What is Akimbo?
The word “akimbo” hails from the 15th century, initially a neutral term referring to a hands-on-hips stance with elbows bent. Over time the word came to carry an arrogant or aggressive connotation, and by the end of the 90s the term had been adopted as a synonym for dual wielded weapons. In April 2018, update #178 was released for Payday 2, introducing akimbo- style weapons as a primary weapon option, many of which are unlocked at level 0.
Akimbo weapons automatically deal double damage due to the simple fact that there are two of them, but one must surrender stability in order to wield such power. And heed this caution: a light touch is key for ammo reserve, as you will find that these guns eat through bullets as well as SWAT teams. This article will discuss five fantastic akimbo weapons with examples of some mind-blowing modifications. Get it? Eh? Headshot… mind-blowing….
Akimbo Goliath 12G Shotguns
Player views their Akimbo Goliath 12G shotguns up close, rotating them to see their full beauty.
This incredibly fatal weapon with selective firing capabilities can be yours for just $714,000! Powerful damage infliction coupled with a decent rate of fire (for a shotgun, anyway) make this machine a formidable foe. Considering it also has a decent ammo pickup rate, a respectable ammo pool, and the potential to be useful at medium ranges, this devil is downright dastardly.
Off the bat this weapon has cripplingly low stability, but with the right modifications it will shine. By using 000 Buckshot, the King’s Crown Compensator, a Stability Boost, and an LED Combo, you will successfully amp up Damage, Accuracy, and Stability with loss of concealment as a toll. That’s okay, though, chances are if you’re bringing dual wielded shotguns, you’re not being sneaky about it.
What makes the Akimbo Goliath 12G Shotgun great:
- Causes massive damage
- Good overall ammo availability
- Can be modded for enhanced stability
How to get the Akimbo Goliath 12G Shotguns: Weapons will become available to you once your game receives update #178. These shotguns are unlocked once you reach level 23. You can then purchase this shotgun for $714,000 from your stolen funds. Afterwards, use Continental Coins, Card Drops, Side Jobs, and Rewards to modify it.
Watch the action up close in this YouTube video!
Check out these links for more information on both the standard and Akimbo Goliath 12G Shotguns!
Akimbo Stryke 18C Pistols
Player blasts a soldier with what they refer to as their “pocket minigun” as they fight their way to the cargo door controls
These close-range dual semi-automatic pistols just feel so good! Their propensity to recoil can be modified into oblivion, turning this fast firing, admirably damaging, ammo-loaded nightmare inducer into an absolute dream.
One way to modify these bad boys would involve adding a Velocity Compensator, Combined Module, and Ergo Grip to reduce the effects of inherent low stability, an Extended Mag to provide more ammo, and a little sprinkle of an Accuracy Boost on top. The only thing these mods don’t improve is concealment, but it’s totally worth the trade-off.
What makes the Akimbo Stryke 18C Pistols great:
- Large ammo reserve
- Fast fire rate
- Great for inflicting a lot of damage in close range situations
- Good base concealment
How to get the Akimbo Stryke 18C Pistols: Weapons will become available to you once your game receives update #178. These pistols are unlocked once you reach level 29. You can then purchase these pistols for #912,800 from your stolen funds. Afterwards, use Continental Coins, Card Drops, Side Jobs, and Rewards to modify it.
Watch the action up close in this YouTube video!
Check out these links for more information on both the standard and Akimbo Stryke 18C Pistols!
Akimbo CR 805B
As the Akimbo CR 805B submachine guns rotate, every detail can be observed.
If you’re looking for a submachine gun (SMG) that promises hundreds of high speed projectiles which spill countless liters of spattered blood, shatter thousands of bones, and pop all the helmets one could dream of in just a few short minutes for a great, low price, then look no further! Include the modding capabilities for an added bonus, and these guns are an extraordinary bargain.
To increase stability, equip the Competitor’s Compensator, Auto Fire, LED Combo, and CAR Quadstacked Mag. The added benefits? Extra damage and a substantial magazine expansion. Throwing in an Accuracy Boost will zero most of the negative impacts from these mods, with only Concealment being unfavorably affected..
What makes the Akimbo CR 805B great:
- Great weapons for a low price
- High damage
- Fast rate of fire
- Fast reload
How to get the Akimbo CR 805B: Weapons will become available to you once your game receives update #178. These SMGs are unlocked once you reach level 2. You can then purchase these submachine guns for $81,200 from your stolen funds. Afterwards, use Continental Coins, Card Drops, Side Jobs, and Rewards to modify it.
Watch the action up close in this YouTube video!
Check out these links for more information on both the standard and Akimbo CR 805B Submachine Guns!
Akimbo Kobus 90
Player views the statistics of their modified Akimbo Kobus 90s after attaching the LED Combo.
Consider all of the bone-crushing, blood-spraying power found within the CR 805B, and then imagine how much more gore a $1.2 million dollar weapon can get you. With the Akimbo Kobus 90, you won’t have to imagine. These two beauties come with a very large magazine with plenty of ammo in reserve, though the insanely high rate of fire will deplete that quickly if used without caution.
To amp up the insanity, try attaching the Long Barrel, Stubby Compensator, Stability Boost, and LED Combo. All of these will create a more stable weapon with a little more accuracy and damage with only a minor negative impact on concealment. Throw in a Speed Pull Magazine to expedite the carnage!
What makes the Akimbo Kobus 90 great:
- A lot of ammo
- Very high rate of fire
- Very high damage
- Large magazine
How to get the Akimbo Kobus 90: Weapons will become available to you once your game receives update #178. These SMGs are unlocked once you reach level 36. You can then purchase these submachine guns for $1,150,800 from your stolen funds. Afterwards, use Continental Coins, Card Drops, Side Jobs, and Rewards to modify it.
Watch the action up close in this YouTube video!
Check out these links for more information on both the standard and Akimbo Kobus 90 Submachine Guns!
Akimbo Broomstick
The Akimbo Broomstick pistols rotate on display.
The Broomstick is a fantastic secondary weapon, so it makes sense that its performance would be twice as amazing akimbo-style. Don’t let the average damage and stability statistics deceive you; this weapon comes with a good ammo reserve and great accuracy at a good rate of fire, making it easier to land the kill shot Not to mention the multitude of modifications to choose from, allowing you to build a great set of guns.
One simple but effective build involves attaching the Hurricane Compensator, Accuracy Boost, and Combined Module to increase both stability and accuracy and the High Capacity Mag so you don’t have to reload as often.
What makes the Akimbo Kobus 90 great:
- Highly accurate
- Very customizable
- Good ammo pool
How to get the Akimbo Broomstick: Weapons will become available to you once your game receives update #178. These pistols are unlocked once you reach Level 23. You can then purchase these pistols for $714,000 from your stolen funds. Afterwards, use Continental Coins, Card Drops, Side Jobs, and Rewards to modify it.
Watch the action up close in this YouTube video!
Check out these links for more information on both the standard and Akimbo Broomstick Pistols!
Try your own builds, combine them with perk decks and skill points, and become the best criminal you can be!