1) Mail Jobs
One of the best ways to earn money early in House Flipper is by completing mail jobs. These jobs take less time and won’t cost as much money as flipping your own houses. They will also always have a profit.
Mail jobs also allow you to get to know the game and the mechanics better as you play through them. Overall, mail jobs are a great way to earn money quickly at any point in the game.
2) Include more bedrooms and bathrooms
The best way to earn more money on any house that you’re flipping is to include more bedrooms and bathrooms. These rooms will boost the selling price of your house more than other factors. So this is the best strategy for flipping houses.
This strategy works best if you aren’t trying to cater to specific clients. Some clients like houses with more bedrooms, such as the Johnson family. Meanwhile, clients like Dolan Trusk only want one bedroom.
In order for a room to be considered a bedroom, you just need a bed. For a room to be labeled as a bathroom, it must have a bath or shower, a sink, and a toilet.
3) Pick a client and cater to them
Another strategy for making more money is to pick specific buyers, and work on making houses according to what they like or dislike. Many buyers are picky about the type of house they want to buy, even down to paint colors and decorations.
If you want to use this strategy, you should consider the size of the house before picking which client you want to sell it to. So if you want to sell to the buyer, Chang Choi, then you should pick the smallest house you can since he has very specific and minimal requirements. But if you want to sell to the Johnson family, you should pick a big house with plenty of rooms.
Keep in mind that all rooms will need certain types of objects. So in order to make buyers happy, you must make sure that you have the types of rooms they like. An example is the Johnson family, who like having a family. Family rooms require various items like a sofa, bookcases, and a television.
4) Buy the “House that is hiding something”
One of the best houses to buy early in the game for some quick money is the “house that is hiding something.” The house contains a hidden basement, which has a painting that can be sold for more than half the price of the house. The painting combined with actually flipping the house will leave you with a nice profit early in the game.
5) Don't add too many small details
It’s always good to add decorations, and some buyers require them, but adding too many isn’t good. If you’re trying to sell to the Jantart family you will need to add decorations like plants and rugs.
Adding too many decor items, though, just drains away at your funds without adding much value to the house. You can still add more decor if you want, but it would just be for aesthetic purposes rather than to earn more money.
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