Guild Wars 2’s Structured PvP functions a little differently from the PvP of other games. The aim of the game mode is to cooperate with your teammates to defeat your opponents while capturing key areas. By capturing specific nodes across the small map with your teammates, players accumulate points by capturing and defending key locations while also defeating your opponents. With how the current meta can shift in an instant, let us see what are the current best PvP classes that aren’t just freaking awesome to play as, but also wreck their opponents hard.
10. Specter - Condition Specter
The Specter is a bit of an unusual elite specialization to bring into PvP at first glance because of its supportive orientation, but don’t let that fool you. It is still very much a Thief underneath all of that magical shroud and will burst its foes down instantly if you aren’t careful. The Condition Specter trades some of its supportive capabilities for debilitating status effects and the ability to chase its targets down like its base and other elite specialization counterparts.
Why Condition Specter is great
- The Condition Specter is a subversion of what the Thief’s elite specialization’s supposed role was according to the developers, wherein it was going to be the support-oriented specialization but has become a condition damage slinging rogue.
- The build performs exceptionally well as a solo roamer or a team fighter, capable of switching roles depending on what is needed of it from the team and the situation.
- Not only can the Condition Specter eliminate threats, it also supports its teammates by using its tether abilities and performing scepter skills to properly assist them.
Choose this build if:
- You are a Thief-main who does not want to get rid of its chase potential despite being a Specter.
- You can balance between supporting your teammates and getting into teamfights to protect nodes quickly.
- You are already a seasoned Thief that knows when to ambush specific player targets and know which ones to avoid like the plague.
- You can quickly spam the blink skills to help get you to your allies in time.
- You are skilled in punishing your opponents and locking them in by combining the elite skill with your Shadow Shroud.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Deadly Arts - Deadly Ambition, Panic Strike, Potent Poison
- Trickery - Thrill of the Crime, Bountiful Theft, Sleight of Hand
- Specter - Shallow Grave, Traversing Dusk, Hungering Darkness
- Runes - Rune of the Necromancer (increases condition damage and vitality)
- Relics - Relic of the Demon Queen (whenever you disable an opponent, it inflicts Poison debuffs that lowers their overall healing)
- Trinkets - Carrion Amulet (condition damage, power, vitality)
- Weapon set 1 - Main hand scepter and off hand pistol with Sigils of Venom (increases outgoing Poison debuff duration) and Misery (increases outgoing Torment debuff duration)
- Weapon set 2 - Main hand sword and off hand dagger with Sigils of Escape (upon switching into this weapon set, movement-impairing debuffs are cleansed) and Cleansing (upon switching into this weapon set, a debuff is cleansed)
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Withdraw - A core Thief healing Trick skill that makes your character dodge backwards while removing movement-impairing debuffs.
- Skill 1 - Well of Bounty - A Specter Well skill that launches an area-of-effect that grants various boons to you and allies while blinking to the targeted area. The field the skill generates is considered a Dark combo field.
- Skill 2 - Shadowstep - A core Thief Deception skill that blinks the player to the target area to get rid of at least three debuffs and break out of stun. Using the skill again brings the player back to where they used the skill first.
- Skill 3 - Optional - Bring whatever skill you feel like bringing based on what is needed by the team or what they currently lack.
- Elite Skill - Shadowfall - A Specter elite Well skill that blinks the player to the target location to drop an area-of-effect that draws enemies into it as it inflicts pulsing damage onto them.
For more build details, check this link: Metabattle.com
9. Chronomancer - Power Chronoshatter
Mesmers have always played a valuable role in not just in the world of open world PvE, but also in structured PvP and World versus World thanks to their vast arsenal of utility magics at their disposal. When they started specializing into the awesome Chronomancer, they became imbued with the powers of time manipulation and the brand new Shatter Skill, Continuum Split, which acts like a reset button. These powers alone make them highly formidable foes to watch out for.
