Guild Wars 2 became free-to-play on August 29, 2015, allowing would-be players to enter the game and enjoy the full experience of the core game absolutely free of charge. This granted players the opportunity to test out whether or not the game would be a great buy for them, if ever they wanted to continue with the game and eventually proceed with the expansions. While testing the game, players need to choose out of 8 selectable professions, with the 9th, the Revenant, locked behind the expansions, and explore the world of core Tyria. While asking what the best free-to-play class is completely subjective, the community has spoken various times on what they feel will help newbie players out, so here are the five best classes to try out to hopefully get you to enjoy the game past the core experience.
5. Core Power Warrior
Majority of the player base that started their journey in Guild Wars 2 often choose core Warrior to play as while exploring the magical world of Tyria for the first time. It is, after all, one of the most straight-forward professions to use; find an enemy, press all the buttons, pureed enemy. It may be one of the strongest among the free-to-play professions, but it can often be a bit of a glass cannon if players don’t learn how to block or dodge enemy attacks before reaching level 80.
Why Core Power Warrior is great
- The Core Power Warrior is great because of its ease of use; the usage of signets provides passive boosts for the user which are strong enough on its own, and when activated grants additional utility.
- Even in its heyday, Core Power Warrior can unleash a barrage of damage onto its enemies with great ease and beat them to a pulp.
- The build allows for the user to switch the set into a different weapon depending on their needs and what the content they will be playing on.
- While the build itself is not particularly useful while roaming in WvW, it has its moments in PvP. The build excels in open world combat and in instanced content such as Dungeons and Fractals (not including Raids because it is not available to F2P).
Choose this build if:
- You are looking for a build that is simple and easy to use for those times you just want to switch your brain off and go to town on PvE enemies.
- You aren’t looking for any special rotation that needs to be done and just needs to click everything that is on cooldown.
- You love melee combat while playing as the warrior class and are looking forward to how much more powerful they become with elite specializations once you get the expansions.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Strength - Peak Performance, Forceful Greatsword, Berserker’s Power
- Arms - Signet Mastery, Sundering Burst, Dual Wielding
- Discipline - Warrior’s Sprint, Brawler’s Recovery, Axe Mastery
- Armor - 6 armor pieces with Berserker’s stats (power + ferocity + precision)
- Runes - 6 pieces of Superior Runes of the Scholar (increases power, ferocity, and strike damage while your health is above 90%)
- Relics - Relic of the Thief (increases outgoing strike damage when using a skill with a recharge or resource cost)
- Trinkets - 6 trinkets with Berserker’s stats
- Weapon set 1 - Berserker stat dual axes with Superior Sigils of Force (increases outgoing damage) and Impact (increases damage against enemies that have Stunned or Knocked-Down debuffs, and outgoing strike damage)
- Weapon set 2 - Berserker stat dual maces with Superior Sigils of Force and Impact
- Alternate weapons - two-handed greatsword, rifle, or longbow
- Food - Bowl of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup (increases power, ferocity, and experience gained from killing foes)
- Utility - Superior Sharpening Stone (increases power based on precision and ferocity)
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Mending - A core Warrior healing Physical skill that cleanses conditions from the user while healing them.
- Skill 1 - “For Great Justice!” - A core Warrior Shout skill that provides you and your allies with stacks of Might and Fury buffs.
- Skill 2 - Signet of Might - A core Warrior Signet skill that passively increases the user’s Power stat and when activated, makes your attacks unblockable while granting Might buffs.
- Skill 3 - Signet of Fury - A core Warrior Signet skill that passively increases the user’s Precision stat and when activated, increases your Precision and Ferocity stats while gaining Adrenaline
- Elite Skill - Signet of Rage - A core Warrior Elite Signet skill that passively generates Adrenaline for the user while in combat, and when activated, grants Fury, Might, and Swiftness buffs.
For more build details, check this link: Metabattle.com
4. Core Engineer
The core Engineer can be a daunting profession to play if it is the very first class you pick and have little to no idea how any of the skills work as it is not like the hack-and-slash nor a cast-a-spell-and-watch-enemies-burn type of profession. Much like its namesake, it is more of a doer and needs to proactively face challenges head on like the Engineer it is. While its elite specializations open the Engineer up to more exciting playstyles, there is something about going back to the basics and enjoying blowing up enemies with grenades and flamethrowers every now and again.
Why Core Engineer is great
- As long as you keep on moving, Core Engineer with grenades is a blast (hah!) to roam Tyria’s lands in.
