Pokeclicker is a funny game, in that regardless of what odds you’re presented with, you can make your Pokemon the strongest possible. Although, there certainly are some Pokemon that outrank others in terms of Attack, Breeding Efficiency, and Leveling Rate. Since players typically start in the Kanto Region, this list will be about the strongest Pokemon you can find there. So, without further ado, here’s the Top 15 Best Pokemon in Pokeclicker (Kanto).
15. Blastoise (Clone)
Blastoise (Clone) is a Pokemon found exclusively through an Event that lasts for a few days. Blastoise (Clone) comes from the cloned Water-Type Starter Pokemon Squirtle (Clone). The difference between Blastoise (Clone) and Blastoise is the stripes it has on its face.
Blastoise (Clone) is not a bad Pokemon to have in your arsenal, if you can catch the clone of its base form, that is. A powerful ally to have on your side, but a hard one to catch since the cloned Pokemon Starters are only available a few days a year during the Event. Despite this, Blastoise (Clone) is still a strong Pokemon to have by your side.
The result of a scientist trying to create more Starter Pokemon, Blastoise (Clone) is the Final Evolved Form of Squirtle (Clone), which has near-identical stripes on its body as its evolutions do. The stripes on the cloned Water-Type Starter, which look very similar to the stripes on Charizard (Clone), do not have any known origin. Regardless, this does not interfere with how amazing this Pokemon is.
- Water Canons - You’ll be winning all the water fights with those big cannons
- Striped Turtle - Turtles and stripes. Need I say more? ‘:)
- Clone Saga - One of three Starter Clones the player can catch
- Pokemon ID: #009
- Type(s): Water
- Base Attack: 139
- Egg Steps: 1,800
- Catch Rate: 17%
14. Poliwrath
Poliwrath: a Dual-Type Pokemon with Types that one would think wouldn’t work well together. This Pokemon can be found as a Boss in the Brawlers’ Cave Dungeon, who is one tough cookie to crack.
Poliwrath is a tough Pokemon to have on your side, if not for completing the Kanto Pokedex, then to at least get a large amount of Pokemon Attack to rest your clicking fingers. Being part Fighting Type, Poliwrath is an amazing Pokemon to have by your side in battle. Poliwrath’s stomach swirl is a little distracting, since it draws eyes away from its eyes, though that may be intentional. If Poliwrath’s opponents are distracted, it makes it easier to win battles.
Poliwrath can be mistaken for Poliwhirl, since their sprites look similar, but the difference is that Poliwhirl looks like a Pokemon who’s more than happy to give you love and support while Poliwrath is the Pokemon who can and will punch you for feeling anything. This method is a bit of an endless loop, however, since you’re more than likely to shed a few tears from the pain which will make Poliwrath punch you more until it gives up.
- Gender Equality - 50% chance of being male, 50% chance of being female
- Put ‘em Up - Those fists are up and I’m not sure how long until they fall to the side
- Swirl - You see the swirl here? Let's see if you can look away.
- Pokemon ID: #062
- Type(s): Water, Fighting
- Base Attack: 137
- Egg Steps: 1,800
- Catch Rate: 17%
- Rare Item Hold: King’s Rock
13. Charizard (Clone)
Another Pokemon that can be found through an Event, this Pokemon Clone resembles the Final Stage of the Fire-Type Starter Pokemon in Kanto and has some distinctive marks that separate it from the original. Aside from aesthetics, Charizard (Clone) is basically the same Pokemon, but can only be found during an Event.
Charizard (Clone) is a very exciting Pokemon to catch for those who are a fan of the Fire-Type Pokemon. If it isn’t the idea of having a double of a Starter Pokemon that the player can continue to grow stronger with Hatching, then the player may be excited to learn of the Pokemon’s unique pattern spread across its body. It’s something that’s eye-catching and makes it stand out from its original Starter variant.
The result of a scientist trying to create more Starter Pokemon, Charizard (Clone) is the Final Evolved Form of Charmander (Clone), which has near-identical stripes on its body as its evolutions do. The stripes on the cloned Fire-Type Starter, and the eventual circles around Charizard’s eyes, do not have any known origin. Regardless, this does not interfere with how amazing this Pokemon is.
- Awesome Design - Charizard’s design was already grand, but the stripes on Charizard (Clone) make it cooler!
