There's nothing like dropping a little card
One of the most striking things about Ragnarok Online is the cards. Each monster has its own card, which usually has a 0.01% chance of dropping when it is defeated. These cards are placed in the character's equipment, generating bonuses and effects.
Let's look at some cards and choose the 15 most powerful cards in Ragnarok. Let's go!
15 – Hidra Card
Our list starts with a card well known to players, especially those still playing the classic model.
The Hydra card increases the damage of the character's physical attacks by +20% against humanoids, which includes other players. On servers where PVP and War of Emperium are played, the presence of this card is guaranteed.
Why Hydra Card is great?
- Very common, dropped from a low-level monster.
- Great for PVP and WoE.
How to Get
- Drop from Hydra monster. Best map to get it: Undersea Tunnel (iz_dun02).
14 – Thara Frog Card
Like the previous card, the pink frog card is perfect for PVP and WoE.
It is a shield card, granting the user -30% damage from humanoids. Even though it is a card from the beginning of Ragnarok, 20 years ago, it is still the right choice when it comes to players against players.
Why Thara Frog Card is great?
- Even with so many new cards, it is still the best option.
- Cheap and easy to find.
How to Get
- Drop from Thara Frog monster. Best map to get it: Mao, the East Cave (beach_dun03).
13 – Raydric Card
The Raydric card was for a long time the best card you could use on a cape. Everybody used it!
As much as today there are cards that can replace it, it is still a formidable card with its -20% damage from the neutral property.
In addition, we have the Polluted Raydric Card (equipped on armor). If the two are equipped together, they add -10% neutral damage and +5% attack.
Why Raydric Card is great?
- Still cheap and easy to find.
- Reduces -20% damage from neutral attacks. Therefore -20% damage from normal attacks of all monsters.
How to Get
- Drop from Raydric. Best map to get it: Inside Glast Heim Chivalry (gl_knt01).
12 – Alice Card
For a long time, in order to be able to face MVPs, it was necessary for the player to have several different shields, each one equipped with a card that reduced the damage of that type of boss. The Alice card unified the solution, allowing only one shield to be used against all boss enemies.
This card provides the user a 40% reduction in the damage received from boss-type creatures. To this day it is the #1 card to use on shields against MVPs.
Why Alice Card is great?
- The best choice against boss-type enemies.
- 40% damage is the biggest reduction a card in the shield can offer.
How to Get
- Drop from Alice monster. Best map to get it: Robot Factory Level 1 (kh_dun01).
11 – Khalitzburg Knight Card
Like the Alice card, the Khalitzburg Knight card revolutionized the cards that equip on a shield. Ragnarok already had cards that reduced creature damage according to size, but until then you had to choose one: small, medium, or large.
The KK card grants a 25% damage reduction against medium-sized and large creatures. Since the vast majority of monsters in Ragnarok are medium or large, the card covers a wide range of creatures.
It can also have an improved effect if equipped together with the White Knight card, improving the damage reduction by 5% and still increasing the damage done by the character.
Why Khalitzburg Knight Card is great?
- Reduces damage from medium and large creatures, making it very versatile.
- Combo improves reduction and increases damage against these creatures.
How to Get
- Drop from Khalitzburg Knight monster. Best map to get it: Glast Heim Challenge Mode instance.
10 – Mutated White Knight Card
Number 10 on the list is a card that brought some relief to the spellcasters of Ragnarok Online. For a long time, spellcasters had no good cards to add to their weapons to increase damage.
The card Mutated White Knight has arrived along with Glast Heim Challenge Mode to change that. The card increases the damage of all character spells by +20% against medium and large creatures. It also combo with the magic version of the aforementioned card, the Mutated Khalitzburg Knight, increasing damage and resistance against medium and large creatures.
Why Mutaded White Knight Card is great?
- Best card for increasing magic damage overall.
- Combo increases damage and resistance against medium and large creatures.
How to Get
- Drop from Mutated White Knight monster. Best map to get it: Glast Heim Challenge Mode instance.
9 – Angeling Card
The Angeling is one of the most famous (and cute) creatures in Ragnarok. This angelic Poring also has an excellent card.
Its card transforms the character into the holy element and this generates several benefits. He becomes immune to attacks of the holy element and more resistant to attacks of almost all other elements.
On classic servers, the card is still a great choice for Crusaders who specialize in the Grand Cross skill, avoiding some of the damage caused by the skill on the character itself.
Note: Some servers use different elemental tables. Check your server's elemental table to ensure the desired effect.
Why Angeling Card is great?
- Immunity to holy damage.
- 25% damage from various other elements.
- Does not receive Grand Cross damage.
How to Get
- Drop from Angeling monster. Best map to get it: Toy Factory Warehouse (xmas_dun01) and Infinite Tower.
8 – Deviling Card
Angeling's evil brother. Not a bit less cute!
The Deviling card is a cape card and provides no less than 50% damage reduction against the neutral property. Despite this, it also increases the damage received by the character by +50% against other properties.