- While the Engineer is stuck utilizing ranged weaponry like the pistols and rifle, it can use many kits at its disposal, however the most used are the Grenade Kit, Flamethrower Kit, and the Mortar Kit. Each kit opens the Engineer to different playstyles, can be used in either range, and can trigger effects that deal with switching weapons.
- Being a medium armor profession, it has enough defense to get in close against enemies but still needs to be wary. Despite this, it still has enough firepower to make a dent against bosses with its teammates.
- Because the build uses both the Grenade and Mortar kits, the build can be easily adapted into the PvP and WvW setting, allowing it to fire onto enemies from the back and causing massive area-of-effect damage onto other players.
Choose this build if:
- You are bored with the plain and ordinary melee and magic type users and just want to have some mindless grenade-spamming fun.
- You want a much simpler time with skill rotations and still pump out tons of damage.
- You want to challenge yourself and go with one of the harder professions to level and play as prior to it receiving elite specializations and Weaponmastery Training from Secrets of the Obscure, giving it access to the sword, hammer, and mace weapons.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Explosives - Short Fuse, Aim-Assisted Rocket, Big Boomer
- Firearms - High Caliber, Pinpoint Distribution, Modified Ammunition
- Tools - Static Discharge, Takedown Round, Kinetic Battery
- Armor - 6 armor pieces with Berserker’s stats (power + ferocity + precision)
- Runes - 6 pieces of Superior Runes of the Scholar (increases power, ferocity, and strike damage while your health is above 90%)
- Relics - Relic of the Thief (increases outgoing strike damage when using a skill with a recharge or resource cost)
- Trinkets - 6 trinkets with Berserker’s stats
- Weapon set 1 - Berserker stat two-handed rifle with Superior Sigils of Force (increases outgoing damage) and Air (whenever the user deals a critical hit, summons a lightning bolt onto the enemy to inflict additional damage)
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Healing Turret - A core Engineer healing Turret skill that deploys a turret that periodically heals you and your allies. Upon activating it, it overcharges and grants you additional healing and cleanse conditions.
- Skill 1 - Grenade Kit - A core Engineer Engineering kit that replaces your current weapon skills to the Grenade bundle.
- Skill 2 - Elixir U - A core Engineer Elixir kit that grants the user Stability, Quickness, and Vigor buffs while also acting as a stun break.
- Skill 3 - Elixir B - A core Engineer Elixir kit that grants the user Fury, Might, Resolution, and Swiftness buffs.
- Elite Skill - Mortar Kit - A core Engineer Elite Engineering kit that replaces your current weapon skills to the Mortar bundle.
For more build details, check this link: Hardstuck.gg
3. Core Power Ranger
Rangers are one of the most free-to-play friendly professions that newbie players can pick up and play at any time thanks to its ease of use. They have their wide variety of pets that they can tame and use on their journey as they explore the PvE landscape or fight alongside in the competitive game modes while being far, far away from enemy fire. While they may need some additional firepower from their elite specializations from time to time, with the Ranger’s superb range, it makes up more than enough for some of its shortcomings.
Why Core Power Ranger is great
- The Core power Ranger is an excellent build that focuses on the ranger’s greatest asset: its use of the longbow and its long range.
- It is capable of soloing thanks to its pet, although they have to be fairly mobile and quick to act if ever the enemy knocks out the pet and they need to switch immediately.
- Rangers are one of the best professions still in PvP because of their high burst capabilities and ability to inflict tons of damage from long range against players being flanked by them.
Choose this build if:
- You're looking for a powerful long-range core ranger build that can practice kiting with.
- You know how to wrangle your pet and understand its A.I. enough that you can immediately adapt to whatever situation is presented to you.
- You crave alone time with your pets and would rather have them as company as opposed to other individuals.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Beastmastery - Potent Ally, Natural Healing, Honed Axes
- Skirmishing - Sharpened Edges, Strider’s Strength, Vicious Quarry
- Marksmanship - Hunter’s Gaze, Farsighted, Lead the Wind
- Armor - 6 armor pieces with Berserker’s stats (power + ferocity + precision)
- Runes - 6 pieces of Superior Runes of the Pack (increases power, boon duration, and precision)
- Relics - Relic of Fireworks (increases outgoing strike damage when using a skill with a recharge time of 20 seconds and higher)
- Trinkets - 6 trinkets with Berserker’s stats
- Weapon set 1 - Berserker stat two-handed longbow with Superior Sigils of Force (increases outgoing damage) and Accuracy (increases critical chance)
- Weapon set 2 - Berserker stat dual axes with Superior Sigils of Force and Accuracy
Ranger Pets
- River Drake - Lightning Breath - shoots electricity that bounces off of enemies
- Jungle Stalker - Mighty Roar - grants Might buffs
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - “We Heal As One!” - A core Ranger healing Command skill that heals you and your pet, as well as gaining copies of each other’s boons..
