Guild Wars 2 is a unique game in that it is possible to reach the endgame content with all builds.
The developers are constantly adjusting the classes so that gameplay is balanced so that no class is able to dominate.
However, among the classes, some builds have an easier time than others. In this tier list, we are going to explore what Player vs Environment builds are best. We are not going to discuss builds for specific endgame content such as Raid or Fractal builds. Those builds should be tailored to fit into a specific role that your character is filling as part of the team.
These builds are going to do is rock the meta events, slay your way through the campaign and help your guild go on to complete missions. They are resilient, adaptable, and able to survive high-level maps.
Keep in mind that gear selection, sigils, food, and such will affect the performance of the builds listed. A ranking system of 5 stars (like a general) is used. Additionally, player skill level will affect performance. This can cause a lower level build to be played at the next tier.
So, Commander, take a seat and let’s review the builds.
S-Tier - This Tier has the best of the best. They are good in all versions of Player versus Environment including fractals as well as being desirable in raid groups. The situation is this: ArenaNet works hard to develop a well-balanced set of classes so that no one class or build can be overpowered. So if any class or build does dominate, adjustments are made. So narrowing down what build is actually deserving of an S-Tier status is impossible. So, any A-Tier with the right player can be S-Tier.
A-Tier - These are the top-rated builds available for solo adventures - they are durable and powerful. They rank at 5 out of 5 and are able to be used at Meta Events as well as for general PvE adventures.
- Elementalist - Tempest - Fresh Air Auramancer - 5
- Elementalist - Tempest - Scepter/x Fresh Air - 5
- Elementalist - Tempest - Might God Condi Tempest Build - 5
- Engineer - Scrapper - Barrier Bruiser - 5
- Engineer - Holosmith - Protection Sword/Shield - 5
- Engineer - Holosmith - Kitless Power Holo - 5
- Guardian Dragonhunter Radiant Greatsword - 5
- Mesmer - Mirage - Axe/x Infinite Horizon - 5
- Mesmer - Chronomancer Boon Chronomancer Build - 5
- Necromancer - Reaper - Power Greatsword - 5
- Necromancer - Reaper - Power Minion Master - 5
- Necromancer - Reaper - Power Reaper - 5
- Necromancer - Scourge - Scepter/Torch Epidemic - 5
- Ranger - Soulbeast - Power Soulbeast Skirmisher - 5
- Revenant - Herald - Draconic Echo Herald - 5
- Revenant - Renegade - Alacrigade Renegade - 5
- Thief - Daredevil - Power Daredevil - 5
- Warrior - Axe/Axe Arm - 5
- Warrior - Strength Greatsword - 5
- Warrior - Firebrand - Quickbrand Firebrand Build - 5
- Warrior - Phalanx Warrior Build - 5
B-Tier - These builds are still some 5/5 builds but they are slanted toward being better at events, or at general exploration instead of being excellent at both. These builds are at least a 4.9 out of 5
- Engineer - Automative Gadgeteer - 5
- Necromancer - Reaper - Condi Minion Master - 5
- Necromancer - Scourge - Condi Minion Master - 5
- Warrior - Spellbreaker - Strength Greatsword - 5
- Engineer - Holosmith - Static Sword/Shield - 4.9
- Ranger - Soulbeast - Condi Trapper - 4.9
- Ranger - Longbow Beastmastery - 4.9
- Revenant - Renegade - Power Bombardment - 4.9
C-Tier - These are still fun to play and can make it to meta events or the end of the campaign, but they are not as powerful as the builds listed above. Some overalls do find their way on to this list, but they rank at least a 4.7 out of 5.
- Elementalist - Weaver - Sword/x Fresh Air - 4.8
- Guardian - Firebrand - Quickness Greatsword - 4.8
- Mesmer - Chronomancer Sword/x Phantasms - 4.8
- Ranger - Soulbeast - Power Greatsword - 4.8
- Revenant - Herald - Power Glint - 4.8
- Thief - Deadeye - P/P Unload - 4.8
- Thief - P/P Unload - 4.8
- Warrior - Dagger Sun and Moon - 4.8
- Engineer - Scrapper - Iron Blooded Juggernaut - 4.7
- Guardian - Firebrand - Burning Tome - 4.7
- Necromancer - Reaper - Chilling Greatsword - 4.7
- Ranger - Soulbeast - Boon Berserker - 4.7
- Thief - Bounding Staff - 4.7
- Warrior - Berserker - Burning Burst - 4.7
D- Tier - These are the build are at least 4 out of 5, and again can slant toward being better for exploration or meta events, and a few of the weaker overalls. They are still fun but can go the distance - just may struggle a bit.
- Engineer - Flamethrower Gadgeteer - 4.6
- Mesmer - Mirage - Staff/Staff Infinite Horizon - 4.6
- Elementalist - Tempest - AirArcaneTempest - 4.5
- Elementalist - Tempest - Burning Auramancer - 4.5
- Elementalist - Tempest - Dagger/x Fresh Air - 4.5
- Guardian - Radiant Greatsword - 4.5
- Necromancer - Reaper - Condi Minion Master - 4.5
- Thief - Daredevil - P/P Dash - 4.5
- Thief - P/P Dash - 4.5
- Warrior - Gotta Go Fast - 4.5
- Engineer - Elixir Bomber - 4.3
- Necromancer - Power Minion Master - 4.1
- Elementalist - Weaver - Staff Weaver - 4
- Elementalist - Dagger/x Fresh Air - 4
- Mesmer - Chronomancer - Meta Event Divine Quickness - 4
- Ranger - Druid - Staff Farmer - 4
- Revenant - Power Sword - 4
- Thief - Dagger/x Deadly Arts - 4
Now after looking at the builds, let’s look at the class that are considered the best to play:
A heavy class available only with the purchase of an expansion pack and not included in the core game. This class, but this one has more ranged capabilities than the Guardian with the Renegade elite, which is only available with the purchase of either Path of Fire or Heart of Thorns. It has good mobility, excellent area of effects, and support abilities. Additionally, the class has special abilities that allow it to fill a number of roles in groups and handle any situation that you may face in player vs. environment.
A Build to Consider: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRobMMfPXlE&list=PLz0JN2v3KJMmpULtZLrb15zoSERcIooQV
This heavy class is considered among the best because of its meta builds, and the variety of roles it can fill. It also has a lot of weapon options. It also allows very divergent play style and can fill a lot of roles in groups, and also has the ability to work in all game styles of PvE, including raid groups and Fractal.
For more about this class: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lADmx3SVU08
This class is light armor and has a diverse skill set to support it. It has a lot of mobility, and the elite skill sets give the class a different build from the core. Reaper allows this class to take on a more warrior feel to the gameplay. While Scourge allows for larger areas of effect and teleports. Again, this is a good class for group play, or for solo adventures in the wild of Tyria.
A Build to Consider: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aczrz4FavHU&list=PLz0JN2v3KJMmpULtZLrb15zoSERcIooQV&index=2
The Elementalist class harnesses the power of earth, air, fire, and water to be able to perform feats of magic. This light class is able to do massive areas of effects. The Tempest elite builds make this class a force to be dealt with. That said, this class only allows for one weapon, rather than the ability to switch between two weapons like other classes. However, the class always has access to the elements which each change the performance of the weapon. Keep in mind that, there is a level of skill that needs to be developed in order to fully master this class.
A Build to consider: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsDFJbabNTc&list=PLz0JN2v3KJMmpULtZLrb15zoSERcIooQV&index=10
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