Hello, all you fans of the Pokemon Trading Card Game and casual readers. The Pokemon Trading Card game features a huge amount of strategy. The biggest attack is not always the best attack. But for this article, we’re throwing that all aside!! Which Pokemon have the attacks that deal the most damage?! How much damage can you get without any sneaky tricks or backstabbing nonsense?! We want to see who hits hard, regardless of any other factors. That’s right!! We’re looking for the top 15 hardest-hitting Pokemon cards!!
Some quick criteria before we begin. We will be looking at Pokemon cards released before August 20, 2021. We will also be assuming that each player has four Benched Pokemon and that they only have energy on their Active Pokemon necessary to use the attack in question. And finally, we will not be taking into account Pokemon that flip coins for their attacks or that have attacks that rely on specific cards being in play. These attacks can be good, but rely on a specific setup so, unfortunately, they’re out. With that said, let’s get into the list.
15. Reshiram
Reshiram from Shining Fates.
- Amazing Blaze is the first attack on our list. It deals 270 damage and requires three different types of energy to use; one fire, one lightning, and one dark. Amazing Blaze also deals 60 damage to the Pokemon it’s attached to.
- This attack belongs to Reshiram who is a fire type with 120 HP.
14. Single Strike Urshifu VMAX
- G-Max One Blow also deals 270 damage. It costs four energy and when you use it you discard all energy. Also, it is not affected by effects on your opponent’s Pokemon.
- This attack belongs to Single Strike Urshifu VMAX, a rock type with 330 HP. Urshifu VMAX also features the Beatdown attack, which deals 100 damage for three energy.
13. Blastoise VMAX
- For four energy, G-Max Bombard deals 220 damage plus an additional 30 damage to two of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon. That means the total damage for this attack is 280.
- This attack belongs to Blastoise VMAX, a water type with 330 HP and the additional Grand Falls attack. Grand Falls deals 120 damage for three energy and searches your deck for three water energy to attach to your benched Pokemon.
12. Charizard GX
- The Crimson Storm attack deals 300 damage for five energy. When you use this attack, you must discard three fire energy from Charizard GX.
- This Charizard GX comes from Burning Shadows and is a fire type with 250 HP. It also has Wing Attack which deals 70 damage for three energy. And Raging Out GX, the one-use GX move which for three energy discards 10 cards from your opponent’s deck.
11. Mega Rayquaza EX
- Mega Rayquaza EX is a dragon type with 230 HP. It only features the Dragon Ascent attack which deals 300 damage for five energy. You must discard two energy from this Pokemon to use its attack.
10. Charizard VMAX
- G-Max Wildfire deals 300 damage for five energy and you must discard two energy to use this attack.
- This attack belongs to the colossal Charizard VMAX, a fire type with 330 HP, who also has the Claw Slash attack. Claw Slash deals 100 damage for three energy.
9. M Charizard EX Flashfire
Mega Charizard EX from Flashfire.
- The next two attacks and Pokemon on our list are very similar. The Mega Charizard EX from Flashfire is a dragon type with 230 HP.
- It’s Wild Blaze attack deals 300 damage and discards the top five cards of your deck.
8. M Charizard EX Evolution
Mega Charizard EX from Evolutions.
- The other Mega Charizard EX from Flashfire (also rereleased in Evolutions) is a fire type with 220 HP.
- It’s Crimson Dive attack deals 300 damage for five energy and does 50 damage to itself.
7. Reshiram & Charizard GX
- The one-use Double Blaze GX deals 300 damage for six energy and ignores all effects on your opponent’s Pokemon.
- This attack belongs to Reshiram & Charizard GX. It has 270 HP and two other attacks. Outrage costs two energy and deals 30 damage plus 10 more for each damage counter on it. Flare Strike which deals 230 damage for four energy. Flare Strike also says you can’t use it next turn.
6. Charizard GX
- This Charizard GX from Hidden Fates has the Flare Blitz GX attack. It does 300 damage and costs four energy.
- Charizard GX also has the Flamethrower attack, which deals 140 damage for four energy.
5. Yveltal
Yveltal from Shining Fates.
- The Amazing Destruction attack costs five energy and instantly knocks your opponent’s Pokemon. This means that it does as much damage as your opponent has.
- This attack belongs to Yveltal, a dark type with 110 HP.
4. Galarian Darmanitan VMAX
- For four energy, Max Whiteout deals 200 damage and an additional 30 damage to each of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon. That makes for a total of 320 damage with four benched Pokemon.
- This attack can be found on Galarian Darmanitan VMAX, a water typer with 320 HP.
3. Moltres & Zapdos & Articuno GX
- Sky Legends GX deals 110 damage to three of your opponent’s Pokemon for a total of 330 damage. This attack costs four energy.
- Moltres & Zapdos & Articuno GX is a colorless type with 300 HP. It also has the Trinity Burn attack, which deals 210 damage for four energy.
2. Pikachu & Zekrom GX
- For six energy, Tag Bolt GX deals 200 damage to your opponent’s Active Pokemon and 170 damage to one of their Benched Pokemon for a total of 370 damage.
- Pikachu & Zekrom GX, the powerful lightning type with 240 HP, also has the Full Blitz attack for three energy. This attack deals 150 damage and attaches three energy from your deck to your Pokemon.
1. Kyogre
- Amazing Surge costs four energy and deals 80 damage to each of your opponent’s Pokemon. With four Benched Pokemon this attack can deal a staggering 400 damage.
- This attack can be found on Kyogre, a water type with 120 HP.