Guinevere is Mobile Legends' most elegant and graceful mage. Bestowed with the power of controlling time and space in the palm of her hand, this unit brings a whole new fun character into the game introducing a very interesting playstyle unlike any other.
Her swift attacks radiate a dance-like movement that surprises with a knock-up and continuous burst magic damage. Watch this noble’s daughter leave a lasting impression in the land of dawn as she punishes anyone who dares stand in her way.
Guinevere's Strengths:
- High burst damage
- Remarkable AoE crowd control
- High sustain
- Role versatility
- High mobility
Guinevere's Weaknesses:
- Item reliant
- Vulnerable to CC heroes
- Need precise targeting
- Hard to master
- Outdamaged by many fighters
3. Sustain Build

As a highly versatile fighter, Guinevere benefits greatly from a sustain build, equipping this type of kit allows her to deal the damage she needs while having enough ability and stats to keep herself up and running during combat situations. This build is highly used as it sacrifices no slots for defense so Guinevere can unleash her maximum damage capability while having enough lifesteal to keep herself alive.
Use this build if:
- You plan on engaging in prolonged team fights
- You plan on adapting your playstyle to the situation of the match
- Need a kit that survives enemies' continuous damage
- Want a balanced kit
- Plan on split pushing as the sustain allows Guinevere to handle ganks
Use this against tanky enemy compositions, her high lifesteal stat will allow Guinevere to outlive her enemies.
Choose your skills as follows:
Always prioritize upgrading Guinevere’s ultimate Violet Requiem, this is the skill that sets her apart from other units.
Level 1: Energy Wave | Damage, BUFF
Level 2: Spatial Migration | Blink, CC
Level 4: Violet Requiem | CC, Burst
Passive: Super Magic | BUFF, Damage
Use a custom assassin emblem with Rupture and Festival of Blood as standard talents which provide additional penetration and spell vamp, while Killing Spree is the top core talent option with increased HP after every kill, increasing Guinevere’s sustain.

1. Arcane Boots (690) - provides +40 movement speed and +10 magic penetration to the wearer.
2. Concentrated Energy (2020) - A magic life steal item perfect for extra damage and sustainability. The main stats are additional Magic power and HP, while passive provides increased life steal and HP regen upon kills.
3. Divine Glaive (1970) - Provides +65 magic power. Best item for Magic Penetration stats because of its passive ability that gives Magic PEN. It's the best item against high Magic DEF enemies.
4. Holy Crystal (2180) - A basic late-game item for mages with very straightforward stats that adds 100 magic power to the user and a scalable passive of even more magic power
5. Starlium Scythe (2220) - An early all-around magic item that provides magic power, CD reduction, lifesteal, and mana regeneration. Its passive is perfect for Guinevere since it enhances basic attacks after the skill cast.
6. Genius Wand (2000) - item used for enemies with high magic def stats. Gives the user high magic power and increased movement speed. Passive is heavily focused on magic penetration to deal heavy damage to enemies.
2. Penetration (PEN) Build

The build that allows Guinevere to burst down even her tankiest opponents. This build aims to be a damage dealer that can efficiently take down enemies and paralyze the enemy teams' objective. With a group of items mainly focused on allowing her magic damage to penetrate armors, the build lets Guinevere play as offensively as she wants to.
It is possible but stopping her will take a whole new effort from the enemy team since if she snowballs on this build, everyone else will start to look squishy in her eyes. A single combo and you’re out, that’s what this build is about.
Use this build if:
- Against high DEF enemies
- Plan on playing aggressively right from
- If the enemy team lacks sustain
- Snowball the match to victory by taking kills
- Maximize her burst damage
Try this strategy against squishy enemies as your burst can quickly eliminate them, but this also works well against tanky heroes, it just needs a bit more skill casts and combos.
Choose your skills as follows:
Always prioritize upgrading Guinevere’s ultimate Violet Requiem, this is the skill that sets her apart from other units.
Level 1: Energy Wave | Damage, BUFF
Level 2: Spatial Migration | Blink, CC
Level 4: Violet Requiem | CC, Burst
Passive: Super Magic | BUFF, Damage

