Let's look at the best of the best.
I'm a huge fan of 2011's Hunter x Hunter reboot, and as such I tend to think EVERY episode is the best. There are such amazing fights in this series, it's unimaginable. The character development and attention to detail make it worth re-watching the entire series over and over until we get a fresh run of the show. I had such a hard time trying to narrow this list down, believe me. I took to re-watching the series (again), but in the meantime I consulted IMDb's ratings and my very own brain to pick out the Top 10 Hunter x Hunter Best Episodes.
Oh, by the way, major plot spoilers ahead.
Number 10: Hisoka × Is × Sneaky
Look at this clown.
God Hisoka is creepy as hell! This is our first real introduction to him in the series, so strap in.
- It creates the dynamic between Hisoka and Gon.
- It shows us Gon being reckless for the first time.
- We see Hisoka take down an entire group of enemies easily, demonstrating his power level for the first time.
Number 9: Baffling X Turn × Of × Events
I didn't see that coming.
Plot twist?! Killua is related to WHO?
- It shows us that Gon passed the Hunter Exam and got his hunter's license! Finally!
- It reveals that Gittarackur is actually Illumi, who knew?
- It fully introduces us to Killua's family by revealing that he is related to Illumi. Now I know NO ONE was expecting that.
Number 8: Assault X And X Impact
Fire Dragons?!
This was a crazy cool episode! Here's why it comes in at rank 8:
- That fight between Zino, Silva and Chrollo is legendary! It's surprising that they didn't destroy the entire building they were in!
- This shows us the upper echelon of power levels from the Zoldycks'
- It also starts to explain a little more about the Phantom Troupe and how they operate.
Number 7: Charge X And X Invade
Are you on the edge of your seat too?
Speaking of the Zoldyck families' power, just look at this epic assault on the Chimera Ants.
- Look at those flaming arrows, do you see them? LOOK AT THEM!
- We see Pitou notice something is wrong straight away, and just check how amazing their reflexes are returning to the king. That's a grade A apex predator.
- This episode sets up the most intense series of battles in the entire series!
Number 6: Past X And X Future
It may be surprising that the series finale is only number 6 on this list, but you will see why shortly.
- I'm not crying, YOU'RE CRYING. Such a beautiful episode that leaves us with more questions than we started with.
- Gon and his dad are pals now, wasn't that the entire reason he became a hunter? I may have lost track of plot lines..
- This episode sets up the Dark Continent story arc that is still in development.
Number 5: Condition X And X Condition
Someone get a lawyer for all of these conditions!
Alright, alright. I know I have already listed some pretty intense battles so far, but few are more satisfying that the one in this episode. Kurapika versus Uvogin. Kurapika finally faces a spider, head to head.
- This episode really introduces the concept of a Nen contract with conditions, allowing a much less experienced Kurapika to take down Avo based on sheer conviction of will. Intense.
- I'm sorry, are those frickin' chains flying out of Kurapika hands? Are you serious?
- This really shows the Phantom Troupe that they may have some issues moving forward because of this chain wielding menace to their group.
Number 4: This Day × And × This Moment
Do they have Gungi in Ant hell?
Alright dear fans, gather round and bring the tissues. Many tears are to be shed during this episode.
- We know now that the Miniature Rose has poisoned Meruem. The king seeks to spend his final moments playing Gungi with Komugi.
- However Komugi knows that she will die from exposure if she stays with Meruem since he is a walking cancer fest of radiation.
- The scene that shows them holding hands, dead on the floor.. That's heavy.
Number 3: Revenge X And X Recovery
Whew, if the entire concept of this episode didn't make you shudder a bit, you aren't human.
- Gon realizes that Pitou is protecting and operating on Komugi att the kings' request..
- This sends Gon into a fit of rage. Why could Pitou work on this girl but not Kite? He tells Pitou that he wants to fight but Pitou declines. Gon says that Pitou has one hour.
- You can cut the tension in this room with a dull butterknife holy god.
Number 2: Anger X And X Light
A follow up to number 3, this episode skips directly ahead to the battle between Gon and Pitou.
Holy $%&^ is this a good episode.
- The culmination of seething anger built up by Gon after every single thing Pitou has done to his friends meets the unimaginable willpower and strength of an elite Chimera Ant whose sole purpose for existence is to protect their king.. Yeah this fight is nuts.
- We see Gon transform into a literally unstoppable powerhouse, using the power of a Nen contract with conditions to fully channel every bit of power that he will ever use to fight Pitou.
- We get to see Pitou smashed into a literal bloody pulp as Gon continues to pulverize them into bits of viscera long after they're dead.
Number 1: Zero X And X Rose
Damn if this isn't some of the best fighting I've ever seen in an Anime.
Alright. This is it. The quintessential battle. An immovable object meets an unstoppable force. Netero VS. Meruem. Chairman VS. Kings. Good VS. Evil. The two most gifted and powerful beings to exist in the entire Hunter x Hunter universe face off in an unfathomable battle of raw strength and stunning wit.
- So many strong attacks that would pulverize a normal man don't even phase Meruem.
- Netero freaking SELF DESTRUCTS with a MINIATURE NUKE! WHAT?!
- Meruem discovers his true name from Netero and does manage to survive the initial onslaught of the battle and walks away seemingly victorious... for a short while.
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