The strongest warrior of Rune Midgard. The Rune Knight!
Rune Knights are the most played class in Ragnarok Online. Not surprisingly, they are among the strongest and most efficient classes in the game. They are fast, tough, and can kill enemies and bosses without trouble. But much of this power lies in their equipment!
The Rune Knight is graced with some of the best equipment in Rune Midgard. The arsenal is so complete that the RK can be effective in any scenario, regardless of the build chosen by the player. In this article, I will tell you the 15 best pieces of equipment that Rune Knights can get!
15 – Thanatos Great Sword
Thanatos Great Sword is all you need to do 90% of the game's content. No joke!
It may seem like an exaggeration, but this simple sword allows the character to do all early to mid-game, and even some end-game content. Like all weapons in the Thanatos series, there is a chance to recover life when attacking. Even though it doesn't do the most damage, it makes the character practically immortal as he progresses through the game.
Why Thanatos Great Sword is great for Rune Knight?
Easy to get.
- Cheap, even with high refining.
- Chance to recover life with each attack.
How to Get
Ghost Palace Instance
Thanatos Great Sword details: https://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/21009/thanatos-great-sword-1
14 – Pike
What class would be able to use a common weapon, dropped by the first monsters in the game, even in the end-game? Only the Rune Knight!
Pike fits perfectly for the Rune Knight specializing in Dragon Breath. It has 4 slots to fill with Greater Research Assistant Bot cards and being a level 1 weapon, it is easy to drop and refine to levels normally unattainable for more powerful equipment.
It is common to see RKs who use Dragon Breath stay with this spear even in the end-game, as in many cases it outperforms more powerful items made for the build.
Why Pike great for Rune Knight?
- Super easy to get and refine.
- 4 slots to place cards.
How to Get
Drop from Wormtail and Caramel.
Pike details: https://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/1408/pike-4
13 – Black Ribbon
The Black Ribbon
On some servers, the Black Ribbon is one of the first hats used by Rune Knights. This is because it increases Wind Cutter's damage by +50%. Since this ability is one of the best for leveling up the character, the Black Ribbon is the choice for the first levels of RK.
Why Black Ribbon is great for Rune Knight?
- Easy to get.
- +50% on Wind Cutter damage.
How to Get
Drop from Punk or via ROPs.
Black Ribbon details: https://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/5899/laco-punk-1
12 – Peuz Combo
The Peuz Set Combo - 4 pieces of power
If you already have your Black Ribbon and are hunting using Wind Cutter you will probably want a full Peuz set.
Using the complete set, besides some small bonuses, gives the character +100% in Wind Cutter damage. No other class can get such a big bonus on such a strong skill for such a small investment.
Remember that the Peuz combo pieces can be obtained for Mora coins. They are easy to get by farming in places where Mora equipment is dropped.
Why Peuz Combo is great for Rune Knight?
- Easy to get.
- Doubles the damage of Wind Cutter.
How to Get
Mora Coins.
Peuz Combo details: https://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/15037/peuzs-plate
11 – Illusion Armor Type A
The Illusion Armor Type A - no illusion at all
The armor type started with the Illusion series has proven to be the definitive model for the best armor in the game. Illusion armor of type A is the one that provides attack bonuses. And I mean a lot!
They can receive up to 3 enchantments, including the global cooldown reduction enchantment. This is an excellent armor that works for many RK builds, especially those geared towards Sonic Wave.
Don't forget that this armor can also be upgraded to the even more powerful Automatic version.
Why Illusion Armor Type A is great for Rune Knight?
- Great attack increase.
- With enchantment, provides global cooldown reduction.
How to Get
Illusion Equipment (from Epsódio 17.1).
Illusion Armor Type A details: https://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/15376/illusion-armor-type-a-1
10 – Hypocrisy Edge
The Hypocrisy Edge - hypocrisy? Not with this weapon!
Episode 17.2 brings players Sin Weapons. The RK's sin weapon is the Hypocrisy, a two-handed sword designed for Wind Cutter builds.
It has a very high attack, improves Wind Cutter damage, and reduces global cooldown. It can also get 3 enchantments by using Varmeal Tickets, as well as 2 card slots.
Why Hypocrisy Edge is great for Rune Knight?
- High attack, Wind Cutter damage bonus, global cooldown reduction.
- Can get up to 3 enchantments.
How to Get
Drop from Heart Hunter Skirmisher
Hypocrisy Edge details: https://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/600008/hypocrisy-edge-2
9 – Old Rune Circlet
The Old Rune Circlet
The Old Rune Circlet is one of the hats that can be the ultimate for you. It is a versatile piece of equipment, serving up to 3 different builds according to the enchantment: Acute for Critical builds or Ignition Break, or Master Archer for Hundred Spears.
It is difficult to get and especially hard to enchant (for the higher levels), but it is worth every penny of the investment, being a favorite of many players.
Why Old Rune Circlet is great for Rune Knight?
- Bonus damage on Ignition Break or Hundred Spears.
- Powerful bonus enchantments.
How to Get
Tomb of the Fallen
Old Rune Circlet details: https://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/18971/old-rune-circlet-1
8 – Claw Sword
The Claw Sword - claw from what? god?
