One of the best available house renovation games on the market has to be House Flipper. The game has hundreds of hours of content available. While waiting for the second House Flipper game, here are some tips and strategies that will help you become a pro house flipper in no time!
1) Focus on the mail jobs first
It’s super tempting as a new player to only complete the mandatory mail jobs and then immediately dive into buying your own house. But completing as many mail jobs as possible before buying your first house will make building your house easier. Waiting until you’ve completed most of the mail jobs makes sure that you have plenty of money to play with. It also gives you access to mechanics such as tiling walls, which can only be unlocked bycompleting mail jobs.
2) Strive to completely finish all your jobs
While working on your jobs, it’s important to completely finish the job. Your progress is shown as a blue bar on the right side of your screen. You’ll know that there’s nothing left to do for a job once the bar is replaced with the option to complete it.
3) Choose “Penetrating Vision” as your first level up
It may seem intimidating to levelup early in the game due to having so many options. Each perk has three different options for how you can level up in that category. The first and most important skill to level up is “Penetrating Vision”, which is a cleaning perk.
This skill will reveal any remaining dirt on your mini-map. The mini-map is located on the upper right-hand side of your screen.
4) Sell the furniture in your first office
The office you’re given in the game is definitely a piece of work, to put it nicely. Early in the game, it’s best to just sell the furniture to earn some extra money and make space for new furniture. This also allows you to place your own furniture to customize your office into something that you like as you earn money!
5) Buy job furniture through the tasks menu
The task menu may go unnoticed by new players. The menu is available on the tablet, and will show you what furniture, paint, tiles, and devices you need to place in a specific room. It will also allow you to pick which devices to place by clicking on the item.
6) Take care of the lawn
Even before the weed whacker or lawnmower is unlocked, you should be quickly walking around the outside of jobs to pick any weeds. This will level up your gardening perks earlier in the game. Which will make mowing the lawn a lot faster once it’s unlocked.
7) Picking your first house
So, you’re finally ready to buy your first virtual house! What next? If you’ve completed a handful of jobs, the options may seem endless, so how should you choose your first house? The best option is to buy the smaller houses first.
This will give you some practice with houses that don’t have ahigh resale value. As well as being able to see what each client likes while working. Or, you could move your office into a smaller house if you so desire.
8) Clean your house first
So, you’ve bought your first virtual house; Congratulations! The first step is to clean the whole place from top to bottom. This will make it easier to place furniture and will make your potential clients happy.
9) Clean the outside of the house
Most houses will need some sort of cleaning on the outside. This includes piles of garbage or dirt. There may also be graffiti or dirt on the outside of the house.
The piles of dirt can be cleaned using a shovel, which will appear when you look at the pile. The graffiti and dirt can be cleaned using a hose, which is available in the tool wheel while outside.
10) Using tools faster
Both shoveling and using your axe in the game feel like they take forever. Unlike tiling, it’s possible to somewhat shorten the time it takes to use shovels and axes. This can be done by ending the animations as you work.
To do this, you just need to hold the use button while shoveling. Once the shovel is in the ground, release the use button. This ends the animation but still gets rid of the dirt you’re dealing with. The same thing can be done while cutting down trees.
11) Resell your leftovers
Once you’ve finished painting or laying tiles, you may have leftovers. These can be sold, and you’ll earn back whatever you didn’t use. You can also place tiles that you didn’t use while tiling walls and sell them back.
12) Change all the flooring and paint
In some houses, the floors don’t look like they need to be changed, and sometimes it’s the same with the walls. But it’s a good idea to paint and change the floors anyway to increase the value of your house. Having different wall colors may also make different clients more likely to buy your house.
13) Can’t paint a wall?
Sometimes, while trying to paint or tile, you won’t be able to paint certain walls. Sometimes the issue is obvious, but other times a hole in the wall isn’t noticeable. To fix these, you need to open your store and buy plaster to patch up the wall before painting.
14) Fixing a misplaced door
There’s nothing worse than scrolling through all the doors. Finally finding the perfect one, adjusting the color and the door handle. Only to place the door and find that it sticks out of the doorway.
Instead of having to go through the hastle of selling the door and completely rebuying it, you can adjust the door. Hit it once with a hammer, and then you will be able to move and adjust the door instead of going through the hassle of selling it and buying a replacement.
15) Don’t be afraid to come back later
While working on your first house, it seems like you don’t have a choice other than to sell the house once your funds are depleted or if you hit a creative wall. But this is absolutely not true!
The best option is to return to your office and work on mail jobs before returning to the house to finish them. Just don’t forget to save your game!
16) Add details
Never forget to add decorations. The game had a variety of plants, mirrors, rugs, and paintings that could be added to boost the selling price. These details also help add life to your house.
17) Check what each client likes
While working on a house that you plan on selling, the portraits of your clients will appear on the right hand side of the screen. If you want to sell your house to a certain person, you can check what they like and dislike.
This is located on the “buyers” menu, which is between your store and perks.
18) Level up the price negotiation perk
Once you’ve finally started bidding on your house, you’ll have the option to negotiate the selling price with the top bidder. This perk is unlocked by leveling up your negotiation trait by selling houses.
19) Always negotiate for more money
While negotiating, it’s important to get the sweet spot price. If you try to negotiate too high, the client will say no, and you won’t be able to continue negotiating. If you go too low, then you will be losing out on potential money.
So, it’s best to stay in the five thousand-to-ten-thousand-dollar range while negotiating.
20) Change windows, stairs, and siding
One of the best ways to make your house really stand out is to change the stairs, windows, and siding. Windows come in various sizes and styles. Stairs can be made unique, such as by adding a spiral staircase. And changing the siding makes the outside look just as nice as the inside.
21) Use scaffolding to reach high walls
A tool that may go unnoticed in House Flipper is scaffolding. But using the search menu in the store shows a medium and large scaffold. These could be used to reach high walls and ceilings, both outside and inside.
22) Moving your office
It sounds like moving your office is a big decision. But it absolutely isn’t. There’s no cost to move your office, and you can move your office as many times as you would like throughout the game.
This means you can completely design your own house just for yourself. Moving offices is simple, and the option is located in the game menu.
23) Avoid rushing through the game
Sometimes games like House Flipper can be overwhelming. Some houses are so big, or your plans for the house aren’t working out right. It’s too easy to just shrug it off and sell the house to avoid the headache.
But the best way to play this game is to take breaks. You can’t get that couch to look just right? Maybe you should just work on the kitchen instead. Or you can leave the whole house and work on some jobs.
Selling houses when you hit a rut just limits the amount of money you can earn, and once you sell a house, you need to wait until the end of the game to buy it again.
24) Rebuying your old houses
Once you’ve finally sold all the houses and completed all the jobs, what’s left to do? Lucky for us, once you “complete” the game, you can rebuy all your old houses!
This leaves room to redesign your first house,which, as a veteran player, you might not be very happy with.
25) Be creative!
One of the best parts about House Flipper is the room it gives you to be creative! When it comes to designing your own house, there are no rules. Other than being unable to edit exterior walls.
So the best tip that could be offered to people of all experience levels is to be creative. Let your own ideas for a dream house come to life.
Over the years I have traveled through the fertile Stardew Valley, New Hanover, and the Nether. All my travels, and copious amounts of iced coffee, have fueled my passion for creative writing.
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