Have you ever struggled to choose a starter Pokemon?
In any Pokemon adventure, players are almost instantly faced with a tough decision - which of the three cute and powerful starters will accompany you on your journey? In Pokemon Legends: Arceus, the decision is potentially even more difficult, given that the game features three of the most popular starters of all time in a brand-new region. You will choose between the Grass type Rowlet, Water type Oshawott and Fire type Cyndaquil, with all three also receiving exciting new final evolutions in the Hisui region. Do not fret too much over your choice, however, as unlike previous games, all three starters become available in the wild later on. That being said, the one you choose will have a huge effect on your playthrough, so let’s get right into the benefits and drawbacks of each!
1. Rowlet
Rowlet stares eagerly at its new trainer
HP: 68
Attack: 55
Defense: 55
Sp. Atk: 50
Sp. Def: 50
Speed: 42
Rowlet is a Grass/Flying type owl Pokemon that fans were introduced to in the Alola region of generation 7. It evolves into Dartrix starting at level 17, which then evolves into Hisuian Decidueye starting at level 36. Rowlet can be chosen as a starter, found in space-time distortions, or in Massive Mass Outbreaks in the Coronet Highlands.
Rowlet’s usefulness as a starter in Pokemon Legends: Arceus goes far beyond its fan-favorite status and cute looks. Every Pokemon fan knows that the early game is filled with Bug and Grass types, and Rowlet’s gust move gives it the perfect tool to breeze through the Obsidian Fieldlands. The many early game Water types will also bow down to Rowlet’s super effective leafage move.
By the time Pokemon of other types come along and start posing a threat to your precious ball of owl, you will have hopefully paired it with other Pokemon that cover Rowlet’s weaknesses. An Electric type such as Shinx could help with Flying types that threaten Rowlet, while a Ground/Rock type like Geodude could take out Poison or Fire types.
Choose Rowlet If…
You want to breeze through the early areas with relative ease – dual typing means Rowlet is strong against many early game threats
You want to also be set for the late game – Hisuian Decidueye’s unique Grass/Fighting type is great for crucial late game battles
You don’t mind relying on other Pokemon to defeat Frenzied Nobles – Rowlet will need others to cover its weaknesses to early bosses like Kleavor
2. Cyndaquil
Cyndaquil is fired up to adventure with you
HP: 39
Attack: 52
Defense: 43
Sp. Atk: 60
Sp. Def: 50
Speed: 65
Cyndaquil is a Fire type mouse Pokemon first seen as a starter in the Johto region of generation 2. It evolves into Quilava starting at level 17 which evolves into Hisuian Typhlosion starting at level 36. Cyndaquil can be chosen as a starter, found in space-time distortions, or in Massive Mass Outbreaks in the Crimson Mirelands.
Cyndaquil’s Fire typing and high Speed/Special Attack stats make it another good early game starter for the pesky Grass and Bug types crawling around the obsidian fieldlands. Fire types are hard to come by in the first few areas, so having a strong fire type right from the jump will help your team tremendously.
Water, Rock, and Ground types all pose a threat to Cyndaquil. An Electric type like Shinx could be added to cover the Water types and any of the Water or Grass types found in the Obsidian Fieldlands will help overcome earthy mons like Geodude.
Choose Cyndaquil if…
You’re looking for an offensive powerhouse to carry you through the early game – Cyndaquil’s high speed and special attack stats make it a lethal but fragile Pokemon
You like using fire types – the early game is lacking in quality fire types and Cyndaquil is the best option for a majority of the story
You want a cool evolution with an interesting type combo – Hisuian Typhlosion has a radical new design with a Fire/Ghost typing that hits lots of Pokemon super effectively
3. Oshawott
Oshawott does not look pleased to be here
HP: 55
Attack: 55
Defense: 45
Sp. Atk: 63
Sp. Def: 45
Speed: 45
Oshawott is a Water type otter Pokemon featured heavily in the anime and has been loved by fans since it was a starter in generation 5’s Unova region. It evolves into Dewott at level 16 which evolves into Hisuian Samurott at level 36. Oshawott can be chosen as your starter, found in space-time distortions, or found in Massive Mass Outbreaks in the Alabaster Icelands.
Oshawott, while not super effective against the typical early game Pokemon, provides strong mixed offensive stats to be a great addition to any team. Oshawott learns aqua jet, a move that can boost its speed stat, which is crucial since it is not the quickest. With Oshawott, patience is key, as Hisuian Samurott is an incredibly strong Water/Dark type with one of the best signature moves, ceaseless edge.
Oshawott pairs well with Fire types like Ponyta and Flying types like Starly to cover its grass weakness. A ground type such as Onix or Geodude would help deal with the shock of encountering a wild Shinx as well.
Choose Oshawott if…
You don’t mind covering for its weakness for a while – the payoff from picking Oshawott does not fully come until it reaches its final stage, the menacing Hisuian Samurott
You want a mixed attacker with good HP – Oshawott has a great base special attack stat of 63 and a decent attack stat of 55. Paired with its 55 HP, Oshawott is an all-around threat
You want to dominate the endgame with Hisuian Samurott – Oshawott’s new final evolution is arguably the strongest of the three in this game, making it worth the wait