I remember the day this item was announced. The community was agog at the sheer power of this two-handed sword.
The Claw Sword is the weapon with the highest status in the game, besides the high attack, it provides attack bonus, critical hit bonus, critical damage bonus, attack speed, global cooldown reduction, and even receives 3 enchantments. It is simply brutal.
Without considering specific builds, it would be the best sword in the game.
Why Claw Sword is great for Rune Knight?
- The highest status and bonuses of all swords.
- Suits any build.
How to Get
Einbech Dungeon 3
Claw Sword details: https://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/21054/claw-sword-2
7 – Temporal AGI Manteau
The Temporal AGI Manteau
Now we will talk about a cape. The Temporal AGI Manteau.
Temporal Manteaus are always the best end-game capes you can have. In addition to providing a number of bonuses according to refining, they are usually enchanted with global cooldown reduction, providing the value needed to close the build.
Why Temporal AGI Manteau is great for Rune Knight?
- Increases damage according to refining.
- Can be enchanted, usually with global cooldown.
How to Get
Legacy of Glast Heim instance
Temporal AGI Manteau details: https://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/20964/temporal-agi-manteau-1
6 – Volar
The Volar
Ignition Break is one of the strongest skills in Ragnarok. Many RK pursues this build for the end-game. And if this is the path you are looking for, Volar is a weapon for you.
Its main effect is to reduce the cooldown of Ignition Break by 1 second, allowing the skill to become spammable. It is also enchanted with Seyren's Memory, increasing the skill's damage according to the refining.
Why Volar is great for Rune Knight?
- Reduces the cooldown of Ignition Break.
- Increases Ignition Break damage through enchantment.
How to Get
Bioresearch Laboratory instance.
Volar details: https://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/21051/volar-2
5 – Temporal Circlet
The Temporal Circlet - the dragon that should use
We are now back to the Dragon Breath build. Finally, we have a hat that potentially improves such skill, providing several bonuses.
The Temporal Circlet for Rune Knight increases the damage of Dragon Breath and provides HP and SP, which are also used in the skill's formula. Plus, it gives a bit of a global cooldown reduction. Enchant it with Adamantine, to get even more HP.
Why Temporal Circlet is great for Rune Knight?
- A lot of HP and SP.
- Reduces global cooldown.
- Bonus damage on Dragon Breath skill.
How to Get
Glash Heim Challenge Mode instance
Temporal Circlet details: https://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/19474/temporal-circlet-rune-knight-1
4 – Vernan
The Vernan - Sonic Boom! I mean, Sonic Wave!
Vernan is your ultimate goal when it comes to Sonic Wave. This is an extremely powerful skill: it is a ranged attack, has a high damage modifier, and can even deliver crits. The only weakness is the 2-second cooldown.
This sword can remove 1.5 seconds of cooldown from the skill, allowing the character to crush enemies from afar. It can also be enchanted with Seyren's Memory, further increasing the skill's damage.
Why Vernan is great for Rune Knight?
- Reduces the cooldown of Sonic Wave, allowing it to spam.
- Increases ranged damage. Increases Sonic Wave's damage.
How to Get
Bioresearch Laboratory instance
Vernan details: https://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/21052/vernan-2
3 – Jasper Ring
The Jasper Ring
We get to the Top 3 with this ring that is simply nonsense!
As the best accessory a Rune Knight can wear, it increases HP, increases character damage (and by a lot), increases attack speed, and increases Sonic Wave and Ignition Break damage. And you can use two!
The bad part? Since it's the best you can get, it's usually pretty expensive.
Why Jasper Ring is great for Rune Knight?
- Best accessory in the game for Rune Knight.
- Bonus for Sonic Wave and Ignition Break builds.
How to Get
ROPs and events.
Jasper Ring details: https://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/490113/jasper-ring-1
2 – Jirant Spear
The Jirant Spear - looks like a staff
Can you imagine a spear so good that it was made for one type of build, but ends up being used even by others?
We are talking about this beauty. It was originally meant to be used by RKs with the Dragon Breath build since it increases the damage of this skill by +50%. But as a second effect, it also converts part of the damage done as life, the famous Life Steal.
This effect is so powerful with RKs that use Ignition Break also use it, as they are able to keep their life bar full all the time. It is simply unbelievable equipment.
Why Jirant Spear is great for Rune Knight?
- Increases the damage of Dragon Breath.
- Guarantees Life Steal with every attack.
How to Get
ROPs and events.
Jirant Spear details: https://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/32007
1 – Jasper Crest
The Jasper Crest - the king and his crown
In the first place, we have the mighty Jasper Crest. But what makes it so good?
Ignore 100% of the enemy defense. Increase damage against bosses by +50%. Increase Ignition Break damage by +80%. Reduces Ignition Break cooldown by 2.5 seconds, making the old Volar obsolete. Oh, it also improves the power of runes.
I don't know who is this Jasper guy, but he is certainly a champion!
Why Jasper Crest is great for Rune Knight?
- Ignores 100% of the enemy’s defense.
- Reduces the cooldown and increases Ignition Break damage.
- Increases damage against bosses.
- Improves RK rune effect.
How to Get
Rops and events.
Jasper Crest details: https://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/5396