Guerrilla warfare, taking down dictators, and having a blood-hungry rooster with piercings as your companion?!...sounds right up Far Cry’s alley. Who wouldn’t want to join an underdog revolution to overthrow an evil dictator? But is Far Cry 6 up to par with some of the other titles in the series? If you are trying to decide whether or not to get your hands on Far Cry 6, this article is meant for you.
10. Graphics
Look at the way the sun shines through the trees and dances across the water!
The graphics of any game can greatly impact player experience, and Far Cry 6’s graphics do not disappoint. On last gen or current gen, the graphics are stunning. The texture and detail added–to plants, animals, building, grass, water, you name it–make Yara feel realistic. This adds to the beauty and immersion of the game.
If you are someone who values high quality graphics, Far Cry 6 is worth it in that department.
9. Map Size
That's a lot of land to cover!
Far Cry 6 boasts a decent map size, with an estimated 34 square miles, including the ocean, with a playable area of approximately 12.05 square miles. Comparing the playable open-world space to other Ubisoft games, Far Cry 6’s map size is larger than previous Far Cry titles, but smaller than Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Ghost Recon: Breakpoint, or Ghost Recon Wildlands.
If you are looking for a moderately sized open-world game–nothing big enough to make traversing unenjoyable but not small enough to where it lacks depth and exploration opportunities–then Far Cry 6 is perfect for you.
8. Main Storyline
Don't be fooled by the concern on his face-this man is a ferocious lion.
In Far Cry 6, you play as Dani Rojas, a citizen of an Afro-Latino Caribbean island called Yara, which is inspired by Cuba. Yara is run by the dictator Antón Castillo and his son Diego. Castillo promises to revitalize Yara and bring it back to its prior glory, by producing and selling Vivero, a miracle tobacco crop that supposedly can help cure cancer.
After witnessing their friends being murdered, Dani tries to flee Yara, only to find themself on a boat with Castillo himself. Dani is left for dead and rescued by some guerrilla revolutionaries. From there, Dani is faced with the moral dilemma–to leave or stay and fight.
As you progress in undermining Castillo's reign, you come to realize the importance of the revolution and take up a mantle as one of the leaders. You also unveil nefarious information about the violence enacted by Castillo’s reign, including the suppressed knowledge about the toxic side effects of Vivero production.
The main story is engaging and interesting and if you focus almost solely on the main objectives, you will have around 23 hours of gameplay. If overthrowing an oppressive dictator’s regime sounds up your alley, than Far Cry 6 is perfect for you!
7. Amigos
An attack crocodile with swag, feisty punk rooster, and handicapable weiner dog are 3 of the possible amigos you can have by your side.
Expanding upon the addition of 3 animal companions in Far Cry 5, Far Cry 6 boasts 5 possible base-game animal companions, called “Amigos”. Your currently selected “Amigo” will follow you in-game. Each “Amigo” has a different personality and different abilities. Some are great for stealth–namely the supernatural Oluso–while others are great for ambushing enemies head on–such as the feisty Chicharron.
The expanded upon companion system provides additional support during combat and allows you to customize your companion choice to fit your playstyle, making it a pro for giving Far Cry 6 a shot.
6. Land Transportation
This bad boy looks ready for a zombie apocalypse.
Far Cry 6 offers transportation by land, air, and water, although the amount of unlockable rides for land is far more than air and water combined. There are 45 land vehicles you can unlock, and depending on the model of the vehicle, you can make cosmetic adjustments as well as adjustments that improve the vehicle’s offense and defense. There are parts of Yara which are not easily accessible by vehicles–this is where the horses come in handy. There are 6 different horses you can unlock and use across Yara, including Castillo’s personal “zebra”.
If you want a decent variety of vehicles and horses to traverse a Caribbean island, then Far Cry 6 is for you. However, if you are looking for more variety in terms of the handling of vehicles, you may want to consider another game.
5. Unlock Islands
Explore the unknown territory at your own risk...
The way in which the map becomes accessible is by working your through one island at a time. Island by island, you must take over bases and checkpoints, destroy Castillo's defenses, and recruit revolutionaries to aid in your resistance. This not only makes sense within the context of the story (you have to build up the power of the resistance in order to gain access to more territory), but it also provides a gameplay aspect that keeps you engaged–you have an incentive to continue playing–unlocking new island, and thereby new characters, missions, weapons, areas to explore, etc.
As you unlock more space, Castillo's defense becomes more intense, increasing the challenge of taking over more territory. This gameplay feature adds challenge and incentive to keep playing, so if that sounds interesting to you, give Far Cry 6 a go. However, if you are someone who wants the whole playable area accessible early-on, this may not be the game for you.
4. Characters
Talia's an artist with a fiery spirit! Who else will you meet in Yara?
Far Cry 6 has a number of side characters, all with varying personalities, motivations, and dispositions. The interesting mix of characters helps create a sense of reality and entertainment. Afterall, if every side character had the same personality, you’d get bored pretty fast. However, it should be noted that not all the characters are given equal screen time or character development, making some fall a bit flat.
If you're looking for a mix of interesting characters, Far Cry 6 is for you. However, If you're looking for extensive character depth, you may want to look elsewhere.
3. Side Quests
Are the side quests good?!
Far Cry 6 has two types of side quests you can encounter–“Yaran Stories” and “Treasure Hunts”. There are 29 Yaran Stories, which usually involve you talking with a Yaran citizen(s), who will ask you to complete a task for them. On the other hand, there are 18 Treasure Hunts, which do not involve specific characters; they are also guaranteed to result in acquiring some treasure, which could be specific weapons or gear, supremo-bond, or gun-powder. Most of the side quests are quite fun, and can provide a nice break from tearing down Castillo’s defenses. Additionally, the treasure hunts often involve solving environmental puzzles in order to acquire the loot, which is a nice added challenge.
Although the side quests are fun, having a total of 47 side quests is a bit disappointing, especially considering the fact that 18 of them are solely based on acquiring some hidden loot. If you want a game with a large amount of side quests, you may want to look outside of Far Cry 6.
2. Destroying Castillo’s Influence
Burn it all down!
In tandem with the main storyline, Dani must work with members of the resistance to weaken Castillo’s oppressive regime, through any means necessary; this includes burning his precious Vivero crops and processing facilities, infiltrating and taking over his bases and checkpoints, destroying his anti-aircraft cannons, and my personal favorite…taking over his heavily controlled radio station to blast revolutionary music to help gain supporters.
If you want to participate in a guerrilla-style revolution to overthrow and evil dictator, than Far Cry 6 is perfect for you!
1. Taking Over Bases
Bullets and explosions are definitely one way to take over a base.
Many players’ favorite part of playing the Far Cry series is taking over the antagonist’s bases and it is just as fun in Far Cry 6. Far Cry 6 has 21 FND bases you can take control of. However, the fun doesn’t stop when the main story ends, for Far Cry 6 has a gameplay feature where after you complete the main story, there are weekly insurgencies. Every week, followers of Castillo’s regime take over a province on the map. In order to figure out the identity and location of the insurgent, you have to complete missions (namely taking over checkpoints, military bases, completing special operations, and destroying anti-aircraft cannons). Killing the insurgent leader will reset the insurgency…until a new one pops up the following week.
The added insurgency feature brings back the fun of taking over military bases even after you’ve beat the main story. This adds additional challenge and incentive to keep playing, making Far Cry 6 worth it for all of those who enjoy taking over bases.
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