Why Power Chronoshatter Chronomancer is great
- The Power Chronoshatter is focused on getting their Phantasms and Illusions to the field quickly in order to burst down their opponents with, as their name suggests, their Shatter F1-F5 skills.
- They usually fight from range with their magical greatswords but are not afraid to get within headbutting range of their enemies.
- As previously mentioned, they make great use of Continuum Split to reuse all of their skills and reset their health if needed to overwhelm their opponents and inflict as much damage as possible with their teammates.
Choose this build if:
- You love ambushing your enemies and ganging up on them with your buddies.
- You can get to nodes quickly and support your teammate who is clearly struggling against opponent/s.
- You can resource manage your Phantasms and Illusions to the best of your ability and can make great use of Continuum Split at just the right time.
- You have no problem unleashing all of your clones immediately to jump your opponents and use the Shatter skills easily.
- You want to prove that the Chronomancer is more than just a defensive support player and can be an equally powerful offensive character.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Domination - Bountiful Blades, Shattered Concentration, Mental Anguish (optional: Vicious Expression and Power Block)
- Illusion - Shatter Storm, Phantasmal Haste, Master of Fragmentation
- Chronomancer - Time Catches Up, Improved Alacrity, Seize the Moment
- Runes - Rune of the Holosmith (increases power, vitality, and precision)
- Relics - Relic of Fireworks (increases outgoing strike damage if you used a weapon skill with a recharge time of 20 seconds or greater)
- Trinkets - Berserker Amulet (power, ferocity, precision)
- Weapon set 1 - Main hand sword and off hand shield with Sigils of Cleansing (upon switching into this weapon set, a debuff is cleansed) and Energy (upon switching into this weapon set, you gain back Endurance while in combat)
- Weapon set 2 - Two handed greatsword with Sigils of Exploitation (increases outgoing damage to enemies below half health) and Energy
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Signet of the Ether - A core Mesmer healing Signet skill that passively heals you whenever you cast Phantasms and when activated reduces recharge rate of Phantasm skills while healing you.
- Skill 1 - Mirror Images - A core Mesmer Clone skill that summons two illusions to attack your opponents while functioning as a stun break.
- Skill 2 - Blink - A core Mesmer Manipulation skill that teleports the user to the targeted area and acts as a stun break.
- Skill 3 - Signet of Illusions - A core Mesmer Signet skill that passively creates clones at intervals and when activated reduces recharge rates of your Shatter skills.
- Elite Skill - Gravity Well - A Chronomancer elite Well skill that launches a large area-of-effect that sucks in opponents while dealing heavy pulsing damage. It is considered as a Dark combo field.
For more build details, check this link: Metabattle.com
8. Holosmith - Static Discharge Holosmith
Engineers are spoiled for choice when it comes to elite specializations and PvP. The class always seems to find a good build that becomes one of the most hard-hitting builds in the game while making it seem effortless. The same can be said with the Holosmith and its take on the Static Discharge build but adds to it its Photon Forge and the positive side of building as much Heat as possible.
Why Static Discharge Holosmith is great
- While there certainly is great competition amongst other potentially great roaming builds, the Static Discharge Holosmith is no slouch and will hurt players that underestimate it.
- The build comes equipped with many tricks to compliment a roaming playstyle: from mobility, cleansing, and even crowd control, the Static Discharge Holosmith is a fun build that lets you experience a lot more of PvP than being stuck in one role.
- The damage output of the Holosmith increases the higher the Heat they generate and those that know their limits should be able to mitigate the risks with proper Heat management.
Choose this build if:
- You are confident in your skills as a roamer and have experience playing as a core Engineer to know its various strengths and weaknesses.
- You can fight one-on-one duels with ease and can disengage when necessary to help your team out and take out nodes.
- You can bring the pain to your enemies and blast them with your Photon Forge abilities.
- You are a skilled Holosmith-main that can manage Heat properly and can deal increased damage on your enemies.