Equip the Mage emblem with Swift and Wilderness blessing as your standard talents for additional attack speed and increased movement speed. For the core talent, check out Impure Rage for maximized damage output!
1. Arcane Boots (690) - provides +40 movement speed and +10 magic penetration to the wearer.
2. Feather of Heaven (2030) - Deals extra magic damage from basic attacks and provides a stackable increase in attack speed. Perfect for units that deal with auto attack damage between skills.
3. Divine Glaive (1970) - Provides +65 magic power. Best item for Magic Penetration stats because of its passive ability that gives Magic PEN. It's the best item against high Magic DEF enemies.
4. Holy Crystal (2180) - A basic late-game item for mages with very straightforward stats that adds 100 magic power to the user and a scalable passive of even more magic power
5. Starlium Scythe (2220) - An early all-around magic item that provides magic power, CD reduction, lifesteal, and mana regeneration. Its passive is perfect for Guinevere since it enhances basic attacks after the skill cast.
6. Blood Wings (3000) - a high-cost late-game item that gives the most additional magic power stats. It provides a whopping +175 magic power and +500 HP. Passive casts a shield scalable with magic power to the user. Exceptional high-damage item for high-damage builds.
1. Jungle Build

Popularized by a professional player, Guinevere used as a jungle brings a new meta to the game. She is perfect for the jungle role for Booth her high damage and high mobility allow a most efficient jungling hero in the game. Her jungle build is primarily a damage-heavy build paired up with retribution and a jungling emblem.
The focus of the items is to maximize her basic attack damage alongside her magic damage to make her an efficient jungler and a killing machine in the arena.
Use this build if:
- You need a designated jungler
- Want to have control over major objectives
- Have sustain in teamfights
- Want to deal heavy damage
- Plan on playing aggressively
- Snowball team through objective secures and kills
Try this build against squishy enemy team compositions, GUinevere’s combo paired up with a full magic damage build can take down enemies and slap them to the ground. Her abilities alone will allow her to shine in situations where she is outnumbered.
Choose your skills as follows:
Always prioritize upgrading Guinevere’s ultimate Violet Requiem, this is the skill that sets her apart from other units.
Level 1: Energy Wave | Damage, BUFF
Level 2: Spatial Migration | Blink, CC
Level 4: Violet Requiem | CC, Burst
Passive: Super Magic | BUFF, Damage
Equip a custom mage emblem with standard talents swift and Festival of Blood for extra attack speed and spell vamp. Choose Lethal Ignition for the core talent for the scorching effect and additional adaptive damage dealt to enemies.

1. Feather of Heaven (2030) - Deals extra magic damage from basic attacks and provides a stackable increase in attack speed. Perfect for units that deal with auto attack damage between skills.
2. Arcane Boots (690) - provides +40 movement speed and +10 magic penetration to the wearer.
3. Divine Glaive (1970) - Provides +65 magic power. Best item for Magic Penetration stats because of its passive ability that gives Magic PEN. It's the best item against high Magic DEF enemies.
4. Holy Crystal (2180) - A basic late-game item for mages with very straightforward stats that adds 100 magic power to the user and a scalable passive of even more magic power
5. Blood Wings (3000) - a high-cost late-game item that gives the most additional magic power stats. It provides a whopping +175 magic power and +500 HP. Passive casts a shield scalable with magic power to the user. Exceptional high-damage item for high-damage builds.
6. Starlium Scythe (2220) - An early all-around magic item that provides magic power, CD reduction, lifesteal, and mana regeneration. Its passive is perfect for Guinevere since it enhances basic attacks after the skill cast.
Top 5 Teammates that make Guinevere Awesome
- Atlas
- X.Borg
- Vale
- Tigreal
- Khufra
Top 5 Heroes Guinevere is Strong Against
- Layla
- Gord
- Change
- Alpha
- Irithel
Top 5 Heroes Guinevere is Weak Against
- Aldous
- Kaja
- Helcurt
- Valir
- Franco