Just like armors and food, accessories find their own importance in My Time at Portia. The accessories when collected, bought, or won, provide the player with some added points to their Health, Stamina, Defense, etc.
Besides, it compliments your fashion! I bring you a list of the very best accessories that you can get in Portia.
10. Sunglasses
Why Sunglasses is great?
- Adds +10% Critical Chance
- Can be sold for 25 Gols
- Can be gifted
How to get Sunglasses?
- Treasure Chest behind Church of Light
- Can be crafted in Level 2 Worktable using 2 Copper Bars and 1 Eye Glass.
9. Pinecock’s Crown
Why Pinecock’s Crown is great?
- Boosts player’s defense by +10
- Can be sold for 400 Gols!
- Can be gifted to Dr. Xu to earn +18 Relationship Points
How to get Pinecock’s Crown?
- Rarely dropped by the Poppycock monster in Collapsed Wasteland/western edge of Eufaula Heights
8. Exquisite Fountain Pen
Why Exquisite Fountain Pen is great?
- Adds +10 Critical Chance
- Can be sold for 160 Gols
- Can be gifted to Erwa
How to get Exquisite Fountain Pen?
- Inspection mini-game in the Commerce Guild
- As a gift for completing Rank A or S commission
- Can be received as a gift on player’s birthday/ Day of the Bright Sun
7. Knight’s Shield
Why Knight’s Shield is great?
- Adds +15 defense points
- Can be gifted to Django
- Can be sold for 1000 Gols
How to get Knight’s Shield?
- Can be purchased from Round Table’s Badge Exchange for 2000 badges
6. Yellow Sapphire Necklace
Why Yellow Sapphire Necklace is great?
- Adds +11 attack points
- Easy to craft
- Can be sold for 186 Gols
- Can be gifted
How to get Yellow Sapphire Necklace?
- Can be crafted at the worktable after the player learns the recipe from Ginger
- Is occasionally gifted by Ginger
5. Harmonica
Why Harmonica is great?
- Adds +12% Resilience
- Can be sold for 125 Gols
- Can be gifted to Polly
How to get Harmonica?
- Gained as a reward for completing inspection mini-game at the Commerce Guild
- Treasure Chest in Ingall’s Mine
- Gift for completing Rank A or S commission
- Received as a gift on birthday
4. Brooch
Why Brooch is great?
- Adds +15 SP
- Can be sold for 50 Gols
- Can be gifted to Antoine or Nora
How to get Brooch?
- Obtained by completing Run QQ Run! mission
- Seldom obtained as a gift for completing a commission
3. French Horn
Why French Horn is great?
- Adds +20 attack points
- Can be sold for 75 Gols
- Can be gifted to Aadit, Paulie or Yeye
How to get French Horn?
- Recovery Machine at the Research Centre after collecting the two pieces
2. Small Satchel
Why Small Satchel is great?
- Adds +50 HP
- Can be sold for 225 Gols
- Can be gifted to Antoine or Sonia
How to get Small Satchel?
- Can be crafted in the worktable using 5 Quality Leather, 2 Copper Bars, and 1 Topaz
- Can be found in the Treasure Chest inside Portia School
- Can be received as a gift on the player’s birthday
1. Magician’s Hat
Why Magician’s Hat is great?
- Grants +120 HP
- Adds +10% Critical Chance
- Can be sold for 100 Gols
How to get Magician’s Hat?
- Obtained as a reward for donating 5 items to Portia Museum
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