- Clone Saga - One of three Starter Clones the player can catch
- Dark Circles - Charizard (Clone) has dark circles around its eyes that can act as a mask or a clue that this Pokemon hasn’t gotten any sleep lately; the latter is very relatable to the dedicated PokeClicker fans
- Pokemon ID: #006
- Type(s): Fire, Flying
- Base Attack: 142
- Egg Steps: 1,800
- Catch Rate: 17%
12. Nidoking
Nidoking is the Final stage of the Nidoran (M) Evolution. A big brute with cool colors that draw attention to him, Nidoking is a valuable ally to have on the player’s side. Nidoking goes very well together with Nidoqueen, who is the Final stage of the Nidoran (F)’s Evolution.
Nidoking is the Final Stage of the Evolution Cycle of Nidoran (M). With powerful claws, an intimidating physique, and spikes on his body, Nidoking is a Pokemon that all players would love to have to fight their battles. This Pokemon is an ally to whoever catches him and an enemy to whoever crosses his path.
As it says in the name, Nidoking is the King of the Nidos; whatever those are, it must be super important for there to be one male ruler and a female ruler as well. This Pokemon is one of the few Pokemon in the Kanto Region that can only be one gender regardless of how many times this Pokemon is hatched. Nidoking is tough on the outside, but around the player, he’s sweet to them.
- Spiky Boi - Nidoking has a lot of spikes that may or may not be safe to touch
- Purple - Nidoking is an awesome shade of purple that is eye-catching and easy on the eyes
- White Claws & Teeth - They stick out from all the purple and eggshell colors and from how small they are in comparison to the rest of the body.
- Pokemon ID: #034
- Type(s): Poison, Ground
- Base Attack: 135
- Egg Steps: 1,800
- Catch Rate: 17%
11. Blastoise
The last Final Stage Evolution of the Kanto Starter Pokemon, Blastoise is another fierce Pokemon the player can have if they choose Squirtle as their starter. Blastoise is the only Starter Pokemon in Kanto who still has only one type.
Blastoise is a strong Pokemon to have in your arsenal if you choose Squirtle as your Starter Pokemon. This Water-Type Pokemon is a sturdy long-range fighter and is capable of watering down all those weak against Water-Type Pokemon.
Blastoise is the perfect choice for players who love turtles, as its Pokemon Evolution line is turtle-themed. Perhaps tortoise is more accurate, however, as Blastoise and its previous Evolutions lack flippers and have adorable feet and hands. Blastoise also tends to lean more towards male (87.5%) than female (12.5%) whenever it’s put through the Hatchery.
- Water Canons - You’ll be winning all the water fights with Blastoise by your side
- Turtle - The most turtle-like out of all the Starter Pokemon, and the one who keeps the theme of their Evolution
- Sharp Features - Sharp eyes, smirk, and a deep furrow of the brow that shows just how focused this Pokemon is.
- Pokemon ID: #009
- Type(s): Water
- Base Attack: 139
- Egg Steps: 1,800
- Catch Rate: 17%
10. Machamp
Machamp is one of the most muscle-bound Pokemon in the franchise, and not just because of the number of limbs this Fighting-Type Pokemon has. Judging from appearances alone, and eyeing the cool belt around its waist, it’s obvious that Machamp is a Pokemon you want on your side.
Machamp is a strong, if not one of the strongest, Pokemon that the player can find in the Kanto Region. Machamp can be caught by catching Machop and leveling it up to Machoke and eventually Machamp, which can be incredibly fast or really slow depending on where the player is grinding its Pokemon levels.
Machamp is a Pokemon the fanbase would draw for a multitude of reasons, not all of them being pleasant or topics of discussion over coffee. Regardless, Machamp is the Final Form of the Machop Evolution and has the muscle mass and the strength to show its enemies that the player is not a force to be messed with.
- Gender fluidity - While Machamp has a male body and is male 75% of the time, Machamp can be Hatched as a female 25% of the time
- Muscles - Nothing more needs to be said about that
- Toothless Grin - Admittedly a little creepy, but also endearing to a degree
- Pokemon ID: #068
- Type(s): Fighting
- Base Attack: 142
- Egg Steps: 1,800
- Catch Rate: 17%
9. Venusaur
Venusaur, another final Evolution stage for a Kanto Region Starter, is another powerful Pokemon that players would be grateful to have in their arsenal. Like with Charizard, if the player chooses another Pokemon as their Starter, they can hatch its base form (and its other Evolution stages) with the Grass-Type Egg.
