Which 2K centers stand above the rest?
NBA 2K19 is all about dominance. The best players win and more wins mean more respect for your reputation.
The purpose of this guide is to help you create the best versions of the natural dominant players on the basketball court; centers.
Nothing can replace a truly dominant center, and for this reason, it is recommended to create only the most dominant of centers. With this list, you can choose the best center builds that suit your playing style and help you become a star.
10. Stretch Five
The best shooting builds are the pure stretch fours and pure stretch fives for obvious reasons. In the case of the stretch five, this build can be very overpowered when built and played with right. Imagine the biggest person on the court shooting from half court. It’s scary, right? Then add all of the shooting badges on top of that and you have a sharpshooter that’s a necessity for every team.
9. Two-Way Post Scorer
This is the prototypical big man build. You can defend, rebound, and score in the post. Granted, you can’t do any of those 3 at an astronomical level, but the combination of all 3 in a big man’s skill set is too much to handle.
8. Slashing Post Scorer
7. Sharpshooting Post Scorer
In my opinion, this is the most balanced inside-out build. A good, but not great inside game with a good, but not great jumpshot makes this build very Kevin Love like. Packed with 29 badges and an underrated rebounding game, this build can be a go-to star player.
6. Pure Rim Protector
The anchor on defense. Immense strength and rebounding. A good offensive game that can even stretch the court and hit a few 3’s when needed. This build is the definition of a tone setter. Defense wins championships, correct? Well, this build comes with 6 Hall of Fame badges, so you can ride the back of this player off the strength of his defense alone. I’m telling you, you cannot score anywhere near this build.
5. Rebounding Rim Protector
This is the Deandre Jordan build. That doesn’t sound very alluring at first, but when you bring a workhorse to the park or Pro-Am that can grab every rebound and block every shot, you’re always going to be one of, if not, the most valuable players on your team. You have to be willing to do all the dirty work, but once you are, you’re going to be an overwhelming, constant force down low.
4. Slashing Rebounder
In theory, there will never be a possession wasted because you can give this player the ball under the hoop and score at will or, you can shoot and miss a shot and this player is going to get the rebounder and put it back easily. This build is so unstoppable on the offensive glass. It’s rage inducing and overpowered, because you’re not going to be able to stop this player from getting the rebound, so when he does get the rebound, he can go back up with it or kick it out to a teammate. He can do this as long as he wants until his team scores.
3. Rebounding Athletic Finisher
This is probably the most athletic big man in the game, besides the Pure Athletic Finisher. That alone makes this build overpowered, but unlike the Pure Athletic Finisher, this build is way more polished on the glass and on defense. This player isn’t a good jump shooter, but you don’t need him to be. As long as you have a somewhat decent point guard, this build can be the heart of any team. It’s raw athleticism is that good.
2. Glass Cleaner
Now, when I say this player literally grabs every single rebound, I’m 98% serious. The amount of rebounds this player grabs is unreal. To make matters better (or worse for the other team), this build has Gold Rim Protector and Lob City Finisher, meaning that not only will this player grab every single rebound possible, he’ll block your shot and dunk on you whenever.
1.Pure Post Scorer
The Godfather of all “overpowered builds”. I have a pure Post Scorer, myself, on 2K19 so there’s a slight bias for this build, but boy is this build impossible to guard. There is nothing the defense can do when the defender gets caught in a post scorer animation except get angry. The 99 post fade-away is, probably, the most unguardable shot on the game, because there’s no way to contest it. This build gets every post badge on Hall of Fame and can shoot 3s consistently. Then, on top of all of that, the post scorer Takeover is, hands down, the best in the game. They, quite literally, throw the defenders out the their way with a powerful shove and elbows. I don’t know why the developers of 2K19 would make this build so unstoppable, but I will thank them for the tons of fun.
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