Pokémon Legends: Arceus Best Ways To Catch Alpha [Top 5 Ways]

17 Nov 2022

Pokémon Legends: Arceus introduced the concept of Alpha Pokémon, a rare variety of creatures that are bigger and stronger than their average counterparts. While they can easily be found in the wilds, they’re anything but easy to catch. Aggressive and with crazy low catch-rates, the player might have a difficult time conquering these behemoths, initially; but with a little practice and this helpful guide, we’ll have you catching Alphas right and left in no time at all.

1. Sneak up behind them, then strike them with a Heavy Ball


Legends: Arceus added a couple of extra Pokéballs, including the Heavy Ball and the Feather Ball. The former is a Pokéball that increases your catching ability, with the caveat that you cannot throw it very far. But if you can sneak up on a Pokémon (ideally from behind), the Heavy Ball gives you a pretty good chance at snagging your desired catch without confronting it outright.

How it works:

-sneak up on a Pokémon (perhaps using food or berries)

-get very close to your desired catch

-hit it with a Heavy Ball

2. Stun your desired Pokémon


You can craft items in Legends: Arceus that can stun Pokémon, such as Balls of Mud or Spoiled Apricorns. Upon throwing these at your desired catch, they will be momentarily stunned, which leaves them wide open for you to swoop in and throw a Pokéball their way. If you circle around them, you can even get a backshot bonus, to increase your likelihood of securing the catch!

How it works:

-craft stun items

-throw them at your desired Pokémon

-use a Pokéball while their guard is down

3. Become a master baker (in order to become a master trainer!)


In the crafting section of the game, you can make a variety of Cakes from gathered materials. These Cakes consist of certain Pokémons’ favorite foods–which imply, of course, that these creatures have their own favorite kinds of Cakes as well. Creating a desired Pokémon’s favorite kind of Cake will make them much easier to catch, so do some research on what each kind likes and get to crafting!

How it works:

-gather the relevant crafting materials

-craft Cakes

-throw your Cakes near your desired catch

-wait until they go for the bait, then strike them with a ball

4. Go stealth-mode


A couple of very useful items in the Legends: Arceus universe are Stealth Sprays and Smoke Bombs. These tools allow you to hide from wild Pokémon no matter the terrain, so you can sneak up on more challenging creatures and get the advantage. Simply craft these (or buy them), and use them out in the field to get the jump on your desired catch.

How it works:

-craft or buy Stealth Sprays/Smoke Bombs

-use them in the wilds

-sneak up on your desired Pokémon

5. Fight!


Ah, the old tried-and-true method. No need to reinvent the wheel, ya know? Just do as Professor Oak has been telling you since the nineties and work the wild Pokémon’s HP down to a manageable level. (You can even status them, if that’s an available option to you.) Then throw a ball and pray to Arceus that you get the catch.

How it works:

-acquire a Pokémon tough enough to go toe-to-toe with an Alpha

-engage the target Pokémon in combat

-whittle the wild Pokémon’s HP down to the yellow or red

-status them, if you can

-throw Pokéballs until you’ve secured the catch

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