Did someone mention gratuitous violence?
Hunter x Hunter is beloved by many for its creative storytelling and character development, but really we all tune back in to watch these people beat the crap out of each other, right? You may have watched the entire series by now, but there are so many tiny details and great scenes that you may have missed or forgotten. Now I know you're itching to jump right back into the show and pick your favorite scenes, but fear not, for I have done the digging for you. Here you will find the 15 best fight scenes to rewatch from Hunter x Hunter.
Number 15 - Gon, Kurapika and Leorio VS. Hisoka
Hisoka is a creep.
We will start at one of the most pivotal points in the series. This scene fully introduces Hisoka as the two faced menace that he is, initially taunting Leorio and Kurapika. Even more importantly this scene shows us the beginning of the back and forth relationship between Hisoka and Gon that continues through the entire series.
Number 14 - Kite VS. Neferpitou
That scythe is metal as hell.
This is a depressing fight for sure. What an intense battle to be seen though! Kite truly demonstrates his power level in the build up to this fight, not to mention the hits he delivers to Neferpitou even after losing an arm. We also see Killua knocking Gon out in this scene, an important factor to prevent him from getting involved in a fight that would end with him getting killed, showing that as much as we love Gon, he can be reckless.
Number 13 - Killua VS. Jones
This story arc featured some super clever fight scenarios, including this one. While attempting to escape from Trick Tower we see Killua really show his true colors as a trained assassin. He effortlessly rips a mans beating heart out his chest, no small feat for a 12 year old boy.
Number 12 - Gon VS. Sedokan
A candle? How are we going to battle with a candle?
This is not a battle of raw power, but rather one of wits. It is by far one of the most interesting challenges we see in the show up to this point, and for good reason. I would hate to spoil the outcome of this for those of you who haven't yet seen this unfold, but rest assured it will leave you impressed.
Number 11 - Morel VS. Leol
Someone should tell Morel that smoking is bad.
Morel is a bad-ass dude, and Leol is a bad-ass lion/ant/thing so seeing these two face off was incredible. We the two go back and forth tracking each other before finally arriving face to face. The ensuing battle is one of the most dynamic in the entire series!
Number 10 - Hisoka VS. Kastro
A battle of sweet venagance. And Bungee gum.
The easiest way to describe the relationship between Hisoka and Kastro is semi-formal enemy. They have both shown extreme power in Heaven's Arena, especially with developing new Nen techniques to battle one another. This intense battle culminates with a bang!
Number 9 - Silva and Zeno VS. Chrollo
This old man scares me.
The Zoldyc clan doesn't fool around. They're highly trained assassins with unfathomable power and it certainly clashes in epic proportions against the leader of the Phantom Troupe. Chrollo demonstrates his abilities, seemingly to the surprise of the Zoldyck clan leaders.
Number 8 - Knuckle, Shoot and Killua VS. Menthuthuyoupi
Three idiods versus an angry tomato.
This is an intense fight. Youpi is a battle proven warrior, dead set on protecting the Chimera King, and willing to destroy anything that may prevent him from doing so. When Shoot, Knuckle and Killia take him on, head to head, it's uncertain who will come out on top.
Number 7 - Ikalgo VS. Welfin
What a menacing set of tenticals you have there..
It may have been a small battle in the grand scheme of the storyline, and probably one that you forgot about. This however marks an absolutely key point of the show that shows that a Chimera Ant has shifted onto our protagonists side. Sure there was in-fighting between the ants before, but nothing of this magnitude.
Number 6 - Uvo VS. the Shadow Beasts
Those shadow beasts remind me a lot of my mother in law.
The shadow beasts are nasty. They don't play fair and they certainly aren't people you would want to be around for very long. The battle in question is definitely entertaining to watch, but it's true purpose is to show us the raw ability of Uvo. It's important we know how strong he is to lead us into number five on our list.
Number 5 - Kurapika VS. Uvo
Nen chains? Nen chains.
This is a crazy battle and is arguably one of the most important in the entire series. It shows us the raw power of a Nen contract with conditions, allowing him to overpower and defeat an enemy that is much more powerful. Also did you notice that Kurapika brought a SHOVEL to this fight? He knew he would win and need to bury Uvo! That's confidence!
Number 4 - Gon VS. Hisoka
A most satisfying punch to the face.
Gon is dead set on delivering a punch to Hisoka's face after the events that took place during the Hunter Exam. This fight is built up throughout the series, starting very early on within the first few episodes when Gon and Hisoka first meet. It's a pretty inventive fight featuring surprise Nen abilities.
Number 3 - Greed Island Dodgeball Match
One of the best in the series!
Okay, so this isn't so much a normal battle, but it is an extremely entertaining fight of strength and willpower. The development between cGon, Killua and Hisoka in these few episodes is a crucial aspect later on in the story. Plus this puts Gon even closer to finding his father once they emerge victorious.
Number 2 - Chairman Netero VS. Meruem
Such ferocity between a man and an Ant.
This is number two on the list but it is definitely the most enthralling in the entire series. An immovable object meets an unstoppable force. The chairman of the Hunter Association and The Chimera Ant King engage in a battle to the death. A manly tear may have been shed after the outcome of this battle was revealed.
Number 1 - Gon VS. Neferpitou
Sweet, sweet vengance. My favorite.
Is there any surprise this is number one? There is so much aftermath to this one battle that it spawns an entirely new story arc, that's impressive. We see Gon reach his absurdly high maximum power level to defeat the ant responsible for Kite's untimely demise, and man, did it feel good to see Pitou smashed into pieces.
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