Venusaur is a strong Pokemon to have in your arsenal if you choose Bulbasaur as your Starter Pokemon. This Dual-Type Pokemon is a sturdy fighter and is incredibly strong against all those susceptible to Grass and Poison Pokemon.
Venusaur’s a strong Pokemon to have as a Starter, although every Starter is strong and the players are never wrong for choosing a different one. Its Grass-Type status makes it easy to fight against Water and Electric-Type Pokemon easily, with its added Poison-Type status making it harder for Pokemon with Type advantages against Grass to defeat it. Aside from practical usage, Venusaur is stunning for the player to gaze upon when flipping through the Pokemon they’ve collected so far.
- Dual-Type - Venusaur’s attacks are more effective on certain types of Pokemon with few weaknesses against others
- Awesome Design - Aside from evoking thoughts of “turtles” and “dangerous flowers,” those leaves and petals should provide some good shade
- Resting Face - Venusaur’s resting face looks like a glare, making it look concentrated and glaring at enemies
- Pokemon ID: #003
- Type(s): Grass, Poison
- Base Attack: 141
- Egg Steps: 1,800
- Catch Rate: 17%
8. Charizard
One of the Starter Pokemon of the Kanto Region, Charizard is one of the strongest final Evolutions of the Starter Pokemon the player can obtain. PokeClicker has a quirk where when you Hatch an Egg of the types of the other two Starters, it’s possible for the player to obtain the Starters in any stage of Evolution. It’s quite a unique take on catching them all, which will make all who discover this ecstatic.
Charizard is a strong Pokemon to have in your arsenal if you choose Charmander as your Starter Pokemon. This Dual-Type Pokemon is a hard-hitter and is incredibly strong against all those susceptible to Fire and Flying Pokemon.
Charizard’s dragon-like appearance is awesome, and while it does confuse people about its Types, that doesn’t detract from its coolness. Charizard is also a Pokemon that people debate whenever the topic of Best Starter crops up, which is still ongoing to this day. For anyone who wants passion and drive, Charizard wears it on the end of its tail.
- Phony Poke-Type - Charizard looks like a dragon and can learn some Dragon-Type moves, but it’s not a Dragon-Type
- Awesome Design - As mentioned before, Charizard’s appearance is stunning and eye-catching, so it’s no surprise people have a soft spot for this Pokemon
- Fire - One of its Types is Fire and it looks fire as well.
- Pokemon ID: #006
- Type(s): Fire, Flying
- Base Attack: 142
- Egg Steps: 1,800
- Catch Rate: 17%
7. Zapdos
Another Kanto Legendary, this one is a member of the Three Main Birds (not the actual title), it’s time for Zapdos! This Electric- and Flying-Type bird Pokemon is considered a Legendary in the Kanto Region since this Pokemon is one of the hardest to capture and thus the most elusive for players new to the scene.
Zapdos is a sight to behold for all–Pokemon fans, bird watchers, casual Pokemon fans, bird watchers who happen to be interested in Pokemon, and everything in between. Regardless of what people are interested in, Zapdos is a visual treat for the eyes; the complimentary colors, sharp features, and powerful pose give off the vibe of a Pokemon the player should take seriously and have Zapdos become their ally rather than their enemy. This bird takes a while to hatch, but the patience is worth it since Zapdos becomes stronger with each Hatch.
Zapdos is an edgy birdie and just a glance at its form will convince you of such. This Dual-Type Bird Pokemon is a force to be reckoned with, and should you be an enemy to Zapdos, you will be thoroughly electrocuted. Hopefully not by spilling a liquid on your computer while still touching it. If that does happen, get emergency assistance right away.
- Dual-Type - Flying and Electric; despite Flying being weak to Electrics, this combination makes for a fierce ally in battle
- LGBT+ - Zapdos is Genderless
- Bird - Bird lovers will adore this spiky yellow- and black-bird
- Edgy - Not referring to the spikes, just saying it looks cool
- Pokemon ID: #145
- Type(s): Electric, Flying
- Base Attack: 173
- Egg Steps: 3,200
- Catch Rate: 2%
6. Santa Snorlax
This holiday-exclusive Snorlax dresses up like the iconic Santa Claus and can be found Roaming the Kanto Region/Sevii Islands around Christmastime. Upon hatching this jolly fellow and using a Soothe Bell, the player obtains an Elf Munchlax.