- You have no problem picking off enemies one at a time while protecting yourself from large amounts of damage using either Photon Wall or your Tool Kit’s defensive skills.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Explosives - Short Fuse, Aim-Assisted Rocket, Big Boomer
- Tools - Static Discharge, Lock On, Kinetic Battery
- Holosmith - Prismatic Converter, Crystal Configuration: Zephyr, Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit
- Runes - Rune of Divinity (increases all stats)
- Relics - Relic of Isgarren (place an Eye of Isgarren on your opponent after evading an attack which increases both strike damage and condition damage duration on those inflicted with it)
- Trinkets - Berserker Amulet (power, ferocity, precision)
- Weapon set - Main hand sword and off hand shield with Sigils of Intelligence (upon switching to this weapon set from your Tool Kit, the next three hits are guaranteed critical hits) and Energy (upon switching into this weapon set, you gain back Endurance while in combat)
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Coolant Blast - A Holosmith healing Exceed skill that lowers the Heat generated while also providing both healing and a Frost Aura if you are within the heat threshold.
- Skill 1 - Photon Wall - A Holosmith Exceed skill that summons a protective barrier that can be launched at foes as an attack that launches additional barriers at higher Heat levels.
- Skill 2 - Tool Kit - A core Engineer Engineering Kit skill that replaces your current weapon with a Tool Kit bundle.
- Skill 3 - Slick Shoes - A core Engineer Gadget skill that spills oil behind you which causes enemies to get knocked down and has a different usage while underwater.
- Elite Skill - Prime Light Beam - A Holosmith elite Exceed skill that blasts foes with an explosive ray of light that causes Burning at higher Heat levels and deals damage to break bars.
For more build details, check this link: Hardstuck.gg
For a similar build and information on the proper relic source, check this link: Metabattle.com
7. Daredevil - Dagger/Pistol DD
The Daredevil is basically the core Thief who wants to zoom across the map while on steroids. This martial arts master has effectively made the battlefield its home territory and will stop at nothing to inflict as much damage as possible. Once it has eliminated its foe, it drops into stealth and quickly leaves the scene of the crime to strike at other defenseless enemies.
Why Dagger/Pistol DD is great
- Thieves, by their very nature, are very elusive and fast-moving, making them hard to deal against, especially in a one-on-one battle. Becoming Daredevils only makes their elusiveness get cranked up to eleven and can potentially evade even the most stubborn PvP roamers looking to catch one.
- The Dagger/Pistol Daredevil is a master of the hit-and-run, hiding behind the cover of stealth only to ambush wary opponents caught off-guard, minding their own businesses.
- If you are a Thief-main, you know just how hard you hit, especially when going one-on-one against foes. Daredevils have skills that can raise those damage numbers up just by having no endurance left and by inflicting Weakness on their enemies constantly. Add to it their ability to get rid of movement-impairing debuffs simply by dodging, and there is little anyone can do to try and catch you.
Choose this build if:
- You are looking to play as one of the most elusive and hard-to-catch professions in the game when played correctly.
- You are into the hit-and-run playstyle and can perform it very well as a Daredevil-main.
- You have been patiently waiting long and hard for a build that elevated the Daredevil among the PvP ranks and finally found something that is decent.
- You don’t mind running for the hills if things get too spicy since your opponents will have a hard time catching you.
- Thanks to your high mobility, you can lead your enemies into an ambush as they begin to tunnel-vision onto you for continuously ganking them.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Shadow Arts - Shadow’s Embrace, Cloaked in Shadow, Shadow’s Rejuvenation
- Trickery - Thrill of the Crime, Bountiful Theft, Sleight of Hand
- Daredevil - Marauder’s Resilience, Havoc Specialist, Unhindered Combatant
- Runes - Rune of Vampirism (increases power and vitality)
- Relics - Relic of Fireworks (increases outgoing strike damage if you used a weapon skill with a recharge time of 20 seconds or greater)
- Trinkets - Berserker Amulet (power, ferocity, precision)
- Weapon set 1 - Main hand dagger and off hand pistol with Sigils of Compounding (for every debuff on your opponent, deal 1% additional damage onto them) and Exploitation (striking foes below 50% deal more damage)
- Weapon set 2 - Two handed shortbow with Sigils of Sigils of Cleansing (upon switching into this weapon set, a debuff is cleansed) and Energy (upon switching into this weapon set, you gain back Endurance while in combat)
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Channeled Vigor - A Daredevil Physical healing skill that recovers Endurance while healing, and provides even more healing when Endurance is full.
