A marksman sharpshooter of Mobile Legends, Layla is an often under-estimated hero but shines her best when the match reaches the late-game stage. This unit uses her heavy-hitting laser cannon to thrash enemies and minions along her way. Her long-ranged attacks and low cooldowns make her a formidable gold lane opponent, and together with her recent buff giving her a CC skill, this girl has become a force to reckon with.
Her range makes her stand out among the rest, she makes laning tough by continuously poking her lane opponents forcing them to recall back to the base increasing her laning efficiency.
Layla's Strengths
- Long-range attacks and skills
- There is high damage potential in the late-game
- High ultimate burst damage
- Low skill cooldowns
- Good for pushing and taking down turrets
Layla's Weaknesses
- Low mobility
- Vulnerable to crowd control
- Easily ganked
- Weak early game
- Low base defenses and HP
- Very item-dependent
3. Attack Speed Build

This Layla build focuses on letting her deal consistent damage throughout the match, instead of completely focusing on increasing her firepower, this build increases the amount of shots she can sling letter her unleash a rapid barrage of attacks that allow her team to stay on top during team fights. The combination of attack speed, crit, and lifesteal lets her shred through her enemies while sustaining her health. An awesome build for prolonged teamfights in the match and a build to pick against high-damage marksmen! Kill them with pokes in this Layla build.
Use This Build If:
- You want consistent damage output
- You need to dish out rapid basic attacks
- Want to focus on taking down turrets fast
- Want enhanced wave-clearing abilities
- Your enemies are low-mobility heroes
Use this build against lineups that have low-mobility heroes, Layla’s continuous barrage of attacks can destroy enemies even if they try to flee. This can work against tanky heroes like Alice, Franco, and Minotaur.
Choose your skill as follows:Level 1: Malefic Bomb | Burst, BUFF
Level 2: Void Projectile | AoE, Slow
Level 4: Destruction Rush | Burst, BUFF
Passive: Malefic Gun | BUFF
Emblem:Use a marksman emblem with specific enhancements on attack speed, adaptive attack, and lifesteal to improve Layla’s capacity to engage and finish skirmishes. This improves her mobility, and damage and sustains significantly.
1. Swift Boots (710) - Gives a +40 movement speed and +15 attack speed
2. Windtalker (1820) - Deals splash damage with a high increase in attack speed, +20 movement speed, and +10 crit chance. Passive deals splash damage from the basic attack and extra movement speed perfect for Layla.
3. Berserker's Fury (2350) - Increases both critical damage and critical chance
4. Haa’s Claws (2020) - Provides PHYS ATK, ATK Speed, and +20 Crit Chance. The item has a unique passive that gives a whopping 25% Lifesteal.
5. Blade of Despair (3010) - highest damage-giving item. Adds 160 Phys Attack and an additional 25% damage to low HP enemies It Provides a huge physical damage boost to the unit. Perfect for the late game.
6. Malefic Roar (2060) - increases physical penetration, use against high PHYS def enemies.
2. Sustained DPS

The build allows Layla to produce consistent damage output throughout the match. This allows her to excel as a damage dealer by dealing consistently high damage per second which makes her a formidable duelist or team player. This build allows her to slowly but surely melt down enemy HP and allow her teammates to swoop in for kills.
This build makes her a top-level marksman by having the build focus on a balanced set of abilities instead of completely investing in purely speed or damage. This makes her have high sustainability but with equality high damage output. A solid build to use especially for beginner marksman users who will benefit from a well-rounded kit.
Use This Build If:
- You want to deal steady damage output
- Have enough lifesteal for survival
- Want decent crit damage
- Need a well-balanced build against different enemy combos
- Woek well the the main damage dealer of your team
Try out this build against well-balanced team compositions of enemies that have both high sustain and squishy heroes as well as high damage dealers. This allows Layla to level with her rivals in terms of all-roundedness, the balanced build gives her an opportunity to both out damage and out sustain the enemy.
Choose your skill as follows:
Level 1: Malefic Bomb | Burst, BUFF
Level 2: Void Projectile | AoE, Slow
Level 4: Destruction Rush | Burst, BUFF
Passive: Malefic Gun | BUFF
For this kit, use a marksman emblem that focuses on speed, the lack of extra attack speed and mobility items can be augmented by a good emblem set. In this case get bonus attack speed, adaptive attack, and lifesteal alongside the additional mobility that the emblem provides.

1. Windtalker (1820) - Deals splash damage with a high increase in attack speed, +20 movement speed, and +10 crit chance. Passive deals splash damage from the basic attack and extra movement speed perfect for Layla.
2. Swift Boots (710) - Gives a +40 movement speed and +15 attack speed
3. Berserker's Fury (2350) - Increases both critical damage and critical chance
4. Haa’s Claws (2020) - Provides PHYS ATK, ATK Speed, and +20 Crit Chance. The
5. Wind of Nature (1910) - Provides 2-second immunity from physical damage, perfect for countering burst assassins. Also provides physical attack damage, attack speed, and lifesteal.
6. Demon Hunter Sword (2180) - a deadly item against tanks. Hero's basic attacks deal extra true damage based on a percentage of the enemy's current HP.
1. Burst Build
Take down foes and quickly dominate your lane with Layla’s burst-focused build. The build immediately starts with increasing Layla’s Crit stats for a chance to have multiplied damage output. This kit lets her surprise her foes in the gold lane and emerge victorious in lane duels. The additional lifesteal increases her benefit from doing pokes.
The key to taking advantage of this build is to play aggressively in the early game and snowball your hero to an unfair advantage in terms of damage. Do this right and play an unstoppable Layla that destroys the enemy team.
Use This Build If:
- You want high burst damage potential
- Plan on targeting squishy opponents
- Want to get early kills for a snowball effect
- Want swift kills and high KDA
- Prefer swift movement through enhanced mobility
This build is perfect against multiple squishy or low HP enemies, Layla’s burst damage can take them down swiftly giving her the advantage of both in-game economy and hero HP. The high damage output can bring down opponents before they have the time to push back. Check it out against double-mage enemies or enemies with very squishy marksman and support heroes.
Choose your skill as follows:Level 1: Malefic Bomb | Burst, BUFF
Level 2: Void Projectile | AoE, Slow
Level 4: Destruction Rush | Burst, BUFF
Passive: Malefic Gun | BUFF
Emblem:The emblem focus for this kit is quite different as it solely focuses on giving Layla the most damage she can get. Equip a custom assassin emblem with bonus penetration effects, attack damage, and movement speed. This allows her to deal higher damage while also penetrate high-shielded heroes.

1. Berserker's Fury (2350) - Increases both critical damage and critical chance
2. Warrior Boots (720) - Provides additional armor and movement speed, enhancing Hilda's durability and mobility.
3. Haa’s Claws (2020) - Provides PHYS ATK, ATK Speed, and +20 Crit Chance. The item has a unique passive that gives a whopping 25% Lifesteal.
4. Windtalker (1820) - Deals splash damage with a high increase in attack speed, +20 movement speed, and +10 crit chance. Passive deals splash damage from the basic attack and extra movement speed perfect for Wanwan.
5. Hunter Strike (2010) - gives the hero a short 50% speed boost perfect for chasing and an attack speed increase.
6. Blade of Despair (3010) - highest damage-giving item. Adds 160 Phys Attack and an additional 25% damage to low HP enemies It Provides a huge physical damage boost to the unit. Perfect for the late game.
Top 5 Heroes that make Layla Awesome
- Rafaela
- Gatotkaca
- Faramis
- Akai
- Tigreal
Top 5 Heroes Layla is Strong Against
- Zhask
- Lylia
- Clint
- Bane
- Phoveous
Top 5 Heroes Layla is Weak Against
- Natalia
- Ling
- Fanny
- Gusion
- Helcurt