One of the best features in Mass Effect 3 is the option to mix and match your armor prices. No more are you tied to completed sets, as the third entry in the series offered the most combinations of individual pieces.
One of these pieces are the leg sets of which there is a great selection. But which ones look good while stomping Reaper butt? Whether you are a sneaky infiltrator or a tough vanguard, there is a complementary set of legs for you.
Read on to see the five best leg options available in the game and which classes they suit the most.
1. Rosenkov Materials Greaves
The Rosenkov Materials Greaves are great for classes that prefer to use their powers rather than their weapons. It can be bought from Spectre Requisitions after Priority: The Citadel II, so you can get it relatively early, which is also a bonus.
The Rosenkovs are an offensive looking pair of greaves that can provide a handy power damage boost, allowing you to be that much closer to becoming a biotic god.
- Increase power recharge speed by 10%
Best class:
- Adept
- Engineer
- Sentinel
2. Hahne-Kedar Greaves
Leg set location
The Hahne-Kedar Greaves are the first of two pairs of greaves on this list designed to suit those that like to rely on their weapon damage rather than powers. They can be found during the mission Priority: Palaven, which can be the third mission you take, depending on what you decide to do after Mars.
The Greaves are near the building on the right as you make your way to the communication towers as part of the mission. If you unfortunately miss them, it’s not the end of the world, as you can buy them for a modest amount of credits on the Citadel from the Batarian State Arms terminal, or if you buy the trading licence, you can get them from the Normandy Requisition Table to save you the flight.
- Increase Weapon Damage+10%
Best class:
- Infiltrator
- Soldier
- Vanguard
3. Armax Arsenal Greaves
Leg set location
Melee got a big boost in Mass Effect 3, introducing the omni blade attack, making builds based on using this damage more viable than in the other entries. Because of this, it would be a great idea to equip the Armax Arsenal legs on the load out page as they increase the damage you put out.
The legs can be found during the first half of the game during the optional mission N7: Communication Hub. You will find it behind the pillar underneath the main building, nearby an exp pickup.
- Increase melee damage by 10%
Best class:
- Vanguard
4. Ariake Technologies Greaves
Leg set location
If you are playing one of the classes that rely on their weapons more than their powers, or if there is a gun you want to try but has a small amount of ammo, then the Ariake Technologies Greaves will be the right accessory for you.
You will be able to pick them up for free during Priority: Sur'Kesh. They are on a table near some computers on the part where the roof has been destroyed. Be warned, this is the only place you will be able to find them, so be sure to pick them up while completing this mission.
- Increase ammo capacity by 10%
Best class:
- Soldier
- Vanguard
- Infiltrator
5. N7 Greaves
The N7 Greaves are one of the best sets of legs you can get in Mass Effect 3, and they are already in your inventory from the start, so there is no need to spend any credits or go on a treasure hunt. These legs are perfect for giving you an extra health boost, which can come really in handy during the beginning of the game so you can concentrate on using your points on damage so you can take out enemies as soon as possible.
- Increase health by 10%
Best class:
All of them
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