- Skill 1 - Shadowstep - A core Thief Deception skill that blinks the player to the target area to get rid of at least three debuffs and break out of stun. Using the skill again brings the player back to where they used the skill first.
- Skill 2 - Blinding Powder - A core Thief Deception skill that inflicts Blind debuffs on opponents while providing stun breaks and Stealth buffs for you and your allies.
- Skill 3 - Infiltrator’s Signet - A core Thief Signet skill that passively regenerates Initiative and when activated breaks the user out of stun while also blinking towards an enemy.
- Elite Skill - Basilisk Venom - A core Thief elite Venom skill that coats your current weapon with Basilisk Venom, turning your foes to stone and is unblockable.
For more build details, check this link: GuildJen.com
6. Catalyst - Fresh Air Catalyst
Elementalists have always been one of the dominant professions in the game with their ability to switch into various elemental attunements, granting them increased firepower, supportive capabilities, inherent tankiness, all in one tight package. While they are a bit squishy if they choose to spec into the more combat oriented roles, these potential glass cannons will do tons of damage when done correctly. The Catalyst ups their damage potential with this specific build by being a high-damaging roamer that can get the job done while being a massive boon share to the team.
Why Fresh Air Catalyst is great
- The Fresh Air Catalyst can not only be an effective Roamer capable of downing enemy players but it can share buffs with its teammates and potentially turn the tide of battle.
- The build allows the Catalyst to be a mobile turret of sorts; always on the move and has the Superspeed buff to make it one step ahead of its enemies every time.
- The Jade Spheres the Catalyst can launch gives it access to powerful buffs that it can use on itself to boost itself or its teammates while fighting to defend nodes.
Choose this build if:
- You want to play an Elementalist elite specialization that can be a valuable roamer that can be part defender, part supporter.
- You are an experienced Elementalist/Catalyst-main that knows how potentially squishy you are but are skilled in evading attacks like some dogs are and bath time.
- You can switch roles on the fly depending on what is needed by your team and can get to them immediately.
- Because of its dependency with the Fresh Air perk, you prioritize crits above all else and will go back and forth between Air Attunement and the other elements frequently.
- You want a bursty magic user but don’t want to play as a Mirage for whatever reason.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Air - One With Air, Raging Storm, Fresh Air
- Arcane - Renewing Stamina, Final Shielding, Evasive Arcana
- Catalyst - Energized Elements, Spectacular Sphere, Staunch Auras
- Runes - Rune of Divinity (increases all stats)
- Relics - Relic of Fireworks (increases outgoing strike damage if you used a weapon skill with a recharge time of 20 seconds or greater)
- Trinkets - Berserker Amulet (power, ferocity, precision)
- Weapon set - Main hand scepter and off hand focus with Sigils of Sigils of Cleansing (upon switching into this weapon set from a different elemental attunement, a debuff is cleansed) and Energy (upon switching into this weapon set from a different elemental attunement, you gain back Endurance while in combat)
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Signet of Restoration - A core Elementalist healing Signet skill that passively heals you whenever you cast spells and when activated grants a bigger heal.
- Skill 1 - Fortified Earth - A Catalyst Augment skill that blocks incoming attacks and grants a barrier if the skill was channeled successfully.
- Skill 2 - Signet of Air - A core Elementalist Signet skill that passively increases the movement speed of the user and when activated inflicts damage and Blindness debuffs on surrounding enemies.