This card has allowed characters to achieve 100% neutral damage reduction for the first time in Ragnarok Online, making them totally immune to normal monster attacks. As for the disadvantage of receiving more damage from other properties, this can usually be mitigated through other equipment, such as cards that change the character's property and potions of elemental resistance.
Why Deviling Card is great?
- The best damage reduction card for a cape.
How to Get
- Drop from Deviling monster. Best map to get it: Sograt Desert (pay_fild04), El Mes Plateau (yuno_fild03), and Infinite Tower.
7 – Ghostring Card
I know that this card is no longer the same on many servers. But it deserves its place in the spotlight!
The Ghostring card was once one of the most valuable cards in Ragnarok. In fact, it is still at the top of the list on some servers, where it retains its old effect. You see, it transforms the character into the ghost element. This used to give the character a 75% physical reduction from players. But with the elemental table change, the card loses almost all power.
With the elemental table update, the ghost property now only offers a 20% (or 25%) reduction against these attacks, greatly reducing the popularity (and price) of this card.
Why Ghostring Card is great?
- In the old elemental table, -75% physical damage in PVP and WoE.
How to Get
- Drop from Ghostring monster. Best map to get it: Sunken Ship (treasure02).
6 – Amdarais Card
Finally, it is time to talk about the big guys. The rarest and most powerful cards of all. The MVP cards.
My number 6 goes to the ugly Amdarais. This card you equip in armor provides 15% more attack and magic attacks. Simple as that.
The cool thing is that in my experience it is not such an uncommon MVP card, as many people do the instance where it exists daily.
It is also worth mentioning that there is an enhanced version of this card, which increases the bonus to 20%.
Why Amdarais Card is great?
- Armor card that increases physical and magic attacks by 15% (or 20%).
How to Get
- Drop from Amdarais MVP, boss of Old Glast Heim instance.
5 – Gioia Card
Gioia is a card that boosts some builds absurdly. This is because it increases the wind and ghost property magic damage by +100%.
It becomes then the best cape card for builds of Chain Lightning, Jupitel Thunderstorm, Varetyr Spear, and can also be used by Ninjas, Dorams, and Magic Performers.
Why Gioia Card is great?
- Doubles wind elemental damage.
- Doubles ghost elemental damage.
How to Get
- Drop from Gioia MVP, boss of Hall of the Abyss: Tear of Hero (gld2_ald).
4 – Kiel Card
One of the most important statistics in Ragnarok is the global delay. It determines how long it takes to use another skill. By using items that greatly reduce the global delay, you can use multiple skills quickly, the famous spam.
MVP Kiel's card is one of the best items in the game for providing global delay reduction. This card that you equip in hats provides a 30% reduction, which allows many builds to reach 100%.
And there's more. Let me remind you that it is possible to use two hat cards at the same time. So that would be a 60% reduction with only two Kiel. That hurt the wallet!
Why Kiel Card is great?
- Reduces global cooldown by 30%. The best card in the game for this.
How to Get
- Drop from Kiel D-01 MVP, boss of Robot Factory level 2 (kh_dun02).
3 – Tao Gunka Card
This card is one of my favourites (but I never had it hehe).
Its effect is very simple and direct: +100% HP. Have you thought about the possibilities?
Having double the life is not only useful for any class but also generates specific bonuses for some. This is because skills like Dragon Breath and Tiger Cannon use the character's maximum life to calculate damage.
And let's not forget our defenders, the Royal Guardians, who use Sacrifice to absorb all the party's damage. For them, double life is heaven.
Why Tao Gunka Card is great?
- Best card in the game to provide HP.
How to Get
- Drop from Tao Gunka MVP, boss of Karu, the West cave (beach_dun).
2 – Thanatos Card
Second, on the list is this beautiful thing. The best card to be placed in weapons.
The Thanatos card creates a very peculiar and rare effect. Every time you attack, not only do you ignore the enemy's defense, but part of what would be their defense becomes a damage bonus to your attack.
With Ragnarok constantly evolving, more and more monsters with a very high defense value are appearing. Result: with this card, you greatly increase your damage against these creatures.
Why Thanatos Card is great?
- Best card for weapons (physical attacks).
- Transforms enemy defense into damage bonus.
How to Get
- Drop from Thanatos MVP, boss of Thanatos Tower.
1 – Golden Thief Bug
The legendary beetle is probably the most famous and powerful card, (and item) in Ragnarok Online. Known as GTB.
This card makes the character immune to magic. The effect nullifies for the character many of the dangers of facing end-game content. In PVP and WoE, in conjunction with other equipment, the character becomes almost immortal.
I remember situations in the war of castles, where to kill an enemy with this card it was necessary to gather the entire clan on him. There were 20, 30 people trying to kill a single player, and it took some time to succeed.
This card is so coveted that it is often sold in real life for high values. Even violent crimes have been committed in real life to get it (which is very sad).
Why Golden Thief Bug Card is great?
- The most coveted and powerful card in Ragnarok.
- Leaves the character immune to magic.
How to Get
- Drop from Golden Thief Bug MVP, boss of Prontera Culvert (prt_sewb4)