- Skill 1 - Quickening Zephyr - A core Ranger Survival skill that grants you and your pet Quickness and Superspeed buffs while also breaking you out of stun.
- Skill 2 - Signet of the Wild - A core Ranger Signet Skill that passively grants you and your pet additional Ferocity stat and when activated, traps your foes and inflicts Immobilize debuffs.
- Skill 3 - “Sic Em!” - A core Ranger Command skill that makes your pet go to your foe to cast a Revealed debuff, preventing them from stealthing and dealing increased damage.
- Elite Skill - “Strength of the Pack!” - A core Ranger Command skill that grants you and your pet Fury, Stability, and Swiftness buffs. Each time you and your pet attack an enemy, you also grant Might buffs to each other.
For more build details, check this link: Hardstuck.gg
2. Core Condition Necromancer
Ever since Guild Wars 2 first launched, the Necromancer has been a solid choice for players who want a powerful profession that can take so much punishment and dish it out twice as much. From their devastating condition damage-based attacks, to its eerie Death Shroud abilities, the core Necromancer has what it takes to carry itself in any game mode even without any of its elite specializations. Despite it having a medium challenge difficulty in leveling up, what awaits it in the max level is nothing short of overwhelming necrotic power to say the least and is completely worth it.
Why Core Condition Necromancer is great
- Core Necromancer is one of the tankiest professions in the game thanks to its ability to enter the Death Shroud with its F1 skill once enough energy has been built up. Players can simply hop in the shroud, and if they receive a fatal blow, they will just be knocked out of the shroud form.
- If you want to increase the tankiness up to the next level, they can opt for Minion Master builds that increase their toughness even further as the more minions they have, the tougher they become.
- Core Necromancer is the original condition damage slinging badass that can melt any and every enemy it sees with little effort needed.
Choose this build if:
- You're looking to melt your enemies with so much condition damage that they hardly have enough time to get away from you.
- You are knowledgeable with your Death Shroud abilities and can time it just right so that in case you are in danger, you only get knocked out of the shroud form.
- You want to freely switch between a condition damage or a minion master-based playstyle by simply switching traits and skills around depending on your needs.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Curses - Plague Sending, Master of Corruption, Lingering Curse
- Soul Reaping - Unyielding Blast, Soul Barbs, Dhuumfire
- Death Magic - Putrid Defence, Dark Defiance, Corrupter’s Fervor
Minions variant
- Death Magic - Flesh of the Master, Necromantic Corruption, Death Nova
- Armor - 6 armor pieces with Viper’s stats (power + condition damage + precision + expertise)
- Runes - 6 pieces of Superior Runes of the Trapper (increases condition damage and condition duration)
- Relics - Relic of the Sunless (whenever you activate your elite skill, summon a debilitating pool that inflicts Poison and Crippled debuffs)
- Trinkets - 6 trinkets with Viper’s stats
- Weapon set 1 - Viper’s stat main hand scepter and off hand dagger with Superior Sigils of Agony (increases outgoing Bleeding debuff duration) and Demons (increases outgoing Torment debuff duration)
- Weapon set 2 - Viper’s stat two-handed staff with Superior Sigils of Agony and Demons
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Consume Conditions - A core Necromancer Corruption healing skill that heals you for each condition you currently have but also inflicts Vulnerability debuff on you afterwards.
- Skill 1 - Blood is Power - A core Necromancer Corruption skill that inflicts Bleed debuffs on you while granting you Might buffs and inflicts Bleed on surrounding enemies.
- Skill 2 - Epidemic - A core Necromancer Corruption skill that inflicts Vulnerability debuff on you while spreading a foe’s conditions onto surrounding enemies as well and is unblockable.
- Skill 3 - Spectral Walk - A core Necromancer Spectral skill that breaks the user out of stun and consume conditions to add to your Death Shroud’s life force gauge. When using the skill again, you will return to the same spot you casted Spectral Walk.
- Elite Skill - Plaguelands - A core Necromancer Elite Corruption skill that transforms the user into a toxic cloud that inflicts tons of conditions onto enemies while also inflicting you with Bleed debuffs.