- Skill 3 - Lightning Flash - A core Elementalist Cantrip skill that blinks the player to a target area and inflicts damage.
- Elite Skill - Elemental Celerity - A Catalyst elite Augment skill that reduces the weapon skills on your current elemental attunement and grants a random buff based on the Jade Sphere currently deployed.
For more build details, check this link: Hardstuck.gg
5. Soulbeast - “Sic Em!” Soulbeast
The Ranger class has often seen tons of usage on the PvP scene and for two great reasons: it’s superior range and high burst damage capabilities. With the combined might of their trusty pet, Rangers that choose to become Soulbeasts harness even greater damage potential, skyrocketing their already high damage to even higher, unimaginable heights. Once the Soulbeast has their sights on you, no amount of stealth will save you, nor will you be able to shake free from their aim.
Why “Sic Em!” Soulbeast is great
- Rangers are still the kings of long-range combat no matter the game mode; whether you are in PvE, PvP, or World vs World. The Soulbeast simply elevates their skills and damage output to absurd levels with them merging with their pets to unleash stronger skills.
- The “Sic Em!” Soulbeast is the answer to those pesky enemies that love to use stealth to their advantage as they will suffer from the Revealed status and won’t be able to go back to stealth.
- With the Ranger’s ability to burst down enemies from far away with their longbows, the Soulbeast can do the exact same thing with slightly more power and effectiveness. Even if the fight gets uncomfortably close, they still have their trusty greatswords and close-quarters combat skills to protect them, along with merging with their pets.
Choose this build if:
- You are sick and tired of those stealthy players ruining your fun and want to take your revenge on them.
- You are a skilled roaming Ranger and can flank your enemies from far away and deliver decisive cover fire.
- You aren’t afraid of potential players carrying reflects as you can do just as much damage up close when needed.
- You love how dominant the Ranger and its elite specializations are at max range and love to flaunt your skills.
- You have complete control over your pet and don’t allow it to overextend and leave you wide open in the event of you somehow getting flanked instead of your enemies.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Wilderness Survival - Child of Earth, Shared Anguish, Wilderness Knowledge
- Beastmastery - Resounding Timbre, Two-handed Training, Zephyr’s Speed
- Soulbeast - Unstoppable Union, Second Skin, Eternal Bond
- Runes - Rune of Scholar (increases power and ferocity)
- Relics - Relic of the Brawler (whenever you grant Protection or Resolution buffs to yourself, gain increased strike damage)
- Trinkets - Berserker Amulet (power, ferocity, precision)
- Weapon set 1 - Two handed greatsword with Sigils of Sigils of Cleansing (upon switching into this weapon set from a different elemental attunement, a debuff is cleansed) and Energy (upon switching into this weapon set from a different elemental attunement, you gain back Endurance while in combat)
- Weapon set 2 - Two handed longbow with Sigils of Separation (increases outgoing damage if the enemy is more than 500 units away) and Exposure (upon switching to this weapon set, your next attack will inflict Vulnerability debuff stacks)
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Troll Unguent - A core Ranger Survival skill that regenerates health for you and your pet.
- Skill 1 - “Sic Em!” - A core Ranger Command skill that orders your pet to rush at its target, inflicting the Revealed debuff to prevent them from going back into stealth, and grants additional damage onto them.
- Skill 2 - “Protect Me!” A core Ranger Command skill that breaks you and your pet out of stun while granting Protection buffs and barriers.
- Skill 3 - Dolyak Stance - A Soulbeast Stance skill that prevents certain debuffs from being applied while breaking you out of stun.
- Elite Skill - One Wolf Pack - A Soulbeast elite Stance skill that adds additional strikes for every successful attack at intervals.
For more build details, check this link: GuildJen.com
4. Guardian - Support Core Guardian
The core Guardian has one of two flavors to choose from: pure support or pure offense. While the offensive Guardian is a decent choice in PvP, the fact that it keeps all of its buffs to itself becomes a crying shame in the event those boons get ripped from them, leaving them in the dust. If they go for a support-centric build instead, they may lose their boons, but your team will be powered up, ready to avenge and protect you in case some bully buff remover comes in to try and take you down. The Support Core Guardian is the definition of team player and will always be there to aid its allies.
