in the game. Untamed can easily use its greatsword weapon skill 3 to stealth with a smoke field.
- The untamed has the best long-ranged burst damage as a Ranger, allowing them to quickly finish off opponents and secure much-needed kills to assist their teammates.
Choose this build if:
- You enjoy picking off your opponents from afar in PvP and want to do so with the king of long-range.
- You don't mind outmaneuvering and flanking the opposing team to cause havoc.
- You are a patient and skilled player who waits for the right moment to strike opponents.
- You enjoy the salt pouring from your enemies whenever you pick them off from a long distance while evading enemy fire.
1. Elementalist Catalyst - Duelist
How appropriate that one of the most versatile professions has two high spots on this list? The Elementalist is a true jack-of-all-trades who can do it all regardless of game mode. PvP is no exception, as it has seen its fair share of multiple builds that have gone on to be successful throughout its history. Its versatility allows it to switch from being a duelist to a team fighter as needed.
Catalysts are Elementalists who have honed their craft, wield the mighty hammer to harness the forces of nature, and use Jade Bots to assist them in conjuring combo fields. They have one of the highest skill ceilings in Guild Wars 2 across all game modes, but when you master it and make it your own, you become one of the most lethal players in PvP. They are currently atop the meta for a reason.
Full build details:
Catalysts don’t just need mastery of their skill rotation but proper knowledge of their traits and perks to be a force of nature in PvP, no pun intended. Power Catalysts use the following traits and their major perks:
- Fire - Conjurer, Smothering Auras, Pyromancer’s Puissance
- Arcane - Renewing Stamina, Final Shielding or Arcane Resurrection (when facing cleave-heavy opponents), Evasive Arcana
- Catalyst - Energized Elements, Spectacular Sphere, Staunch Auras
Power Catalysts need to be able to deal large amounts of damage so you may use the following equipment:
- Marauder amulet - increases offensive stats that boost damage
- Superior Runes of Divinity - increases all of their attributes.
- Hammer - Superior Sigil of Cleansing and Energy
In order for a Power Catalyst to perform well in the arena, they need to balance both their offensive and defensive capabilities, so they use the following utility skills:
- Signet of Restoration - passive heals you every time you cast spells and activating will do a bigger heal
- Signet of Air - blinds targets and foes nearby when activated and grants an increase in movement speed passively
- Conjure Earth Shield - conjure a magnetic shield with skills that can protect its user from damage while increasing their toughness and vitality for a few seconds
- Fortified Earth - blocks all attacks and when channeled successfully, grants a barrier with its recharge time reduced when cast within your Earth Sphere
- Elemental Celerity - recharges weapon skills and gives boons based on your current element
Why Catalyst is great for PvP?
- Power Catalysts are in the meta for a reason. They deal a lot of damage while being very tanky and they take some getting used to.
- There is little to no hard counter to playing against Catalysts. It all comes down to pure skill and numbers advantage to bring one down, but if you have to face them alone, be prepared for a fight.
- Catalysts are very adaptable and can easily switch from being a one-on-one duelist to a team player if their teammates require assistance.
Choose this build if:
- You want to use a profession that can fight solo or as part of a team on the fly.
- You are very confident in your ability to perform the rotations of the skills and have a lot of practice with them.
- You can easily use the hammer 3 skill with multiple spinning orbs, deal massive amounts of damage on a consistent basis, and know when to use them.
- You've found the ideal opportunity to begin yelling "Stop! Hammer Time! " whenever you beat an opponent while dancing on them with your hammer.
Closing Thoughts
The Guild Wars 2 PvP Community is a thriving hub of people who want nothing more than to have epic battles with one another, and it's still growing. With the community continuing to develop better builds that can compete with the meta, there is no shortage of builds to try as there are many others to try and emulate for yourself.
Your mileage may vary as with any other build, and it all comes down to your own hard work and skill. Sharpen your skills, Commander. The arena calls to you as you continue your fight for glory and honor.