What's The Best Water Type in Pokemon Legends Arceus?
Being surrounded by your team makes everyone happy!
Calling all Water lovers! I'll admit, I'm a bit biased towards Water types. Yeah, Electric and Grass types have a super effective advantage on them, but Water type Pokemon are normally faster, have a large and versatile movepool, and can be made to fit various roles that your team may need. But which Water types will most benefit you in your quest for the great God Pokemon in Pokemon Legends Arceus (PLA)?
10) Golduck
This battle should be a QUACK one!
Base Stats:
- HP: 80
- Attack: 82
- Special Attack: 95
- Defense: 78
- Special Defense: 80
- Speed: 85
Type: Water
At the bottom of our list is Golduck. For me personally, Golduck was my first Water type while I played through PLA for the first time. Naturally, I caught it as a Psyduck before it evolved to Golduck at level 40. Golduck is fast and has some pretty high Special Attack and Attack power.
- Water type moves have great STAB stats
- Able to have Swift Swim Ability to increase speed in raining weather
- Increase power of Water type moves in the rain
- Ability Cloud Nine (most common), will take away all weather conditions in the beginning of battle.
Golduck can be found in the Obsidian Fields in The Heartwood, the Crimson Mirelands at the Holm of Trials, the Coronet Highlands in the Wayward Wood and the Lonely spring, and finally in the Cobalt Coastlands in Bathers Lagoon. With all the places you can catch Golduck, it's giving Oddish vibes.
9) Gastrodon
The match up betweek Lucario and Gastrodon might end in Gastrodon's favor
Base Stats:
- HP: 110
- Attack: 83
- Special Attack: 92
- Defense: 68
- Special Defense: 82
- Speed: 39
Type: Water/Ground
Gastrodon, at spot number nine, probably upsets a few PokeFans. Me included, but considering Gastrodon comes in at number nine out of about 34 Water type Pokemon available in the game, I think that's pretty high up there. Gastrodon is a Ground and Water type with high HP stats. With HP this high, this guy would make a great pokemon to start any battle since it has more than enough HP to spare.
- Only one weakness, Grass Type
- Immune to Electric attacks
- High HP, can last in long, strenuous battles.
Gastrodon can be found in the Obsidian Fields at Sandgum Flats and Ramadas Island. It can also be found in Massive outbreaks in the Cobalt Coastlands near Seagrass Haven.
8) Tentacruel
Base Stats:
- HP: 80
- Attack: 70
- Special Attack:80
- Defense: 65
- Special Defense: 120
- Speed: 100
Type: Water/Poison
This poor Kraken-like Pokemon gets a bad rep, lemme tell ya. Tentacruel has some pretty impressive stats in PLA. And can be added to your party about half way through the story. Tentacruel is either an easy opponent, or a team's worst nightmare. Hopefully you're not starting your battle with Tentacruel with a Fairy type.
- High Special Defense
- Ability Liquid Ooze hurts the user of HP draining attacks
- Ability Clear Body (most common) prevents stats from being lowered, which is great!
Head to the Cobalt Coastlands, Tentacruel can be found in Lunkers Lair or Seagrass Haven. You won’t need a fishing rod in this game, standing by a body of water. Mainly because you can’t fish in PLA, but once you receive the Noble Pokemon, Basculegion, you can swim out to the areas at sea.
7) Samurott
Gaze upon this glorious Samurai style guy, Samurott
Base Stats:
- HP: 90
- Attack: 108
- Special Attack: 100
- Defense: 80
- Special Defense: 65
- Speed: 85
Type: Water/Dark
In Pokemon Black and White (Black 2 and White 2 as well), Oshawott was my starter. As a committed PokeFan, I felt it was only necessary to Oshawott for my starter in PLA as well. I just have one question. Whose idea was it to add Dark type to Samurott anyway? Dark types have their perks but it definitely didn't help the guy out. It did, however, give Samurott an advantage over Psychic and Ghost Types. And this ninja seal has a sneaker, more intimidating look about him in the Hisui Region. His special attack, Ceaseless Edge, is a cut throat move that has a high chance of hitting critically.
- Samurott is immune to Psychic type moves, in PLA form
- Large movepool to learn from
- Versatile move pool, so can fulfill your needs in a pinch in learning different move types.
Samurott is the final evolution form from the starter at the beginning of PLA, Oshawott. Oshawott, Dewott and Samurott can only be caught in a Space-Time Distortion in the Alabaster Icelands. The Spawn rate is pretty rare, so make sure you are in the STD from start to finish.
6) Vaporeon
Who can say no to this face!!!
Base Stats:
- HP: 130
- Attack: 65
- Special Attack: 110
- Defense: 60
- Special Defense: 95
- Speed: 65
Type: Water
No one can be mad that this cute, little guy is midway up on the list. Vaporeon, a first gen original. A classic Pokemon, evolved from Eevee when exposed to a Water Stone. This iconic Pokemon has some really great stats going for it; HP, Special Attack, and Special Defense. And thanks to STAB, water type moves are over 50% higher in attack power! Did I mention how cute Vaporeon is? Isn’t that reason enough for it to have spot number six?
- Large move pool
- Ability Water Absorb: regains ¼ or HP when hit by a Water type move
- Very high HP; could be to supplement the average Defense stat but hey, still good!