Why Support Core Guardian is great
- The Support Core Guardian will always find a home in teams, especially when everyone is focused more on being the damage dealer or roamer.
- In the event you wind up being the only support role of the team, you more than make up for it thanks to the buffs you can share and the almighty Aegis buff.
- The Support Core Guardian is one of the best “pocket medics” a teammate can ever have, and in the event their teammate gets downed, they can quickly revive them.
Choose this build if:
- You aren’t bothered with playing a rather slow profession and having to chase after your allies.
- You are a literal team player and love being in a more supportive role than a damage dealer.
- You are at home being the medic of the team and making sure that everyone is protected.
- Despite being more of a support character, you don’t mind throwing hands every now and again as long as you are with a partner as backup.
- You don’t mind being the main damage dealer and would rather boost up others so they can succeed in their roles.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Valor - Smiter’s Boon, Stalwart Defender, Altruistic Healing
- Virtues - Resolute Subconscious, Absolute Resolve, Indomitable Courage
- Honor - Protective Reviver, Pure of Heart, Force of Will
- Runes - Rune of the Druid (increases healing and vitality)
- Relics - Relic of Leadership (after using your elite skill, convert debuffs on you and your allies into buffs)
- Trinkets - Avatar Amulet (power, precision, healing, vitality)
- Weapon set 1 - Main hand sword or mace and off hand shield with Sigils of Energy (upon switching into this weapon set from a different elemental attunement, you gain back Endurance while in combat) and Transference (increases outgoing healing)
- Weapon set 2 - Two handed staff with Sigils of Energy and Transference
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - “Receive the Light!” - A core Guardian healing Shout that heals you and allies in a cone in front of you.
- Skill 1 - “Stand Your Ground!” - A core Guardian Shout skill that breaks you and your allies out of stun while providing Stability buffs .
- Skill 2 - Signet of Mercy - A core Guardian Signet skill that passively increases Concentration and when activated revives a downed targeted ally player.
- Skill 3 - “Save Yourselves!” - A core Guardian Shout skill that acts as a stun break, receives all the debuffs from your allies, and gain massive amounts of buffs for a few seconds.
- Elite Skill - Renewed Focus - A core Guardian elite Meditation skill that makes the user invulnerable for a few seconds and instantly recovers the F1-F3 Virtue Skills.
For more build details, check this link: GuildJen.com
3. Scrapper - Burst Gyro Scrapper
The Scrapper has gone from unviable to absolutely playable thanks to the efforts of buildcrafters that refused to give up on the Engineer’s first elite specialization. With its fun gyros, the Scrapper finds itself blasting its foes to smithereens to the delight of their teammates. Thanks to its Function Gyro, it can even remotely revive downed teammates if they are within range.
Why Burst Gyro Scrapper is great
- The Burst Gyro Scrapper is a highly lethal combatant at any range; would you rather be blasted to kingdom come with its gyros and grenades or get pummeled to a pulp with its electrified hammer?
- Depending on what you choose on its third utility slot, you can pressure the opponents in almost any range possible thanks to the huge arsenal of the Engineer/Scrapper.
- The Burst Gyro is essential to knock enemies off of nodes that are trying to capture them, and the sheer tankiness of the profession will ensure that they can take the fight to anyone in their way.
Choose this build if:
- You aren’t afraid of high-risk, high-reward playstyles and love the Scrapper.
- You are prepared for everything and everything in PvP and can bring the fight to every opponent.
- You don’t mind 2-on-one fights even if it is you that is alone because players don’t want to get knocked off of the nodes if they are forced into melee range.
- You just love explosions so much but are tired of using the Bomb Kit.
