Miya is a marksman hero in Mobile Legends, The Queen of sustained damage. This hero uses her arrows to deal damage from a distance. Her high damage output combined with her conceal and stun is an awesome surprise attack combo! She is a late-game beast and should never be allowed to snowball easily, otherwise facing up against her would turn into an absolute nightmare.
Check out why Miya is among the favorite picks and check out her strengths and weaknesses as a hero.
Miya’s Strengths:
- Ranged attacks
- High attack speed
- Has AoE Crowd Control
- Super fast turret pusher
- Can accommodate a diversity of builds
- Squishy hero
- High vulnerability to burst damage
- Item dependent
- Crowd control vulnerable
- Needs match to reach late game
3. Damage & Sustain Build

Miya relies on her split arrows and their corresponding lifesteal. To maximize her skills a build that focuses on attack speed and essential attack enhancement is usually picked. This build relies on a similar set of items. Still, it adds an extra item dedicated for lifesteal to increase Miya's sustain while continuously spamming her split arrows and the Demon Hunter Sword to turn her into a cannon that melts down even the tankiest of enemies.
Use this build if:
- you have plans on using Miya as a late-game carry
- A lot of your enemies are tanky
- Want to push turrets fast
- Need to penetrate high DEF enemies
This is a perfect kit against heroes like Moscov, Masha, Lesley, and Khufra to name a few. With this build, Miya can out-sustain the enemy and dissolve anyone in her way.
Choose your skill as follows:
Level 1: Skill 1 - Moon Arrow : AoE | BUFF
Level 2: Skill 2 - Arrow of Eclipse : CC | AoE
Level 4: Skill 3 - Hidden Moonlight : Conceal | Remove CC
Passive: Moon Blessing | BUFF
Assassin Emblem with adaptive penetration, adaptive attack, and movement speed. To add, it includes CD reduction for battle spell, additional crit damage and chance with the ‘Fatal’ emblem, and enemy slow with ‘Weakness finder’. The assassin emblem maximizes Miya’s damage output, significantly increasing her team contribution.
1. Corrosion Scythe (2050) - Has high attack speed stat and induced slow effect to enemies, perfect for a deadly combo.
2. Swift Boots (710) - Gives a +40 movement speed and +15 attack speed
3. Demon Hunter Sword (2180) - a deadly item against tanks. Hero's basic attacks deal extra true damage based on a percentage of the enemy's current HP. An affordable early-game item
4. Golden Staff (2000) - a designated ATK speed item perfect for marksmen reliant on attack speed. Provides Physical Attack, Attack speed, and a passive that converts CRIT to additional ATK speed.
5. Haa’s Claws (2020) - Provides PHYS ATK, ATK Speed, and +20 Crit Chance. The item has a unique passive that gives a whopping 25% Lifesteal.
6. Malefic Roar (2060) - increases physical penetration, use against high PHYS def enemies.
2. Survival Build

