With so many cards in Hearthstone, it can be hard to decide which the strongest decks are.
Here are the top 10 decks after the release of the Galakrond’s Awakening Solo Adventure.
1. Galakrond Warrior
Galakrond Warrior is arguably the strongest deck in the game at the moment. It makes good use of the hero power of Galakrond to either push face damage or control the board. This deck is a version of Tempo Warrior and the ultimate win condition of the deck is to fully invoke Galakrond and finish the game with the minions buffed by Galakrond’s battlecry.
What's good about this deck:
It isn’t very complex and you can easily learn how to play it effectively
It doesn’t cost a lot of dust to craft. 2 of the 4 legendaries are free and the other 2 are Leeroy Jenkins and Kronx Dragonhoof, which most players already have
It is quite flexible. Galakrond’s invoked hero power is good against both control and aggressive decks.
How to play this deck effectively:
Tempo is your best friend – opt for a good early game curve and spend your efficiently
Try to go for value trades when playing against fast deckс
Try to go for face damage when playing against slower decks
Use your resources efficiently, especially against slow decks like Quest Druid
Tempo Rogue has been one of the most popular decks throughout the whole Hearthstone history. It always finds its way to the top tier of the meta. This deck gains huge tempo advantages using its combo effects. The Galakrond package serves as a second win condition.
What’s good about this deck:
It is relatively straight forward and new players will easily find success with it
It uses one of the game’s most entertaining mechanics – Lackeys. They provide a lot of diversity and make the deck more interesting
It is strong against arguably the most popular deck on the ladder – Dragon Hunter
How to play this deck effectively:
Against some aggressive decks like Face Hunter you might end up taking too much damage from your hero power. Be careful with the opponent’s deck burst damage
Use your mana efficiently
Edwin WanCleef is one of the strongest cards in the deck. Some decks such as Embiggen Druid and Face Hunter don’t have good single-target removal. In such match-ups, a big Edwin can win you the game on the spot
A common mistake when playing this deck is that people forget they can only use Backstab and Seal Fate on undamaged minions. Don’t make such silly mistakes
If you are facing lots of control decks you can substitute the SI:7 Agent for Sap
Dragon Hunter depends on its dragon synergy effects to win the game. The deck caught a lot of attention after the release of Descent of Dragons, however, it was the extra support it received in Galakrond’s Awakening that made the deck so strong.
What’s good about this deck:
It is good for climbing because the games are rather fast and you can play lots of games in a short time period
It is rather cheap to craft – it only has 2 legendaries (Leeroy Jenkins and Dragonbane)
It is rather easy to play and thus perfect for people that are still learning the game
How to play this deck effectively:
Try to go for an aggressive mulligan. Sometimes Blazing Battlemage on turn 1 with Frenzied Felwing on turn 2 can easily win you the game
Be careful when deciding what to play. You should try to avoid having no dragons in hand because in such case cards like Rotnest Drake become weaker
Use your resources and mana effectively
Don’t keep secrets in your opening hand. Try to play them with Phase Stalker
Against token-based decks, you should substitute Freezing Trap for Explosive Trap
Just like any other highlander deck, Highlander Hunter offers a lot of diversity between games. This is a flexible deck that can adapt to any situation. It tends to play aggressively and control the board, finishing the game with strong singleton effects like Dinotamer Brann’s and Dragonqueen Alexstraza’s.
What is good about this deck:
It is incredibly entertaining to play
It has lots of tech options and can adapt to any meta
It has no bad match-ups and every game feels winnable
How to play this deck effectively:
Be careful with cards like Bad Luck Albatross as they break your singleton synergies
Go for an early-game mulligan.
Try to stay slightly ahead of your opponent on board
Don’t over-commit resources unless you are sure your opponent doesn’t have a board-clear to deal with all of your threats at once
Try to hold onto Zephrys the Great and use him to get out of a sticky situation or find lethal
This deck can be played with a secret package instead of the dragon one. Try both a decide which works better for you
Highlander Mage is a singleton deck that plays one copy of each card in order to use strong effects like Reno the Relicologist’s. This is a rather slow deck, which tries to control the deck with its strong board clears.
What is good about this deck:
It has a high learning curve and can be very challenging to master
Currently, it is one of the most interesting control decks in the meta
It has lots of cool legendaries like Malygos, Aspect of Magic and Stargazer Luna
How to play this deck effectively:
Be careful with cards like Bad Luck Albatross as they break your singleton synergies
Try to play your expensive spells with the effects of Dragoncaster and Tortollan Pilgrim
Luna’s Pocket Galaxy can allow you to make some crazy combos with Stargazer Luna and the discounted minions
Be careful when playing Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron as it is very risky and can sometimes cause you a lot of trouble
Hunter decks are your weakest match-ups. When playing against a Hunter, mulligan for Zephrys the Great, Firetree Witchdoctor and Doomsayer
Quest Hunter was thought to be the sleeper OP deck in the meta. However, with the support it received from Galakrond’s Awakening, it became obvious how strong this token-oriented deck is.
