Welcome to Metro Exodus. Many people have heard of this unique game, although there might be players who didn’t have the opportunity to try it out. Let’s explain what the game is about first…
The events of Metro Exodus take place in a post-nuclear war Russia. A tiny part of the population survived by sheltering underground or by just being far enough away from the explosions from which the majority of people died. You must use a gas mask to protect your lungs from suffocation due to the air's extreme pollution. On top of having to worry about mutant monsters taking over the surface, you also have to worry about ruins, malnutrition, and robbers coming every day. As Artyom, you'll be embarking on a grueling and exciting quest with a fantastic team in search of life beyond the ruins of Moscow.
I believe it’s time to start explaining the story of Metro Exodus, every chapter, and the most important parts of the game. Before we start, It’s also worth noting that this article will have MASSIVE spoilers. You have been warned!
The Introduction - Chapter I

Only a little amount of action takes place in this chapter, which features Artyom describing the fall of society as well as the tales of Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light. Players that need a fast checkup and haven't played the prior games will find it helpful!
Moscow - Chapter II

Artyom is frantically attempting to pick up a radio signal in an effort to discover signs of life outside of Moscow. This doesn't exactly make Anna happy because she doesn't think anything exists outside of Moscow's ruins. They choose to walk the streets, and to to their surprise, they eventually come across a train that is really operating. Artyom and Anna mistook the jeep that picked them up shortly after for being a Spartan army jeep, but they were actually Hanza. After Artyom was eventually knocked unconscious, he and Anna chatted to an elderly woman and a young guy, learning that they lived 200 kilometers distant from Moscow.
The jeep eventually came to a stop, and the elder woman and the younger guy were told to get out so they could be put to death. Artyom attempted to intervene, but all that happened was that he was shot and fell upon a pile of dead people. By pure chance, Artyom managed to escape the gunfire, grabbed a gas mask, and moved onward. After a while, Artyom entered the Hanza facility covertly and ran into Yermak.
The control panel, which was used to block communications entering and leaving Moscow and served as evidence that they were still at war, is the most crucial section of this chapter. Artyom, Anna, and Yermak finally succeed in leaving the facility aboard a train named Aurora after a protracted struggle.
Miller eventually encounters Anna and Artyom after several more near calls. Miller argues that he had to keep his knowledge of life outside of Moscow a secret. An opposing train briefly emerged and started firing on the Aurora. Miller, an excellent bullshit artist, attempted to reason with Hanza while Artyom snuck aboard the "Cruiser" and detonated explosives.
Volga - Chapter III

The Volga, which gives the chapter its name, is Russia's greatest river, and the train Aurora crossed it after traveling more than 770 kilometers. Miller assumes that the NATO soldiers occupying the area set up the barrier that the Aurora broke past, but they quickly learn that this was not the case.
After some time, Artyom penetrates a collapsed church with a boat and finds the Silantius-led "Church Of The Water Tsar," a cult that practices water worship. The cult is ultimately revealed to Artyom to be a collection of technophobes who loathe electricity. Artyom finds Katya and her daughter Nastya after being captured by the cult, and they help him escape. In addition, the cult blocked off the sole exit for outsiders from the region.
When Artyom is attacked by a massive catfish, which is what they worship in the cult, he realizes why the cult is named as "The Church Of The Water Tsar" after successfully making his escape. Later, while Artyom struggles in the water, another one of his teammates, Duke, comes to his aid. They begin a rescue operation for Katya and Nastya once they get back to the train. Katya instructs Artyom to rescue Crest, a separate character who is stranded on a huge crane, after being saved.
After recovering Crest and returning to the Aurora, Artyom finds Anna having fallen into a ground hole. He protects her. As they plan their next attack, they then decide to add another railcar to the Aurora to make room for everyone. To get the train, Artyom must go past the Tsar fish's home, where he sets it down. They then get ready to launch a stealth attack on the bridge Silantius has captured. After Artyom and Duke successfully breach Silantius's headquarters, they drop the bridge to let them pass, and the chapter is over.
Yamantau - Chapter IV

The group arrives in Yamantau stranded after leaving the Volga and the insane lunatic cult. On the way to their destination, Miller heard a radio call that said there is a haven for them there so they went on a quest to find them.
They stumble upon an underground bunker that lets them in and guides them deep inside. As soon as the train stops, Anna, Miller, and Artyom head to an elevator to enter the bunker. They discover that the entire bunker is populated by cannibals after finding the main guy in charge. They are then swarmed and immediately knocked out. As soon as they open their eyes, they discover a doctor and a large number of his thugs have tied them up.
The doctor takes Anna away and tells his thugs to prepare those two for dinner. The moment the doctor departs, Idiot and Sam appear to save the day. While giving Idiot and Sam the assignment to go to the command center, Miller tasks Artyom with rescuing Anna. In the end, Artyom locates the doctor and Anna. The doctor was about to share something crucial with Artyom as they were speaking. He is killed by Anna cutting his throat.
The chapter is concluded when they eventually meet up with everyone and take a train out of there.
Caspian - Chapter V