- You wanted to be a Thief but became an arsonist instead who loves the Blast Gyro.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Explosives - Grenadier, Explosive Temper, Big Boomer
- Tools - Reactive Lenses, Lock On, Adrenal Implant
- Scrapper - Gyroscopic Acceleration, Rapid Regeneration, Kinetic Accelerators
- Runes - Rune of the Holosmith (increases power, vitality, and precision)
- Relics - Relic of the Chronomancer (gain quickness when you use a Well skill)
- *note: Gyros are considered Well skills*
- Trinkets - Berserker Amulet (power, ferocity, precision)
- Weapon set - Two handed hammer with Sigils of Courage (gain Might buffs every two seconds after every successful weapon hit) and Energy (upon switching into this weapon set from the Grenade Kit, you gain back Endurance while in combat)
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Medic Gyro - A Scrapper healing Gyro skill that drops a Well of healing that also functions as a Water combo field.
- Skill 1 - Grenade Kit - A core Engineer Engineering Kit skill that replaces your current weapon skill into the Grenade Kit bundle.
- Skill 2 - Blast Gyro - A Scrapper Gyro skill that, after a short countdown, will explode, causing an unblockable attack that functions as a Blast finisher and drops a Fire combo field.
- Skill 3 - Optional - Depending on what is needed, bring either Slick Shoes for additional CC or the Shredder Gyro for more damage.
- Elite Skill - Sneak Gyro - A Scrapper elite Gyro skill that provides Stealth buffs for you and your allies while dropping Smoke combo fields.
For more build details, check this link: Metabattle.com
2. Reaper - CondiReaper
Close to the top is none other than the Necromancer’s big hitter in PvP, the Reaper. With its exceptional Reaper Shroud, it will decimate players that fail to realize it is facing off against the unmitigated king of condition damage dealing. The CondiReaper will claim the souls of its victims one by one if they fail to protect themselves from the condition damage it will rain upon them, and knowing how the build fares over the years, it becomes harder and harder to do so despite the nerfs in PvP.
Why CondiReaper is great
- While the CondiReaper is just as lethal of a Necromancer than its other elite specialization brethren, it relies heavily more on inflicting tons of Chill debuffs due to how it also applies debilitating statuses when paired with Chill.
- While Necromancers are known to be ranged condition damage dealers with its Scepter/Dagger and Staff weapons, once it goes Reaper Shroud, it becomes a lethal melee combatant.
- Constant positioning and repositioning is key when playing as a CondiReaper while fighting alongside your teammates to protect yourself from strong melee professions.
Choose this build if:
- You want the power of a condition damage Necromancer with the melee prowess of a raging Warrior.
- You are not afraid to fight head first into battles as long as you know your opponent isn’t heavily armored.
- You are an experienced Necromancer-main and can use the Shroud abilities properly. You can also time it perfectly to deplete instead of your health if ever you are caught in a sticky situation.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Curses - Chilling Darkness, Path of Corruption, Weakening Shroud
- Spite - Bitter Chill, Chill of Death, Spiteful Spirit
- Reaper - Chilling Nova, Decimate Defenses, Deathly Chill
- Runes - Rune of Orr (increases condition damage and duration)
- Relics - n/a (build was made prior to Secrets of the Obscure)
- Trinkets - Carrion Amulet (condition damage, power, vitality)
- Weapon set 1 - Main hand scepter and off hand dagger with Sigils of Exposure (upon switching to this weapon set, your next attack will inflict Vulnerability debuff stacks) and Agony (increases Bleeding debuff duration)
- Weapon set 2 - Two handed staff with Sigils of Energy (upon switching into this weapon set, you gain back Endurance while in combat) and Agony
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - “Your Soul is Mine!” - A Reaper healing Shout skill that heals you, grants life force, and strikes foes all around you.
- Skill 1 - Spectral Walk - A core Necromancer Spectral skill that makes the user take a spectral form, consuming debuffs on the user in exchange of life force, and breaking out of stun. Activate the skill again to return to the original location it was used.