What is good about this deck:
It is perfect for people who like to use token strategies
After completing the quest, your hero power becomes incredibly strong. It has the effect of Savage Road, which is one of the strongest cards in Hearthstone
It has only one bad match-up in the face of Control Warwock
How to play this deck effectively:
Your game plan is to complete your Quest as soon as possible and start making tokens to end the game
Mulligan for Questing Explorer, Licensed Adventurer and Clear the Way
One of the strongest combos of this deck requires you to have 10 mana crystals, finished quest and the cards Leeroy Jenkins and Unleash the Hounds. Play Leeroy Jenkins first, then Unleash the Hounds and in the end, use your hero power. This combo lets you deal 17 direct damage to your opponent and gives you the opportunity to finish the game out of nowhere
Control Warwock is your worst match-up. When playing against it, try to use your resources carefully and keep track of your opponent's board clears
Previously playing as an aggressive mid-range deck, Galakrond Control Warwock has transformed into a rather slow deck, which tries to control the game with its early game board clears.
What is good about this deck:
There is a lot of variety, as there are many versions of this deck
Most of the legendaries in this deck are staple and crafting them will make your card collection a lot stronger, while providing you with a strong deck as well
It received some very strong cards like Crazed Netherwing in the latest expansion
How to play this deck effectively:
In the early turns, try to control the board and clear it efficiently
Invoke Galakrond whenever you have the chance to
Once you reach the late game, try to close out the game with your large threats, like Dragonqueen Alexstrasza and Galakrond, the Wretched.
Highlander decks are some of your weaker match-ups. Bad Luck Albatross can be game-winning against such decks
When playing against slower control decks like Quest Druid, Start the game offensively with strong early game minions such as Dragonblight Cultist
Quest Druid is a control deck. To complete the quest Untapped Potential, you need to end 4 separate turns with at least 1 unspent mana crystal. Doing that gives you the hero power Ossirian Tear, which makes all your “choose one” cards activate all options.
What is good about this deck:
It is very unique, compared to other decks
It is the cheapest control deck in the top spots of the meta
It can adapt to different match-ups well
How to play this deck effectively:
Finish your quest as soon as possible. It is your win condition
After playing the quest on turn 1, play either a coin or Innervate to complete the deck faster
Play your cards efficiently, your game plan is to outvalue your opponent after completing the quest
In the mulligan try to draw Crystal Merchant, Oasis Surger and Nourish
You can add Steel Beetle if you are facing a lot of aggressive decks and King Phaoris if you are facing many control decks
Embiggen Druid is a mid-range deck, which emerged in the latest expansion – Descent of Dragons. It makes use of strong dragon synergies, as well the spell card Embiggen, which makes your minions gain 2/2 and cost 1 more mana.
What is good about this deck:
It is great for new players because it rather straight forward to play and includes lots of staple cards
It has only one weak match-up – Dragon Hunter
You can cheat out big minions for 1 mana with the sidequest Strength in Numbers
How to play this deck effectively:
Breath of Dreams and Embiggen are your strongest cards. Always mulligan for them
Against aggressive decks, try to control the board and go for value trades when possible
Against control decks, try going face and ending the game quickly
Try to curve out well and spend your mana crystals efficiently. Tempo is very important in such mid-range decks
You can add Escaped Manasaber to the deck if you are facing a lot of fast decks
Face Hunter is one of the popular decks in Hearthstone. It tries to kill its opponents with charge minions, weapons and burn spells, along with Hunter’s hero power Steady Shot. For this deck, it is crucial to maximize your damage and use your hero power whenever you get the chance to.
What is good about this deck:
It is the cheapest deck on this list and can be crafted without any legendary cards
It is good for climbing because the games are extremely fast and you can play lots of games in a short time period
It isn’t very hard to play
How to play this deck efficiently:
Make good use of your mana on the early turns. Try to use your 1 drops to deal face damage before your opponent manages to establish board control
Don’t keep secrets in your opening hand. Try to play them with Phase Stalker
You should be super careful with your resources because you can easily run out of cards
Mulligan for Toxic Reinforcements and your 1-drops
Don’t hesitate to go face and ignore your opponent's minions, unless it is really important to remove them