Miller becomes very depressed after learning that there are no occupying forces inside of his native country Russia, but he keeps going by devising a new strategy. And advise his allies to either return to Moscow as traitors or return to the Volga to join the insane cult…
After hearing this, a comrade by the name of Idiot suggests that he may have heard of a communications facility in the Caspian Sea that could provide them with maps and satellite images of the area that show radiation levels across the entire nation. When they arrive, they discover that the Aurora is in desperate need of fuel. Additionally, when they arrived, some neighborhood bandits known as "Munai-Bailer '' spotted them, who were really up to no good.
Artyom and Damir have been tasked with finding them. Following a 200-meter stroll, the two come across an abandoned structure housing the vehicle and decide to occupy it, giving them access to a new mode of transportation in the desert. Artyom is given instructions to drive to a lighthouse and help a woman named Giul who has offered to help them.
After being rescued Giul tells the crew that she can get them to the location where the satellite images were last seen, but that it has long since been abandoned. Artyom is tasked with locating the satellite images once he has reached the underground bunker. He is immediately surrounded by average Redditors, aka spider bugs who are afraid of the light and being outside. But that doesn't stop him from finding the satellite images and some information for Giul about her long-deceased mother.
They realize they are out of water as they make their way back to the train and discover that the "Munai-Bailer," which is controlled by the leader named Baron, has all the access to oil, as well as water. Artyom and Damir go off to steal a water truck, and Artyom falls asleep while going toward the train.
When he wakes up, he discovers that the "Munai-Bailer" is attacking them. They storm the fortress with Baron, who is killed in the process, and they obtain fuel for the train so they can continue their journey. The chapter comes to an end at that point.
Taiga - Chapter VI

They discover a region that is radiation-free and is appropriately called "The Taiga" after reading the satellite images. Following their arrival in the area, Artyom and his comrade Alyosha scout ahead and alert the crew that they must find an alternate route because the rails cannot support the weight of the train. Shortly after, Artyom and Alyosha along with the railcar are thrown into the water by a rock slide.
With incredible amounts of luck, a tribal woman has saved Artyom, but she leaves him by himself after taking off quickly. Realizing this, he sets himself on the task of saving his friend Alyosha. Also living in the area are locals known as "The Children Of The Forest," who are frequently attacked by bandits. "The Children of the Forest" have also separated into "The Pirates" and "The Pioneers".
Artyom discovers the large, dangerous bear that rules the forest after exploring the area. Later he stumbles into a trap that the locals have set while avoiding the bear. While the locals argue over what to do with him, a bear attacks them, forcing them to flee and leaving Artyom to fend for himself.
After being freed, Artyom pursues the locals in order to locate his gear near the body of the person who stole it. Artyom discovers that his comrade has been taken hostage and is awaiting trial while the only way forward is through a village that is occupied by the locals. Artyom stumbles upon the church where the forest lord aka the bear was hiding while sneaking through the village. While battling him, Artyom successfully manages to survive on his own and sends the bear fleeing.
When the bear fled, Artyom climbed the church to find the woman who had saved him. He learned her name was Olga, and she is also “The Pioneers' leader. She directs Artyom, through the marshes, saying that Alyosha has been rescued and is moving toward a dam. We also see that Alyosha and Olga have grown fond of one another.
Artyom encounters an admiral in the marshes who has gone insane and is talking with the corpses of his deceased friends. The admiral then tells Artyom that he used to be Roman, the "The Pirates'" leader's right-hand man.
Later, after traveling through a tunnel, Artyom meets up with Alyosha. Artyom is forced to fight the bear again, this time successfully killing it, before escaping. The chapter ends with Alyosha and Olga taking a moment to themselves before Alyosha warns them that the dam holding back the water is about to break and that they should flee.
The Dead City(Novosibirsk) - Chapter VII
Because of the radiation poisoning, she suffered after entering a bunker in the Volga chapter, Anna gets ill at the beginning of the chapter. After Katya advises the group that they must get the medication in order to rescue Anna, the group sets out to find it. The site of the drugs is surrounded by deadly radiation doses, they learn from the satellite images.
Miller, who doesn't seem to give a damn, tells the others to get Aurora a snow plow because winter is approaching and he and Artyom will go get the drugs required to rescue Anna.
When Miller and Artyom arrive at the dead city's core in their van and become stranded in the snow, they discover that the only option to move forward is underground. Ironically, Artyom and Miller find themselves back in the metro at the end of the game, which begins and finishes in the metro. As they travel through the underground metro, they learn that the vast executions have taken place by a group called "OSCOM" which is the reason the city is known as the dead city. In the metro, bodies are piled on top of one another.
After some time, they come across a boy who runs away from them for a while, but they are able to catch up to him and question him about why he is there. He presents himself as "Krill" and says he was a member of "OSCOM." The boy takes the two to his base and explains that his father was sent on a mission to bring the "green stuff", also known as the radioprotector because it was their only chance of surviving.
Miller informs the Aurora that while he travels to "SETCOM" to get further satellite pictures, Artyom will search for the narcotics. Artyom also grabs the radioprotector, which functions much like a radiation vaccination.
After arriving at the facility, Artyom must fight a variety of mutants as well as "The Blind One," a new mutant gorilla with telepathic skills. These abilities allow them to whisper to Artyom, which considerably heightens the section's eerie atmosphere. After some time spent snooping about with the "Blind Ones," he discovers the medication Anna needs, but not before being assaulted by one. Artyom kills the beast and then passes out outside the facility from radiation poisoning.
The Good Ending
In order for Artyom to survive, Miller locates him and gives him his dose of the radioprotector, sacrificing himself in the process. All of the companions are now giving their blood to Artyom so that he may live, as the closing credits begin to roll. The game concludes with Miller's burial after Artyom and his companions moved into a radiation-free area.
The Bad Ending
The game’s bad ending is about Artyom dying and Anna surviving. Artyom ends up on a spectral train where he visits his old friends - Khan, Bourbon, and Miller. After chatting for a while, Artyom eventually has to get off. He picks up a postcard and the game takes us to the place of his burial. Anna is obviously devastated, and bitter that Artyom had to die.
And that’s all folks. End of the game. Hope you enjoyed this article and have a lovely rest of the day!
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