Picking favorites is hard unless we're talking about favorite characters.
Hunter x Hunter features one of the most diverse and relatable characters in any anime out there. It seems that every episode introduces us to at least one or two new elements to the storyline, and it can even be hard to keep track at times.
You have downright evil bastards coming out of the woodwork to make our protagonist's lives a living hell, and as if that wasn't enough, there is an entire species of hybrid Chimera Ant creatures hell bent on world domination in the name of their king.
There are hilarious people who show up at just the right time to give us a little comedic relief, all the while poor Gon just wants to find his papa. Let's take a look at the Top 10 Hunter x Hunter Best Characters.
Number 10: Kurapika
He should really try Visine.
The scarlet eyed man himself. Or is it boy? I guess the scarlet eyed person himself. The last remaining member of the Kurta Clan, dead set on eradicating the Phantom Troupe with freakin' chains and willpower alone, after they hunted his people down to steal their eyes and sell them to the highest bidder.
What Makes Kurapika Awesome:
- I may have mentioned this before, but NEN CHAINS?
- Kurapika destroyed Uvo who was much larger and more experienced than he was.
- He is cool enough to make the Zodiacs, which is no easy feat.
- His Nen abilities shift from Conjurer to specialist when his eyes shift to scarlet.
Number 9: Leorio
More like Le-OERO am I right?
Tall, lanky, and he could probably steal your girlfriend. He may seem like a big nerd, sure, but Leorio has a huge heart made of gold. He may seem like a greedy jerk initially, saying that he wants to become a hunter to make crazy money. However we later see that he wants to become super rich to save people after he was unable to pay for his medical treatment.
What Makes Leorio Awesome:
- That flashy blue suit. Have you ever seen someone involved in life or death combat wear such a nice suit?
- The fact that he is a big teddy bear and doesn't actively seek to hurt anyone, though he will break your face if pushed.
- He's training to be a doctor to help people, what a guy.
Number 8: Hisoka
Hisoka: not a good babysitting cantidate.
Alright, alright, Hisoka is a little creepy. He may be playing a few different sides of the field here, being a Hunter, a member of the Phantom Troupe (don't tell Kurapika), a Heaven's Gate challenger, a bit of a sexual predator and quite literally a clown, but those things are what makes him one of the best characters in the entire show.
What Makes Hisoka Awesome:
- Bungee Gum that has the properties of both rubber and gum, as he loves to tell us.
- He flings cards precisely enough to kill. That had to take a lot of practice.
- He is such a dynamic and recurring character that it's impossible to not like him at least a little bit.
- Just wants to FIGHT all the TIME. Take a break man!
Number 7: Killua
He'll steal your heart. No, literally. Out of your chest.
Zappy-Boy™ is such an important part of this show, it's crazy. Sure, on the surface he is the secondary protagonist, but it's so much more. He is the rationality to the all too common knee-jerk reactions of Gon. He was a fully trained assassin before he was 5 feet tall, belonging to the ultra-elite Zoldyck family. Even the big bad Netero was worried that Killua would manage to retrieve the ball from his hands during the hunter exam arc.
What Makes Killua Awesome:
- He has truly unique Nen powers. Electricity based powers are seen very infrequently throughout the series.
- He ripped the beating heart out of a muscle bound man three times his size without breaking a sweat or saying a word.
- He loves his creepy little sister more than the world and would destroy a small city by hand to protect her.
Number 6: Chrollo
He couldn't just get gauges like a normal dude.
Chrollo is a bad dude. His last name is literally Lucifer, so the show isn't trying to hide this fact. He is the leader of the Phantom troupe which are a gang of murderers and robbers for hire. His gang was responsible for the attacks on the Kurta Clan that resulted in Kurapika becoming the bad-ass he is today, so at least a little good came from it. We still don't really understand the powers or reasoning behind Chrollo's actions, but we can rest assured that they are not pure.
What Makes Chrollo Awesome:
- He is a spooky guy. His appearance and the friends that he keeps are evidence of this.
- As much as we love to hate the Phantom Troupe, Chrollo is a good leader and understands that he is not the sole reason that the group survives.