Santa Snorlax is a quite literal catch for all players. Snorlax has always been a big Pokemon in the franchise, in more ways than one, as well as a big eater so it makes sense for Snorlax to dress up as St. Nick himself. The cookie and present Santa Snorlax has added onto this charm and truly brings a note of holiday cheer to all who encounter this Pokemon.
This Snorlax is special not just because of his Santa-themed clothing and props, but also because this special guy can only be found during an Event in the PokeClicker game simply titled, “Merry Christmas!” The Event lasts for about a week, so if the player can’t catch Santa Snorlax on their first encounter (who can be found by talking to NPC Youngster Wendy [Fuchsia Town, Kanto]), they’ll have plenty more chances to find Santa Snorlax and catch him! Just be sure not to get on his naughty list when you do so.\
- Holiday Cheer - Pretty obvious, but this guy is the literal embodiment of “Christmas Festive”
- Fashionable Pokemon - Dressed in red and white just Claus
- Sweet Tooth & Heart - Loves cookies and gives gifts to the good children of the world
- Pokemon ID: #143
- Type(s): Normal
- Base Attack: 172
- Egg Steps: 1,600
- Catch Rate: 11%
5. Lapras
Lapras is an adorable Water- and Ice-Type Pokemon that (in the anime) makes the cutest sounds ever! Lapras have an equal male-female ratio when it comes to catching and hatching, so those sounds can still be applied in-game regardless of the Pokemon’s gender.
Lapras is one of the few Ice-Type Pokemon that’s available to players when they enter the Kanto Region, and thus, can obtain Ice Shards to power up Gems and the resistance to Pokemon of those Types. Not much else can be said about Lapras’s use in Kanto, though that doesn’t detract from the cutest this Pokemon exudes.
Lapras is one of the lesser talked about Pokemon in Gen 1, which seems ridiculous since Lapras is typically used as an alternative travel method among other Pokemon later in the series. Lapras’s flippers allow it to swim easily through water and for long distances at a time. Its Gigantamax form makes this Pokemon more impressive-looking, however, Lapras’s base form will always and forever be adorable.
- Gemstone Name - Lapras’s name sounds like “Lapis,” which is easy to remember for anyone familiar with gemstones or Steven Universe
- Free Travel Method - The player can travel the oceans from Region to Region on Lapras’s back for free
- Obtain Methods - Hatch it, catch it, or head to Silph Co. after beating Blue, Lapras has the most methods to obtain it so far!
- Pokemon ID: #131
- Type(s): Water, Ice
- Base Attack: 165
- Egg Steps: 1,600
- Catch Rate: 17%
4. Arcanine
Arcanine is a beast of a Fire-Type Doggo, having the fluffy fur of an adorable species, the stripes of a tiger, and an aesthetic that just screams “Mess with me, and you’ll wish you didn’t.” This mainly male (75% M, 25% F) Pokemon is a pup that starts out adorable, small, and purse-sized, and grows up to be either your greatest enemy or your best bud for life. Choose wisely, since that may be a choice you don’t want to regret.
Not much to say about this Fire-Type Pokemon, but Arcanine is certainly useful when it comes to taking down Pokemon Types weak against it. Looks like an adorable doggo that you just wanna hug, kiss, play with, and snuggle against because of its floof. Arcanine has a bushy tail as well, so watch out for tail wagging, especially when this pooch is overexcited and strong from all the training it's done.
Arcanine is the perfect Pokemon for all dog lovers. Evolving from a small pup into a beast of a wolf that’ll do anything to protect you, anyone would be hard-pressed to find another Pokemon on the same level of loyalty and friendship as this dog Pokemon. Plus, this is a very fluffy Pokemon to not catch; if you’re not gonna catch Pokemon for their power, then how about for their fluffiness instead?
- Fire Dog - A big dog who’s got a fiery spirit
- Fluffy Boi/Qirl - Look at all that fur! It’s hard to not love this boi/qirl!
- Tiger Stripes - The stripes are awesome. Need I say more?