Vaporeon is very rare and doesn’t spawn anywhere in PLA unless in a Space-Time Distortion. You can also just catch an Eevee from the very beginning of the story at Obsidian Fields in the Horseshoe Plains and give it a Water Stone. Water Stones can be dug up by a Ride Pokemon or found in a Space-Time Distortion.
5) Walrein
Alpha Walrein put up an aggressive fight in the Cobalt Coastlands.
Base Stats:
- HP: 110
- Attack: 80
- Special Attack: 95
- Defense: 90
- Special Defense: 90
- Speed: 65
Type: Water/Ice
Every time I see a Walrein, I think of Pokemon Ruby version, battling Wallace, the 8th gym leader. Walrein was usually the last out at the end of the battle and he always gave me issues as a kid. Walrein is very aggressive, so when you go to catch one for yourself, be ready to battle.
- Significant increase in STAB move power. Specifically for Special Attack moves
- High Special Defense and HP
- Large move pool
You can catch Walrein in the Cobalt Coastlands in Ginkgo Landing, Islespy Shore, or Hideaway Bay; as well as in the Alabaster Icelands in Arena;’s Approach. There is also an Alpha available in the Cobalt Coastlands around Ginkgo Landing.
4) Empoleon
Alpha Empoleon getting ready to attack.
Base Stats:
- HP: 84
- Attack: 86
- Special Attack: 111
- Defense: 88
- Special Defense: 101
- Speed: 60
Type: Water/Steel
Spot number four goes to the Emperor of the Penguins!... Oops, wrong audience. *AHEM* Empoleon, with a superior Special Attack and Special Defense stats, Empoleon can really do some damage. Its attack power is pretty good, but to bring out Empoleon’s true potential, you will focus on Water and Steel Special Attack type moves.
- Immune to Poison type moves
- STAB Water and Steel moves will have high hitting power!
- Versatile move pool
In the Cobalt Coastlands, an Alpha Empoleon will be waiting to greet you on the Islespy Shore. Or you can catch the entire evolution chain, Piplup, Prinplup, and Empoleon, during a Massive Mass Outbreak.
3) Gyarados
We all know Gyarados was a Flying type, but seeing it hundreds of feet in the air in the Obsidian Fields is breath taking.
Base Stats:
- HP: 95
- Attack: 125
- Special Attack: 60
- Defense: 79
- Special Defense: 100
- Speed: 81
Type: Water/Flying
Gyarados has been leading the pack for Water type pokemon since before Ash Ketchum left Pallet Town. In spot number three, Gyarados has a lot to offer your team. Maybe in Red though. I wonder if you could find one? Gyarados has beautifully high stats almost all the way around. The physical attack power it has should lead you in training your Gyarados in more physical attack moves.
- STAB increases power to all Water and Flying moves.
- High Attack stats will benefit from STAB heavy moveset
- Can learn various different move types.
Luckily, Gyarados is not too hard for you to find throughout the game. In the Obsidian Fields, Gyarados will spawn in Lake Verity and can also be seen flying around Obsidian Falls! Also, check the Cobalt Coastlands around Sands Reach if you want an Alpha Gyarados.
2) Basculegion
Basculegion leaping from the water carrying a trainer. I hope it's trained...
Base Stats:
- HP: 120
- Attack: 112
- Special Attack: 80
- Defense: 65
- Special Defense: 75
- Speed: 78
Type: Water/Ghost
Basculegion, the new Legends Arceus exclusive evolve form from Basculin, is our runner up. Not only will this guy last in a battle, but he can hit hard and is pretty quick for his size. You might first encounter this lovely overgrown fish after completing the quest when you get your 3rd Star Rank 3 and complete the 'Lordless Island' main story mission at Cobalt Coastlands. Did I mention it’s also a Ghost type?
- Large move pool
- High Attack and HP
- Ghost type means no damage from Normal or Fighting type moves
Simply catching a Basculin and leveling it up won't get you a Basculegion. You can wait for a Massive Mass outbreak in the Cobalt Coastlands. OR. Catch a Basculin and make sure it has moves with recoil damage. Basculin will need to take at least 260-300 recoil damage in order to evolve.
1) Palkia (Base and Origin Forms)
The way Palkia towers over you is enough to scare off a heard of Bidoof.
Base Stats (*includes Origin stats):
- HP: 90
- Attack: 120 (100*)
- Special Attack: 150
- Defense: 100
- Special Defense: 120
- Speed: 100 (120*)
Type: Water/Dragon
If you’ve made it this far, I hope you saw this coming. At spot number one we have Palkia. Personally, both forms of Palkia in PLA make a top tear Water type. And you can’t have Palkia in PLA without having the ability (or item, in this case) to transform it to its Origin form.
- High Special Attack stats, making Palkia’s move, Special Rend, very powerful
- Large movepool for Special Attacks
- High Speed stat
Palkia can be caught in the end of the main story, or by returning to the damaged Sky Pillar after completing the “Trial of Lake Acuity”, and catching it. Either option is affected earlier in the game when you choose which clan you support, Diamond or Pearl. Palkia can transform into Origin Palkia using the Lustrous Orb, given to you by Irida (Pearl Clan Leader) in the Alabaster Icelands. Complete the quest “The Pearl Clan’s Treasure” and the orb is yours.
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