- Skill 2 - Well of Darkness - A core Necromancer Well skill that drops an area-of-effect that pulses Blindness debuffs on enemies.
- Skill 3 - “Suffer!” - A Reaper Shout skill that inflicts damage on surrounding enemies while also inflicting Chill on them. The skill also transfers debuffs on you onto your enemies within melee range and increases damage done to them.
- Elite Skill - “Chilled to the Bone!” - A Reaper elite Shout skill that Freezes enemies around you while you gain massive buffs for every enemy struck. The skill also inflicts stuns on your enemies.
For more build details, check this link: Hardstuck.gg
1. Berserker - Condizerker
The Warrior profession has had its ups and downs with a wide range of success. From its highest of highs with the Spellbreaker, to its lowest of lows and fringe gimmicky builds, the profession continues to experiment and tweak itself, always finding ways to improve. No other build has had quite the journey than the Berserker and its multiple attempts at finding a build that sticks until now…
Why Condizerker is great
- The Condizerker is the amalgamation of having the pure, raw firepower of the Berserker while maintaining a wall-like presence on the battlefield, mixing both offense and defense seamlessly.
- As its name suggests, the Condizerker is a condition damage-based damage dealer, capable of destroying its targets with lots of burning and bleeding damage.
- Not only can the Condizerker blitz its opponents with its raw, unyielding might, but it can soak up the damage and continue raging on its enemies. It is the true “Hulk” among the nine playable professions.
Choose this build if:
- You aren’t looking to start fights but end them fast enough.
- You are into getting into quick, bursty skirmishes around the battlefield and can dish out punishment like no tomorrow.
- You want to defend nodes and can stay in the fight as long as possible.
Full Build Details:
Major Perks and Traits
- Defense - Cull the Weak, Resilient Roll, Cleansing Ire
- Discipline - Warrior’s Sprint, Brawler’s Recovery, Burst Mastery
- Berserker - Savage Instinct, Dead or Alive, Eternal Champion
- Runes - Rune of Orr (increases condition damage and duration)
- Relics - Relic of Akeem (enemies that have the Torment or Confusion debuffs that you disable will spread the same buffs onto the surrounding enemies)
- Trinkets - Rabid Amulet (condition damage, precision, toughness)
- Weapon set 1 - Main hand mage and off hand sword with Sigils of Doom (upon switching into this weapon set, your next attack will inflict Poison debuffs) and Confusion (increases outgoing Confusion debuff duration)
- Weapon set 2 - Two handed longbow with Sigils of Smoldering (increases outgoing Burning debuff duration) and Energy (upon switching into this weapon set, you gain back Endurance while in combat)
Utility Skills
- Heal skill - Mending - A core Warrior healing Physical skill that cleanses conditions from the user while healing them.
- Skill 1 - “Shake It Off!” - A core Warrior Shout skill that cleanses conditions off of you and your allies, as well as breaking out of stun.
- Skill 2 - Sundering Leap - A Berserker Rage skill that launches the user at a targetted area, causing damage, inflicting conditions, and extends Berserk Mode. The skill is considered a Leap Finisher.
- Skill 3 - Shattering Blow - A Berserker Rage skill that summons a large rock temporarily to block ranged attacks that shatters, inflicting Bleeding debuffs on nearby enemies and extends Berserk Mode.
- Elite Skill - Signet of Rage - A core Warrior Elite Signet skill that passively generates Adrenaline for the user while in combat, and when activated, grants Fury, Might, and Swiftness buffs.
For more build details, check this link: Metabattle.com
Closing Thoughts
All nine professions in the game, including all three elite specializations of every profession, have found a way to become viable in PvP, even those with mechanics that are supposed to be built-in support can become damage dealers and vice versa. Take any of your favorite professions and duke it out with other players, but do keep in mind the builds listed above as a template of what currently works. Will your experimental build become a sleeper hit or a massive stinker to be forgotten in the deepest pits of Guild Wars 2’s PvP Arena?