There are over 100 pieces of gear in Far Cry 6, here are the top 10 pieces of gear for your journey through Yara.
In Far Cry 6, your skill bonuses are connected to the gear you have equipped in the game. There are over 100 pieces of gear, with most having different set classes. You can assign different pieces of gear to meet your needs at the time. Some gear are obtained by buying them, unlocking crates, or earning through missions. Here are the top 10 pieces of gear that are powerful and how to get them.
10. Rioter Helmet- Armor Piercing
To unlock the Rioter Helmet MK II you will need to unlock the #16- El Trompo and #19- Sunrise Mariposa Flower criptograma. This chest is located in the city of Verdera, in the Madrugada region. The chest will be at the gas station on top of the billboard, in the North-West area of the town.
The Rioter Helmet MK II is a part of the Rioter MK II Armor set. Equipping this item for your headgear will improve your armor-piercing defense.
When taking too much damage, the rioter gear will give a slight boost to help your armor-piercing defense. Since soldado’s use armor-piercing rounds quite frequently, this is a great piece of gear to avoid taking damage.
What Makes The Rioter Helmet MK II Great-
- Boosts your defense against armor-piercing rounds
- When paired with the whole set, it will greatly improve your defense
- It's a piece of gear that you will use frequently
- You can easily get it by opening up the criptograma chest #16 and #19
Rioter Helmet MK II Stats:
https://www.ign.com/wikis/far-cry 6/Verdera_Criptograma_Chest
9. Senor Sonrisa Mask
To obtain the Senor Sonrisa Mask, you will need to complete the operation “Diesel Daisy” in the Madrugada region. You will have to start Diesel Daisy and talk to Philly, You will then have to travel to different locations, in the end, you will be tasked with blowing up Daisy; once the mission ends you will now have the Senor Sonrisa Mask.
The Senor Sonrisa Mask has the perk “Guerrilla Defender”. It improves soft-target, blast, and armor-piercing defense. It is great for situations where you need a good defense against a variety of attacks.
For missions involving tanks or explosives, the Senor Sonrisa Mask is perfect. There are times you're vehicle will get hit with explosives; this mask will make sure that you come out alive.
What Makes The Senor Sonrisa Mask Great-
- This Mask will greatly help you with blast damage
- Armor-piercing rounds will not do as much damage
- Soft-target rounds will also do less damage
- Great for high combat missions and situations
Senor Sonrisa Mask Stats:
8. Prisoner's Shirt
The Prisoner’s Shirt is very easy to acquire compared to some other gear. To unlock it, you have to buy it from the Bandidos Barracks. The Bandidos Barracks need to be upgraded to level 3, which allows you to buy specialist gear that is for sale.
When wanting to build the ultimate guerrilla build, the Prisoner’s Shirt is a must-have. The shirt contains the perk “Guerrilla Scavenger”. The perk for this shirt allows you to collect extra gasolina, metal, and medicine when scavenging.
If you are in an area that has a lot of loot, it would benefit you to quickly equip the prisoner’s shirt. You can easily earn more materials, allowing you to trade the materials or even sell them.
What Makes The Prisoner's Shirt Great-
- Gives you double scavenged medicine, metal, and gasolina
- Allows you to upgrade camp facilities faster
- Allows you to stock up on materials to sell or trade
Prisoner's Shirt Stats:
7. Marksman's Goggles
You can purchase the Marksman’s Goggles from Juan’s Arms Dealers or Bandidos Barracks. You can also test your luck and try getting the goggles from a Libertad crate. The Libertad crates are randomized, so it would be quicker to just buy the goggles.
The Marksman’s Goggles have the “Thrifty Shooter” perk, which allows headshot kills to refund the round. When it comes to sniper rifles, you do not get a lot of ammo. These goggles are a great way to not have to worry about ammo.
If you are trying to take over an army base and want need to be stealthy, a good sniper can help take out far-away targets quietly. Ammo can sometimes be hard to come by, but as long as you get a headshot you do not have to worry about it with these Marksman’s Goggles. This perk is also able to work for every weapon, not just snipers.
What Makes The Marksman's Goggles Great-
- No worrying about ammo if you get headshots
- Headshots are pretty easy to get in FC6
- This is a must-have perk if you run sniper rifles
- Works for all weapons
- If your gun clip is full, the round goes into the chamber, no reload
Marksman's Goggles Stats:
6. Revolutionary Pants
To get the Revolutionary Pants you will need to complete the final main story mission "The Battle of Esperanza." These pants are part of the Leader Set, which all help you regenerate health quicker.
When looking for an item to help heal you, Revolutionary Pants are crucial. These pants contain the perk “Bounce Back”. When wearing these pants, you will regenerate health sooner after taking damage.
Without the pants you have to make sure you don’t get hit for 10 seconds, then you will start regenerating health. With the Revolutionary Pants, it will reduce that time to 5 seconds. If 5 seconds is not quick enough, you can equip more gear from the Leader Set to make your health regeneration instant.
