Hello all you fans of the Pokemon Trading Card Game and casual readers. Today we’ll be looking at three of the best metal type decks from recent Pokemon rotations. Most of these decks were (at one point or another) at the top of their META and use solid metal type Pokemon as well as the reliable silver energy that go with them. Without further ado, let’s get into the list.
3. Metagross
- This deck utilizes a handy ability to keep a train of damage coming from a high HP Pokemon. This deck was most popular from 2017 to 2018.
- Metagross GX is a great stage 2 with 250 HP. It sports the Giga Hammer attack which deals 150 damage for three energy. It also has the Gotech System ability that allows you to attach a psychic or metal energy from your discard pile to your active Pokemon.
- Metagross works great with Dhelmise (who boosts its damage) and Alolan Ninetales GX (who can search out Trainer cards).
- Trainer cards like Rare Candy (evolving) and Max Potion (healing) are a crucial part of this deck.
Here’s one version of the deck list:
Pokemon - 15
- 4 Beldum GRI 83
- 3 Metang GRI 84
- 4 Metagross-GX GRI 85
- 2 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60
- 1 Alolan Vulpix GRI 21
- 1 Dhelmise GRI 59
Trainer - 35
- 4 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
- 3 N FCO 105
- 2 Lysandre AOR 78
- 1 Brigette BKT 134
- 1 Professor Kukui SUM 128
- 1 Hex Maniac AOR 75
- 1 Olympia GEN 66
- 1 Karen PR-XY 177
- 4 VS Seeker PHF 109
- 4 Ultra Ball SUM 135
- 3 Rare Candy SUM 129
- 3 Max Potion GRI 128
- 2 Field Blower GRI 125
- 1 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
- 4 Choice Band GRI 121
Energy - 10
- 8 Metal Energy
- 2 Psychic Energy
2. Corviknight
- The Corviknight deck specializes in moving energy around to allow you to fully heal your big VMAX Pokemon. It can also do some pretty impressive damage.
- The main card of this deck is Corviknight VMAX. This Pokemon has 320 HP and can use the G-MAX Hurricane attack. For three energy, this attack deals 240 damage and you can’t use the attack next turn. Corviknight also has the Lustrous Body ability which prevents abilities from affecting it and no retreat cost.
- This deck also plays the standard metal type Pokemon like Zacian V and Zamazenta V, but its main asset is Bronzong. Bronzong’s ability, Metal Transfer, allows you to move your metal energy around the board however you like.
- This metal energy manipulation is especially useful once you use Cheryl. Cheryl heals all damage from each of your evolved Pokemon but you must discard all energy from them. However, if you move the energy away with Bronzong before you play Cheryl and move it back afterwards, you can keep all of your energy.
Here’s one version of the decklist:
Pokemon - 11
- 4 Corviknight V BST 109
- 4 Corviknight VMAX BST 110
- 1 Zacian V SSH 138
- 1 Zamazenta V SSH 139
- 1 Xerneas VIV 78
Trainer - 42
- 4 Professor's Research SHF 60
- 4 Marnie CPA 56
- 3 Boss's Orders SHF 58
- 1 Skyla RCL 166
- 1 Avery CRE 130
- 1 Cheryl BST 123
- 1 Team Yell Grunt CPA 67
- 1 Flannery CRE 139
- 4 Evolution Incense SSH 163
- 4 Crushing Hammer SSH 159
- 4 Quick Ball SSH 179
- 2 Yell Horn DAA 173
- 1 Ordinary Rod SSH 171
- 1 Tool Scrapper RCL 168
- 1 Pal Pad SSH 172
- 3 Memory Capsule VIV 155
- 2 Air Balloon SSH 156
- 4 Crystal Cave EVS 144
Energy - 7
- 3 Metal Energy
- 2 Coating Metal Energy VIV 163
- 1 Psychic Energy
- 1 Aurora Energy SSH 186
1. Zacian
- Zacian V is one of the best Basic Pokemon out there. It has 220 HP and the Brave Blade attack, which does 230 damage for three energy. In addition, the card includes the Intrepid Sword ability, which lets you draw the top three cards of your deck and attach any metal energy there to your Zacian V. This ability does end your turn, though.
- With such a versatile Pokemon, it's no wonder that people have played it with everything, but the most notable partners are Zamazenta V, ADP, Lucametal, Duraludon VMAX, and more.
- The main Trainer that makes Zacian such a big hit is Metal Saucer. This item attaches a metal energy from your discard pile to one of your Benched metal Pokemon and exponentially increases energy attachments.
Lucario & Melmetal GX from Unbroken Bonds, Arceus & Dialga & Palkia from Cosmic Eclipse, and Duraludon VMAX from Evolving Skies.
Here’s one version of the decklist:
Pokemon - 13
- 3 Zacian V SSH 138
- 2 Arceus & Dialga & Palkia-GX CEC 156
- 2 Dedenne-GX UNB 57
- 1 Crobat V SHF 44
- 1 Eldegoss V CPA 5
- 1 Mawile-GX UNM 141
- 1 Oranguru SSH 148
- 1 Zamazenta V SSH 139
- 1 Cryogonal UNM 46
Trainer - 36
- 4 Professor's Research SHF 60
- 3 Marnie CPA 56
- 3 Boss's Orders SHF 58
- 4 Quick Ball SSH 179
- 4 Metal Saucer SSH 170
- 3 Switch SSH 183
- 3 Energy Switch SSH 162
- 2 Cherish Ball UNM 191
- 2 Energy Spinner UNB 170
- 1 Great Catcher CEC 192
- 1 Reset Stamp UNM 206
- 1 Tool Scrapper RCL 168
- 2 Air Balloon SSH 156
- 2 Rusted Sword SHF 62
- 1 Chaotic Swell CEC 187
Energy - 11
- 8 Metal Energy
- 3 Water Energy