Imagine Miya as a cannon but with a higher chance of survival. This kit uses the usual items that boost Miya’s ATK speed and damage but also uses items that can increase her sustain and survivability. Firstly, the tough boots are equipped as a counter for high mobility mages that make it their life goal to bully you in the gold lane. Another unique item is the Wind of Nature, this item not only allows you to play aggressively, but this allows epic outplay especially during 1v1’s against the enemy marksman.
Use this build if:
- You are outpowered by a physical damage enemy marksman
- The enemy team mage is bullying you
- Want to play aggressively in the late game
- Want to thrive in your lane even without a designated tank
Try this out against enemies like Moscov, Karrie, Pharsa, and Xavier whose annoyingly good at poking Miya.
Choose your skill as follows:
Level 1: Skill 1 - Moon Arrow : AoE | BUFF
Level 2: Skill 2 - Arrow of Eclipse : CC | AoE
Level 4: Skill 3 - Hidden Moonlight : Conceal | Remove CC
Passive: Moon Blessing | BUFF
Custom Marksman emblem equipped with the additional adaptive attack, attack speed, and lifesteal. All of which are crucial stat upgrades for Miya. Emblem stat is further maximized with ‘Agility’ granting increases movement speed, ‘Weapons Master’ increasing PHYS ATK damage from items, and ‘Weakness Finder’ increasing ATK speed and slowing down enemies in the process. All of which make Miya more sustainable but still dish out heavy damage.
1. Tough boots (700): +22 Magic DEF and +40 Movement speed. Passive lessens user control time by 30%
2. Corrosion Scythe (2050) - Has high attack speed stat and induced slow effect to enemies perfect for a deadly combo
3. Demon Hunter Sword (2180) - a deadly item against tanks. Hero's basic attacks deal extra true damage based on a percentage of the enemy's current HP. An affordable early game item
4. Golden Staff (2000) - a designated ATK speed item perfect for marksmen reliant on attack speed. Provides Physical Attack, Attack speed, and a passive that converts CRIT to additional ATK speed.
5. Malefic Roar (2060) - increases physical penetration, use against high PHYS def enemies
6. Wind of Nature (1910) - Provides 2 second immunity from physical damage, perfect for countering burst assassins. Also provides physical attack damage, attack speed and lifesteal.
1. Full Marksman Build

A kit built for marksmen. This build utilizes a set of items that heavily relies on amplifying the hero’s basic attack damage and significantly increases the unit’s ATK speed. The boots are equipped to boost the hero’s attack speed right off the bat to be able to clear waves and poke enemies as fast as possible. Additional items like Haa’s Claws and Malefic Roar will allow Miya to stand up against other high-damage heroes from the sustain of the Claws and meltdown enemy tanks with the Malefic.
Use this build if:
- You plan on playing aggressively
- Need fast lane clears to take advantage of other lane waves
- Have a slow damage enemy marksman
- Need to take down groups of enemies
- Want to take advantage of team fights
Try this out against enemies like Brody, Helcurt, Thamuz, and Alpha. Shower them with arrows so swift that their skills will not be enough to sustain the speed and damage of the attack.
Choose your skill as follows:
Level 1: Skill 1 - Moon Arrow : AoE | BUFF
Level 2: Skill 2 - Arrow of Eclipse : CC | AoE
Level 4: Skill 3 - Hidden Moonlight : Conceal | Remove CC
Passive: Moon Blessing | BUFF
Custom Marksman emblem equipped with the additional adaptive attack, attack speed, and lifesteal. All of which are crucial stat upgrades for Miya. Emblem stat is improved with ‘Fatal’ by increasing crit damage and chance, ‘Weapons Master’ by increasing PHYS ATK damage from items, and ‘Weakness Finder’ by increasing ATK speed and slowing down enemies in the process.
1. Corrosion Scythe (2050) - Has high attack speed stat and induced slow effect to enemies perfect for a deadly comb
2. Swift Boots (710) - Gives a +40 movement speed and +15 attack speed
3. Demon Hunter Sword (2180) - a deadly item against tanks. Hero's basic attacks deal extra true damage based on a percentage of the enemy's current HP. An affordable early game item
4. Golden Staff (2000) - a designated ATK speed item perfect for marksmen reliant on attack speed. Provides Physical Attack, Attack speed, and a passive that converts CRIT to additional ATK speed.
5. Haa’s Claws (2020) - Provides PHYS ATK, ATK Speed, and +20 Crit Chance. The item has a unique passive that gives a whopping 25% Lifesteal.
6. Malefic Roar (2060) - increases physical penetration, use against high PHYS def enemies
Teammates that make Miya Awesome:
- Tigreal
- Atlas
- Chou
- Xborg
- Kaja
Top 5 Heroes Miya is Weak Against
- Gusion
- Lancelot
- Khufra
- Kagura
- Belerick
Top 5 Heroes Miya is Strong Against
- Eudora
- Layla
- Tigreal
- Floryn
- Estes