What are the fastest ways to level up in Overwatch?
If there is one thing that always brings a feeling of euphoria to Overwatch, it’s leveling up and getting a loot box. This can be especially true when playing during a timed seasonal event with limited edition hero cosmetics.
While it may seem like the leveling system in Overwatch is straightforward, there are actually plenty of ways to level quickly. If you are looking to boost up for loot or to reach the competitive mode level requirement, follow these tips to level up fast!
10. Win Matches
Winning Matches Gamepaly
How much XP can you get from winning matches: 500 XP
How winning matches works:
- At the end of a victorious match, the player is awarded XP for the win
- Group up with allies, play the objective and coordinate ultimates
- This is the least controllable method available to players, but play to win and you should earn the victory XP
9. First Win of the Day
First Win of the Day Gameplay
How much XP can you get from the first win of the day: 1500 XP
How getting the first win of the day works:
- Get extra XP upon completion of the first victory during the daily reset
- Reset time varies depending on time zone, but occurs once every 24 hours
- Can only be earned one time daily, but this bonus stacks with the XP earned from victorious matches
8. Lucioball
Lucioball Gameplay
How much XP can you get from Lucioball: 2000+ XP for short matches
How playing Lucioball works:
- XP is consistent with other modes, but Lucioball only runs 4 minutes
- Shorter matches means more XP gains faster
- Available during the Summer Games event
- Only requires knowledge of Lucio’s kit and soccer
7. Don’t quit the match early
Quitting Early Gameplay
How much XP you can get from quitting a match early: 0 XP
How quitting early works:
- Do not leave early at any point during the course of the match
- Only leave the match once you see the victory/defeat splash screen
- Leaving a match before it resolves results in gaining zero XP, so try not to rage quit, even if you really want to
6. Make matches run longer
Longer Match Gameplay
How much XP you can get from making matches run longer: 4 XP per second
How making matches run longer works:
- Matches have preset times, but pushing into overtime can increase XP gains
- Contest all objectives as long as you possibly can, fight to your last breath!
- If you are stomping the enemy team or getting stomped, try switching to a different character to change the dynamic and extend the match
5. Get gold medals
Gold Medal Gameplay
How much XP you can get from gold medals: 300 XP per medal
How getting gold medals works:
- Must be the best performing teammate for a performance category
- Get top kills, top healing, top objective time, etc
- This requires patience, but play your strongest hero roles and gold medals will be earned
4. Endorsements
Endorsements Gameplay
How much XP you can get from endorsing players: 50 per player for up to 150 XP in each match
How endorsing players works:
- Only available on the team performance screen after the match ends
- Can select up to three teammates to endorse, each for 50 xp
- “Shot caller,” for communicative leaders and plays of the game
- “Good teammate,” for high performing or useful allies
- “Sportsmanship,” for positive and coordinated teammates
3. Play consecutive matches
Consecutive Matches Gameplay
How much XP you can get from playing consecutive matches: 300 XP per match
How playing consecutive matches works:
- You must stay in the same match queue to earn this extra XP consistently
- Do not quit out of a match queue, even if the game is searching for a new match
- Pick a time frame to play, and just keep playing the same queue no matter what
2. Play 3v3 & 6v6 Elimination mode
3v3 / 6v6 Elimination Gameplay
How much XP you can get from playing 3v3/6v6 Elimination: 5,000+ XP per match
How playing 3v3/6v6 Elimination works:
- Available in the Arcade category, Elimination plays out as a team deathmatch mode
- Get lots of eliminations for high XP in a shorter running game mode
- Make sure to coordinate with your team so you don’t spend time being sent back to the spawn room
1. Group up with teammates
Grouping up Gameplay
How much XP you can get from playing with grouped teammates: 20% overall XP boost
How playing with grouped teammates works:
- Must form a group of at least two players using the invite feature, and play any game mode
- Can utilize the “look for group” feature to get a group for a specific game mode
- Full groups can lead to more victory XP, on top of the 20% bonus and consecutive match bonus
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