Death Sentence One Down is the peak difficulty Payday 2 has to offer. Only the best of the best and strongest of the strong can survive the onslaught of Zeal Enemies and Dozers. If you are brave (or foolish) enough to step into a Death Sentence One Down difficulty heist, these builds and play styles will get your bullet filled bodies into the escape van.
10. VD-12, The Judge, Crit Leech Build

This build takes advantage of the mass throne of skills the VD-12 Akimbo shotguns benefit from, AP Slug rounds ability to shoot through walls and the invulnerability of the leech build.
The Vd-12 Akimbo primaries (Goliath 12g is a non-DLC alternative) will be your main weapon you use to clear your rooms of pesky cops and keep yourself safe, when Zealdozers start coming through, instead of fighting face to face and taking unnecessary damage, the slug rounds on your judge can shoot through walls and dispose of them while you can stay in safety. The Leech Ampule is a very strong self-sustaining tool, once you catch onto its timing, you are nearly invincible.
- The VD-12 akimbo’s is strong enough to burst through damage thresholds on Zeal cops and crits with overkill skill. Hold down M1 and keep the cops at bay.
- The Judge is used as your long range and Zealdozer eraser. Mark the fool, get behind cover and shoot at them. The AP Slugs penetrate through shields and walls, letting you dispose of danger from safety.
- The Leech Ampule has self-healing and self revive utility.
- The Judges AP Slugs ignore walls and shields. Allowing you to dispose of Bulldozers in safety.
- Both Shotguns break crucial damage thresholds, Shotgun Crit damage multipliers melt Dozers.
Build Details:
Skills:Combat Medic, Quick Fix Aced, Uppers Aced, Inspire, Forced Friendship,Joker, Confident Aced, Partners in crime aced, Hostage Taker Aced, Underdog, Shotgun CQB Aced, Shotgun Impact Aced, Closed by Aced, Far Away, Overkill, Resilience Aced, Bullseye, Duck and cover, Second Wind, The Professional, Optical Illusions Aced, Low Blow Aced, Unseen Strike, Equilibrium, Akimbo Aced , Nine Lives Aced.
Akimbo Vd-12 Attachments:
- 000 Buckshot,
- Long Barrel,
- The Silent Killer Suppressor,
- Stability,
- Auto Fire,
- Stateside conversion kit
- , front mounting rail,
- Led combo,
- straight grip,
Judge Shotgun Attachments:
- AP Slug,
- The Silent Killer Suppressor,
- Stability,
- Custom reinforced frame
(The Picture above has the Akimbo Goliath 12G’s equipped instead of the Akimbo VD12’s)
9. Armorer, Compact grenade launcher,Minigun

A simple and effective perk and skill lineup to help you survive the heist without worrying too much about anything other than your health and Invulnerability. Very aim forgiving and plays like a power trip, honestly.
On Death Sentence One Down, the armorer is definitely one of the simpler Perk Decks that can help you survive the slaughter. Stay behind cover, engage fights with the cops at a very slow pace. The massive firepower both the Compact grenade launcher and minigun break damage thresholds and the 2 seconds of invulnerability the armorer deck gives lets you use the compact grenade launcher as a close range room clearing device.
How this build works:
- Both weapons don't require precise aim
- Armorer doesn't take much to learn, very easy for beginners
- Slow playstyle, anchor for the team
Build Strengths:
- Massive amounts of firepower
- Slow but consistent playstyle
- Frenzy offers damage reduction, allowing your armor to sometimes take two shots before breaking
- Both guns are surprisingly ammo efficient
- Minigun can be switched out for an LMG
Build Details:
Perk Deck: Armorer
Skills: Forced friendship, joker, Partners in crime aced, Iron Man Aced, Shock and Awe Aced, Bullseye, Resilience Aced,Die Hard, transporter, Scavenger, Bulletstorm aced, extra lead acid,fully loaded,Body expertise aced, Surefire aced,lock and loaded aced, steady grip aced, hardware expert, parkour, duck and cover, second wind, Nine Lives Aced, Berserker Aced, Bloodthirst aced, martial arts, frenzy
Compact Grenade Attachments:
- Default
Minigun Attachments:
- Aerial Assault Barrel,
- Accuracy
- Led combo,
Armor: Improved Combined Tactical vest
8. Pistol Based Crit Armor Gating Build.

Playing on Death Sentence doesn't have to be slow and heavy firepower. If you’re a fast paced gamer like myself, this fast paced mobile support build revives teammates from a distance, while also being able to melt enemies abusing the myriad of critical damage multipliers.
This Build takes advantage of the DPS the Akimbo Stryk-18c pistols, and the damage and speed multipliers from the Berzerker skill.Berzerker builds work best when at the lowest health possible, which is where the Molotov cocktail comes in. There's a strategy called the 2-2-2-2 trick. Stand inside the fire for 2 ticks, stand outside for 2 ticks, and repeat. This Build is incredibly quick and mobile, making it amazing for getting away with the loot and reviving your teammates with Inspire.
Pistol Based Crit Armor Gating Build. Strengths:
- The Stryk 18-c pistols are dozer destroyer’s and also have a high ammo pickup.
- 5/7 AP Pistol can shoot through shields and output massive damage
- Have all the benefits of Berserker without any of the danger because of Armor-Gating
- Fun and fast playstyle thats reliant on consistent ain
Build Details:
Skills:Inspire aced, painkillers aced, Combat Doctor Aced, Combat Medic, PArtners in crime aced. Joker, Forced Friendship, Stable shot, Scavenger, Surefire Aced, Steady Grip Aced, Duck and Cover, unSeen Strike, Low Blow, Optical illusions Aced, The Professional Aced, Second Wind, Trigger Happy, One Handed Talent ACed, Akimbo Aced, Equilibrium, Nine Lives Aced, Frenzy Berserker Aced, Bloodthirst Aced, Martial Artist
Stryk-18c Akimbo Pistols attachments:
- Jungle Ninja suppressor,
- Stability,
- Micro laser,
- Ergo grip,
Extended magazines
- 5/7 AP Pistol Attachments:
- TiN Treated Barrel,Champions Suppressor,
- Concealment,
- Micro laser,
- extended magazine
Perk Deck: Anarchist
Armor: Suit
Throwable: Molotov Cocktail
Melee:Ice Pick
Deployable: Medic Bag
7. Hostage Taker Akimbo Goliath Shotguns Hacker Build

This Hacker Build revolves around the massive DPS output the Akimbo Goliath 12-g shotguns apply, the utility the HE Rounds and the ECM Gear possess. This deck could be spec’d in other ways to suit your own playstyle but this is what I've found to be most reliable.
This build is wonderful and provides a lot of tools at the players disposal, Hostage Taker will provide yourself and your team health and extra manpower, ECM Feedback can be activated to save yourself and your homicidal peers of danger, a medic bag to heal yourself and said peers.
How this build works:
- This entire build is based around damage output and sustainability.
- You will have no issue with any enemies with your primary.
- The Judges HE Rounds destroy enemy armor (and crowds of cops) easily, just switch back to your primary and they’ll fly back like everyone else
Hostage Taker Akimbo Goliath Shotguns Hacker Build Strengths
- HE rounds break the armor on dozers and other specials very easily allowing you to switch to the Akimbo Goliath 12G and kill them fast.
- Akimbo Goliath 12G’s have the highest damage in the game
- ECM Gear can skip certain objectives and stun enemies on loud for crucial seconds of safety
- Inspire and Hostage Taker team support role
Build Details: (bullet points, every single build detail)
Skills:Inspire aced, painkillers aced, Combat Doctor Aced, Combat Medic,PArtners in crime aced. Joker, Forced Friendship, Confident Aced, Hostage Taker Aced, Overkill, Close by Aced, Shotgun CQB Aced, underdog, Shock and Awe Aced, Bullseye, Resilience Aced, Scavenger, Hardware Expert, Duck and Cover, Low Blow Aced, Optical illusions, Second Wind, Akimbo Aced, Equilibrium, Nine Lives Aced,
Akimbo Goliath 12-g Attachments:
- 000 Buckshot,
- Short Barrel,
- Donalds Horizontal leveler
- Concealment
- compact laser module.
The Judge Attachments;
- HE Rounds
- Compact Laser Module
- Concealment
- custom reinforced frame
Perk Deck: Hacker
Armor: Suit
Deployable: ECM Gear
6 . Kingpin, 500Sniper (R93) Build

The Kingpin’s Injector is a very powerful tool, it gives you Aggro (target priority) and converts all damage taken into health for yourself and your team. With this Crit, Graze, Sniper Perk Deck you’ll be able to shoot through cops, kill dozers in 1-3 shots, and become nearly invincible with a 500 damage sniper for small periods at a time. The Kingpin Skill tree is no longer available for purchase, although different, Leech is a perfectalternative.
The Perk Deck Kingpin is perfect when paired with the upsides and downsides of sniper rifles in Payday 2 amazingly. When you have aggro you can whip out the R93 Sniper Rifle (a 500 damage sniper rifle) and wipe out all the dozers (Except, Shotgun enemies since they can deal more damage than Kingpins Injector can take in, resulting in a down) in this game. The tatonka submachine gun (A 100 damage submachine gun) has a unique function in this build, although it's an automatic weapon if we switch it to single fire mode we can utilize the skill Ammo Efficiency Aced to get some of your bullets back when shooting dozers and activate Aggressive reload.
How this build works:
- Thorough, Reliable Build,
- prioritizes survivability, ammo conservation and aim
- Powerful Armor piercing 500 Damage Sniper Rifle
- Reliable, ammo efficient 100 damage secondary
- Kingpin’s Injector converts all damage sustained during duration into health for teammates.
Kingpin, 500Sniper (R93) Build Strengths
- Surviving and Holding out objectives
- Massive amount of Damage output
- Ammo and aim efficient playstyle
- Hold down long ranges and kill dozers from a distance
Build Details:
Skills:Inspire aced, painkillers aced, Uppers Aced, Combat Medic, Quick Fix, PArtners in crime aced. Joker, Forced Friendship, Confident Aced, Hostage Taker Aced, Graze Aced, Ammo Efficiency Aced, Aggressive Reload aced, Stable Shot Aced,Bullseye, Die Hard, Transporter, Resilience Aced, Scavenger, Hardware Expert, Steady Grip, Duck And Cover, Second Wind, The professional, nine Lives Aced,
r93 Sniper rifle attachments:
Compensated Suppressor
,Total ammo,
Led Combo,
Spectacular site,
Wooden Body
Tatonka submachine gun Attachments
The bigger the better suppressor,
Led combo,
AK Wood Grip,
Spectacular Sight
Perk Deck: Kingpin
Armor: Heavy Ballistic Vest
Deployable: First aid Kits
(In the picture above, the Leech perk deck is equipped. Unfortunately, the Kingpin Perk Deck is unavailable to purchase in the steam store)
5. Stoic LMG Build,

The Stoic Perk Deck converts all your Armor into health and puts 75% of all damage Sustained by enemy fire is turned into Damage over time. when you drink the flask (press your throwable key) you heal for 50% of remaining Damage Over time. In a gamemode like DSOD being able to soak up and heal from all damage at a consistent rate is very powerful. Alongside weapons like the KSP Light MAchine Gun and the Compact Grenade Launcher you can chain massive amounts of kills together in short bursts to keep your stoic flask cooldown timer constantly dwindling.
Build Details:
Skills: Inspire aced, painkillers aced, Combat Doctor Aced, Combat Medic,,PArtners in crime aced. Joker, Forced Friendship, Confident Aced, Hostage Taker Aced, stable shot, Resilience Aced, Die Hard Aced, Shock And awe aced, Scavenger, Hardware expert, Body Expertise,Aced, Lock and Load, Surefire Aced, Steady Grip Aced, Duck And Cover, The Professional Aced, Second Wind, Nine Lives Aced,
How this build works:
- Massive survivability and DPS capabilities
- constantly be rewarded with health for applying pressure and chain killing dozers and cops alike
- Covers the Ammo role for yourself and team
- constant self heal for yourself and your team with the Hostage Taker skills.
Stoic LMG Build Strengths
- Takes advantage of the massive amounts of damage in DSOD for a self heal
- Easy to Pickup and learn playstyle
- Ammo for yourself and your team
- Joker and Hostage Taker for extra manpower and self heal
- Compact Grenade Launcher clears room and destroys dozer armor
KSP Light Machine Gun attachments:
- Long Barrel
- The bigger the better Suppressor
- Lion Bipod
- Stability,
- Led Combo
- Solid Stock
Compact 40mm Grenade Launcher attachments:
- Classic Ammo
- Any Attachments
Perk Deck: Stoic
Armor: Heavy Ballistic Vest
Deployable: First Aid Kits
Melee: Buzzer.
4. Anarchist LMG Build,

This Build takes advantage of the anarchist armor gate mechanics and several crit based skills. Alongside the very powerful weapons Campbell 74 LMG, and The Krinkov Submachine Gun, No damage threshold exists that you won't break. With berserker, make sure to bring a molly so you can determine the amount of damage you want to do at your own pace instead of relying on damage from cops.
Armor Gating in Payday 2 makes you nearly invincible and Anarchist is perfect for that. If you can get a grasp on the constant timers that are ending and starting so that no damage is taken in your health, berserker allows you to multiply your damage to the amount of health you have left.
How this build works:
- High risk, High reward playstyle. The lower your health the higher your damage is.
- Anarchist, Headhunter and Hostage are all separate and constant armor regeneration for armor gate
Anarchist LMG Build Strengths
- High DPS and Constant Pressure playstyle
- Armor Gate is a powerful high skill ability that gets difficult to keep consistently
- KSP 74 LMG is a has a high DPS output and reliable ammo pickup
- Berserker Damage multiplier for how low your health is
- Multiple Assault rifle crit skills for more damage
Build Details:
Skills:Forced Friendship, Joker Aced, Hostage Taker Aced, Partners in crime aced, Stable shot aced, Resilience Aced, Bullseye aced, shock and awe aced, scavenger, Hardware expert, Steady Grip Aced, Surefire Aced, Lock and load Aced, Body Expertise aced, Duck and cover, Second wind, The Professional Aced, Optical Illusions aced, High Value Target Aced, Unseen Strike, Nine Lives aced, Martial Arts, Bloodthirst, Berserker Aced
Campbell 74 LMG Attachments:
- Karloff Barrel
- Buckeye Suppressor
- Stability
- Moseley Sling
- Led Combo
- Perkins Soft Case
Krinkov Submachine Gun Attachments:
- The bigger the better suppressor
- Accuracy Boost
- Scope mount
- Moscow Special Rail
- Led Combo
- Ak Plastic Grip
- Speed Pull Magazine
- Speculator Sight
- Classic Stock
Perk Deck: Anarchist
Armor: Suit
Deployable: Ammo Bav\g
Melee: Ice Pick
3. Leech RPG build,
Large clear image of the build
Leech is a powerful perk deck that converts all damage no matter what the source, taking only 10% of your health for a short period of time but every 2 kills will heal you 10% of damage,, mix that with the Commando Rocket Launcher and the 15 seconds of infinite fire offered by the Bulletstorm skill, you have a powerful teammate that wields a rocket launcher and 1 sec of invulnerability after taking a damage… and an infinite rocket launcher.
This Build is great for when you are lacking firepower and get easily overwhelmed. Throw an ammo bag down, activate Bulletstorm and clean the entire area of anything and anyone dumb enough to have tried to fight you. This playstyle is very aim forgiving but requires constant pressure but also a way to easily change the tides of the heist in 15 secs of continuous explosions. The Leech Ampule offers a myriad of self healing and for your team. With some practice and understanding of the vape looking thing, you can become invincible.
How this build works:
- Bulletstorm and the Commando Rocket Launcher are a match made in heaven
- Since this Build is so ammo heavy, any 100 damage shotgun, submachine gun or pistol are viable
- The Leech Ampule is an amazing Self-Support ability and heal for teammates.
- This Build covers both the Ammo and Healing Needs of heists.
Leech RPG build Strengths:
- Leech ampule makes you temporarily invincible and allows for Commando ROcket Launcher spam without worry of self damage
- Leech Ampule Heals the player and teammates
- Bulletstorm allows the Commando Rocket Launcher to fire continuously for 15 secs, killing dozers and captain winters very easily.
- The player brings in ammo bags for team while also being able to heal the team as well
Build Details:
Skills: Inspire aced, painkillers aced, Combat Doctor Aced, Combat Medic, Forced Friendship, Joker, Partners in Crime Aced, Resilience, Die Hard, Scavenger, BulletStorm Aced,Extra Lead Acid, Fully Loaded, Third Law, Eco Sentry, Jack of all trades Aced, Steady Grip Aced, Surefire, lock and load, Duck and cover, Nine Lives Aced, Swan Song Aced, Feign Death Aced, Messiah Aced,
Secondary: Commando Rocket Launcher,
Primary Weapon:Any weapon with a high pickup (Personal Preference)
Perk Deck: Leech
Deployable: Ammo Bag
Melee: Any Melee
2. Anarchist Berserker Sniper Build

With Anarchist, the higher damage output the better armor regen you have. At the start of the heist, throw a molotov down on the floor, break your own armor, take 5 health hits, pause for armor regen, then take two more hits. This might sound confusing but after a bit of practice it'll be second nature. The lower your health, Berserker activates a higher and higher Damage multiplier. After that, get a joker to give yourself more HP and help with the cops.
Anarchist Berserker Sniper Build Strengths:
- Long range Damage and support
- Graze and Sniper Crit Skills for Dozers
- Can Shoot Dozers through walls
Skills: Inspire aced, painkillers aced, Combat Doctor Aced, Combat Medic,Joker, Forced Friendship, Partners in crime aced, Stable shot, Marksmen Aced, Aggressive Reload aced, Stable shot, Resilience Aced, Bullseye, Scavenger, Hardware expert , steady grip, Duck and cover, inner pockets, Low Blow Aced, high Value Target Aced, optical illusions, The professional, Second Wind, Nine Lives Aced, Berserker Aced, bloodthirst, martial arts
Build Details:
Lebensauger Sniper Rifle(any 100 damage sniper, Contractor has a high fire rate):
- Any Attachments
Cr 805b Submachine gun Attachments:
- Short Barrel
- Stability Boosts
- Micro Laser
- No Stock
Throwable: Molotov
Armor: Suit
Deployable: Medic Bag
Melee: Ice Pick
1. Hacker Dodge Triple SMG’s Build

This triple smg hacker build focuses more on Dodge and the best perk deck in the entire game, Hacker. In this build, we carry 3 Mark 10 Submachine guns because of their concealment and high dps. With this setup you have to play very aggressively and whenever you are cornered or surrounded, just use the regenerating ECM Feedback throwable to get back into safety.
This Fun fast paced playstyle is really fun for the player and is also incredibly helpful for the team as well. Your ability to zoom around and dodge bullets allows you to weave in and out of danger to inspire downed teammates and drop a First Aid Kit like the Angel you are. ECM Feedback also stuns all enemies (including Dozers) for a short period of time, which can save yourself and your team in your dire times of need.
How this build works:
- Low Concealment, Crit Dodge based build
- Very Fast and can self heal with first aid kits
- Mark 10 Submachine guns melt dozers in close range
Hacker Dodge Triple SMG’s Build Strengths
- Fast, Dodge build is great for reviving teammates and acquiring loot
- ECM Gear has a rainbow of uses (6 Second world Stun, Objective skip, ETC.)
- Mark 10 Submachine gun has a high amount of DPS and consistent Pickup
- Mobile Medic, 14 First aid Kits, Great for when attempting stealth first
Build Details:
Skills: Inspire aced, painkillers aced, Uppers Aced, Quick Fix, Combat Medic, Stable Shot, Steady Grip Aced, Lock and load, Surefire Aced, Fire Control, Body Expertise Aced, Sneaky Bastard, Dire Need, ShockProof, Inner Pockets, Duck and Cover, Unseen Strike, Low Blow, Optical Illusions Aced, The Professional Aced, Second Wind, Akimbo Aced, Equilibrium, Nine Lives Aced,
Akimbo Mark 10 SMG’S Attachments:
- Low Profile Suppressor
- Concealment Boost
- Custom Built Frame
- Speed Pull Magazine
Mark 10 Submachine Gun attachments:
- Low Profile Suppressor
- Concealment Boost
- Custom Built Frame
- Speed Pull Magazines
Perk Deck:Hacker
Throwable:ECM Gear
Deployable: First Aid Kits
Any Melee