- Pokemon ID: #059
- Type(s): Fire
- Base Attack: 165
- Egg Steps: 1,200
- Catch Rate: 25%
3. Exeggutor

Exeggutor is a hard name to spell and get it right on the first try. But on another note, this Pokemon can usually be found either in the Safari Zone or by hatching a Grass-Type Egg. This Pokemon can also be caught by evolving Exeggcute.
Exeggutor is a Pokemon that’s not the topic of discussion most of the time, but when this Pokemon is the topic of discussion, it’s usually about gags, jokes, or memes. Aside from that, there’s not much to say about this Pokemon.
This Pokemon’s Alola form is a meme that blew up a while back, but the Pokemon’s typical form is not that discussed.
- Multiple Heads - They say two heads are better than one, this guy’s got at least three!
- Memeable - Ever seen the Alolan Exeggutor memes? That one can also be caught, but this one gives you more pun material
- Palm Tree - For all those who love ‘em, this Pokemon gives off the appearance of a palm tree
- Pokemon ID: #103
- Type(s): Grass, Psychic
- Base Attack: 168
- Egg Steps: 1,200
- Catch Rate: 17%
2. Mew
Mew is one of the first Legendary Pokemon the player can encounter on a semi-regular basis. This Pokemon is a Roamer, so Mew can appear on certain Routes per every game the player opens. The player can check which Route the Pokemon is most likely on by asking Youngster Wendy in Fuchsia Town, though Mew can technically be found in all Routes if given enough time. Mew can also be found by planting the Petaya Berry on the Farm.
Mew is the very last Pokemon in the Kanto Pokedex and is one of the Legendaries the player can capture if luck is on their side. This Pokemon gives the player plenty of chances to capture it, and once it is captured, it gives the player a rush of exhilaration once Mew’s captured. However, Mew’s frequent appearances become rather bothersome once the Pokemon is captured.
Mew is possibly one of the most popular Pokemon in the franchise, if not in all of Generation 1. Mew’s small, pink, cute body brings to mind cats or felines, especially with its long tail and blue eyes that draw all attention to its tiny form. Mew is also one of several Pokemon that lack the typical male-female statistic, instead labeling it genderless. This is a fantastic detail as regardless of gender identity, Mew is an absolute cutie and gender does nothing to detract from that.
- Strong hitter - By itself and when fully leveled-up, Mew contributes a large amount of Attack to the Pokemon Attack
- Type - Mew’s Attacks are more effective on some Pokemon than others
- Adorable - Just look at the cutie; how can you resist?
- LGBT+ - Mew is Genderless
- Pokemon ID: #151
- Type(s): Psychic
- Base Attack: 184
- Egg Steps: 4,800
- Catch rate: 17%
- Rare Hold Item: Lum
1. Dragonite
Dragonite is a hard Pokemon to catch but is also a very powerful Pokemon to have at your disposal. Hatching this Pokemon isn’t easy, taking a total of 3,600 steps before it can hatch, and having a one-in-three chance of hatching Dragonite instead of having it evolve from Dratini or Dragonair.
Dragonite is a strong Pokemon to have in your arsenal, and once you’ve beaten all the dungeons, you can level it up to 100! If the player has access to the Proteins, Calcium, and Carbos, they can upgrade Dragonite’s Attack to well beyond what it could achieve with mere leveling up and basic Hatching.
Dragonite, while most modern casual Pokemon fans think comes later on in the franchise, can be found in Generation 1. Despite this, however, Dragonite is not that talked about when it comes to early installments of amazing Pokemon. This may have to do with the anime or how older games are much more obscure in this day and age (Gameboys are not the same as re-releases), but Dragonite is and will always be a Gen 1 Pokemon. In this game, Dragonite has a 50-50 chance of being male or female, so if you don’t like a Dragonite’s gender, you can hatch it and get a different gender in turn. The statistics are on the Pokemon’s card (which can be accessed through the Pokedex and by clicking on the image in the Pokemon roster), and as long as you have the means or the motive, you can hatch the Pokemon as many times as needed to get the desired result.
- Strong hitter - By itself and when fully leveled-up, Dragonite contributes a large amount of Attack to the Pokemon Attack
- Dual-Type - Dragonite’s attacks are more effective against other types of Pokemon
- Looks cuddly - Dragonite could give you a big hug when feeling down
- Pokemon ID: #149
- Type(s): Dragon, Flying
- Base Attack: 196
- Egg Steps: 3,600
- Catch Rate: 17%
- Rare Hold Item: Dragon Scale
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