Looking to master the art of stealth in Payday 2? These builds are designed to help you stay hidden, stay alive, and complete heists without raising the alarm.
3. CopyCat Low Risk Hacker Build

In this setup, we take advantage of the criminally underrated detection trip mines deployable to help with stealth on heists with trickier guard spawning and pathing. Alongside the buffs the Copycat Perk Deck provides, (ECM Jammers from hacker and 40% crouch speed from Burglar) we also bring an unusual stealth primary, The Grom Sniper Rifle for its high accuracy and bullet penetration.
This build is interesting for the simple reason you’ve brought in a sniper rifle into a stealth mission. Your tripmine alerted you that someone is coming close to a drill and you're too far? Aim at their red outline and shoot them before your problems get larger than a single pager.
How this build works:
- Set detection trip mines in all areas you don't want anyone to cross
- If a guard walks a trip mine, with the Grom Sniper Rifle you can shoot through walls in case you’re in another room or on another floor
- Instead of Trip mines, one can bring ECM Jammers instead (Blocks pagers for a short bit, opens keycard doors ETC.)
- CopyCat Low Risk Hacker Build Strengths:
- When silenced, the Grom can still penetrate walls and has a low concealment
- Detection Trip Mines mark anyone that walks past for a short duration
- This build allows the player to wonder while still being able to defend sensitive areas
- Breacher Skill Tree is filled with drill skills to make the waiting periods of stealth heists a lot shorter.
- If Trip Mines aren’t your jam then ECM Jammers are a perfect alternative
Build Details:
Skills: Forced Friendship, Confident, Stockholm syndrome, stable shot, Resilience, transporter, Third Law, Eco Sentry, Jack of all trades aced, More firepower Aced, Kickstarter aced, Drill sergeant aced, Hardware expert aced, steady grip, Shinobi aced, Chameleon Aced, Sixth sense aced ,cleaner aced, ECM Overdrive aced, Nimble Aced, ECM Specialist aced, duck and cover, inner pockets, parkour, Second Wind, Optical Illusions aced, the professional, High Value target aced,
Copycat Perk Deck Skills: 40% crouch speed, 2 Pocket ECM jammers, 40 % weapon switch speed
Grom Sniper Rifle Attachments:
- Tikho Barrel
- Accuracy or Concealment
- Lightweight foregrip
- Stealth Laser Module
- 45 Degree iron sights
- Cassian Iron Sights
- Lightweight Stock
The Judge Attachments:
- The Silent Killer Suppressor
- Concealment
- Compact Laser Module
- Custom reinforced frame
2. Copycat Speed Hacker Yakuza Build

If you’re a rather impatient person and you feel just too slow, this build used by Payday 2 Speedrunners is for you. The Yakuza Perk Deck and skills like Berserker Aced and Frenzy offer stronger and stronger passive buffs like health, damage and speed buffs the lower your health is. In this build, we will also be using the copycat Perk Deck to take advantage of the Heibi Irezumi skill in the CopyCat Perk Deck Tree. Since this is still a stealth build, we will still equip the Pocket ECM Jammer skills and the rest of the stealth skills. This build aims to take advantage of the movement speed boosts the Yakuza Perk and the Berserker Skill give and the Utility Hacker Perk Deck offer.
This Copycat Speed Yakuza Build truly shines on heists with a lot of individual bags to carry. When at 1 health, you can walk with a bag faster than some builds can sprint while also allowing yourself to make very dangerous and risky plays because of your insane speed. Alongside the OVE9000 Saw and being able to equip the Pocket Ecm, you’ll be hitting your own Personal Best Times on all your stealth heists.
How this build works:
- At the beginning of a match throw a molotov on the floor and take damage until you are in 1 shot of damage, reset your armor then back in for 2 final tics to get to 1 health (For max Berserker/Yakuza Buffs)
- The Insane Speed buffs allow for extremely risky plays and low heist times
- The Judge is a reliable stealth weapon that can launch bodies into safety for pagering
- The OVE9000 Saw opens doors without a need for a drill, just make sure no one is around since civilians and guards can hear the saw.
- Still bring the Pocket ECM in the CopyCat Skill Tree
- CopyCat Speed Hacker Yakuza Build Strengths:
- Extremely high base speed when at 1 Health.
- Extremely fast when carrying bags
- Skip majority of Drill sections with the OVE9000 Saw
- Hardware Expert and Drill Sergeant shorten the time on Drill sections
- Bring ECM Jammers to possibly ECM rush or save runs
Skills: Forced Friendship, Confident, Resilience, transporter, Scavenger, portable saw, Third Law, Eco Sentry, Jack of all trades aced, Hardware expert, Drill Sawgeant, Steady Grip, Shinobi aced, Sixth sense aced ,cleaner aced, ECM Overdrive aced, Nimble Aced, ECM Specialist aced, Chameleon Aced, inner pockets, parkour, duck and cover, second wind, Optical Illusions Aced, High Value Target aced, Martial Arts, Pumping iron Aced, Berserker Aced, Frenzy
Copycat skills: Heibi Irezumi and the 4 stealth options
OVE9000 Saw attachments:
- Concealment
- Silent Motor
- Durable Blade
The Judge Attachments:
- The Silent Killer Suppressor
- Concealment
- Compact Laser Module
- Custom reinforced frame
1. Solo Burglar Interaction Speed Build

There is a uniquely powerful build centered around interaction speed that is only available to solo players. In the Inventory screen in the main menu, on the bottom right are skills you can assign to the ai teammates. Equip the Quick skills that boost your interaction speed, equip the Burglar Perk Deck for its interaction speed boosts and now the most boring part of Payday 2 is never going to bore you again.
In the Team Ai Customization Screen equip the Interaction Speed skills, along with skills like Nimble Aced. Equipping the Burglar Perk Deck Is almost vital in solo stealth because of its unique pager answer speed bonus. Let’s say you're in a position where you have to kill two guards, without that Pager Answer speed bonus, you’ll have to cut it close every time. But with Burglar equipped you’ll have a bit longer than a second to save your run. If you’re a solo player, this unique stealth build is almost vital and minimizes the most boring part of Payday 2.
How this build works:
- Equip the Quick Skill in the Team Ai Customization screen.
- Equip the burglar perk deck for its Interaction speed bonuses and unique pager interaction speed bonus
- This build is only available to solo players
Solo Burglar Interaction Speed Build Strengths:
- Interaction Speed Buffs
- Pager Answer Speed buff
- Reliably kill two guards during stealth
- Great base build for all heists in game
- Easily customizable for a heists specific needs
Build Details:Skills: Forced friendship, Confident, Stockholm syndrome, Resilience, transporter, Third Law aced, Jack of all trades aced, Hardware EXPERT ACED, Drill Sawgeant, Kickstarter, Firepower, Steady Grip, Shinobi aced, Chameleon Aced, Sixth sense aced ,cleaner aced, ECM Overdrive aced, Nimble Aced, ECM Specialist aced, duck and cover, inner pockets,parkour,Second Wind, Optical Illusions aced, the professional, High Value target aced,
Perk Deck: Burglar
Equip Quick in Team Ai Customization Screen
Primary: Any Low Concealment Weapon
Secondary: Any Low Concealment Weapon
Throwable: Any
Melee: Any Low Concealment Melee