What Makes The Revolutionary Pants Great-
- Your health cool-down time is 5 seconds
- If paired with the rest of the set, health is immediately regenerated
- When taking a lot of damage, you can equip these pants
Revolutionary Pants Stats:
5. Fuego Mitts
The Fuego Mitts can be obtained by starting the story mission, “Fire and Fury”. Julio will give Dani the Fuego Mitts and the Hazmat Mask for the mission. You can immediately equip the mitts and get to keep them.
The Fuego Mitts contain a perk called “Flame Retardant'', and are part of the Incendiary Set. It's pretty easy in Far Cry 6 to catch on fire, then it takes a moment to put it out, costing you valuable time. When you are on fire, the Fuego Mitts will automatically put the fire out.
This is great for enemies that use flamethrowers, you won’t have to constantly be putting the fire out. You can also use this if you use the flamethrower and accidentally catch yourself on fire too. If you find yourself having to put out fires often, this might be the gear to equip.
What Makes The Fuego Mitts Great-
- Has high fire protection
- Puts out flames when on fire
- You don't have to manually put out the fire, it automatically does it
- These mitts are part of the Incendiary Set
Fuego Mitts Stats:
4. Parkour Kicks
To obtain the Parkour Kicks, you need to head to Quito, just north of Oro Puro Ridge. You will find a fort near a pond. Once you are there, head to the pond and jump in, and dive for the underwater chest. The Parkour Kicks are a part of the Parkour Gear Set; all parkour gear will increase your stamina and speed.
Far Cry 6 has a huge map and sometimes you need to get around quickly or run away from danger. If you are having issues with your movement speed being slow, the Parkour Kicks would help you.
The Parkour Kicks contain the effect “Rush”, which improves your movement speed. The best time to use this piece of gear is when you are fleeing from enemy detection. Equipping this gear can also help you travel across Yara faster.
What Makes The Parkour Kicks Great-
- When a full Parkour Set is equipped, you improve your speed and stamina
- Parkour Kicks are great when you need to flee from detefction
- Great for traveling by foot; gets you around quicker
- Helps you to outrun animals
Parkour Kicks Stats:
3. Street Surgeon Vest
You can find the Street Surgeon Vest from the upgraded Bandidos Barracks camp facility. The Bandidos Barracks camp facility will need to be upgraded to a level 3, to obtain this vest and other specialist items. You can also obtain the vest from Juan’s Arms Dealers; marked by a green icon with a shopping cart on your map.
If you are constantly being wounded and need more chances to heal, the Street Surgeon Vest is the best gear. The vest offers the ability “First Aid Kit”. This ability will let you use manual healing more often. The Street Surgeon Vest is a part of the “Medic Set”; when all of the Medic Set is applied the Street Surgeon Vest is greatly improved.
Towards the end of the game when you start to take over army bases and complete story missions, the army will deploy more soldados, tanks, and helicopters. There may be situations where you need to heal quickly after just healing.
What Makes The Street Surgeon Vest Great-
- The recharge doesn't reset if you use the second charge
- It can help keep you from dying
- When combined with the Revolutionary Gloves, it improves the Street Surgeon Vest
Street Surgeon Vest Stats:
2. Scrounger Jeans
To find the Scrounger Jeans you can open up Libertad crates; these crates are random so this could take you a while. While roaming around Yara, open up as many crates as you can; this should allow you to unlock these jeans pretty early. You can also buy the Scrounger Jeans from the Bandidos Barracks camp facility that has been upgraded to a level 3.
The Scrounger Jeans include the ability “Super Tool”. This ability improves repair tool power and repairs auto-turrets. You can automatically repair vehicles when inside, so no more exiting the vehicle for repairs. If you use like using vehicles, or a mission requires you to use them, this is an excellent piece of gear to wear.
It’s pretty common in Far Cry 6 to barely take damage while driving, then blow your vehicle up. It can also be pretty time-consuming to repair vehicles. The Scrounger Jeans will help you with all of these problems.
What Makes The Scrounger Jeans Great-
- The repair tool works quicker
- Automatically repairs vehicles while using them
- Repair auto-turrets
Scrounger Jeans Stats:
1. Dark Tech Boots
If you are looking for a piece of gear to make you stealthy, the Dark Tech Boots will help you a lot. Much like the Traversal Set, the Dark Tech boots help with movement speed. The Dark Tech Boots will also improve your movement speed while crouched.
You can purchase Dark Tech Boots from Juan’s Arms Dealers for 700 Yaran Pesos. You can also obtain them by opening Libertad crates, but that could take a while.
Normally, when crouched you will move slowly; this slow movement is not always practical in Far Cry 6. When the boots are equipped, the difference between your movement speed is night and day. Your animation movement will also change while using the Dark Tech Boots; it will show you swinging your weapon like it does when sprinting.
What Makes The Dark Tech Boots Great-
- You can move very quickly while crouched
- You can avoid enemy detection while crouched and moving quickly
- Since you are moving fast crouched, you can hide behind objects; avoiding damage
- Can equip some gear from the Traverse Set to move even more quickly
Dark Tech Boots Stats: