27 Feb 2019
How MTG Arena Vault works
Magic: the Gathering Arena has a lot of ways to grind for cards, and players can earn the cards they want the fastest by using all of them. The vault is a lesser-known system that rewards players even when they get cards they they already have a lot of duplicates of. So even if you get yet another copy of Llanowar Elves you don’t need, you still work towards earning prizes.
Here’s what you should know about the vault:
- You can only put a maximum of 4 duplicates of a card in your deck.
- Any cards you earn through opening packs that you already have 4 copies of add to progress toward unlocking the vault.
- Commons give you 0.11% progress, while Uncommons give 0.33%.
- Unless you have all the rare or mythic cards in a set, you won’t get 5th duplicates of rare or mythic cards. If you do, you’ll get gems instead.
- Once you reach a total of 100%, you open the vault and get the rewards inside.
- The current reward for opening the vault is 1 mythic wild card, two rare wild cards, and 3 uncommon wild cards.
- Wild cards can be exchanged for a copy of any card of the same rarity.
This is still less value than getting cards you don’t already have 4 copies of, but it’s better than nothing. Hopefully the MTG Arena team balances the vault soon.
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