Minion Master variant:
- Heal skill - Summon Blood Fiend - A core Necromancer Minion healing skill that summons a Blood Fiend ally to drain enemies of health and grant a portion of it back to you passively. When activated, it destroys the Blood Fiend and grants you healing.
- Skill 1 - Blood is Power - A core Necromancer Corruption skill that inflicts Bleed debuffs on you while granting you Might buffs and inflicts Bleed on surrounding enemies.
- Skill 2 - Summon Shadow Fiend - A core Necromancer Minion skill that summons a Shadow Fiend ally to protect you. When activated, the Shadow Fiend teleports to the enemy and inflicting debuffs.
- Skill 3 - Summon Bone Minions - A core Necromancer Minion skill that summons two, small bone minion allies that continuously melee attack enemies. When activated or upon death, the bone minions explode one at a time and is considered a Blast finisher.
- Elite Skill - Summon Flesh Golem - A core Necromancer Elite Minion skill that summons a Flesh Golem to protect you. Once activated, the Flesh Golem rushes at the enemy, knocking them down and causing damage to the enemy’s break bar.
For more build details, check this link: Metabattle.com
1. Core Guardian
If you wanted to play as one of the most useful professions in game while stuck as a free-to-play player, there is no need to fret as you have the Core Guardian at your disposal. It is very similar to the Necromancer with it being hard to kill, but the Guardian does far more than just staying alive.
Why Core Guardian is great
- Core Guardian has always been a massive buffer and tank since its heyday, prior to the expansions with the raids and strike missions thanks to the many useful buffs it can provide its allies.
- If you want something that is akin to a warrior that trades pure power with the ability to support its allies and be a massive tank, the core Guardian excels in that, and this is prior to players attaining the elite specialization, the Firebrand.
- Even without an elite specialization, Core Guardians are viable in PvP and WvW settings as proven by the many opportunities that they have shined in one-on-one combat in the Arena, while also being a staple profession that leads WvW zergs.
Choose this build if:
- You are looking for a solid Guardian build that can be used in any game mode: PvE, sPvP, or World vs World.
- You are looking for a build that can not just give boosts to itself to defeat its foes but also share the boons it has with others and support them.
- You are confident in your skills and can use the period of invincibility from your elite to tank hits for your teammates.
- You can use the staff’s weapon 5 skill to block enemies from getting to your teammates during teamfights.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Honor - Protective Reviver, Pure of Heart, Pure of Voice
- Valor - Smiter’s Boon, Stalwart Defender, Altruistic Healing
- Virtues - Resolute Subconscious, Absolute Resolve, Indomitable Courage
- Armor - 6 armor pieces with Zealot’s stats (power + ferocity + healing power) for PvE, Avatar amulet (power + ferocity + vitality + healing power) for sPvP
- Runes - 6 pieces of Superior Runes of the Dolyak (increases toughness and vitality)
- Relic - Relic of the Trooper (whenever the user casts a Shout skill, cleanses a condition from you and nearby allies)
- Trinkets - 6 trinkets with Zealot’s stats
- Weapon set 1 - Zealot stat two-handed staff with Superior Sigils of Transference (increases outgoing healing) and Energy (gains endurance whenever player swaps into this weapon)
- Weapon set 2 - Zealot main hand sword or mace and offhand shield with Superior Sigils of Transference and Energy
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - “Receive the Light!” - A core Guardian healing Shout skill that heals you and allies in front of you in a cone.
- Skill 1 - “Stand Your Ground!” - A core Guardian Shout skill that breaks you and your allies out of stun while also granting Stability buffs.
- Skill 2 - “Advance!” - A core Guardian Shout skill that grants you and your allies Swiftness and Aegis buffs.
- Skill 3 - Signet of Mercy - A core Guardian Signet skill that passively increases the user’s Concentration stat and when activated, revives a downed player.
- Elite Skill - Renewed Focus - A core Guardian Elite Meditation skill that grants the user invincibility for a few seconds while recharging their F1-F3 Virtue skills.
For more build details, check this link: Metabattle.com
Closing Thoughts
Just because a player opts to go free-to-play instead of buy-to-play doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be able to have fun with the full game. Despite having a bunch of restrictions in their accounts, players who at least have one of the five classes above will be able to enjoy the game to their heart’s content and hopefully entice them to eventually purchase the game. Eventually, they will want to try new characters, so they can continue to create another account just to experiment, but it would be better to just purchase the game and get the free character slots, and when the time comes, purchase additional for the other characters in the future. After all and as stated in the beginning, the best class is entirely subjective, so go out there and play the game however you like, because that is how Guild Wars 2 is meant to be played.