- His cold disposition does make him seem like a jerk, but we really see him open up to his cohorts later on in the series.
Number 5: Zeno
How many cool old men does this show feature?
I know what you're thinking, Zeno wasn't even in the show all that much, and you would be correct for thinking that. He is however one of the most powerful forces of nature in the Hunter x Hunter universe, highly rated with the likes of Netero and Meruem. He also has an amazing Fu Manchu mustache so that adds to his cool factor by 10X. His Nen abilities are fantastic and a blast to watch unfold.
What Makes Zeno Awesome:
- Dragon Head Nen attack is unbelievable! He turns his Nen into a freakin' dragon!
- Even better than that is the Dragon Dive attack we see upon the assault of the Chimera Ant king and his disciples near the end of the Chimera arc. He makes it rain dragon spears. How wild.
- He is a grumpy old man who takes no crap but he loves his grand-kids more than anything.
Number 4: Neferpitou
Pitou sucks, plain and simple.
Merium, Chrollo, Hisoka, Illiumi, and the Bomber are all great at filling the role of a villain. They evoke hate and anger from our protagonists and ourselves alike, so it really means something when I say that Pitou takes the evil cake. Never have I been so filled with a sense of primeval hatred for a character. This visceral disgust fills me every time I see Pitou on screen. Pitou destroyed Kite, attacked innocent civilians, and caused Gon to overexert his power level to such a great extent that he went into a coma. With all of that said, Pitou really managed to tie the Chimera Ant arc together and I think the show would have not have been so great without their inclusion.
What Makes Pitou Awesome:
- They're incredibly powerful. Gon had to pull power from his future self to defeat them. That's quite the feat.
- Pitou is part cat, part demon and they can sort of fly. Bad-ass.
- Pitou's senses are off the charts. They can hear for kilometers in any direction and have a sixth sense for enemies.
Number 3: Meruem
Don't invite him to your poker game.
We couldn't have this list without including the Ant King himself. Meruem is by far the number one most powerful being in the Hunter x Hunter universe that we are currently aware of. They were brought into the world solely to dominate and usher in the age of Chimera Ant domination. It is believed that the Chimera Ant Queen that birthed Meruem was most likely a refugee of the Dark Continent, that being the world outside the normal boundaries of the world map.
What Makes Meruem Awesome:
- They're the most powerful of the most powerful. Every single act of aggression and display of power we see in the entire series prior to Meruem ascending to power is null and void in his presence.
- Don't let the whole world domination thing fool you, he really just wants to chill and play Gungi with Komugi.
Number 2: Gon
The style. The hair. The fishing pole.
Of course Gon is on this list. The whole premise of the show is to follow him on his adventures and endeavors, right? Where would we be without him? We love him, and at times, want to knock him unconscious to save him from his own foolish decisions. I think we all see a little bit of Gon in ourselves. The desire to be more, to do good and help others, the quick and sometimes stupid reactions to people around him, and most of all the desire to deliver a punch right to stupid face of Hisoka. I think anyone who watches the show will find at least a few ways to relate to our protagonist, and that's what makes him so great.
What Makes Gon Awesome:
- This boy has more ambition and drive than most grown men in the series, It's a little concerning, really.
- Dope green shorts and a fishing pole he beats enemies with.
- Crazy ability to think on his feet and adapt to any situation he is involved in.
Number 1: Netero
The man with the beard and a plan.
Netero is the hero that we need, but don't deserve. To describe him in a word: dedicated. The 12th Chairman of the Hunter Association and one of the most likable characters in the series. His willpower is unimaginable, and his abilities are unmatched. Though he was technically less powerful than Meruem, his mental ability still allowed him to defeat the Ant King using Miniature Rose, an implied nuclear bomb embedded in his body as a last ditch self-destruct method. He does lose the initial battle against Meruem but as a result of radiation, Meruem succumbs shortly after.
What Makes Netero Awesome:
- He made the ultimate sacrifice to save the known world from the danger of the Chimera Ants.
- His ability of 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva is absolutely unbelievable to watch take place in his final battle.
- He shaped the future of the Hunter Association by setting a strong example for all remaining hunters to follow.
- Have you seen this man play ball? Good god he is good.
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